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[Release] MyDbcEditor

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Jak už podle názvu topicu plyne, jedná se o DBC EDITOR ! Dost se mi líbí, určitě doporučuji.

Přehledný, rychlý, spolehlivý, snadná editace apod.

Převzato z AscentEmu !



Mirror1 (Rapidshare)

Mirror 2

Mirror 3


Hi folks,


it's time for me to contribute some new goodie to the WoW emulation scene. This time it's useful tool. As I'm now several years into that stuff, I know that there have been many DBC tools so far. Starting from the first buggy viewer, better viewers like included in MWS followed, over console DbcUtil, DbcPatcher and some editors. But none of them was really satisfiying. In fact I got rather fed up of tools beeing slow and messing the strings. Until now I mostly used DbcUtil as it seemd to be rock-solid and is still working and leaves the stirngs mostly intact. But recently I noticed that I must have been blind as the DBC format is documented for ages at sourcepeek and so I started to write a fast all-in-one editor. After hours of thinking, I gave it the very creative name "MyDbcEditor". :lol: But hey, there is another great tool, surely not by me, having a similiar name, maybe I got influenced by this. ;)



  • fast at opening and saving (~2-5s for opening latest spell.dbc, saving even faster)
  • column type autodetection, like of the legendary DBCutil, but a little bit improved
  • CSV import and export, but generates in contrast to DbcUtil valid (i.e. editable) CSV and does not mess up the line breaks while still beeing fully compatible to DbcUtil exports
  • patching ability, compatible to DbcPatcher by some russian guy I forgot (note: my tool also supports strings, I think the original patcher doesn't)
  • string import and export capability (yes, you can now easily build multi language DBCs, pretty usefull if you only want to work on one localized spell.dbc but also need to have english original strings into it because ascent requires this)
  • profile support although but this requires manual editing of the ini and currently only allows column names as the type is auto dected
  • best handling ever for DbcEditors, like having the ID fixed and optionally extended with name and all standard copy/search/replace stuff
What it does not: It can not open very few DBCs in an exotic format. As you may know, there are no column types defined in a DBC and although my tool can guess them very good, it is also possible to have columns with different sizes and there is - to my knowledge - no reliable way to find this out. But don't worry, all interessing main DBCs should work well.


Also note that this an 1.00 version although I have it tested thorougly and also made the client mod for my server with it. I like modding as it gives you tons of options and it is furthermore at least required to mod the item.dbc if you add new custom items and don't want to get question marks.


At the moment I will not release the source publically. If somebody I know well writes me a pm wanting to add a lot of features, I might overthink this. So if you wanna lock & forget this because of no source, it's up to you. But I've in past released other binary stuff like WoWQT and it wasn't a problem for anybody.


Finally the links:


Mirror1 (Rapidshare)

Mirror 2

Mirror 3


Welcome to the world of DBC-hacking. ;)

Edited by Zachy
  • Upvote 1

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