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    • Xmat

      Pravidlo pro postování v TTT

      Do sekce Tipy, triky, tutoriály nepatří žádné dotazy.   Postujte sem vaše návody, tipy a různé další věci jež uznáte za vhodné sdělit zdejšímu osazenstvu, ale veškeré dotazy směřujte do sekce Všeobecná diskuse.
    • Replik

      Seznam návodů a důležitých témat v této sekci

      Pro lepší přehlednost jsem vytvořil tento seznam, který vás, méně zkušené, lépe provede touto sekcí. Věřím, že zde najdete, co hledáte. Vypsané jsou návody, které jsou oficiálně uznané jako návody. Běžné diskuze, které neposkytují postupy a rady zvěřejněny nejsou.   Instalace vlastního MaNGOS Serveru Díky těmto návodům budete (měli by jste být) schopni vytvořit a následně spustit váš vlastní server. Nastavení je pro verze s i bez datadisku.   Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (bez datadisku TBC) - Autor Benny Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (s datadiskem TBC) - Autor Malfik Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor charlie Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor kupkoid   Chyby a jejich řešení při přihlašování k serveru - Autor Cybe   Zálohování uživatelských dat   Dávkový soubor (BAT soubor) pro vytvoření SQL záloh - Autor Replik   Kompilování - tvoření vlastních release (revizí)   Tvorba kompilací pro Win32 (MangoScript) - Autor bLuma   Ostatní - těžko zařaditelné, ale neznamená to, že nejsou dobré   VIP Systém - Autor charlie Tvorba Webových stránek pro MaNGOS - Autor zahuba Tvorba teleportačních NPC (MangoScript) - Autor Replik Registrační web (původně předělaná SPORA) Funkční pro Antrix i MaNGOS - Autor Replik Nastavení a spuštění Minimanager pro MaNGOS - Autor BlackMartin Nastavení MaNGOS Website - Autor Artorius   Samozřejmě jsou zde i jiné návody, ale tyto jsou nejvíce používané, proto věřím, že vám budou nápomocné. Tuto sekci budeme upravovat podle potřeby. Pokud by jste něco nenašli nebo si nevěděli rady, hledejte na fóru a teprve potom založte vlastní topik. Pokud nějaký autor vytvoří kvalitní návod a chtěl by ho zveřejnit i v tomto seznamu, doporučuji, aby mi napsal zprávu skrze PM.   Díky a přeji hezký den na WoWResource   Replik
    • Aristo

      Příspěvky tam, kde nemají co dělat

      Dodržujte zákaz přispívání do topiků s repaky pokud si to zakladatelé nepřejí!! Opakované psaní příspěvků bude trestáno warnem.
    • Aristo

      Používání spoilerů

      Poslední dobou má většina uživatelů fora zvláštní nutkání postovat extrémně dlouhé texty nebo kódy, které zabírají v nejedenom případu i 80% obsahu celé stránky a hodně tak zvedají nepřehlednost v topiku. Chtěl bych všechny uživatele požádat, aby při postování citací, jakýchkoliv kódů, errorů, atp... delších než 30 řádků používali funkci spoileru.   Funkci vyvoláte příkazem [spoiler] text [/spoiler]   Ukázka:  


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About darker

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    Level 2
  1. WoW Help , stale to sekne

    Dik moc kamo ale uz je pozde... pred 3 dnami mi zhorel PC
  2. WoW Help , stale to sekne

    JJ kamosom idu moje postavy.. len mne nejdu... takze chyba bude umna ale netusim kde
  3. Takze zdravim vas vsetkych ... nesom zadny n00b a vo WoW celkom viem chodit aaj som rozbiehal vlastny server vela krat proste nesom n00b ... ale! na jednu vec neviem zapitchu prist... a robi mi hrozne problemy... teda k veci.. hral som na vela servroch free samozrejme... ale na poslednych troch sa mi stala taka vec... proste na nejakom levly... napr raz to bolo 29 potom 34 potom 36 teras 39 mi abosultne sekne postava.. proste nemozem sa hybat nejde chat ani nejde logout ani exit ... nic.. len cumim na postavu.. niekedy je hola.. niekedy nevidno ani inventar proste lognut sa ide ale sekne to a neda sa s tym nic robit... skusal som uz vymazat cache vela krat ale nepomohlo to... skusal som reinstal WoW ale to tiez nepomohlo... jeden admin mi tvrdil ze to neslo koli tomu ze som to reinstalovat s image suborov... co je podla mna blbost... takze moja prosba... poradte mi niekto co mam robit aby sa mi to nedialo uz ma to nebavi stale dookola zacinat znovu a znovu a stejnak mi to opat sekne ... ete som rozmyslal zeby som mal blby win ten som ete nereinstalovat ale zeby to fakt bolo v tom ?? ak ano tak preco mi to nesekne hned.. alebo stale na rovnakom levly...? ... mne to seka nepravidelne... a jak to sekne tak som v prdeli.... tak vas prosim poradte mi niekto co mam robit alebo mi aspon objasnite kde moze byt chyba... diki moc ...
  4. Ze rofl :D

    (text je bez uprav) Dopis: V posledních dnech se mi stává, že ztrácím kontakt s realitou. Jsem závislí na hrách zaměňuju dvě skutečnosti. Byl jsem na párty minulou noc. Snažil sem se říct barmanovi , ať mi udělá deset skleniček vody a najednou sem zahlédl krásnou dívku, její oči přitáhli mou pozornost a dal sem se sní do řeči. Potom co jsme se pozdravili a trochu poklábosili, prohlédl sem si její věci … oblečení Ja: Pěkný gatě, kdes je vzala? Ona: Mám je z města. Ja: Stormwind ? Ona: Ne, od H&M Ja: H&M, to je ňáký nový dungeon? Ona: dung co? Ja: Zapomeň na to, je to aspoň epická věc ? Ona: je to od Dolche&Gabana Ja: Ne já myslel, je to fialové ? Ona: Ne nevidíš že jsou modré ? Ja: Oh, je to modré, shaním ňákou kůži Ona: Cože kůži, si fetiš ? Ja: Fet co? Ne já nedělám fishing Dost dobře sem jí nerozuměl ale chtěl sem sní strávit noc, tak sem pokračoval. Ona: Co teď ? pudem k tobě nebo ke mně ? Ja: To záleží kam tě hodí heartstone V ten moment smradlavý muž zakřičel do mého ucha: je tu problém pankáči ? nech moji holku napokoji ! Zeptal sem se: Je tenhle alík s tebou ? Ale než jsem stih dokončit otázku došel ke mě… cítil sem ve vzduchu honor, tak sem ho praštil. Dvě rány byli pro něj dost aby lehnul. Byl sem trochu zklamaný, že jsem zato nedostal žádný honor, ale potom co mě obvinili z vraždy, to byla ta poslední věc na kterou sem pomyslel. Najednou čtyři hráči s guild tabardami přišli a měli na nich nascriptováno „policie“ a žádali mě ať jdu snimi. Ja: policie ? vy ste noví na tomto serveru, ještě sem vaši gildu neviděl ? P: Ha vtipálek co ? Ja: Ne zloděj P: dobře otom si promluvíme na stanici Ja: stanice? To je pro pět ? nebo co bych tam dělal s takovýma lamama P: Všechno bude v pořádku, následujte nás. Pomyslel sem si proč se nezeptali někoho z JdH, pro tu jejich malo-lvlovou hovadinu ale nechtel se mi dát logout tak sem je následoval. Ja: Máme partu ? invite. Ok teď, jak se tam dostanem ? Na mountovi nebo poletíme ? P: Následuj nás prosím ! Ja: ok dám si cígo a du AFK + záchod¨ Když jsme dorazili řekli ať si sednu, Řekl sem: Nato není čas, buffněte a dem! Ale jeden byl nasranej a řekl SEDNI. Tak sem si sedl. P: Rádi bychom videli vaše papíry Ja: Ok, dejte trade P: Co máš za práci ? Ja: Inženýr P: Jakej typ ? Ja: Specializace na výbušniny, bomby a granáty Řekl něco typoví z jejich guildy: řekni inspektorovi ať zchekuje jeho byt. P: co si chtěl na diskotéce ? Ja: Měl sem moc věcí v bance tak sem chtěl něco prodat Zase šepot: zavolej drogový team, pak si to sním vyřídí P: chcete někoho zavolat než vás dáme do cely ? Ja: Ano, Dartha P: Právník ? Ja: Ne, můj vůdce P: cože? Co mu chceš říct ? Ja: Že příjdu pozdě do MC P: Hoďte ho s ostatníma do detoxu Přivedli mě do cely kde další hráč seděl… Ja: co tu děláš ? On: Chytli mě v lese, jak sem stahoval vlky Ja: Chceš si zlepšit cooking skill ? On: ne, sem leatherworker Ja: Si mág ? Uděláš mi chleba a vodu ? On: Co snima budeš dělat tady ? Ja: Proč tady ? dám port orgri a du do MC Po tom nejstrašnějším zážitku jsem si uvědomil že bych stím měl něco dělat
  5. Antrix Database Handler

    Jukni antrix tool som tam dal jeden softik a s nim mozes editovat alebo vytvarat vlastne NPC , Questy , Zbrane a podstate celu DB ... aj to co ti v navicate ukaze ako Memo (vecsinou to podstatne pri Q a NPC) teda text znenie questov atd. tak aj to tam mozes editovat stiahni si to http://filebeam.com/f368b61557af019179d8393680705f84
  6. objekty ID?

    31 Old Lion Statue 32 Sunken Chest 33 Locked Chest 34 Old Jug 35 Captain's Footlocker 36 Broken Barrel 37 Eliza's Tombstone 38 Captain Sanders Chest 41 Ambassador's Locker 47 Wanted: Lieutenant Fangore 52 Fall of Gurubashi 54 The Emperor's Tomb 55 A half-eaten body 56 Rolf's corpse 57 Moon Over the Vale 58 Gri'lek the Wanderer 59 Mound of loose dirt 60 Wanted: Gath'Ilzogg 61 A Weathered Grave 68 Wanted: Hogger 76 An Empty Jar 80 Old Coast Road 81 Sentinel Hill 82 Elwynn Forest 83 Jangolode Mine 85 Duskwood 87 Moonbrook 89 Northshire Abbey 90 Stormwind City 93 Westbrook Garrison 94 Westfall 95 Eastvale Logging Camp 96 Redridge 97 Goldshire 101 Stranglethorn 102 Raven Hill 103 Deadwind Pass 104 Redridge 106 Westfall 107 Darkshire 113 Duskwood 114 Lakeshire 115 Elwynn 116 Stonewatch Keep 119 Abercrombie's Crate 249 Crate of Foodstuffs 251 Research Equipment 256 Worn Wooden Chest 257 Suspicious Barrel 259 Half-buried Barrel 261 Damaged Crate 263 Kurzen Supplies 269 Guarded Thunderbrew ale barrel 270 Unguarded Thunderbrew ale barrel 271 Miners' League Crates 272 MacGrann's Meat Locker 276 Shimmerweed Basket 287 Bookie Herod's Records 288 Bookie Herod's Strongbox 290 Furlbrow's Wardrobe 298 Thelsamar 299 Searing Gorge 301 Wetlands 302 Dun Morogh 304 Wetlands 309 Anvilmar 310 Ironforge 311 Loch Modan 312 Kharanos 321 Tear of Tilloa 324 Small Thorium Vein 331 Loose Soil 333 Ancient Relic 334 Ancient Relic 337 Water Pitcher 369 Thunder Ale 372 Battleground Shield 375 Tirisfal Pumpkin 376 Dun Modr 377 Menethil 378 Loch Modan 381 Grim Batol 386 Metal Mace 388 Arathi Highlands 711 WANTED: Baron Longshore 759 The Holy Spring 965 Black Smoke - scale 2 1162 Menethil Harbor 1165 Gunther's Books 1166 Alexston's Chest 1557 Lillith's Dinner Table 1558 Candle of Beckoning 1560 Storage Chest 1561 Sealed Crate 1562 Marshal Haggard's Chest 1571 Dusty Spellbooks 1585 Explosive Charge 1586 Crate of Candles 1587 Turkey Leg 1593 Corpse Laden Boat 1594 Berard's Bookshelf 1599 Shallow Grave 1604 Black Smoke Emitter 1605 White Smoke Emitter 1607 Big Flame Emitter 1609 Dragonmaw Catapult 1610 Incendicite Mineral Vein 1617 Silverleaf ako mazat prides k tomu napises .targetobject - ono ti to napise GUID toho objektu a pak das .delobject GUID OBJEKTU .addgo id 1618 Peacebloom 1619 Earthroot 1620 Mageroyal 1621 Briarthorn 1622 Bruiseweed 1623 Wild Steelbloom 1624 Kingsblood 1627 Dalaran Crate 1628 Grave Moss 2 Spring Well 1 Quilboar Watering Hole 1649 Monastery 3 Ruins of Stardust Fountain 1646 Silverpine 1661 The Undercity 1668 Dun Algaz 1673 Fel Cone 1674 Gnomeregan 1675 The Sepulcher 1676 Pyrewood Village 1677 Tirisfal 1678 Ambermill 1680 Shadowfang Keep 1685 Forge 1690 Pyrewood 1692 Deep Elem Mine 1698 Gilneas 1699 Hillsbrad Plains 1710 Hillsbrad Foothills 1720 Stanley's Dish 1721 Locked ball and chain 1722 Locked ball and chain 1723 Mudsnout Blossom 1726 Missing: Corporal Keeshan 1727 Keg of Shindigger Stout 1728 Dusty Rug 1729 Tainted Keg 1730 Tainted Keg Smoke 1731 Copper Vein 1732 Tin Vein 1733 Silver Vein 1734 Gold Vein 1735 Iron Deposit 1736 Shipment of Iron 1738 Syndicate Documents 1739 Syndicate Documents 1740 Syndicate Documents 1744 Anvil 1745 Forge 1748 Anvil 1749 Forge 1752 Anvil 1759 Hillsbrad Town Registry 1760 Weathered Bookcase 1761 Hillsbrad Proclamation 1763 WANTED: Syndicate Personnel 1764 Locked ball and chain 1765 Worn Wooden Chest 1766 Fire 1767 Helcular's Grave 1768 Flame of Azel 1769 Flame of Veraz 1770 Flame of Uzel 1771 Southshore 1772 Tarren Mill 1773 Hillsbrad 1774 Silverpine Forest 1776 Durnholde Keep 1781 Alterac Mountains 1784 Dun Garok 1787 Arathi Highlands 1798 Campfire 1829 Campfire 1830 Campfire 1831 Bonfire 1908 Campfire 1915 Cooking fire 1926 Campfire 1928 Bonfire 1967 Foyer 1969 Campfire 1973 Campfire 1977 Campfire 1981 Campfire 1992 Campfire 1993 Campfire 1995 Campfire 1997 Campfire 2004 Blazing fire 2005 Campfire 2006 Campfire 2007 Campfire 2008 Dangerous! 2018 Alterac City 2019 Strahnbrad 2023 Strahnbrad 2024 Andorhal 2025 Alterac City 2026 Hillsbrad Foothills 2030 Alterac City 2032 Warning!!!! Plaguelands 1631 Agamand Mills 1638 Deathknell 2039 Hidden Strongbox 2040 Mithril Deposit 2041 Liferoot 2042 Fadeleaf 2043 Khadgar's Whisker 2044 Wintersbite 2045 Stranglekelp 2046 Goldthorn 2047 Truesilver Deposit 2059 A Dwarven Corpse 2061 Campfire 2066 Bonfire Damage 2068 Pupellyverbos Port 2076 Bubbling Cauldron 2082 Uther the Lightbringer 2083 Bloodsail Correspondence 2084 Musquash Root 2086 Bloodsail Charts 2087 Bloodsail Orders 2096 Trade District 2098 Cathedral Square 2100 Old Town 2101 Mage Quarter 2106 Cathedral Square 2109 Fragrant Flowers 2110 Cathedral Square 2111 Trade District 2112 Old Town 2117 Stormwind Keep 2124 Mage Quarter 2130 The Wine Cask 2138 The Empty Quiver 2139 Weller's Arsenal 2142 Goldshire 2145 Stormwind Counting House 2146 Everyday Merchandise 2148 The Cheese Cutters 2149 The Seven Deadly Venoms 2150 The Silver Shield 2151 Thane's Boots and Shoulderpads 2152 Pig and Whistle Tavern 2153 Heavy Handed Weapons 2154 The Protective Hide 2155 Honest Blades 2156 Limited Immunity 2157 Just Maces 2158 Righteous Plates 2159 City Hall 2160 The Argent Dawn 2161 Duncan's Textiles 2162 Stormwind Staves 2163 Essential Components 2164 The Slaughtered Lamb 2165 Pyrotechnics 2166 Alchemy Needs 2167 Ancient Curios 2169 The Blue Recluse 2177 The Finest Thread 2188 Mage Quarters 2289 Ruined Lifeboat 2332 Barbequed Buzzard Wings 2333 Stranglevine Wine 2335 Bonfire 2371 Headhunter Skull 2413 Wooden Chair 2489 Chair 2551 Boiled Skull 2552 Cauldron Steam 2553 A Soggy Scroll 2554 Cortello's Riddle 2555 Musty Scroll 2556 Cortello's Treasure 2558 Test 2560 Half-Buried Bottle 2561 Freezing Trap 2562 Baked Bread 2563 Altar of the Tides - Focused 2573 Forge 2576 Altar of the Tides 2652 Ebenezer Rustlocke's Corpse 2653 Lesser Bloodstone Deposit 2656 Waterlogged Letter 2657 Legends of the Earth 2664 Campfire 2670 Wetlands 2672 Stromgarde 2673 Thandol Span 2678 Hillsbrad Plains 2680 Hammerfall 2685 Refuge Pointe 2687 Bottle 2688 Keystone 2689 Stone of West Binding 2690 Stone of Outer Binding 2691 Stone of East Binding 2695 Book 2701 Iridescent Shards 2702 Stone of Inner Binding 2703 Trollbane's Tomb 2704 Cache of Explosives 2707 Maiden's Folly Charts 2708 Spirit of Silverpine Charts 2709 Maiden's Folly Log 2710 Spirit of Silverpine Log 2711 Charging Stone 2712 Calcified Elven Gem 2713 Wanted Board 2714 Alterac Granite 2715 Ruined Pedestal 2716 Trelane's Chest 2717 Trelane's Footlocker 2718 Trelane's Lockbox 2719 Bubbling Cauldron 2722 Floating Sparkles 2724 Sack of Oats 2732 Campfire 2734 Waterlogged Chest 2739 Chest of the Black Feather 2740 Chest of the Raven Claw 2741 Chest of the Sky 2742 Chest of Nesting 2743 Carved Stone Urn 2744 Giant Clam 2842 Pillar of Diamond 2843 Battered Chest 2844 Battered Chest 2846 Battered Chest 2848 Pillar of Opal 2849 Battered Chest 2850 Solid Chest 2852 Solid Chest 2855 Solid Chest 2857 Solid Chest 2858 Pillar of Amethyst 2866 Firebloom 2867 Excavation Supply Crate 2868 Crumpled Map 2870 Yellow aura, very tall column 2871 Seaworn Altar 2872 Enchanted Sea Kelp 2875 Battered Dwarven Skeleton 2883 Ripe Pumpkin 2891 Balia'mah Trophy Skulls 2892 Ziata'jai Trophy Skulls 2893 Zul'Mamwe Trophy Skulls 2904 Water Well Cleansing Aura 2908 Sealed Supply Crate 2909 Wildmane Water Well 2910 Well Stone 2911 Stormbull Water Well 2912 Ambercorn 2913 Winterhoof Water Well 2914 Tribal Fire 2933 Seal of the Earth 2968 Bloodhoof Village 2969 Thunder Bluff 2971 The Barrens 2972 Camp Narache 3076 Dirt-stained Map 3084 Fire 3085 Campfire 3089 Campfire 3189 Attack Plan: Valley of Trials 3190 Attack Plan: Sen'jin Village 3192 Attack Plan: Orgrimmar 3203 Arena 3204 Booty Bay 3205 Arena 3206 Booty Bay 3209 Grom'Gol 3224 Razor Hill 3226 Orgrimmar 3227 The Den 3228 The Barrens 3236 Gnomish Toolbox 3237 Imprisoned Darkspear 3238 Chen's Empty Keg 3239 Benedict's Chest 3240 Taillasher Eggs 3249 Campfire 3252 Campfire 3276 Sen'jin Village 3286 Roaring Fire 3290 Stolen Supply Sack 3296 Scorching Fire 3298 Blazing Fire 3301 Burning Embers 3303 Warm Fire 3308 Bonfire 3315 Boiling Cauldron 3523 TEST Circle of Flame 3524 The Demon Seed 3525 The Altar of Fire 3640 Laden Mushroom 3642 Kolkars' Booty 3643 Old Footlocker 3644 Bael Modan Flying Machine 3646 General Twinbraid's Strongbox 3658 Water Barrel 3659 Barrel of Melon Juice 3660 Armor Crate 3661 Weapon Crate 3662 Food Crate 3685 Silithid Mound 3689 Weapon Crate 3690 Food Crate 3691 Food Crate 3692 Food Crate 3693 Food Crate 3694 Food Crate 3695 Food Crate 3698 Food Crate 3702 Armor Crate 3703 Armor Crate 3704 Weapon Crate 3705 Barrel of Milk 3706 Barrel of Sweet Nectar 3707 Food Crate 3710 Food Crate 3714 Alliance Strongbox 3715 Alliance Chest 3719 Food Crate 3722 Campfire 3737 Bubbling Fissure 3740 Bubbling Fissure 3743 Fissure Plant 3767 Drizzlik's Emporium 3768 Fragile - Do Not Drop 3769 Potbelly Stove 3771 Potbelly Stove 3797 Cozy Fire 3798 Cozy Fire 3799 Cozy Fire 3800 Cozy Fire 3815 Warm Fire 3816 Warm Fire 3817 Blazing Fire 3819 Blazing Fire 3847 Fierce Blaze 3888 Mighty Blaze 3890 Blazing Fire 3892 Mighty Blaze 3893 Mighty Blaze 3899 Blazing Fire 3901 Blazing Fire 3909 Blazing Fire 3911 Burning Embers 3936 Fierce Blaze 3960 Burning Embers 3972 WANTED: Baron Vardus 4072 Main Control Valve 4088 Anvil 4090 Forge 4095 Alliance Strongbox 4096 Alliance Chest 4097 Ratchet 4098 Durotar 4099 Mulgore 4100 Stonetalon Mountains 4101 Crossroads 4102 The Crossroads 4104 Ashenvale 4105 Dustwallow Marsh 4106 Thousand Needles 4141 Control Console 4149 Solid Chest 4166 Alchemical Implements 4406 Webwood Eggs 4608 Timberling Sprout 5619 Flawed Power Stone 5620 Flawed Power Stones 5621 Flawed Power Stones 5622 Purple aura, short column, 0.6 scale 6289 Smoldering Blaze 6291 Smoldering Brazier 6751 Strange Fruited Plant 6752 Strange Fronded Plant 6906 Red Raptor Nest 6907 Blue Raptor Nest 6908 Yellow Raptor Nest 7510 Sprouted Frond 7923 Denalan's Planter 9630 Flagongut's Fossil 9847 Cooking Fire 10076 Scrying Bowl 10082 Stormwind 10388 Cooking Fire 11713 Death Cap 11714 Scaber Stalk 12144 Twilight Tome 12351 Dolanaar 12352 Starbreeze Village 12353 Shadowglen 12354 Aldrassil 12357 Darnassus 12360 The Oracle Glade 12654 Mathystra Relic 12666 Twilight Tome 12893 Grove of the Ancients 12894 Ameth'Aran 12895 Ashenvale 12896 Auberdine 12900 Bashal'Aran 12903 Mathystra 13348 Darkshore 13349 Astranaar 13352 The Shrine of Aessina 13356 The Barrens 13357 Felwood 13358 Aszhara 13359 Cat Figurine 13360 Mathystra Relic 13872 Mathystra Relic 13873 Cat Figurine 13891 Serpentbloom 13949 Pitted Iron Chest 13952 Target 13965 Factory Door 15069 Bonfire 16393 Ancient Flame 16394 Ancient Flame 16397 Iron Clad Door 16398 Defias Cannon 16399 Foundry Door 16400 Mast Room Door 17153 Heavy Door 17155 Defias Gunpowder 17156 Door Lever 17157 Door Lever 17182 Buzzbox 827 17183 Buzzbox 411 17184 Buzzbox 323 17185 Buzzbox 525 17188 The Lay of Ameth'Aran 17189 The Fall of Ameth'Aran 17282 Plant Bundle 17783 Ancient Statuette 18035 Tribal Fire 18036 Bottle of Disease 18076 Campfire 18077 Smoking Rack 18083 Bubbling Cauldron 18087 Campfire 18342 Boiling Cauldron 18343 Cooking Fire 18596 Crackling Campfire 18603 Ancient Statuette 18895 Courtyard Door 18899 Lever 18934 Cell Door 18971 Arugal's Lair 18972 Sorcerer's Gate 18973 Arugal's Focus 19000 Altar Of Storms 19001 Chapel 19002 Barn 19003 Barracks 19004 Blacksmith 19005 Farm 19006 House 19007 Inn 19008 Lumbermill 19009 Mage Tower 19010 Stable 19011 Townhall 19012 Townhall without Wall 19013 Hut 19014 Hut 2 19015 Elune's Tear 19016 Stardust Covered Bush 19017 Giant Clam 19018 Giant Clam 19019 Box of Assorted Parts 19020 Barn 2 19021 Barracks 2 19022 Farm 2 19023 House 2 19024 Prison Tower 19025 Gate 19026 Gate 1 19027 Gate 2 19028 Keep Bridge 19029 Wall Piece 19030 Wall Piece 1 19031 Wall Piece 2 19032 Wall Piece 3 19033 Wall Piece 4 19034 Wall Piece with Stairs 19035 WallPost 19036 WallPost 19037 Lumbermill 19038 Mage Tower 19039 Abbey 19040 Oil Plataform 19041 Prison Headquarters 19042 Prison House 19043 Prison Cage 1 19044 Prison Cage 2 (with tunnel) 19045 Prison Cage 3 (with tunnel) 19046 Prison Cage 4 (with tunnel) 19047 Townhall 3 19048 Human PvP Barracks City 19049 Stormwind City 19050 Booty Bay 19051 Duskwood World Tree 19052 Troll Ziggurat 19053 Zul'Gurub Piece 19054 Aliancce Shrine 19055 Abbey Gate 19056 Bridge 2 19057 Bridge 19058 Bridge 3 19059 Stormwind Valley of Heroes Bridge 19060 Stormwind Valley of Heroes Gate 19061 Horde Shrine 19062 Ironfoot Bridge 19063 Bridge 2 19064 Bamboo House 19065 Stranglethorn Arena 19066 Blackrock 19067 Blackrock Lower Guild 19068 Blackrock Lower Instance 19069 Blackrock Upper Guild 19070 Blackrock Upper Instance 19071 Nefarian's Balcony 19072 Deadmines Part 1 19073 Deadmines Part 2 19074 Deadmines Part 3 19075 Deadmines Part 4 19076 Karazhan Future Tower Instance 19077 Kharazan Actual Tower (no instance) 19078 The Stockades 19079 Stormwind Vault 19080 Deeprun Tram 19081 Caverns of Time 19082 Caverns of Time Entrance 19083 Caverns of Time Arm 1 19084 Caverns of Time Arm 2 19085 Caverns of Time Arm 3 19086 Ahn'Quiraj 19087 Ahn'Quiraj Entrance 19088 Ahn'Quiraj Door 19089 Ahn'Quiraj Border of Door 19090 Ahn'Quiraj Walls 19091 Blackfathom 19092 Blackfathom Instance 19093 Old Blackfathom Facade 19094 Dire Maul 19095 Dire Maul Back Entrance 19096 Dire Maul Instance 19097 Maraudon 19098 Maraudon Intance 19099 Onyxia's Lair 19100 Onyxia's Lair Piece 19101 Onyxia's Lair 19102 Ragefire Chasm 19103 Razorfen Downs 19104 Razorfen Downs Intance 19105 Razorfen Kraul 19106 Razorfen Kraul Intance 19107 Wailing Caverns 19108 Wailing Caverns Intance 19109 Wailing Caverns Teeth 19110 Gnomeragan 19111 Gnomeragan Instance 19112 Uldaman Piece 19113 Uldaman Piece 2 19114 Uldaman Piece 3 19115 Uldaman Piece 4 19116 Dragon Isles 19117 Dragon Isles 2 19118 Dragon Isles 3 19119 Dragon Isles 4 19120 Monestary Cathedral 19121 Monestary Cementery 19122 Monestary Library 19123 Monestary War 19124 Shadowfang 19125 Shadowfang Instance 19126 Stratholme Part 19127 Stratholme Part 2 19128 Stratholme Part 3 19129 Stratholme Part 4 19130 Algaz Gate 19131 Animal Den 19132 Anvilmar Pass 19133 Barrow Dens 19134 Corrupted Barrow Dens 19135 Barrow Dens 2 19136 Barrow Dens 3 19137 Barrow Dens 4 19138 Corrupted Barrow Dens 2 19139 Ice Den 19140 Jungle Den 19141 Mushroom Den 19142 Troll Den 19143 Troll Den 2 19144 Volcanic den 19145 Warm Den 19146 Tunnel Cave to Cave 19147 Tunnel Cave to Cave (Ice) 19148 Tunnel Cave to Cave Large 19149 Tunnel Cave to Cave (Warm) 19150 Alterac Valley Entrance 19151 Alterac Valley Entrance (Snow) 19152 Crypt 19153 Crypt 2 19154 Crypt 3 19155 Crypt 4 19156 Crypt 5 (Undead Starting Crypt) 19157 Crypt School 19158 Crypt Simple Entrance 19159 Large Tunnel 19160 Medium Tunnel 19161 Medium Tunnel (Snow) 19162 Small Tunnel 19163 Small Tunnel (Snow) 19164 Fishing Hole 19165 Goldmine 19166 Goldmine Small 19167 Goldmine 2 19168 Goldmine 3 19169 Goldmine 4 19170 Goldmine 5 19171 Goldmine 6 19172 Goldmine 7 19173 Hive Arch 19174 Hive Piece (exterior) 19175 Hive Piece 2 (exterior) 19176 Hive Piece 3 (exterior) 19177 Hive Piece 4 (exterior) 19178 Hive Piece 5 (exterior) 19179 Mini-Hive 1 19180 Mini-Hive 2 19181 Mini-Hive 3 19182 Mini-Hive 3 Albino 19183 Mini-Hive 4 19184 Mini-Hive 4 Albino 19185 Mini-Hive 5 19186 Mini-Hive 5 Albino 19187 Mini-Hive 6 19188 Mini-Hive 6 Albino 19189 Horde Mine 19190 Horde Mine 2 19191 Ice Cave 19192 Ice Cave Medium 19193 Ice Cave 2 19194 Ice Cave 3 19195 Ice Cave 4 19196 Jungle Cave 19197 Jungle Cave Crystal 19198 Jungle Cave Medium 19199 Jungle Cave 2 19200 Mountain Cave Medium 19201 Mountain Cave Medium 2 19202 Mountain Cave Medium 3 19203 Mountain Cave Medium 4 19204 Mountain Cave Medium 5 19205 Mountain Cave Medium 6 19206 Mountain Cave Medium 7 19207 Mountain Cave Medium 8 19208 Mushroom Cave 19209 Mushroom Cave 2 19210 Mushroom Cave 3 19211 Mushroom Cave 4 19212 Mushroom Cave 5 19213 Mushroom Cave 6 19214 Mushroom Cave 7 19215 Mushroom Cave 8 19216 Mushroom Cave 9 19217 Mushroom Cave 10 19218 Underwater Cave Medium 19219 Warm Cave 19220 Warm Cave Medium 19221 Ogremound 19222 Ogremound 2 19223 Ogremound 3 19224 Ogremound 4 19225 Ogremound 5 19226 Ogremound Medium 19227 Ogremound 6 19228 Ogremound 7 19229 Ogremound 8 19230 Pirate Ship 19231 Pirate Ship 2 19232 Ruined Fortress 19233 Ruined Keep 19234 Crypt Intance 19235 Spidermane 19236 Furbolg Cave 19237 Timbermaw Hold 19238 Scarley Monastery 19239 Sunken Temple 19240 Sunken Temple Instance 19241 Hut 19242 Observatory (snow) 19243 Igloo 19244 Igloo 2 19245 Igloo 3 19246 Igloo 4 19247 Desert Building 19248 Desert Building 2 19249 Desert Building 3 19250 Desert Building 4 19251 Laboratory 19252 Naga Pagoda 19253 House 19254 Abbey 19255 Druid Tower 19256 Guard Tower 19257 Building 19258 Inn 19259 Giant Moonwell 19260 Moonwell 19261 Outpost 19262 Small House 19263 Gate 19264 Blackrock Barracks 19265 Barracks 19266 Barracks (Swamp of Sorrows) 19267 Blackrock Blacksmith 19268 Blacksmith 19269 Blacksmith (Swamp of Sorrows) 19270 Blackrock Fortress 19271 Fortress 19272 Fortress (Swamp of Sorrows) 19273 Blackrock Great Hall 19274 Great Hall 19275 Great Hall (Swamp of Sorrows) 19276 Blackrock Hut 19277 Hut 19278 Inn 19279 Blackrock Kennel 19280 Kennel 19281 Kennel (Swamp of Sorrows) 19282 Blackrock Mage Tower 19283 Mage Tower 19284 Mage Tower (Swamp of Sorrows) 19285 Blackrock House 19286 House 19287 House (Swamp of Sorrows) 19288 Blackrock Tower 19289 Tower 19290 Tower (Swamp of Sorrows) 19291 Blackrock Tower Small 19292 House Tower Small 19293 Zeppelin House 19294 Druid Tent 19295 Hunter Tent 19296 Hut Big 19297 Hut 19298 Hut 2 19299 Tepee 19301 Longhouse 19302 Shaman Tent 19303 Blackrock Troll Burrow 19304 Troll Burrow (Swamp of Sorrows) 19305 Troll Burrow 19306 Troll Hotel 19307 Troll Shop House 19308 Troll Shopping Mall 19309 Troll Hut Desert 19311 Troll Hut 19312 Troll Hut Small 19313 Bridge 19314 Durotar Rooted Rock 19315 Gate 19316 Theramore Docks 19317 Bridge 19318 Bridge 19319 Tent 19320 Bridge 19321 Landing Pad 19322 Monster Machine 19323 Wheel Plataform 19324 Gate 19325 Everlook Walls 19326 Darnassus 19327 Orc Pvp Barracks City 19328 Orgrimmar City 19329 PvP Wall 19330 PvP Wall 19331 Druid Mesa 19332 Druid Mesa 2 19333 Giant Totem 19334 Lower Mesa 19335 Lower Mesa 2 19336 Lower Mesa 3 19337 Lower Mesa 4 19338 Lower Mesa 5 19339 Lower Mesa 6 19340 Mid Mesa 19341 Mid Mesa 2 19342 Mid Mesa 3 19343 Mid Mesa 4 19344 Shaman Mesa 19345 Undead Cave 19346 Upper Mesa 19347 Upper Mesa 2 19348 Upper Mesa 3 19349 Upper Mesa 4 19350 Upper Mesa 5 19351 Warrior Mesa 19352 Warrior Mesa 1 19353 Winterspring Cave 19354 Anvilmar 19355 Barracks (snow) 19356 Barracks 19357 Blacksmith (snow) 19358 Blacksmith 19359 Griffon Aviary 19360 Guard Tower 19361 Inn (snow) 19362 Inn 19363 Stable (snow) 19364 Tower (snow) 19365 Stable 19366 Tavern (snow) 19367 Tavern 19368 Dark Iron Tower 19369 Gates of Grim Batol 19370 Ironforge 19371 Dam 19372 Excavation Plataform 19374 Netherguard Walls 19375 Cathedral 19376 Slaughter House 19377 Ziggurat 19378 Tower Zeppelin 19379 Uther Shrine 19380 Durnholde Walls 19381 Stromguard Walls 19382 Troll City Arena 19383 Undercity 19384 Lordaeron Walls 19385 Dark Portal 19386 Warcraft 2 Dark Portal 19387 Draenei Hut 19388 Draenei Tower 19389 Draenei Hut 2 19390 Tank 19391 Black Citadel 19392 PvP Wall 19393 PvP Wall 2 19394 PvP Wall 3 19395 Spike Wall 19396 Booty Bay Entrance 19397 Goblin Statue 19398 Burnt People 19399 Burnt People 2 19400 Burnt People 3 19401 Burnt People 4 19402 Burnt People 5 19403 Bridge 4 19404 Burnt Giant Wheel 19405 Lava Altar 19406 Lava Bridge 19407 Lava Plug 19408 Lava Plug 2 19409 Lava Shrine 19410 Lothar Statue 19411 Smoke 19412 Goblin Melting Pot 19413 Rock Bridge 19414 Hanging Body 19415 Hanging Body 2 19416 Rock Arch 19417 Rock Arch 2 19418 Rock Arch 3 19419 Wagon 19420 Ogremound 9 19421 Covered Bridge 19422 Darkshire Entrance 19423 Guard Tower 19424 Chasm Bridge 19425 Coffin 19426 Coffin Lid 19427 Darkshire Entrance 19428 Barn 19429 Hay Stack 19430 Hay Wagon 19431 Hearse 19432 Scarecrow 19433 Wheat 19434 Fence Segment 19435 Gate 19436 Cementery Gate 19437 Grave Frame 19438 Cementery Gate 2 19439 Gate Segment 19440 Mausoleum 19441 Dirt Mound 19442 Tomb Stone 1 19443 Tomb Monument 19444 Rock Wall 19445 Warning Tree 19446 Portal Gate 19447 Blacksmith 19448 Distillery 19449 Guard Tower 2 19450 Watch Tower 19451 Stormwind Gate Old 19452 Human Ballista 19453 Orc Catapult 19454 Fence 19455 Stone Fence 19456 Eye Of Azora 19457 Lamp Post 19458 Rock Monument 19459 Ruined Fountain 19460 Lion Statue 19461 Stone Pyre 19462 Water Basin 181366 Four Horsemen Chest 15003 Farm Banner 19465 Karazahn Portcullis 19466 Karazahn Chandelier 19467 Karazahn Pedestal 19468 Karazahn Pedestal 2 19469 Karazahn Sconce 19470 Karazahn Sconce 2 19471 Karazahn Sconce 3 19472 Karazahn Sconce 4 19473 Karazahn Sconce 5 19474 Karazahn Sconce 6 19475 Karazahn Sconce 7 19476 Karazahn Starlab 19477 Karazahn Table 19478 Karazahn Throne 19479 Dock 19480 Dock 2 19481 Small Boat 19482 Troll Watch Tower 19483 Holy Spring Well 19484 Small Boat 19485 Snake Statue 19486 Lighthouse 19487 Stable 19488 Emerald Dream Catcher 19489 Emerald Dream Catcher 2 19490 Emerald Dream Catcher 3 19491 Emerald Dream Catcher 4 19492 Emerald Dream Giant 19493 Emerald Dream Spinning Flower 19494 Emerald Dream Fountain Tree 19495 Emerald Dream Fountain Tree 2 19496 Emerald Dream Fountain Tree 3 19497 Emerald Dream Fountain Tree 4 19498 Emerald Dream Fountain Tree 5 19499 Caverns of Time Door 19500 Caverns of Time Portal Particles 19501 Caverns of Time Standing Stone 19502 Caverns of Time Standing Stone 2 19503 Caverns of Time Portal 19504 Bed 19505 Waterfall 3 19506 Mountain King Statue 19507 Fountain 19508 Franger Statue 19509 Mage Statue 19510 Spearman Statue 19511 Sunshield Statue 19512 Sunshield Statue 2 19513 Twinblades Statue 19514 Captain Statue 19515 Captain Statue 2 19516 Crusader Statue 19517 Crusader Statue 2 19518 Crusader Statue 3 19519 Human Statue 19520 Paladin Statue 19521 Priest Statue 19522 Cauldron 19523 Cracked Ice 19524 Gnomeragan Door 19525 Sunken Temple Portcullis 19526 Uldaman Door 19527 Instance Portal 19528 Instance Portal Green 19529 Instance Portal Red 19530 Instance Portal White 19531 Mage Portal 19532 Meeting Stone 19533 Meeting Stone 2 19534 Meeting Stone 3 19535 Meeting Stone 4 19536 Meeting Stone 5 19537 Gem Rock 19538 World Tree Portal 19539 Grinding Wheel 19540 Orc Manacle 19541 Dwarf Manacle 19542 Dark Iron Mural 19543 Dark Iron Mural 2 19544 Dark Iron Mural 3 19545 Dark Iron Throne 19546 Dark Iron Saw 19547 Portcullis 19548 Battlement Large 19549 Shadowglen Moonwell 19550 Starbreeze Village Moonwell 19551 Pools of Arlithrien Moonwell 19552 Oracle Glade Moonwell 19553 The Barrens 19554 Greatwood Vale 19555 Stonetalon Peak 19556 Windshear Crag 19557 Battlement Snowy 19564 Battlement Large Snowy 19565 Sun Rock Retreat 19566 DANGER! 19567 KEEP OUT! 19568 End of Venture Co. Lands 19572 Gnome Machine 5 19573 Gnome Machine 6 19574 Gnome Subway Glass 19575 Gnome Subway Sign 19576 Gnome Robo arm 19577 Charred Vale 19578 Windshear Crag 19579 Desolace 19580 Greatwood Vale 19581 Stonetalon Peak 19582 Goblin Shredder Suit 19583 Deadmines Door 19584 Deadmines Door 2 19585 Desolace 19586 Monestary Boss Door 19587 Monestary Hall Door 19588 Monestary Secret Door 19589 Portcullis Active 19590 Scarlet Cathedral Door 19591 Shadowfang Door 19592 Shadowfang Door 2 19593 Wrought Iron Door 19594 Wrought Iron Door 2 19595 Wizards Sphere 19596 Stuffed Bear 19597 Stuffed TallStrider 19598 Blue Lordaeron Banner 19599 Durnholde Banner 19600 Night Elf Banner 19601 Doghouse 177117 Shrine Of Remulos 19603 Venture Co. Documents 19604 Undead Campfire 19605 Undead Fire Large 19606 Undead Fire Small 19607 Plagued Fountain 19608 Snow Fountain 19609 Human Fountain 19610 Undead Fountain 19611 Gryphon Roost 19612 Mortar 19613 Rifle 19614 Bomb 19615 Dynamite 19616 Mortar Shell 19617 Rifle 2 19618 Tripod 19619 Gypsy Wagon 19620 General Outpost 19621 General Outpost 2 19622 Sarcophagus 19623 Shack 19624 Shop Counter 19625 Shop Counter 2 19626 Human Sign Post 19627 Alleria Statue 19628 Danath Statue 19629 Khadgar Statue 19630 Kurdran Statue 19631 Lion Statue 19632 Turalyon Statue 19633 Uther Statue 19634 Iron Maiden 19635 Rack 19636 Stocks 19637 Human Vendor Tent 19638 Great Wall Portcullis 19639 Pick Axe 19640 Crimson Wall Shield 19641 Human Arrow 19642 Human Arrows 19643 Axe 19644 Axe 2 19645 Bow 19646 Bow 2 19647 Hammer 19648 Hammer 2 19649 Mace 19650 Mace 2 19651 Spear 19652 Spear 2 19653 Staff 19654 Staff 2 19655 Sword 19656 Sword 2 19657 Arrow 19658 Wall Shield 19659 Wall Sword 19660 Wooden Stairs 19661 Wooden Stairs 2 19662 Prison Cell 19663 Brass Doors 19664 Night Elf Owl Banner 19665 Night Elf Tree Banner 19840 Freewind Post 19841 The Shimmering Flats 19842 Feralas 19844 The Great Lift 19847 Thalanaar 19850 Tanaris 19856 The Barrens 19857 The Shimmering Flats 19859 Feralas 19861 Henrig Lonebrow's Journal 19862 Glowing Soulgem 19863 Maestra's Post 19868 Rocket Car Rubble 19869 Rocket Car Rubble 19870 Rocket Car Rubble 19871 Rocket Car Rubble 19872 Rocket Car Rubble 19873 Rocket Car Rubble 19875 Fresh Lion Carcass 19876 Flame of Uzel 19877 Velinde's Locker 19878 Parts Crate 19879 Red Soulgem 19897 Cask of Fool's Stout 19901 Circle of Imprisonment 19903 Indurium Mineral Vein 19904 Mok'Morokk's Snuff 19905 Mok'Morokk's Grog 19906 Mok'Morokk's Strongbox 20351 Blue Soulgem 20352 Circle of Imprisonment 20356 Campfire 20358 White Smoke Emitter - scale 0.2 20359 Egg of Onyxia 20447 Harpy Foodstuffs 20649 Undervator 20650 upperLdoor 20651 lowerLdoor 20652 Undervator 20653 upperLdoor 20654 lowerLdoor 20655 Undervator 20656 upperLdoor 20657 lowerLdoor 20691 Cozzle's Footlocker 20694 Campfire 20724 Dor'Danil Pillar 20725 The Legacy of the Aspects 20726 Beginnings of the Undead Threat 13756 Graveyard Banner 20737 Keenly Disguised Barrel 20805 Rizzle's Unguarded Plans 20806 Ashenvale Moonwell 20807 Ancient Brazier 20808 TEST Ship 20811 Mine 20812 Orc Tower 20816 Guard Tower 20817 Holding Pen 20818 Night Elf Moon Well 20819 Moon Well 2 20820 Giant Sea Turtle 20821 Giant Turtle 20822 Landing Pad 20823 Player Housing 20824 Orc Tower 20827 Stormwind City 20849 Bonfire 20850 Crackling Campfire 20869 Cauldron 20870 Cauldron 20871 Cauldron 20881 Flickering Campfire 20898 Burning Pile of Bones 20899 Venture Co. Explosives Wagon 20917 Blue aura. short column. scale 3 20920 Blueleaf Tuber 20923 Stone of Remembrance 20925 Captain's Footlocker 20939 Bogbean Plant 20969 Scourge Campfire 20975 Brazier 20977 Troll Bonfire 20985 Loose Dirt 20992 Black Shield 21004 Monument to Grom Hellscream 21015 Hoofprints 21016 Hoofprints 21042 Theramore Guard Badge 21052 Defias Strongbox 21053 Sentry Point 21054 North Point Tower 21055 The Barrens 21056 Theramore Isle 21057 Foothold Citadel 21058 The Docks 21059 Dustwallow Marsh 21077 Shady Rest Inn 21082 Brackenwall Village 21084 Stonemaul 21088 BEWARE! 21089 You are entering the Dragonmurk 21099 ward 21117 Portal of Aku'Mai 21118 Fire of Aku'mai 15005 Stable Banner 21128 Orc Spy Report 21277 Crate with Holes 21327 Campfire 21509 The Shady Rest Inn 21530 Snufflenose Owner's Manual 21581 Aftermath of the Second War 21582 Beyond the Dark Portal 21583 The Kaldorei and the Well of Eternity 21653 unk 21654 unk 21655 unk 21656 unk 21680 Duel Flag 21701 Anvil 22205 Dwarven Fire 22234 Signal Torch 22245 Sack of Meat 22246 Tear of Theradras 22248 Merchant Chair 22249 Desk Chair 22253 Head Chair 22257 War Room Chair 22550 Draenethyst Crystals 22590 High Back Chair 22706 Faustin's Alchemy Set 22707 Cozy Fire 22708 Cozy Fire 22709 Cozy Fire 22710 Cozy Fire 22712 Cozy Fire 22737 High Back Chair 22772 Cozy Fire 22836 Cozy Fire 23295 Canal Tailor and Fit Shop 23296 Larson Clothiers 23299 The Park 23302 Anvil 23303 Anvil 23304 Forge 23305 Forge 24388 Stone Bench 24390 Highback Chair 24392 Stone Bench 24538 Wooden Bench 24568 Highback Chair 24613 Stone Bench 24635 Wooden Chair 24715 The Park 24745 Forge 24746 Forge 24758 Warm Fire 24759 Warm Fire 24776 Yuriv's Tombstone 24798 Sundried Driftwood 25328 Pestle's Apothecary 25329 Kurdran Wildhammer 25330 General Turalyon 25331 Ranger Captain Alleria Windrunner 25332 Danath Trollbane 25333 Archmage Khadgar of the Kirin Tor 25334 Industrial District 25336 Old Town 25338 Cathedral Square 25339 Cathedral Square 25341 The Park 25342 The Park 25348 Mage Quarter 26449 Recombobulator 26480 Craghelm's Plate and Chain 26482 Goldfury's Hunting Supplies 26483 Fizzlespinner's General Goods 26485 Thundershot Guns 'n Ammo 26486 The Stonefire Tavern 26487 Barim's Reagents 26488 Timberline Arms 26489 Bruuk's Corner 26490 Ironforge Visitor's Center 26491 Pithwick's Bags and Supplies 26492 Farmountain Maps 26493 Stonebranch Herbalist 26496 Dwarven Brazier 26497 Deep Mountain Mining Guild 26498 The Bronze Kettle 28024 Caravan Chest 28027 Dwarven District 28033 Dwarven District 28034 Dwarven District 28035 Stormwind Gate 28044 Dwarven District 28047 Dwarven District 28604 Scattered Crate 28611 Dwarven High Back Chair 29784 Basic Campfire 30854 Atal'ai Artifact 30855 Atal'ai Artifact 30856 Atal'ai Artifact 31407 Roaring Bonfire 31408 Bonfire 31409 Raging Bonfire 31410 Bonfire 31411 Raging Bonfire 31442 Basic Campfire 31511 Bright Campfire 31572 Medium Brazier 31573 Medium Brazier 31574 Smoking Rack 31575 Tall Brazier 31577 Tall Brazier 31579 Tall Brazier 32056 IronForge Elevator 32057 IronForge Elevator 32107 Roaring Fire 32109 Roaring Fire 32110 Bonfire 32348 Flinthammer's Armorer and Clothier 32349 Mailbox 32350 Finespindle's Leather Goods 32351 Stonebrow's Clothier 32352 Traveling Fisherman 32353 Springspindle's Gadgets 32354 Things That Go Boom! 32355 Ironforge Main Gate 32356 Hall of Explorers 32357 The Commerce Ward 32359 The Military Ward 32362 The Mystic Ward 32364 Market Walk 32372 The Great Forge 32377 Vault of Ironforge 32381 The Forlorn Caverns 32383 The Forlorn Cavern 32386 Hall of Mysteries 32390 Hall of Arms 32419 Gnomes 32569 Galen's Strongbox 32878 Bonfire 32881 Roaring Bonfire 32882 Raging Fire 32883 Bonfire 32884 Roaring Fire 32885 Raging Bonfire 33998 Sewers 33999 Sewers 34357 BerryFizz Potions and Mixed Drinks 34571 Forge 35251 Karnitol's Chest 35252 Ancient Relic 35591 Fishing Bobber 35593 Roaring Fire 36070 War Quarter 36071 War Quarter 36072 The Apothecarium 36073 Rogues' Quarter 36077 The Apothecarium 36078 Trade Quarter 36082 Magic Quarter 36090 Magic Quarter 36091 Trade Quarter 36126 Royal Quarter 36397 Royal Quarter 36727 Summoning Portal 36738 The Book of Ur 36990 Dining Bench 37097 Summoning Circle 37098 Perrine's Chest 37099 Atal'ai Tablet 37118 Galen's Cage 38019 Potbelly Stove 38495 Anvil 38927 Newman's Landing 40198 Fire 40199 Fire 40201 Fire 41186 Campfire 41191 Campfire 41193 Campfire 41195 Southshore Town Hall 43116 Bone Fire 43117 Bone Fire 43118 Bone Fire 43119 Bone Fire 43121 Bone Fire 48403 Short Wooden Seat 48404 Dwarven Campfire 48411 Dwarven Campfire 48414 Dwarven Campfire 48443 Dwarven Campfire 48451 Dwarven Campfire 48455 Dwarven Campfire 48460 Dwarven Campfire 48471 Dwarven Campfire 48516 Master Control Program 48518 Dwarven Campfire 48519 Dwarven Campfire 48520 Short Wooden Seat 48543 Campfire 48556 Dwarven Campfire 48568 Short Wooden Seat 49485 Warm Fire 49487 Burning Embers 50447 Burning Embers 50469 Thunder Bluff Forge 50484 Cloudweaver's Baskets 50485 Dawnstrider Enchanters 50486 Bena's Alchemy 50487 Holistic Herbalism 50488 Thunder Bluff Armorers 50489 Thunderhorn's Archery 50490 Fruits and Vegetables 50491 Breads and Grains 50492 Thunder Bluff Bank 50493 Karn's Smithy 50494 Hunter Rise 50495 Spirit Rise 50496 Elevator to Mulgore 50503 Thunder Bluff Weapons 50504 Stonehoof Geology 50505 Thunder Bluff Civic Information 50507 Elder Rise 50520 Elder Rise Drums 50521 Kodo Steak and Ribs 50522 Mountaintop Bait & Tackle 50523 Winterhoof Totems 50524 Aska's Kitchen 50525 Thunderhoof's Firearms 50535 Rainsticks 50536 Hunter's Hall 50537 Hall of Elders 50538 Hall of Spirits 50830 Stone Anvil 50910 Bonfire 50935 Sack of Corn 50936 Sack of Barley 50937 Sack of Rye 50961 Malem Chest 50982 The Charred Oak 50983 Heated Forge 50987 Bonfire 50988 Bonfire 51708 Eliza's Grave Dirt 52175 Forge 55615 Campfire 55616 Bonfire 55774 Ragetotem Arms 15004 Blacksmith Banner 56898 Plate-n-Chain 56901 Tan-Your-Hide Leatherworks 56903 Good Food 56905 Swift Flights 56910 The Salty Sailor Tavern 56911 Stranglethorn Trust Bank 57708 Lamppost 57748 Lamppost 58369 Stolen Iron Chest 58388 Brazier 58595 Burning Blade Stash 58596 Weapons 58597 Bat Handler 58598 General Goods 58600 Light Armor 58601 Bank 58605 Heavy Armor 58606 Cooking 58607 Tabards 58608 Guild Creation 58609 Engineering 58610 Alchemist 58611 Relic Vendor 58612 Reagent Vendor 58614 Enchantment 58615 Herbalist 58616 Weapons Merchants 58617 Blacksmith 58618 Bow Merchant 58619 Gunsmith 58620 Mining 58621 Daggers 58622 Leather Work 58623 First Aid 58624 Bag Vendor 58625 Poison 58626 Cartography 58627 Book Dealer 58629 Staff Merchant 59517 All Things Flora 59518 Nautical Needs 59529 Cauldron 59845 The Old Port Authority 59846 Kalimdor Airlines 59847 Cuts-N-Bruises Incorporated 59848 Southern Skies Platform 59850 Boucher's Cauldron 59851 A Tailor to Cities 59852 The Happy Bobber 59853 Stove 60395 Wooden Chair 61095 Mechanic Stool 61918 Deep South Tannery 61927 Bonfire 61928 Bonfire 61929 Bonfire 61934 Brazier of the Dormant Flame 61935 Regulator Valve 61936 Fuel Control Valve 61952 Campfire 61953 Brazier 63195 Stormwind Visitor's Center 63196 Bonfire 63674 Shaman Shrine 65407 Graznab's Machine 66780 Lionheart Armory 67234 Fire Totem 68865 Snufflenose Command Sticks 69422 Bonfire 69426 Bonfire 69427 Bonfire 69432 Campfire 69435 Campfire 70517 Lamppost 73940 Ooze Covered Silver Vein 73941 Ooze Covered Gold Vein 74075 Cauldron 74078 Cauldron 74091 The Salty Sailor Tavern 74138 Brazier 74439 Brazier 74440 Brazier 74444 Brazier 74447 Large Iron Bound Chest 74448 Large Solid Chest 74731 Noggle's Satchel 75293 Large Battered Chest 75295 Large Iron Bound Chest 75296 Large Iron Bound Chest 75297 Large Iron Bound Chest 75298 Large Solid Chest 75299 Large Solid Chest 75300 Large Solid Chest 77813 Anvil 80022 Plunger 80023 Vator 80024 Rail 82136 Lamppost 82137 Lamppost 82138 Lamppost 82139 Lamppost 82140 Lamppost 83763 Stolen Books 85556 Vator2 85562 Ironband's Strongbox 85563 Dead-tooth's Strongbox 86492 Crate of Elunite 89634 Iron Coral 89635 Sunscorched Shell 89931 Bath'rah's Cauldron 90566 Workshop Door 90567 Lever 90858 Workshop Door 91138 Jordan's Hammer 91672 Wooden Chair 91673 Stove 91692 Boomstick Imports East 91737 Campfire 92011 Grimand's Anvil 92013 Tome of the Cabal 92015 Summoning Circle 92252 Strahad's Summoning Circle 92388 Summoning Circle 92420 Bailor's Ore 92423 Damaged Chest 92425 Steaming Concoction 92426 Pickled Sludge 92427 Smoked Meat Rack 92524 Guild 92525 Argent Dawn 92526 Alchemy 92527 Bags 92528 General Goods 92529 Enchanting 92531 Robe 92532 Staff 92533 Leatherworking 92534 Tailoring 92535 General Trade 92537 First Aid 92538 Cooking 92539 Weapons 92543 Thrown Weapons 92544 Fletcher 92545 Mail Armor 92546 Shields 92549 Cloth Armor 92550 Leather Armor 92551 Two Handed Weapons 92703 Bench 93192 Heartswood 94039 Shrine of Gelihast 94040 Altar of the Deeps 94186 Bonfire 94189 Bonfire 94190 Bonfire 97700 Secret Door 97701 Torch 97801 Fine Chair 100028 Shaman Shrine 101850 Cathedral Door 101851 Armory Door 101854 Herod's Door 102413 Verigan's Fist 102984 Bink's Toolbox 102985 Balnir Snapdragons 102986 Ju-Ju Heap 103015 Shrine of Gelihast 103016 Altar of the Deeps 103574 Filled Containment Coffer 103600 Andron's Bookshelf 103628 Ur's Treatise on Shadow Magic 103661 Witherbark Totem Bundle TRAP 103662 Bolt Charged Bramble 103663 Cauldron 103664 Rituals of Power 103680 Mana Rift 103694 Campfire 103695 Campfire 15002 Lumber Mill Banner 15001 Mine Banner 103774 Standard Issue Tools 103795 Griffon Roost 103811 Wooden Chair 103813 Mausoleum Seal 103815 Ambermill Strongbox 103820 Red Rocket 103821 Doan's Strongbox 104555 Anvil 104564 Bingles's Toolbucket 104569 Bingles's Toolbucket 104574 Bingles's Toolbucket 104575 Bingles's Blastencapper 104591 Chapel Door 104592 Rituals of Power 104593 Mausoleum Trigger 104600 High Inquisitor's Door 105168 Skull Key 105169 Agamand Weapon Rack 105170 Agamand Weapon Rack 105171 Agamand Weapon Rack 105172 Agamand Weapon Rack 105174 Chest of Containment Coffers 105175 Cantation of Manifestation 105176 Venture Co. Strongbox 105188 Trias' Cheese 105568 Peasent Woodpile 105570 Alliance Strongbox 105576 Summoning Circle 105578 Horde Chest 105579 Alliance Chest 105581 Alliance Chest 106318 Battered Chest 106319 Battered Chest 106325 Blazing Fire 106528 Water Manifestation Effect 106529 Cleansing Water Aura 109515 Night Elven Bear Trap 110233 Bonfire 110235 Campfire 110236 Campfire 111094 Gallina Winery 111095 Alliance Chest 111148 Night Elven Bear Trap 112068 Wooden Chair 112192 Chair 112214 Chair 112877 Talvash's Scrying Bowl 112888 Dusty Shelf 112898 The Gilded Rose 112948 Intrepid's Locked Strongbox 113528 Spiritual Healing 113529 Arathi Cannon Fire 113531 Cannon 113568 Rogues' Quarter 113570 The Apothecarium 113572 War Quarter 113574 War Quarter 113575 Rogues' Quarter 113576 Magic Quarter 113752 Inn 113757 Shadowforge Cache 113769 Easter Egg 113771 Easter Egg 113791 Brazier of Everfount 121264 Lucius's Lockbox 122088 Containment Coffer 123207 Goblin Smelting Pot 123211 Foundry Anvil 123214 Duskwood Chest 123215 This Way 123216 The Other Way 123217 That Way 123309 Ooze Covered Truesilver Deposit 123310 Ooze Covered Mithril Deposit 123329 Baelog's Chest 123330 Buccaneer's Strongbox 123331 Buccaneer's Strongbox 123332 Buccaneer's Strongbox 123333 Buccaneer's Strongbox 123334 The Punisher (DND) 123355 Rat Bomb Trap 123462 The Jewel of the Southsea 123463 Baelog's Journal 123848 Ooze Covered Thorium Vein 124072 Duskwood Chest 124367 Temple Door 124368 Temple Door 124369 The Ancient Vault 124370 Echomok Door 124371 Keystone 124372 Seal of Khaz'Mul 124374 Horatio Montgomery, M.D. 124388 Garrett Family Chest 124389 Krom Stoutarm's Chest 125477 Conspicuous Urn 126049 Magenta Cap Clusters 126050 Bench 126158 Tallonkai's Dresser 126260 Ancient Chest 126312 Bonfire 400110 Equinex Monolith FOCUS 128196 Magenta Cap Clusters Trap 128293 Magenta Cap Clusters 128308 Shallow Grave 128403 Shallow Grave 129127 Gallywix's Lockbox 130125 The Five Deadly Venoms 130126 Gallywix's Lockbox 130358 Chemical Bomb 130511 Altar of The Keepers 130667 Anvil 131474 The Discs of Norgannon 131978 Large Mithril Bound Chest 131979 Large Darkwood Chest 133234 Altar of Archaedas 133466 Bench 133467 Bench 136101 Tailor 136929 Chair 136930 Chair 136931 Bench 136945 Bench 136947 Fire 136957 Bonfire 136959 Bonfire 136962 Bonfire 137167 Nether Rift 138492 Shards of Myzrael 138493 Doors 138496 HornCover 138497 Mouthpiece Mount 138498 Temple of the Moon Fountain 139852 Memorial to Sully Balloo 140105 Fierce Blaze 140106 Fierce Blaze 140213 Campfire 140358 Smoldering Coals 140372 Bench 140908 Ironforge Mailbox 140911 Spool of Light Chartreuse Silk Thread 140971 Gahz'ridian 141069 Campfire 141070 Troll Cage 141071 Troll Cage 141076 Sun Rock Retreat 141077 Greatwood Vale 141596 Witch Doctor's Chest 141612 [PH] Weegli's Armed Barrel 141812 Stone of Binding 141832 Gong of Zul'Farrak 141844 Campfire 141853 Violet Tragan 141860 Cannon 141869 Temple Door 141891 Razelikh's Tear 141931 Hippogryph Egg 141979 Ancient Treasure 141980 Spectral Lockbox 141981 Spectral Lockbox Particles 142036 Rin'ji's Cage 142071 Egg-O-Matic 142075 Mailbox 142076 Clara's Fresh Apples 142088 Tablet of Will 142091 Bonfire 142095 Mailbox (Alliance) 142102 Mailbox 142109 Mailbox 142111 Mailbox 142122 WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting 142127 Rin'ji's Secret 142140 Purple Lotus 142141 Arthas' Tears 142142 Sungrass 142143 Blindweed 142144 Ghost Mushroom 142145 Gromsblood 142151 Sealed Barrel 142172 Transpolyporter BB 142175 Transpolyporter 142176 Transpolyporter 142179 Solarsal Gazebo 142181 Stolen Cargo 142184 Captain's Chest 142185 Flame of Byltan 142186 Flame of Lahassa 142187 Flame of Imbel 142188 Flame of Samha 142189 Inconspicuous Landmark 142191 Horde Supply Crate 142194 Pirate's Treasure! 142195 Woodpaw Battle Map 142207 The Final Chamber 142211 Gnome Face 142214 Button 142219 Button 142341 Maeva's Mystical Apparel 142343 Uldum Pedestal 142344 Artificial Extrapolator 142345 Matrix Punchograph 3005-A 142475 Matrix Punchograph 3005-B 142476 Matrix Punchograph 3005-C 142477 Thermaplugg's Safe 142487 The Sparklematic 5200 142488 G_HologramTrogg01 142696 Matrix Punchograph 3005-D 142697 Nimboya's Pike 142702 Venom Bottle 142703 Venom Bottle 142704 Venom Bottle 142705 Venom Bottle 142706 Venom Bottle 142707 Venom Bottle 142708 Venom Bottle 142709 Venom Bottle 142710 Venom Bottle 142711 Venom Bottle 142712 Venom Bottle 142713 Venom Bottle 142714 Venom Bottle 142715 Tablet of Theka 142874 Stoneblade's 142947 Stone Chair 142958 Feralas: A History 142972 Smoked Meat Rack 143230 Transpolyporter DRBB 143254 Timberline Arms 143256 The Fighting Wizard 143324 Steelfury's Weapon Emporium 143336 Ironforge Physician 143338 Thistlefuzz Arcanery 400200 Shards of Myzrael FOCUS 143398 Stove 143399 Broken Keel Tavern 143979 Cage Door 143980 Gordunni Scroll 143981 Mailbox (Horde) 143982 Mailbox 143983 Mailbox (Tauren) 143984 Mailbox 143988 Mailbox (Horde) 143989 Mailbox 144050 Gordunni Trap 144053 Scrimshank's Surveying Gear 144054 Shay's Chest 144063 Equinex Monolith 144064 Gordunni Dirt Mound 144065 Explosive Charge 144066 First Witherbark Cage 144067 Second Witherbark Cage 144068 Third Witherbark Cage 144069 Grimshade's Vision 144070 Sharpbeak's Cage 144071 Highvale Records 144072 Highvale Notes 144073 Highvale Report 144111 Smite's Chest 144112 Mailbox (Goblins) 144125 Mailbox 144126 Mailbox 144162 Springspindle's Gadgets 144179 Mailbox 144181 Sword of the Barbarian King 144570 Mailbox 1650 Plaguelands 146080 Undercity 1630 Brill 146082 Equinex Monolith Lights 1 146083 Equinex Monolith Lights 2 146084 End Door 146085 Cave In 146088 Bonfire 146096 Sentinel's Bunkhouse 147136 Horn of Margol the Rager 147435 Bench 147516 Dark Iron 147517 Dark Iron 147537 Fresh Zhevra Carcass 147557 Stolen Silver 147742 Crude Brazier 147762 Crude Brazier 148418 Eternal Flame 148423 Inn 148424 Kuruk's Goods 148425 Trade Goods and Supplies 148426 Hewa's Armory 148498 Altar of Suntara 148499 Felix's Box 148503 Fire Plume Ridge Hot Spot 148504 A Conspicuous Gravestone 148506 Twilight Artifact 148512 Essence Font 148513 Tablet of Jin'yael 148514 Tablet of Markri 148515 Tablet of Sael'hai 148516 Tablet of Beth'Amara 148830 Atal'ai Statue 148831 Atal'ai Statue 148832 Atal'ai Statue 148833 Atal'ai Statue 148834 Atal'ai Statue 148835 Atal'ai Statue 148836 Altar of Hakkar 148837 Atal'ai Statue 148838 Idol of Hakkar 148842 Roland's Mana Gem 148843 Fire 148846 Fire 148850 Fire 148857 Fire 148883 Atal'ai Light SMALL (DND) 180691 Scarab Coffer 148937 Atal'ai Light BIG (DND) 148976 Fire 148996 Tower Fire 148997 Tower Smoke 148998 Evil God Summoning Circle 149024 Gol'Bolar Quarry 149025 Sentry Brazier 149027 Meat Rack 149030 Sentry Brazier 149031 Sentry Brazier 149032 Sentry Brazier 149036 Marvon's Chest 149038 Table Cooker 149045 Scaffold Cars 149046 Scaffold Cars 149047 Torch of Retribution 149048 Wooden Bench 149410 Light of Retribution 149419 Meat Smoker 149420 Ani 149431 forcefield 149432 DOOR1 149433 DOOR2 149480 Rune of Jin'yael 149481 Rune of Beth'Amara 149482 Rune of Markri 149483 Rune of Sael'hai 149502 Hoard of the Black Dragonflight 150075 Wanted Poster: Vile Aggressors 150086 Makeshift Helipad 150087 Burbik's Supplies 150137 Door 150138 Door 150140 Arcane Focusing Crystal 151286 Kaldorei Tome of Summoning 151951 Idol Oven Fire 151952 Idol Cup Fire 151953 Wooden Bench 151973 Idol Mouth Fire 151974 Gadgetzan 151975 Steamwheedle Port 151976 Shimmering Flats 151981 Steamwheedle Port 152034 Forge 152080 Kadrak's Flag 152093 Kadrak Flag Spell Focus (DND) 152094 Hyacinth Mushroom 152095 Moonpetal Lily 152097 Belnistrasz's Brazier 152098 Magus Rimtori's Journal 152325 Fiery Brazier 152574 The Twin Colossals 152575 Desolace 152576 Feathermoon Stronghold 152577 High Wilderness 152578 Lower Wilds 152579 Thousand Needles 152580 Ravenwind 152584 High Wilderness 152585 The Twin Colossals 152586 Desolace 152614 Elevator 152620 Azsharite Formation 152621 Azsharite Formation 152622 Azsharite Formation 152631 Azsharite Formation 153123 Kim'jael's Equipment 153124 Cauldron 153125 Cauldron 153157 Charred Dark Iron Remains 153158 Mutilated Dark Iron Remains 153159 Mutilated Dark Iron Remains 153160 Charred Dark Iron Remains 153203 Rune of the Defiler 153204 Rune of the Defiler 153205 Altar of the Defiler 153239 Wildkin Feather 153359 Rune of Return 153360 Rune of Return 153451 Solid Chest 153453 Solid Chest 153454 Solid Chest 153462 Large Solid Chest 153463 Large Solid Chest 153464 Large Solid Chest 153468 Large Mithril Bound Chest 153469 Large Mithril Bound Chest 153470 Food Crate 153471 Food Crate 153472 Food Crate 153473 Food Crate 153556 Thaurissan Relic 153576 Cauldron 153577 Cauldron 153578 Mailbox 153723 Bonfire 154357 Glinting Mud 156561 Wanted Poster 157636 Campfire 157816 Holding Pen 157817 Holding Pen 157818 Holding Pen 157819 Holding Pen 157820 Holding Pen 157923 Giant Doors 157936 Un'Goro Dirt Pile 158545 Bench 158580 Chair 160411 Stove 160445 Sha'ni Proudtusk's Remains 160836 Relic Coffer 160839 Gor'tesh's Lopped Off Head 160840 Soft Dirt Mound 160845 Dark Coffer 160866 Pew 161456 Dark Keeper Portrait 161460 The Shadowforge Lock 161461 Giant Door Mechanism 161462 Giant Door Fake Collision 161488 Bonfire 161495 Secret Safe 161504 A Small Pack 161505 A Wrecked Raft 161513 Farm Chicken Egg 161516 BigDoorDummyCollision02 161521 Research Equipment 161525 ArenaGate 161526 Crate of Foodstuffs 161527 Dinosaur Bone 161536 Quarry Gate 161557 Milly's Harvest 161752 Tool Bucket 162024 Samophlange 164638 Immolation Trap 164639 Frost Trap 164658 Blue Power Crystal 164659 Green Power Crystal 164660 Red Power Crystal 164661 Yellow Power Crystal 164662 Equipment Boxes 164688 Ironfel 164689 Monument of Franclorn Forgewright 164690 Krom'zar's Banner 164699 Roaring Fire 164725 Dragonspine Door 164726 PortcullisActive01 164729 Miblon's Door 164758 Miblon's Bait 164778 Blue Power Crystal 164779 Green Power Crystal 164780 Red Power Crystal 164781 Yellow Power Crystal 164798 Evoroot 164820 Dark Keeper Nameplate 164821 Dark Keeper Nameplate 164822 Dark Keeper Nameplate 164823 Dark Keeper Nameplate 164824 Dark Keeper Nameplate 164825 Dark Keeper Nameplate 164826 Aura 1 - Linken 164827 Aura 2 - Linken 164838 JD Red Crystal 1 164839 Explosive Trap 164867 WANTED 164868 KILL ON SIGHT 164869 Spectral Chalice 164870 Smoke Emitter 02 164871 Zeppelin - Orgrimmar to Undercity 164872 Immolation Trap II 164873 Immolation Trap III 164874 Immolation Trap IV 164875 Immolation Trap V 164876 Freezing Trap II 164877 Freezing Trap III 164879 Explosive Trap II 164880 Explosive Trap III 164881 Cleansed Night Dragon 164882 Cleansed Songflower 164883 Cleansed Whipper Root 164884 Cleansed Windblossom 164885 Corrupted Night Dragon 164886 Corrupted Songflower 164887 Corrupted Windblossom 164888 Corrupted Whipper Root 164908 Thane's Boots 164909 Wrecked Row Boat 164910 Ornate Chest 164911 Thunderbrew Lager Keg 164927 JD Yellow Crystal 1 164953 Large Leather Backpacks 164954 Zukk'ash Pod 164955 Northern Crystal Pylon 164956 Western Crystal Pylon 164957 Eastern Crystal Pylon 164958 Bloodpetal Sprout 165549 Maiden's Fancy - Round trips to Booty Bay 165554 Heart of the Mountain 165557 Zeppelin Landing Tower 165558 Zeppelin Landing 165559 Muigin's Sprout 165578 Dark Iron Ale TRAP 165618 monastery chair 165658 Dark Iron Deposit 165738 Dark Iron Ale Mug 165739 Grim Guzzler Boar 166863 Fresh Threshadon Carcass 166872 Supply Crate 169216 Preserved Threshadon Carcass 169217 Un'Goro Flat Rock 169243 Chest of The Seven 169294 Tablet of the Seven 169967 Booty Bay Blacksmith 170033 GeneralChairLoEnd26 170047 Wooden Chair 170353 G_HologramDwarf01 170439 Bench 170453 Chair 170524 Bench] 170555 BurningGiantWheel01 170556 BlackRockDoors01 170557 BlackRockDoorSingle01 170558 The Lyceum 170559 Shadowforge Gate 170561 Supply Room Door 170562 Cell Door 170563 Cell Door 170570 East Garrison Door 170571 Bar Door 170572 BlackRockIronDoor02 170573 Golem Room North 170574 Golem Room South 170575 Thone Room Doors 170576 BlackRockDoors02 170577 BlackRockDoors03 170578 DarkIronDwarfRune_A01 170579 DarkIronDwarfRune_B01 170580 DarkIronDwarfRune_C01 170581 DarkIronDwarfRune_D01 170582 DarkIronDwarfRune_E01 170583 DarkIronDwarfRune_F01 170584 DarkIronDwarfRune_G01 170592 Imperial Throne 170607 Dark Iron Keg Shotgun 171524 Tinker Town 171531 The Library 171552 Hot Coals 171674 Stone Chair 171704 Ironforge Armory 171709 The High Seat 171715 The Great Anvil 171716 Forge 171717 Forge 171742 Potbelly Stove 171770 Longberry's Reagents 171938 Cactus Apple 171939 Corrupted Songflower 171940 Cleansed Songflower 171941 Keg Trap 171942 Corrupted Songflower 171943 Cleansed Songflower 172911 The Black Anvil 172943 Mighty Blaze 172950 Mighty Blaze 172957 Valley of Wisdom 172958 Valley of Honor 172960 Cleft of Shadow 172961 Valley of Spirits 172971 Talon Gate 172978 Thrall's Fortress 172982 Valley of Strength 172983 Cleft of Shadow 172986 Orgrimmar Main Gate 172992 The Drag 172994 Orgrimmar Main Gate 172998 Mighty Blaze 173000 Mighty Blaze 173005 Darkfire Enclave 173006 Spiritfury Reagents 173008 Mighty Blaze 173014 Meat Rack 173016 Borstan's Firepit 173017 Gotri's Travelling Gear 173018 Magar's Cloth Goods 173020 Jandi's Arboretum 173021 Yelmak's Alchemy and Potions 173022 Godan's Runeworks 173024 Droffers And Sons Salvage 173025 Stranglethorn Imported Fruits 173044 Kodohide Leatherworkers 173056 Asoran's Market 173063 Forge 173064 Forge 173065 Anvil 173078 Arms of Legend 173079 Kiro's Harnesses 173080 Orgrimmar Bowyer 173081 Red Canyon Mining 173082 Nogg's Machine Shop 173083 The Burning Anvil 173084 Hall of the Brave 173085 Hunter's Hall 173086 Lumak's Fishing 173089 Mighty Blaze 173094 Anvil 173095 Forge 173107 Orc Cooker 173123 Mighty Blaze 173124 Mighty Blaze 173143 Mighty Blaze 173157 Skyfury Staves 173160 Spirit Lodge 173161 Darkbriar Lodge 173162 Survival of the Fittest 173168 The Slow Blade 173169 Rekkul's Poisons 173170 Shadowswift Brotherhood 173171 Mighty Blaze 173173 Shadowdeep Reagents 173174 Dark Earth Fungus and Mushrooms 173177 Ironwood Staves and Wands 173197 Mighty Blaze 173200 Mighty Blaze 173201 Mighty Blaze 173202 Soran's Leather and Steel Armory 173203 Orgrimmar General Store 173207 Mighty Blaze 173215 The Shattered Axe 173216 Bank of Orgrimmar 173217 The Chophouse 173218 Boomstick Imports 173219 The Skytower 173220 Horde Embassy 173222 Orgrimmar Auction House 173232 Blacksmithing Plans 173234 Blacksmithing Plans 173265 Wooden Outhouse 173266 Goodsteel Ledger 173284 Corrupted Whipper Root 173324 Corrupted Night Dragon 173325 Cleansed Night Dragon 173326 Cleansed Windblossom 173327 Corrupted Windblossom 174045 The Black Forge 174553 Secret Door 174554 Relic Coffer Door 174559 Relic Coffer Door 174565 Dark Coffer 174594 Corrupted Songflower 174595 Corrupted Songflower 174596 Corrupted Songflower 174597 Corrupted Songflower 174598 Corrupted Songflower 174599 Corrupted Windblossom 174600 Corrupted Windblossom 174601 Corrupted Windblossom 174602 Corrupted Windblossom 174603 Corrupted Windblossom 174604 Corrupted Windblossom 174605 Corrupted Whipper Root 174606 Corrupted Whipper Root 174607 Corrupted Whipper Root 174608 Corrupted Night Dragon 174609 Cleansed Night Dragon 174610 Cleansed Songflower 174612 Cleansed Songflower 174613 Cleansed Songflower 174614 Cleansed Songflower 174615 Cleansed Songflower 174616 Cleansed Windblossom 174617 Cleansed Windblossom 174618 Cleansed Windblossom 174619 Cleansed Windblossom 174620 Cleansed Windblossom 174621 Cleansed Windblossom 174622 Cleansed Whipper Root 174623 Cleansed Whipper Root 174624 Cleansed Whipper Root 174625 Cleansed Whipper Root 174626 Scholomance Door 174682 Beware of Pterrordax 174683 J.D.'s Manual 174684 Corrupted Night Dragon 174685 Cleansed Night Dragon 174686 Corrupted Whipper Root 174687 Cleansed Whipper Root 174698 Chair 174708 Corrupted Windblossom 174709 Corrupted Windblossom 174710 Cleansed Windblossom 174711 Cleansed Windblossom 174712 Corrupted Songflower 174713 Corrupted Songflower 174714 Cleansed Songflower 174715 Cleansed Songflower 174728 Damaged Crate 174744 Shadowforge Brazier 174746 Etched Note 174764 Witherbark Totem Bundle 174792 Gorishi Silithid Crystal 174793 Gorishi Hive Hatchery 174794 Mirror Lake Waterwall 174795 Auberdine Moonwell 174796 Sandsorrow Watch 174797 Xavian Waterfall 174848 Testing Equipment 180690 Large Scarab Coffer 174857 Jazzik's General Goods 174858 Ironzar's Imported Weaponry 174863 Stove 174872 Stove 175075 Brazier 175080 Zeppelin - Grom'Gol-Orgrimar 175087 The Sparklematic 5200 175124 Rookery Egg 175146 Cooking Brazier 175153 Emberseer Out 175165 Silver Dawning's Lockbox 175166 Mist Veil's Lockbox 175167 Viewing Room Door 175185 Drake_Rider_portcullis 175186 Portcullis_TOBOSSROOMS 175187 DarkIronDwarfRune_A01 175194 Room 7 Rune 175195 Room 3 Rune 175196 Room 6 Rune 175197 Room 1 Rune 175198 Room 5 Rune 175199 Room 2 Rune 175200 Room 4 Rune 175207 Beached Sea Creature 175226 Beached Sea Creature 175227 Beached Sea Creature 175230 Beached Sea Creature 164651 Echeyakee's Lair 175244 Emberseer In 175245 Father Flame 175246 Kibler's Cage 175247 Kibler's Cage 175248 Kibler's Cage 175249 Kibler's Cage 175264 Broodling Essence 175265 Testing Equipment 175266 DarkIronDwarfRune_A01 175267 DarkIronDwarfRune_B01 175268 DarkIronDwarfRune_c01 175269 DarkIronDwarfRune_d01 175270 DarkIronDwarfRune_e01 175271 DarkIronDwarfRune_f01 175272 DarkIronDwarfRune_g01 175284 Campfire 175285 Campfire 175294 OrcSign_DarkfireEnclave 175302 OrcSign_theSlowBlade 175307 OrcSign_ShadowdeepReagents 175308 OrcSign_DarkEarth 164644 The Dead Tree 175319 Darkfire Enclave 175320 WANTED: Murkdeep! 175321 Unforged Seal of Ascension 175322 Forged Seal of Ascension 175324 Frostmaul Shards 175329 Blackwood Nut Stores 175330 Blackwood Fruit Stores 175331 Blackwood Grain Stores 175334 Bijou's Belongings 175336 Purified Food 175350 SmallPortcullis04 175351 SmallPortcullis03 175352 King's Square Gate 175354 SmallPortcullis09 175355 SmallPortcullis08 175356 Gauntlet Gate 175358 Slaughter Square Gate 175359 SmallPortcullis11 175368 Service Entrance Gate 175369 Elders' Square Service Entrance 175370 SmallPortcullis05 175372 LargePortcullis04 175373 LargePortcullis05 175374 LargePortcullis06 175375 LargePortcullis01 175376 LargePortcullis02 175377 LargePortcullis03 175380 ZigguratDoor01 175382 Doomrigger's Coffer 175384 Highperch Wyvern Egg 175385 Darkstone Tablet 175404 Rich Thorium Vein 175405 ZigguratDoor04 175406 Bonfire 175407 Moontouched Feather 175424 Brazier 177271 Orange Crystal Pool 175433 Festival Lane 175434 Crusaders' Square 175435 King's Square 175438 Market Row 175440 Elders' Square 175444 Main Gate 175449 Slaughter Square 175459 To Stranglethorn Vale 175461 Service Entrance 175462 The Gauntlet 175466 Kirtonos Bros. Funeral Home 175467 Goodman's General Store 175469 Pierce's Pistols 175470 Angelista's Botique 175471 The Stone Crow Tavern 175472 Leeka's Shields & Maces 175474 The Bayberry Inn 175477 Enoyls Engineering, Inc. 175478 Chilton's Magic Shop 175479 Legacy of Steel - Fine Weaponry 175481 Cash & Sons - Pawn Brokers 175483 The Orphanage 175484 Fras Siabi's Premium Tobacco 175487 Third Mosh'aru Tablet 175488 Fourth Mosh'aru Tablet 175490 Ogre Poo 2 175491 Ogre Poo 175524 Mysterious Red Crystal 175537 Stratholme Crate Trap - Plague Mist 175539 Ozzie Down 175544 Ball and chain 175564 Brazier of the Herald 175565 Alien Egg 175566 Gloom Weed 175567 Alien Egg 175570 Gate 175571 Ogre Coup Summoning Circle 175584 Challenge to Urok 175586 Jaron's Wagon 175587 Damaged Crate 175588 Spire Spider Egg 175589 Challenge to Urok Trap 175591 Blazing Fire 175592 Cooking Fire 175593 Campfire 175594 Bonfire 175595 Campfire 175596 Small Fire 175597 Campfire 175598 Campfire 175599 Raging Fire 175600 Cooking Fire 175601 Small Fire 175602 Bonfire 175603 Campfire 175604 Cooking Fire 175605 Cooking Fire 175606 Spire Spider Egg 175607 Dark Iron Dwarf Corpse 175608 Dark Iron Dwarf Corpse 175609 Dark Iron Dwarf Corpse 175610 Door 175611 Iron Gate 175616 Iron Gate 175619 Door 175621 Urok's Tribute Pile 175628 Jaron's Supplies 175629 Jaron's Supplies 175644 RuinedSign02 175654 RuinedSign06 175655 RuinedSign07 175656 WoodSignPointerNice10 175657 WoodSignPointerNice11 175658 The Armor of Mannoroth 175659 Here Lies King Terenas Menethil II 175663 GnomeSign_Engineer01 175665 DwarfSign_Fireworks01 175668 PostBoxGnome01 175670 Small Fire 175671 Bonfire 175672 Campfire 175673 Campfire 175674 Raging Fire 175675 Cooking Fire 175679 The Skull of Tyrannistrasz 175680 Fossilized Egg 175681 Roc Talon 175682 Geru Strider 175683 Toothgnasher's Skeleton 175684 Saurial Egg 175685 Pteradon Skeleton 175686 Highborne Astrolabe 175687 Uldaman Relics 175688 Horde Catapult 175689 Uldaman Reliefs 175704 Singed Letter 175705 Doors 175706 Blackrock Altar 175708 Crossroads' Supply Crates 175724 Sargeras and the Betrayal 175725 The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth 175726 Charge of the Dragonflights 175727 The War of the Ancients 175729 Mount Hyjal and Illidan's Gift 175730 The World Tree and the Emerald Dream 175731 Exile of the High Elves 175732 The Sentinels and the Long Vigil 175733 The Founding of Quel'Thalas 175734 Arathor and the Troll Wars 175735 The Guardians of Tirisfal 175736 Ironforge - the Awakening of the Dwarves 175737 The Seven Kingdoms 175738 Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt 175739 War of the Three Hammers 175740 The Last Guardian 175741 Kil'jaeden and the Shadow Pact 175742 Rise of the Horde 175743 Anvil 175744 Anvil 175745 The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind 175746 The Alliance of Lordaeron 175747 The Invasion of Draenor 175748 The Birth of the Lich King 175749 Icecrown and the Frozen Throne 175750 The Battle of Grim Batol 175751 Lethargy of the Orcs 175752 The New Horde 175753 War of the Spider 175754 Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge 175756 The Scourge of Lordaeron 175757 Sunwell - The Fall of Quel'Thalas 175758 Archimonde's Return and the Flight to Kalimdor 175759 The Betrayer Ascendant 175760 Rise of the Blood Elves 175761 Civil War in the Plaguelands 175762 The Lich King Triumphant 175763 Old Hatreds - The Colonization of Kalimdor 175764 Campfire 175771 Arellas Fireleaf 175772 Admiral Barean Westwind 175773 Dorgar Stoenbrow 175774 Fellari Swiftarrow 175775 Ferren Marcus 175776 Harthal Truesight 175777 Holia Sunshield 175778 Invar One-Arm 175779 Orman of Stromgarde 175780 Valea Twinblades 175781 Yana Bloodspear 175784 LumberPile 175785 Inconspicuous Documents 181106 Light Well 175787 Unadorned Stake 175789 Rend Head Event Timer 175791 Font of Power 175795 Andorhal Silo Temporal Rift 175796 ZigguratDoor05 175802 Small Lockbox 175803 Bench 175844 Campfire 175854 The Twin Empires 175855 Empires' Fall 175856 Wrath of Soulflayer 175885 Horde Bell 175886 Roughshod Pike 175887 Finkle Trap 175888 Highborne Relic Fragment 175889 Ancient Egg 175890 Ancient Egg Aura 175891 Highborne Relic Fragment 175892 Highborne Relic Fragment 175893 Highborne Relic Fragment 175894 Janice's Parcel 175924 Locked Cabinet 175925 Outhouse 175926 Mrs. Dalson's Diary 175927 Malyfous's Catalogue 175928 Incendia Agave 175933 Decorated Headstone 175944 Sacred Fire of Life 175946 BossGate 181105 Light Well 175949 Fifth Mosh'aru Tablet 175950 Sixth Mosh'aru Tablet 175964 Skin of Shadow 175965 Frostwhisper's Embalming Fluid 175966 Enchanted Scarlet Thread 175967 The Bastion Door 175968 Hoard Door 175969 DwarvenTunnelPortcullis04 175970 Unforged Runic Breastplate 176004 Subway Bench 176087 Scourge Banner 176089 Unfired Plate Gauntlets 176090 Human Remains 176091 Deadwood Cauldron 176092 Box of Incendiaries 176093 Beacon Torch 176112 Malor's Strongbox 176115 Wanted Poster - Arnak Grimtotem 176116 Pamela's Doll's Head 176142 Pamela's Doll's Left Side 176143 Pamela's Doll's Right Side 176145 Joseph Redpath's Monument 176146 Gate of Ahn'Qiraj 176147 Ahn'Qiraj Gate Roots 176148 Ahn'Qiraj Gate Runes 176150 Musty Tome 176151 Musty Tome 181102 Light Well 176158 Brazier of Pain 176159 Brazier of Malice 176160 Brazier of Suffering 176161 Brazier of Hatred 176163 Rune of Mazthoril 176164 Rune of Mazthoril LT 176165 Rune of Mazthoril UT 176184 The Corrupt Jaedenar Moon Well 176186 Campfire 176187 Campfire 176188 Ritual Candle 176189 Skeletal Sea Turtle 176190 Beached Sea Turtle 176191 Beached Sea Turtle 176192 Catalogue of the Wayward 176194 Hall of the High Command 176195 Panther Cage 176196 Beached Sea Turtle 176197 Beached Sea Turtle 176198 Beached Sea Turtle 176206 Davil's Libram 176207 Redpath's Shield 176208 Horgus' Skull 176209 Shattered Sword of Marduk 176210 Command Tent 176211 Cannonball 176213 Blood of Heroes 176214 Blood of Heroes 176215 Cannonball Stack 176216 Scarlet Cannon 176224 Supply Crate 176225 Arko'niran's Chest 176227 Campfire 176231 Proudmoore's Treasure 176244 Moonspray 176245 Scarlet Archive 176247 Pamela's Doll 176248 Premium Siabi Tobacco 176249 Scourge Data 176264 Campfire 176265 Campfire 176266 Campfire 176272 Campfire 176274 Campfire 176280 Bonfire 176281 Bonfire 176283 Bonfire 176284 Cauldron 176285 Bonfire 176286 Bonfire 176288 Bonfire 176289 Bonfire 176290 Campfire 176292 Campfire 176295 Archive Fire 176296 Portal to Stormwind 176304 Supply Crate 176306 Cage 176310 Serenity's Shore 176311 Pew 176317 The Argent Hold 176325 Blacksmithing Plans 176327 Blacksmithing Plans 176344 Document Chest 176346 Market Row Postbox 176348 Styleen's Cart 176349 Crusaders' Square Postbox 176350 Festival Lane Postbox 176351 Elders' Square Postbox 176352 King's Square Postbox 176353 Fras Siabi's Postbox 176356 Sacred Highborne Writings 176360 Postbox Parcel 176361 Scourge Cauldron 176364 Boat to Menethil 176365 Boat to Teldrassil 176369 Boat to Theramore 176370 Boat to Auberdine 176389 Campfire 176390 Campfire 176392 Scourge Cauldron 176393 Scourge Cauldron 176404 Mailbox 176424 GuildInstanceBLOCKER 176425 Bonfire 176427 Fire 176447 Bonfire 176448 Bonfire 176449 Bonfire 176451 Bonfire 176452 Bonfire 176454 Meat Rack 176455 Meat Rack 176460 Fire 176461 Meat Rack 176463 Cooking Table 176484 The Deed to Brill 176485 The Deed to Caer Darrow 176486 The Deed to Southshore 176487 The Deed to Tarren Mill 176489 Brazier 176495 Zeppelin - Grom'Gol to Undercity 176496 Brazier 176497 Portal to Ironforge 176498 Portal to Darnassus 176499 Portal to Orgrimmar 176500 Portal to Thunder Bluff 176501 Portal to Undercity 176504 Campfire 176511 Onyxia Egg 176513 Lava Fissure 176544 Remains of Eva Sarkhoff 176545 Remains of Lucien Sarkhoff 176546 Eva Remains Ablaze 176547 Lucien Remains Ablaze 176557 Mortar 176561 Krastinov's Work Bench 176562 Officer's Door 176573 Alliance Bell 176575 Officer's Door 176576 Officer's Door 176577 Gate 176578 Door 176579 Door 176581 Hand of Iruxos Crystal 176582 Shellfish Trap 176583 Golden Sansam 176584 Dreamfoil 176586 Mountain Silversage 176587 Plaguebloom 176588 Icecap 176589 Black Lotus 176591 Horgus' Skull Trap 176594 Doors 176630 Keepsake of Remembrance 176631 Menethil's Gift 176632 Door 176634 Kerlonian's Chest 176635 Shellfish Trap 180215 Hakkari Thorium Vein 176694 Gate 176705 Bonfire 176745 Caer Darrow Skeleton 001 176746 Big Barracks Flame 176747 Small Barracks Flame 176748 Bench 176751 Kodo Bones 176752 Kodo Bones 176753 Doom Weed 176767 Torch 176784 Bonfire 176785 Ammo Crate 176790 Cooking Table 176792 Campfire 176793 Bundle of Wood 176794 Windshear Crag 176795 Stonetalon Peak 176797 The Charred Vale 176798 Sun Rock Retreat 176810 Lava Fissure 176843 OnyxiasLairFallingRocks 176865 Sword of Marduk Trap 176897 Cooking Fire 176898 Fire pit 176901 PortcullisActive02 176905 Smoldering Brazier 176907 Conservatory Door 176944 Old Treasure Chest 176945 Camp Mojache 176946 Shadowprey Village 176947 Ghost Walker Post 176948 Nijel's Point 176951 Rune of Koro 176952 Rune of Zeth 176953 Rune of Mazj 176954 Rune of Theri 176955 Rune of Blaz 176956 Rune of Kress 176957 Rune of Mohn 176959 Stonetalon Mountains 176964 Portcullis 176965 Portcullis 176967 Stratholme 176968 Terrordale 176969 Quel'Thalas 176970 Corin's Crossing 176973 Tyr's Hand 176981 Darrowshire 176982 Andorhol 176985 Stratholme 176987 Hearthglen 176988 Andorhal 176989 Tirisfal Glades 176991 Tirisfal 176996 CavernDoor01 177000 Hot Coal 177002 Bonfire 177003 Bonfire 177008 Bonfire 177009 Bonfire 177011 Bonfire 177013 Bonfire 177014 Bonfire 177015 Bonfire 177017 Bonfire 177020 Bonfire 177021 Bonfire 177023 Bonfire 177044 Mailbox (Undead) 177045 Haunted Trap 177047 PortcullisActive05 177048 PortcullisActive06 177049 PortcullisActive07 177064 Mordan's Reagents 177105 Jaedenar 177106 Talonbranch Glade 177109 Moonglade 177112 Winterspring 177116 Stormrage Barrow Dens 400033 Third Tide Pool 177118 Nighthaven 177119 Winterspring 177131 Kel'Theril 177132 Starfall Village 177133 Everlook 177135 Felwood 177140 Frostsaber Rock 177145 Mount Hyjal 177164 Portcullis 177184 ZulGurubMainDoor01 177185 Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. 177186 Turn Back! 177187 Tharnarun's Cure 177188 Door 177193 Doom Portal 177194 Campfire 177198 Door 177199 Archbishop Alonsus Faol 177200 King Llane I of the House of Wrynn 177201 Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore 177202 Lady Mara Fordragon 177203 Gate 177204 Sorrow of the Earthmother 177205 Forestlord and the first Druids 177207 Mists of Dawn 177208 The White Stag and the Moon 177209 Hatred of the Centaur 177211 DireMaulSmallInstanceDoor01 177212 DireMaulSmallInstanceDoor02 177213 DireMaulSmallInstanceDoor03 177215 DireMaulSmallInstanceDoor05 177217 Gordok Inner Door 177219 Gordok Courtyard Door 177220 Crumble Wall 177221 Door 177222 Pteradon Skeleton 177223 Ahn'Qiraj Gong 177224 Troll Drum Sound Object 177226 Book "Soothsaying for Dummies" 177227 Couch 177233 Feathermoon Ferry 177237 Vault Door 177238 Vault Door 177239 Tirion Fordring's Grave 177240 Loose Dirt Mound 177241 Araj's Phylactery 177243 Demon Portal 177246 WroughtIronDoor 177254 OpenDoor 177259 DireMaulCrystalGenerator 177261 Brazier 177264 Symbol of Lost Honor 177265 Bridge to Spirit Rise 177266 Bridge to Elder Rise 177268 Bridge to Hunter Rise 19464 Dreadmist Peak Pool 177272 Moonwell 19463 Cliffspring Waterfall 400001 Foulweald Totem Mound 23505 Gizmorium Shipping Crate 181098 Volcanic Ash 177287 Unfinished Painting 177289 Scourge Cauldron 177290 Brazier 177304 Dawn's Gambit 177307 HyjalGate01 177364 Chair 177371 Gate 177385 Torch 177387 Alchemy Lab 177388 Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Vein 177404 Altar of Elune 177414 Gem of Elune 177415 Light of Elune 177416 Aura of Elune (SMALL) 177417 Fire of Elune 177418 Light of Elune (LARGE) 177419 Light of Elune (SMALL) 177444 Stone Door 177464 Large Termite Mound 177484 Atal'ai Statue 177485 Atal'ai Statue 177486 Aura of Elune (LARGE) 177490 Northridge Lumber Mill Crate 177491 Termite Barrel 177505 Wooden Bench 177524 Bubbly Fissure 177525 Moonkin Stone 177526 Relic Bundle 177527 Relic Bundle Aura 177544 Joseph's Chest 177564 Human Skull 177586 Broodling Essence Aura 177604 Pile of Bones 177606 Father Flame Aura 177624 Xabraxxis' Demon Bag 177644 Moonkin Stone Aura 177664 Rancid Meat 177665 Big Rancid Meat 177667 Torn Scroll 177668 Mark of Detonation 177669 Plaguewood Fire (Small) 177670 Plaguewood Fire (Large) 177671 Plaguewood Smoke 177672 Smokey's Special Compound 177673 Serpent Statue 177675 Mound of Dirt 177677 Shallow Grave 177681 Gordunni Dirt Mound 177683 Gordunni Cobalt Visual (DND) 177684 Stone of Shy-Rotam 177704 Lava Bomb 177705 Naga Beam 177706 Melizza's Cage 177724 Dredan's Table 177725 Dredan's Alchemy Tools 177726 Tool Bucket 177727 Dredan's Forge 177746 Ghost Magnet 177747 Quel'Thalas Registry 177749 Ghost Magnet Aura 177750 Lunar Fungal Bloom 177764 Inferno 177784 Giant Softshell Clam 177785 Bauble Container 177786 Rackmore's Chest 177787 Rackmore's Log 177789 Augustus' Receipt Book 177790 Strange Lockbox 177791 Anchor 177792 Strange Lockbox 177793 Strange Lockbox Agility Trap 177804 Mangled Human Remains 177805 Mangled Human Remains 177806 Mangled Human Remains 177807 Black Dragon Egg 177808 Orb of Domination 177824 Altar 177884 Worm 177904 Wanted Poster: Besseleth 177905 Mercutio Post 177926 Gaea Seed 177927 Tammra Gaea Sapling 177928 Onyxia's Gate 177929 Gaea Dirt Mound 177964 Fathom Stone 177984 OnyxiasLairLavaTrap 177985 OnyxiasLairLavaTrapMirror 100035 Shaman Shrine 11899 Mesa Elevator 11898 Mesa Elevator 47297 Mesa Elevator 47296 Mesa Elevator 4171 Mesa Elevator 4170 Mesa Elevator 176086 Subway 176085 Subway 176084 Subway 176083 Subway 176082 Subway 176081 Subway 176080 Subway 254 Wanted: Chok'Sul 16431 Cracked Necrotic Crystal 181575 Naxxramas Portal 181496 Heigan - Exit Door 181478 Doodad_nox_tesla06 181476 Nox Portal Plaguewood 181287 Frozen Rune 181243 Loatheb Fight Door 03 (not used) 181242 Loatheb Fight Door 02 (not used) 178084 Felix's Chest 178085 Felix's Bucket of Bolts 178087 Thazz'ril's Pick 178088 Ragnaros 178089 Thazz'ril's Pick's Aura 178090 Marla's Grave 178104 Resonite Crystal 178105 Resonite Crystal 178106 Resonite Crystal 178107 Lava Steam 178108 Lava Splash 178125 Lotharian Lotus 178144 Troll Chest 178145 Resonite Cask 178146 Gurda's Shredder 178147 Ruul Snowhoof Cage 178164 Hot Coal 178184 Sapphire of Aku'Mai 178185 Sapphire of Aku'Mai 178186 Sapphire of Aku'Mai 178187 Molten Core Circle SULFURON 178190 Molten Core Circle GOLEMAGG 178191 Molten Core Circle GARR 178192 Molten Core Circle MAGMADAR 178193 Molten Core Circle GEHENNAS 178194 Lava Crack 178195 Warsong Oil 178204 Warsong Axe Shipment 178205 Karang's Banner 178207 Karang's Banner Aura 178224 Dire Pool 178226 Hospital Bed 178227 Murgut's Totem Basket 178228 Murgut's Totem Basket Aura 178229 Aurora's Book 178230 Aurora's Aura 178244 Practice Lockbox 178245 Practice Lockbox 178246 Practice Lockbox 178247 Naga Brazier 178304 Box o' Squirrels 178324 DANGER! Do Not Open! Move Along! 178325 Open To Pass Your Rite. 178364 Horde Banner 178365 Alliance Banner 178386 CentaurTeleporter01 178388 Horde Banner 178394 Alliance Banner 178404 Portal to Inner Maraudon 178425 Christmas Tree (Large) 178426 Christmas Tree 178427 Fountain of Elune 178428 Present 178429 Present 178430 Present 178431 Present 178432 Present 178433 Present 178434 Stocking 178435 Stocking 178436 Stocking 178437 Wreath 178438 Lights 178442 Horde Supply Crate 178443 Small Forge Flame 178444 Shrine of Sha'gri 178464 Dark Cleric Salem's Chest 178465 Altar of Summoning 178484 Tear in the Nether 178504 Stolen Chest 181241 Loatheb - Entrance Door 178526 James' Journal 178551 Lights, Broken 178553 Hive'Ashi Pod 178554 Mistletoe 178556 Wreath scale 1.20 178557 Christmas Tree (Medium) 178559 Larva Spewer 178560 MaraudonStaffCreator01 178561 Spore Tree 178562 Spore Tree 178563 Spore Tree 178564 Spore Tree 178565 Spore Tree 178568 Spore Tree 178569 Spore Tree 178570 Corruption Spewer 178571 Bonfire 178573 Cauldron 178584 Ryson's All Seeing Eye 178605 Ryson's Beacon 178609 Holiday Snow 178645 Lights x3 178646 Alliance Supply Crate 178647 Christmas Tree 178649 Wreath scale 0.75 178664 Steamsaw 178665 Steamsaw 178666 Gypsy Wagon 178670 Circle of Calling 178671 Greatfather Winter's Chair 178722 Alliance Blacksmith Smoke 178745 Lights x3, Broken 178746 Smokywood Pastures 178764 Rope Line 178765 Rope Line Pole 178784 Coldtooth Supplies 178785 Irondeep Supplies 178806 Stormpike Supplies 178807 Stormpike Supplies 178808 Stormpike Supplies 178824 Meeting Stone 178825 Meeting Stone 178826 Meeting Stone 178827 Meeting 178828 Meeting Stone 178829 Meeting Stone 178831 Meeting Stone 178832 Meeting Stone 178833 Meeting Stone 178834 Meeting Stone 178844 Meeting Stone 178845 Meeting Stone 178884 Meeting Stone 178904 Healed Celebrian Vine 178905 Vylestem Vine 178908 Vylestem Vine 178909 Frostwolf Supplies 178910 Frostwolf Supplies 178911 Frostwolf Supplies 178925 Alliance Banner 178927 [PH] Alliance A1 Tower Banner BIG 178929 Alliance Banner 178932 [PH] Alliance A2 Tower Banner BIG 178940 Contested Banner 178943 Horde Banner 178947 [PH] Alliance A3 Tower Banner BIG 178948 [PH] Alliance A4 Tower Banner BIG 178955 [PH] Horde H1 Tower Banner BIG 178956 [PH] Horde H2 Tower Banner BIG 178957 [PH] Horde H3 Tower Banner BIG 178958 [PH] Horde H4 Tower Banner BIG 178964 Celebras Blue Aura 178965 Incantation of Celebras 178984 Bauble Aura 179004 Drek'Thar's Scrolls 179005 Drek'Thar's Scrolls 179006 Vanndar's Documents 179007 Vanndar's Documents 179008 Vanndar's Documents 179024 Stormpike Banner 179025 Frostwolf Banner 179044 [PH] Alliance Graveyard Mid Banner BIG 179064 [PH] Horde Graveyard Mid Banner BIG 179065 Roaring Flame 179066 Smoke Emitter, Large AOI, scale 2 179109 Chair 179115 Portcullis 179116 Portcullis 179119 Fire 179125 Izzy's Holdings 179144 Danger! Crystalvein Mine closed! 179147 Campfire 179148 Lever 179224 Crystalvein Mine - Keep Out! 179264 Giant Clam 179286 Contested Banner 179287 Contested Banner 179304 Contested Banner 179305 Contested Banner 179306 Contested Banner 179324 Frostwolf Landmine 179325 Stormpike Landmine 179344 Bonfire 179345 Deeprun Chest 179365 Portcullis 179419 Brazier 179424 [PH] Alliance Graveyard Mid Pre-Banner BIG 179425 [PH] Horde Graveyard Mid Pre-Banner BIG 179426 Gri'lek the Wanderer 179435 Contested Banner 179436 [PH] Horde A1 Tower Pre-Banner BIG 179437 Wanted: ORCS! 179438 Wanted: DWARVES! 179439 Contested Banner 179440 [PH] Horde A2 Tower Pre-Banner BIG 179441 Contested Banner 179442 [PH] Horde A3 Tower Pre-Banner BIG 179443 Contested Banner 179444 [PH] Horde A4 Tower Pre-Banner BIG 179446 [PH] Alliance H1 Tower Pre-Banner BIG 179450 [PH] Alliance H2 Tower Pre-Banner BIG 179454 [PH] Alliance H3 Tower Pre-Banner BIG 179458 [PH] Alliance H4 Tower Pre-Banner BIG 179465 Alliance Banner 179467 Horde Banner 179468 Contested Banner 179469 Arena Door 179485 Broken Trap 179486 Battered Footlocker 179487 Waterlogged Footlocker 179488 Battered Footlocker 179489 Waterlogged Footlocker 179490 Battered Footlocker 179491 Waterlogged Footlocker 179492 Dented Footlocker 179493 Mossy Footlocker 179494 Dented Footlocker 179496 Dented Footlocker 179497 Mossy Footlocker 179498 Scarlet Footlocker 179499 Ogre Tannin Basket 179501 Knot Thimblejack's Cache 179502 CorruptedCrystalVine01 179503 DireMaulBossForceField01 181240 Loatheb Fight Door 01 (not used) 181235 Grand Widow Faerlina - Web 179506 DiremaulMagicVortex01 179511 Knot's Ball and Chain 179512 Fixed Trap 179516 Fengus's Chest 179517 Treasure of the Shen'dralar 179526 Warpwood Pod 179528 Warpwood Pod 179532 Warpwood Pod 179533 Warpwood Pod 179544 Skeletal Remains of Kariel Winthalus 179545 The Prince's Chest 179547 A Dusty Tome 179548 A Dusty Tome 179549 Door 179551 Hydraxis' Coffer 179552 Schematic: Field Repair Bot 74A 179553 Core Fragment 179554 Meeting Stone 179555 Meeting Stone 179556 The Severed Head of Onyxia 179557 Rallying Call 179558 The Severed Head of Onyxia 179559 Felvine Shard 179560 Rallying Call 179561 Ancient Unfired Sword 179563 Prince's Chest Aura 179564 Gordok Tribute 179565 Dusty Reliquary 179584 Meeting Stone 179585 Meeting Stone 179586 Meeting Stone 179587 Meeting Stone 179588 CavernDoor01 179595 Meeting Stone 179596 Meeting Stone 179597 Meetingstone01 179664 Earth Elemental Rift 179665 Water Elemental Rift 179666 Fire Elemental Rift 179667 Air Elemental Rift 179668 Warlock Mount Ritual Circle 179669 Warlock Mount Quest Symbol 1 179670 Warlock Mount Quest Symbol 2 179671 Warlock Mount Quest Symbol 3 179672 Wheel of the Black March 179673 Doomsday Candle 179674 Bell of Dethmoora 179681 Dreadsteed Portal 181234 Icebellow Anvil 179693 Peasant Light Trap 179694 Death Post 179695 Slain Peasant 179696 Slain Peasant 179697 Arena Treasure Chest 179698 Slain Peasant 179699 Slain Peasant 179703 Cache of the Firelord 179706 A Treatise on Military Ranks 179708 Divination Scryer 181233 Spider Wing Eye Portal Boss 179725 Champions' Hall 179729 Command Center 181231 Plague Wing Eye Portal Boss 179732 SI:7 181229 Portal 179735 Alliance Military Ranks 179736 Champions' Hall 179737 SI:7 179738 Command Center 179739 Hall of Legends 179741 Horde Military Ranks 179742 Hall of Legends 179745 Divination Scryer Aura 179747 Terrordale Haunting Spirit 181213 Abom Wing Eye Portal Ramp 181212 Spider Wing Eye Portal Ramp 181211 Plague Wing Eye Portal Ramp 181210 Deathknight Wing Eye Portal Ramp 181209 Maexxna - Outer Web Door 181203 Heigan the Unclean - Exit Door 181202 Heigan the Unclean - Entry Door 181201 Noth - Exit Door 181200 Noth - Entry Door 179757 GeneralMedChair 181199 Doodad_Nox_door_slime02 181198 Doodad_Nox_door_slime01 181197 Maexxna - Inner Web Door 181195 Anub'Rekhan Gate 181170 Vaccuum - Combat Gate 181169 Icebellow Furnace 181168 Icebellow Furnace 181167 Grand Widow Faerlina Door 181126 Anub'Rekhan Door 179767 Bench 179782 Alchemy Set 179784 Suppression Device 179785 Silverwing Flag 179786 Warsong Flag 179826 Secret Plans: Fiery Flux 179827 Wanted/Missing/Lost & Found 179828 Dark Iron Pillow 179830 Silverwing Flag 179831 Warsong Flag 179871 Speed Buff 179874 Small Brazier 181125 Vaccuum - Exit Gate 181124 Vaccuum - Enter Gate 181123 Patchwork - Exit Door 181121 Thaddius - Entrance Door 179879 Orb of Command 179880 Drakkisath's Brand 179885 Campfire 179888 Rizzle's Guarded Plans 179895 Mailbox (Troll) 179904 Food Buff 179905 Berserk Buff 179906 Food Buff 179908 Slagtree's Lost Tools 179909 Rock of Durotan 179910 Lard's Picnic Basket 179911 Message to the Wildhammer 179912 Message to the Wildhammer Spell Focus 179913 Call to Arms! 179914 Pile of Bones 179915 Pile of Skulls 179916 RazorfenDoor01 179917 RazorfenDoor02 179918 PortcullisActive01 179919 PortcullisActive02 179920 PortcullisActive03 179921 PortcullisActive04 179922 Vessel of Tainted Blood 179963 OUT OF ORDER! Use Postman instead - your GM's 179964 DARKMOON FAIRE - Coming Soon! 179965 Darkmoon Faire Banner 179967 Barrel 01 179968 Haystack 01 179969 Replace Crate 01 179970 Replace Crate 02 179972 Stormwind Crate 01 179973 Inn Barrel 179975 Water Trough Small 179976 Beer Keg 179977 General Lantern 01 179984 Brazier 180005 Darkmoon Faire Wagon Loaded 180006 Outhouse 180007 Excavation Stake 180025 Mysterious Eastvale Haystack 180026 Darkmoon Faire Signpost 180029 DARKMOON FAIRE 180030 Fortune Teller's Tent 180031 Food Tent 180032 Souvenir Tent 180034 Ticket Master Tent 180035 Fence 180036 Darkmoon Faire Wagon Unloaded 180037 Haybail 01 180038 Haybail 02 180039 Animal Trainer Tent 180040 G_Cage 02 180041 G_Cage 03 180042 Target Practice Tent 180043 Free Standing Torch 01 180044 Shoutbox 180045 Stormwind Gypsy Wagon 180047 Westfall Chair 180048 Mug Foam 01 180049 Mug 01 180050 Bread French Half 180051 Bread French 01 180052 Deadmine Cargo Boxes 181120 Gluth - Exit Door 180056 Mysterious Tree Stump 180057 Bubbly Fissure 180100 A.C.M.E. BG Teleport-Device 180101 Teleport Aura 180104 Zandalar Cage 193010 Troll Hut Desert Small 193011 Cannon 180322 Ghost Gate 180397 PVP HOLIDAY GENERIC SIGNPOST 180400 PVP HOLIDAY ALLIANCE CTF 180655 Floating Debris 180682 Oily Blackmouth School 180683 Firefin Snapper School 180712 Stonescale Eel Swarm 180750 Oily Blackmouth School 181355 Standing, Medium, Exterior 179899 Speed Buff 179733 SI:7 179731 Command Center 181232 Abom Wing Eye Portal Boss 179727 Champions' Hall 180405 G_Pumpkin_01 180410 G_HangingSkeleton_01 180472 HangingSkullLight02 180406 G_Pumpkin_02 180471 HangingSkullLight01 180407 G_Pumpkin_03 180408 G_WitchHat_01 180409 G_WitchBroom_01 180411 G_Ghost_01 180412 G_CandyBucket_01 180415 CandleBlack01 180425 SkullCandle01 180426 Bat01 180427 Bat02 180428 G_WitchBroom_01 scale 0.5 180429 G_WitchHat_01 scale 0.5 180431 G_Pumpkin_01 scale 4.0 180432 Forsaken Banner 180433 The Wickerman 180434 Bonfire 180523 Apple Bob 180666 Draconic for Dummies 182096 Doodad_BattlefieldBanner_State_Base_Plaguelands02 182106 Tower Banner 180728 Firework, Show, Type 1 White 179881 The Severed Head of Nefarian 180396 PVP HOLIDAY HORDE ARATHI 180656 Sagefish School 180658 School of Deviate Fish 180663 Sagefish School 180684 Greater Sagefish School 180102 Neutral Banner Aura 180125 Liquid Fire 180164 Sungrass 180165 Purple Lotus 180166 Mountain Silversage 180167 Golden Sansam 180168 Dreamfoil 180184 School of Fish 180228 Jinxed Hoodoo Pile 180229 Jinxed Hoodoo Pile 180244 Jinxed Hoodoo Pile 180247 Jinxed Hoodoo Pile 180323 Gates of Zul'Gurub 180327 Brazier of Madness 180358 Gri'lek, with the Iron Blood 180364 Hazza'rah, the Dreamweaver 180365 Renataki, of the Thousand Blades 180366 Battered Tackle Box 180369 Muddy Churning Waters 180386 Gong 180392 Full Jug 180398 PVP HOLIDAY ALLIANCE ARATHI 180417 Campfire 180421 Alliance Banner Aura, Large 180422 Horde Banner Aura, Large 180423 Neutral Banner Aura, Large 180424 Alterac Valley Gate 180435 Noggle's Satchel 180442 Bonfire 180448 Wanted Poster: Deathclasp 180451 Mailbox 180497 Forcefield 180502 Wind Stone 180503 Sandy Cookbook 180514 Glyphed Crystal Prism 180526 Gong of Bethekk 180529 Lesser Wind Stone 180534 Wind Stone 180632 Alchemy Lab 180633 Crystalline Tear 180657 Firefin Snapper School 180664 Oily Blackmouth School 180667 Draconic for Dummies 180788 AQDOORSOUND 180866 Event Generator Saurfang Pre-War 180898 AQRUNE 180899 AQROOT 180904 Ancient Door 180913 Forge 180915 Cooking Brazier 181056 Naxxramas 181075 Table 181076 Inigo's Chair 181077 Rug 181078 Marjhan's Chair 181079 Eligor's Chair 181080 Angela's Chair 181081 Map of the Eastern Plaguelands 181082 Candelabra 181103 Flower 181104 Small Dirt Mound 181119 Deathknight Door 181130 Forge 181131 Anvil 181143 Fish of the Day 181144 Bowl of Fruit 181145 Roast Boar Platter 181236 Mailbox 181257 Argent Dawn Banner 177270 Corrupted Moonwell 181598 Silithyst Geyser 181618 Tovv@vv - Flag Cap Counter, Alliance 181619 Tovv@vv - Flag Cap Counter, Horde 181899 Doodad_BattlefieldBanner_State_Base_Plaguelands01 181955 Lordaeron Shrine 182075 ElvenWoodenTable 182076 Elf Crate 182077 Night Elf Stool 182078 Nightelf Glowing Bowl 182079 Nightelf Stone Rune 182080 Nightelf Stone Rune 182081 Nightelf Stone Rune 182097 Doodad_BattlefieldBanner_State_Base_Plaguelands03 210312 Ahn'Qiraj Ossirian Crystal 210313 Ahn'Qiraj Ossirian Crystal 210327 Communication Crystal 210328 Communication Crystal 210329 Communication Crystal 210330 Communication Crystal 210331 Communication Crystal 210332 Communication Crystal 210334 Ahn'Qiraj Gong 210335 Twilight Tablet 210336 Twilight Tablet 210337 Glyphed Crystal 210338 Gorishi Silithid Crystal 210339 Ahn'Qiraj Sand Trap 210341 Hive Fireflies 01 210342 Glyphed Crystal 210343 Sand Worm Rock Base 210344 Silithus Crystal Formation 03 210345 Floating Red Crystal Broken 03 210346 Floating Red Crystal Broken 01 210347 Ahn'Qiraj Door 01 210348 Floating Purple Crystal Broken 01 210349 Gastric Exit 400031 First Tide Pool 400030 Cliffspring River Waterfall 400032 Second Tide Pool 180660 Drop-Off Point 400034 Fourth Tide Pool 19602 Venture Co. Engineering Plans Snad pomoze
  7. Asi nevies nejak zohnat videa nejake ingame s toho streamu ?
  8. No nvm jak to bude vete ja som pocuL ze spravia ten druhy datac a thats all .... proste ze sa cu venovat starcraftu a na wow uz sa vykakaju.... ale asi je to len fame
  9. stranky na antrix

    Cybe ty si moc neprijemny clovek
  10. Vyrábění Vendorů

    to asi ne... jedine tak ako to napisal Malf.. ... skusajte robte pokusi... na to pridete casom
  11. Antrix Problem

    Tam moze byt more chyb.. prejdi si ester az podrobne cely navod a skontroluj si to... nieco musis mat zlE
  12. ceny u vendoru

    Tak tak
  13. Jak opravovat databazi!

    Hmm takze to s tym padom .. netusim... to bude asi niekde v revizii chyba abo nvm... znizit DMG setkym potvoram sa da jedine ze by si setkym creaturam prepisoval dmg rucne v databaze .. a to sa ti asi nechce... aj ked sa mi zda ze v manogse to slo v configoch ale asi sa milim.. tie potvory co na seba navzajom utocia maju asi len zly faction to tez musis prepisat rucne ale to sa da aj v hre prikazom ..
  14. Jak opravovat databazi!

    Nvm skus napisat konkretny bug a mozno poradime
  15. Jak opravovat databazi!

    Nj je to tazke ja kym som spravil jeden GO ktory odstartoval quest.. vytvoril quest.. npc ktoreho ho odovzdas trvalo mi to asi 4 hodiny ...