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[WoWEMu]Waypoint Management System 1.0

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Here it is the first release of the Wms.

Credits to Smartwork,Neo and Golgorth for the code and to teamCR for the 1.9 crack making all this possible...

this is the Easiest way to "get things moving" .. ;) ooh and "talking" too....


Readme file :

            Waypoint Management System 1.0 by Dark_Schneider73     
            W0WEmu waypoint deploying utility.                                                 #
Credit to SmartWork,Neo2003,Bloody & Golgorth for the code posted on forums        
I implemented a check to fix minor errors if files where empty,the .mergewp and the
.addswp commands and the npcspeaking commmand ,renamed others more coherently  and
packed all this up.                                

estract the rar file to your W0WEmu folder keeping directory structure (default)
U should now have the following new files/folders : 
copy/paste  the following lines in your Commands.tcl file before your other commands , just after the line :
  switch [string tolower $command] {
  ----------------copy from here ------------------------
  "mergewp" { return [Commands::mergewp $player $cargs] }
  "setwp"  { return [Commands::setwp $player $cargs] }
  "addwp"  { return [Commands::addwp $player $cargs] }
  "addswp"  { return [Commands::addswp $player $cargs] }  
   "showwp" { return [Commands::showwp $player $cargs] }
    "startway" { return [Commands::startway $player $cargs] }
    "endway" { return [Commands::endway $player $cargs] }
    ----------------------to here -------------------------
   How to use the tool :
create 4 macro buttons related to : .startway .addwp .addswp .endway and place them in your favorite bar;)
- move to where u want the start point of the npc and set a Start Point ( .startway button)
- move along the way u want your npc to do fixing Waypoints as often as needed with .addwp button ( remember that npc travels 
following a straight line from a wp to another so, set them appropriately to have the npc follow the right way.
- set a Swp (.addswp button) when u want your npc to talk ( the text stays on till next wp , so set them appropriately)
- when u have set last wp u can close the way ( .endway button).
The script will the tell u that the way has been closed and will give the n# of way start wp.
- now u can merge the user custom waypoint file with the main one (with .mergewp ) and assign it to the npc of your choice : 
create/select the spawnpoint of the npc and in console type ".setwp n#" (n# of start wp). The child npc will inherit the way.
To have a npc talk when @ a specific waypoint u have to create a file on the \npcsay\ dir. named {npc name} with the text to say in it.
Sample stormwind_guard text included in this release
the command .showwp shows  on the minimap where is last waypoint. ( not so useful i know...  working on it to show a  desired wp)


a cpl pics of Npc's moving and talking... :

IPB Image


IPB Image







Suggestions and comments appreciated...


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me funguje...musis to skopirovat do commands.tcl...nebo tak nejak (ty prikazy co tam sou :) )

Jedinej problem byl ze mi to fungovalo az s raidens repackem v, s to neslo :)

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Here it is the first release of the Wms.

Credits to Smartwork,Neo and Golgorth for the code and to teamCR for the 1.9 crack making all this possible...

this is the Easiest way to "get things moving" .. ;) ooh and "talking" too....


Readme file :

            Waypoint Management System 1.0 by Dark_Schneider73     
            W0WEmu waypoint deploying utility.                                                 #
Credit to SmartWork,Neo2003,Bloody & Golgorth for the code posted on forums        
I implemented a check to fix minor errors if files where empty,the .mergewp and the
.addswp commands and the npcspeaking commmand ,renamed others more coherently  and
packed all this up.                                

estract the rar file to your W0WEmu folder keeping directory structure (default)
U should now have the following new files/folders : 
copy/paste  the following lines in your Commands.tcl file before your other commands , just after the line :
  switch [string tolower $command] {
  ----------------copy from here ------------------------
  "mergewp" { return [Commands::mergewp $player $cargs] }
  "setwp"  { return [Commands::setwp $player $cargs] }
  "addwp"  { return [Commands::addwp $player $cargs] }
  "addswp"  { return [Commands::addswp $player $cargs] }  
   "showwp" { return [Commands::showwp $player $cargs] }
    "startway" { return [Commands::startway $player $cargs] }
    "endway" { return [Commands::endway $player $cargs] }
    ----------------------to here -------------------------
   How to use the tool :
create 4 macro buttons related to : .startway .addwp .addswp .endway and place them in your favorite bar;)
- move to where u want the start point of the npc and set a Start Point ( .startway button)
- move along the way u want your npc to do fixing Waypoints as often as needed with .addwp button ( remember that npc travels 
following a straight line from a wp to another so, set them appropriately to have the npc follow the right way.
- set a Swp (.addswp button) when u want your npc to talk ( the text stays on till next wp , so set them appropriately)
- when u have set last wp u can close the way ( .endway button).
The script will the tell u that the way has been closed and will give the n# of way start wp.
- now u can merge the user custom waypoint file with the main one (with .mergewp ) and assign it to the npc of your choice : 
create/select the spawnpoint of the npc and in console type ".setwp n#" (n# of start wp). The child npc will inherit the way.
To have a npc talk when @ a specific waypoint u have to create a file on the \npcsay\ dir. named {npc name} with the text to say in it.
Sample stormwind_guard text included in this release
the command .showwp shows  on the minimap where is last waypoint. ( not so useful i know...  working on it to show a  desired wp)


a cpl pics of Npc's moving and talking... :








Suggestions and comments appreciated...


nemohl by jsi to prosim uploadnout nekam jinam? me to uz nechce z rapidshare stahovat dokud si nekoupim premium account :(


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