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Chybí vám na serveru Relentless itemy u vendoru? Mě chyběli a tak jsem brouzdal a narazil na tohle:




-- Clean up before Insert
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `item` IN (42012,41966,41935,41870,41716,41276,41282,41684,41218,41212,41045,41039,40871,40964,40872,40870);

-- Insert Shoulders to Argex Irongut <Veteran Arena Vendor> with proper Extended Cost
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- Warlock
-- Mage
-- Priest
-- Druid
-- Rogue
-- Hunter
-- Shaman
-- Death Knight
-- Paladin
-- Warrior

-- Insert Shoulders to Kezzik the Striker <Veteran Arena Vendor> with proper Extended Cost
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- Warlock
-- Mage
-- Priest
-- Druid
-- Rogue
-- Hunter
-- Shaman
-- Death Knight
-- Paladin
-- Warrior

-- Insert Shoulders to Nargle Lashcord <Veteran Arena Vendor> with proper Extended Cost
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- Warlock
-- Mage
-- Priest
-- Druid
-- Rogue
-- Hunter
-- Shaman
-- Death Knight
-- Paladin
-- Warrior


Special Weapon`s

-- Trapjaw Rix <Exceptional Arena Weaponry>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 34092;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES

-- Tabard

-- Rating 2200 items (only 3v3 or 5v5)
-- Two hand, Ranged
-- 4250 Arena Points  EC: 2694

-- Main Hand
-- 3585 Arena Points  EC: 2696

-- One Hand
-- 3000 Arena Points  EC: 2697

-- Off Hand
-- 1245 Arena Points  EC: 2699

-- Blazzek the Biter <Exceptional Arena Weaponry>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 34090;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES

-- Tabard

-- Rating 2200 items (only 3v3 or 5v5)
-- Two hand, Ranged
-- 4250 Arena Points  EC: 2694

-- Main Hand
-- 3585 Arena Points  EC: 2696

-- One Hand
-- 3000 Arena Points  EC: 2697

-- Off Hand
-- 1245 Arena Points  EC: 2699

-- Grex Brainboiler <Exceptional Arena Weaponry>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 34091;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES

-- Tabard

-- Rating 2200 items (only 3v3 or 5v5)
-- Two hand, Ranged
-- 4250 Arena Points  EC: 2694

-- Main Hand
-- 3585 Arena Points  EC: 2696

-- One Hand
-- 3000 Arena Points  EC: 2697

-- Off Hand
-- 1245 Arena Points  EC: 2699


Mělo by to fungovat na TDB databázi.


Převzato z trinitydatabase.org

Edited by ZechY

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Tím chybý myslí neprodávaly se ty itemy.



Samozřejmě, špatně jsem se vyjádřil :)

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taky sem pridam neco z trinitydatabase.org


-- Evee Copperspring <Arena Vendor>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 33928;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES

-- Blood Guard Zar'shi <Northrend Armor Quartermaster>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 34062;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- Items sold by 31600 Honor Points
-- Items sold by 49600 Honor Points

-- Knight-Lieutenant Moonstrike <Northrend Armor Quartermaster>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 34083;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- Items sold by 31600 Honor Points
-- Items sold by 49600 Honor Points

-- Vendor Fix - Harold Winston. 3.2 Vendor items.
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 32172; -- Remove Old inventory and insert NEW inventory.
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`, `item`, `maxcount`, `incrtime`, `ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- Replacing Old Gems with new epic gems.
-- (32172,36918,0,0,2484), -- Scarlet Ruby
(32172,36919,0,0,2706), -- Cardinal Ruby - Replaced Scarlet Ruby as of 3.2.
-- (32172,36921,0,0,2484), -- Autumn's Glow
(32172,36922,0,0,2706), -- King's Amber - Replaced Autums Glow as of 3.2.
-- (32172,36924,0,0,2484), -- Sky Sapphire
(32172,36925,0,0,2706), -- Majestic Zircon - Replaced Sky Sapphire as of 3.2.
-- (32172,36927,0,0,2484), -- Twilight Opal
(32172,36928,0,0,2484), -- Dreadstone - Replaced Twilight Opal as of 3.2.
-- (32172,36930,0,0,2484), -- Monarch Topaz -- Orange
(32172,36931,0,0,2484), -- Ametrine - Replaced Monarch Topaz as of 3.2.
-- (32172,36933,0,0,2484), -- Forest Emerald
(32172,36934,0,0,2484), -- Eye of Zul - Replaced Forest Emerald as of 3.2
-- Old stuff. Stays as is.
(32172,40585,0,0,0), -- Signet of the Kirin Tor
(32172,40586,0,0,0), -- Band of the Kirin Tor
(32172,40678,0,0,2523), -- Pendant of the Outcast Hero
(32172,40679,0,0,2523), -- Chained Military Gorget
(32172,40680,0,0,2523), -- Encircling Burnished Gold Chains
(32172,40681,0,0,2523), -- Lattice Choker of Light
(32172,40717,0,0,2534), -- Ring of Invincibility
(32172,40718,0,0,2534), -- Signet of the Impregnable Fortress
(32172,40719,0,0,2534), -- Band of Channeled Magic
(32172,40720,0,0,2534), -- Renewal of Life
(32172,44934,0,0,0), -- Loop of the Kirin Tor
(32172,44935,0,0,0), -- Ring of the Kirin Tor
(32172,45688,0,0,2592), -- Inscribed Band of the Kirin Tor
(32172,45689,0,0,2593), -- Inscribed Loop of the Kirin Tor
(32172,45690,0,0,2594), -- Inscribed Ring of the Kirin Tor
(32172,45691,0,0,2595), -- Inscribed Signet of the Kirin Tor
(32172,45819,0,0,2606), -- Spiked Battleguard Choker
(32172,45820,0,0,2606), -- Broach of the Wailing Night
(32172,45821,0,0,2606), -- Shard of the Crystal Forest
(32172,45822,0,0,2606), -- Evoker's Charm
(32172,45823,0,0,2606), -- Frozen Tear of Elune
-- New Triumph Badge Rings added in 3.2.
(32172,47732,0,0,2685), -- Band of the Invoker
(32172,47729,0,0,2685), -- Bloodshed Band
(32172,47731,0,0,2685), -- Clutch of Fortification
(32172,47730,0,0,2685), -- Dexterous Brightstone Ring
(32172,47733,0,0,2685), -- Dexterous Brightstone Ring
-- New Etched Kirin Tor Rings added in 3.2. iLevel 226
(32172,48954,0,0,2702), -- Etched Band of the Kirin Tor
(32172,48955,0,0,2703), -- Etched Loop of the Kirin Tor
(32172,48956,0,0,2704), -- Etched Ring of the Kirin Tor
(32172,48957,0,0,2705); -- Etched Signet of the Kirin Tor

-- Kezzik the Striker <Veteran Arena Vendor>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 33931;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- Items sold by 31600 Honor Points
(33931,45706,0,0,2596), -- Commendation of Bravery
-- Rating 1800 items
-- Two hand, Ranged
-- 50000 honor points, 1400 arena points 
-- Main Hand
-- 35000 honor points, 1200 arena points
-- Idol, Libram, Sigil, Totem, Wand
-- 1150 arena points
-- One Hand, Off Hand
-- 15000 honor points, 1100 arena points
-- Shield, Held in Off Hand
-- 300 arena points

-- Xazi Smolderpipe <Arena Vendor>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 33926;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES

-- Zom Bocom <Apprentice Arena Vendor>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 33925;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- According to ofi forums and wowwiki this items are no more for buying
-- (33925,42588,0,0,386),
-- (33925,42583,0,0,386),
-- (33925,42578,0,0,386),
-- (33925,42852,0,0,386),
-- (33925,42614,0,0,386),
-- (33925,42620,0,0,386),
-- (33925,42607,0,0,386),
-- (33925,42602,0,0,386),
-- (33925,42597,0,0,386);

-- Trapjaw Rix <Exceptional Arena Weaponry>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 34092;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES

-- Tabard

-- Rating 2200 items (only 3v3 or 5v5)
-- Two hand, Ranged
-- 4250 Arena Points  EC: 2694

-- Main Hand
-- 3585 Arena Points  EC: 2696

-- One Hand
-- 3000 Arena Points  EC: 2697

-- Off Hand
-- 1245 Arena Points  EC: 2699

-- Blazzek the Biter <Exceptional Arena Weaponry>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 34090;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES

-- Tabard

-- Rating 2200 items (only 3v3 or 5v5)
-- Two hand, Ranged
-- 4250 Arena Points  EC: 2694
-- Main Hand
-- 3585 Arena Points  EC: 2696

-- One Hand
-- 3000 Arena Points  EC: 2697

-- Off Hand
-- 1245 Arena Points  EC: 2699

-- Grex Brainboiler <Exceptional Arena Weaponry>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 34091;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES

-- Tabard

-- Rating 2200 items (only 3v3 or 5v5)
-- Two hand, Ranged
-- 4250 Arena Points  EC: 2694
-- Main Hand
-- 3585 Arena Points  EC: 2696

-- One Hand
-- 3000 Arena Points  EC: 2697

-- Off Hand
-- 1245 Arena Points  EC: 2699

-- Argex Irongut <Veteran Arena Vendor>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 33924;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- Items sold by 31600 Honor Points
-- Rating 1800 items
-- Two hand, Ranged
-- 50000 honor points, 1400 arena points 
-- Main Hand
-- 35000 honor points, 1200 arena points
-- Idol, Libram, Sigil, Totem, Wand
-- 1150 arena points
-- One Hand, Off Hand
-- 15000 honor points, 1100 arena points
-- Shield, Held in Off Hand
-- 300 arena points

-- Nargle Lashcord <Veteran Arena Vendor>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 33927;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- Items sold by 31600 Honor Points
-- Rating 1800 items
-- Two hand, Ranged
-- 50000 honor points, 1400 arena points 
-- Main Hand
-- 35000 honor points, 1200 arena points
-- Idol, Libram, Sigil, Totem, Wand
-- 1150 arena points
-- One Hand, Off Hand
-- 15000 honor points, 1100 arena points
-- Shield, Held in Off Hand
-- 300 arena points

-- Lieutenant Tristia <Veteran Armor Quartermaster>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 34077;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- Rating 1650 items
-- 62000 honor points
-- Rating 1250 items
-- 62000 honor points
-- Rating 1300 items
-- 62000 honor points
-- Rating 1500 items
-- 47400 honor points
-- Rating 1750 items
-- 47400 honor points
-- Rating 1450 items
-- 47400 honor points
-- Rating 1200 items
-- 39400 honor points

-- Doris Volanthius <Veteran Armor Quartermaster>
-- Remove data for Vendor
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 34059;
-- Insert completed data
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`) VALUES
-- Rating 1650 items
-- 62000 honor points
-- Rating 1250 items
-- 62000 honor points
-- Rating 1300 items
-- 62000 honor points
-- Rating 1500 items
-- 47400 honor points
-- Rating 1750 items
-- 47400 honor points
-- Rating 1450 items
-- 47400 honor points
-- Rating 1200 items
-- 39400 honor points

-- Vendor Fix - Enchanter Erodin <Heirloom Vendor>
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 35508; -- Remove Old inventory and insert NEW inventory.
-- Creating inventory.
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`, `item`, `maxcount`, `incrtime`, `ExtendedCost`) VALUES
(35508,42944,0,0,2524), -- Balanced Heartseeker
(35508,42943,0,0,2551), -- Bloodied Arcanite Reaper
(35508,42950,0,0,2524), -- Champion Herod's Shoulder
(35508,48677,0,0,2524), -- Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate
(35508,42946,0,0,2551), -- Charmed Ancient Bone Bow
(35508,42948,0,0,2532), -- Devout Aurastone Hammer
(35508,42947,0,0,2551), -- Dignified Headmaster's Charge
(35508,42992,0,0,2532), -- Discerning Eye of the Beast
(35508,42951,0,0,2524), -- Mystical Pauldrons of Elements
(35508,48683,0,0,2524), -- Mystical Vest of Elements
(35508,48685,0,0,2524), -- Polished Breastplate of Valor
(35508,42949,0,0,2524), -- Polished Spaulders of Valor
(35508,48687,0,0,2524), -- Preened Ironfeather Breastplate
(35508,42984,0,0,2524), -- Preened Ironfeather Shoulders
(35508,48718,0,0,2551), -- Repurposed Lava Dredger
(35508,42952,0,0,2524), -- Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders
(35508,48689,0,0,2524), -- Stained Shadowcraft Tunic
(35508,42991,0,0,2532), -- Swift Hand of Justice
(35508,42985,0,0,2524), -- Tattered Dreadmist Mantle
(35508,48691,0,0,2524), -- Tattered Dreadmist Robe
(35508,42945,0,0,2524), -- Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge
(35508,48716,0,0,2524); -- Venerable Mass of McGowan

-- Vendor Fix - Enchanter Isian <Heirloom Vendor>
DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` = 35507; -- Remove Old inventory and insert NEW inventory.
-- Creating inventory.
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`, `item`, `maxcount`, `incrtime`, `ExtendedCost`) VALUES
(35507,42944,0,0,2524), -- Balanced Heartseeker
(35507,42943,0,0,2551), -- Bloodied Arcanite Reaper
(35507,42950,0,0,2524), -- Champion Herod's Shoulder
(35507,48677,0,0,2524), -- Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate
(35507,42946,0,0,2551), -- Charmed Ancient Bone Bow
(35507,42948,0,0,2532), -- Devout Aurastone Hammer
(35507,42947,0,0,2551), -- Dignified Headmaster's Charge
(35507,42992,0,0,2532), -- Discerning Eye of the Beast
(35507,42951,0,0,2524), -- Mystical Pauldrons of Elements
(35507,48683,0,0,2524), -- Mystical Vest of Elements
(35507,48685,0,0,2524), -- Polished Breastplate of Valor
(35507,42949,0,0,2524), -- Polished Spaulders of Valor
(35507,48687,0,0,2524), -- Preened Ironfeather Breastplate
(35507,42984,0,0,2524), -- Preened Ironfeather Shoulders
(35507,48718,0,0,2551), -- Repurposed Lava Dredger
(35507,42952,0,0,2524), -- Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders
(35507,48689,0,0,2524), -- Stained Shadowcraft Tunic
(35507,42991,0,0,2532), -- Swift Hand of Justice
(35507,42985,0,0,2524), -- Tattered Dreadmist Mantle
(35507,48691,0,0,2524), -- Tattered Dreadmist Robe
(35507,42945,0,0,2524), -- Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge
(35507,48716,0,0,2524); -- Venerable Mass of McGowan

Edited by overy

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