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    • Xmat

      Pravidlo pro postování v TTT

      Do sekce Tipy, triky, tutoriály nepatří žádné dotazy.   Postujte sem vaše návody, tipy a různé další věci jež uznáte za vhodné sdělit zdejšímu osazenstvu, ale veškeré dotazy směřujte do sekce Všeobecná diskuse.
    • Replik

      Seznam návodů a důležitých témat v této sekci

      Pro lepší přehlednost jsem vytvořil tento seznam, který vás, méně zkušené, lépe provede touto sekcí. Věřím, že zde najdete, co hledáte. Vypsané jsou návody, které jsou oficiálně uznané jako návody. Běžné diskuze, které neposkytují postupy a rady zvěřejněny nejsou.   Instalace vlastního MaNGOS Serveru Díky těmto návodům budete (měli by jste být) schopni vytvořit a následně spustit váš vlastní server. Nastavení je pro verze s i bez datadisku.   Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (bez datadisku TBC) - Autor Benny Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (s datadiskem TBC) - Autor Malfik Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor charlie Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor kupkoid   Chyby a jejich řešení při přihlašování k serveru - Autor Cybe   Zálohování uživatelských dat   Dávkový soubor (BAT soubor) pro vytvoření SQL záloh - Autor Replik   Kompilování - tvoření vlastních release (revizí)   Tvorba kompilací pro Win32 (MangoScript) - Autor bLuma   Ostatní - těžko zařaditelné, ale neznamená to, že nejsou dobré   VIP Systém - Autor charlie Tvorba Webových stránek pro MaNGOS - Autor zahuba Tvorba teleportačních NPC (MangoScript) - Autor Replik Registrační web (původně předělaná SPORA) Funkční pro Antrix i MaNGOS - Autor Replik Nastavení a spuštění Minimanager pro MaNGOS - Autor BlackMartin Nastavení MaNGOS Website - Autor Artorius   Samozřejmě jsou zde i jiné návody, ale tyto jsou nejvíce používané, proto věřím, že vám budou nápomocné. Tuto sekci budeme upravovat podle potřeby. Pokud by jste něco nenašli nebo si nevěděli rady, hledejte na fóru a teprve potom založte vlastní topik. Pokud nějaký autor vytvoří kvalitní návod a chtěl by ho zveřejnit i v tomto seznamu, doporučuji, aby mi napsal zprávu skrze PM.   Díky a přeji hezký den na WoWResource   Replik
    • Aristo

      Příspěvky tam, kde nemají co dělat

      Dodržujte zákaz přispívání do topiků s repaky pokud si to zakladatelé nepřejí!! Opakované psaní příspěvků bude trestáno warnem.
    • Aristo

      Používání spoilerů

      Poslední dobou má většina uživatelů fora zvláštní nutkání postovat extrémně dlouhé texty nebo kódy, které zabírají v nejedenom případu i 80% obsahu celé stránky a hodně tak zvedají nepřehlednost v topiku. Chtěl bych všechny uživatele požádat, aby při postování citací, jakýchkoliv kódů, errorů, atp... delších než 30 řádků používali funkci spoileru.   Funkci vyvoláte příkazem [spoiler] text [/spoiler]   Ukázka:  
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Jeuties WebWoW Enhanced 1.2

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Ahoj stahnul jsem si tyhle templaty, vse je ok az na vote a donate shop, kdykoliv si chci neco koupit ze shopu na webu napise mi to:


Mail is not sent! Error returned: Table 'characters.mail_external' doesn't existTable 'characters.mail_external' doesn't exist

INSERT INTO mail_external(sender, receiver, subject, message, money, stationery, sent) VALUES("1","1", "WebsiteDonationShopREF139200925", "Enjoy your new reward! Item costed 10 points. Time sent: 09-13-2012, 08:09 Item ID:21176", "0", 0, 1)


Zadny sql soubor do database characters tam nebyl??? diky

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Mail is not sent! Error returned: Table 'characters.mail_external' doesn't existTable 'characters.mail_external' doesn't exist

Očividně jen nemáš vytvořenou tabulku


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Mars jak som pisal malo to vela fixov skus to vygooglit, tymto som to opravil na azgalore

predpokladam ze ti to pise nieco taketo


"Checking for mail in DB... Error: Your mail was not found!

3/10 Rechecking in 3 seconds..."


After the 10 rechecks


Myslim ze ti pomoze nieco taketo http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?t=108229&p=1056184#post1056184

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Pičoviny tu všetci píšete ... 1. Choď to php scriptu kde je sender ... nájdi si všetky slová s typom tohto


a prepíš to na


> pretože trinitycore používa mail a nie mail_external

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Frytiks to sem zkousel ale v ty dbc mail je to jinak udelany, takze kdyz poslu ve hre normalni postu tak to hodi error: to bych musel upravit ten php soubor a v tom se moc neviznam.

ale ted potrebuju poradit s tim webem, jak nastavit php pro jeutiho templatu


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function sendmail($playername,$playerguid, $subject, $text, $item, $shopid=0, $money=0, $realmid=true) //returns, IMPORTANT: do not remove <!-- success --> if success


//send normal, item only

global $db,$a_user,$db_translation;

$subject = preg_replace( "/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $subject); //no whitespaces

$item = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $item); //item id

$playerguid = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $playerguid); //item id

$text = preg_replace( "/[^A-Za-z0-9!-:.? ]/", "", $text); //no whitespaces

$money= preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $money);




if ($item=='')//send item


if ($money=='')





$query_string ='INSERT INTO mail_external(sender, receiver, subject, message, money, stationery, sent) VALUES("'.$playerguid.'","'.$playerguid.'", "'.$subject.'", "'.$text.'", "'.$money.'", 0, 1)';


$db->query($query_string) or ($sendmail=mysql_error());

//find mail id and add item

$sql1 = $db->query("SELECT id FROM mail_external WHERE subject='".$subject."' AND receiver='".$playerguid."' LIMIT 1")or ($sendmail.=mysql_error());


if($sendmail==true && $sql2[0]<>'')

$db->query("INSERT INTO mail_external_items (mail_id,item) VALUES ('".$sql2[0]."','".$item."')") or ($sendmail.=mysql_error());


return "<!-- success --><span class=\"colorgood\">Mail is sent! <br>All done!</span>";


return "<span class=\"colorbad\">Mail is not sent! Error returned: ".$sendmail."<br>".$query_string;




function sendmail_secondpatch($playername,$playerguid, $subject, $text, $item, $shopid=0, $money=0, $realmid=true) //returns, IMPORTANT: do not remove <!-- success --> if success


//send normal, item only

global $db,$a_user,$db_translation;

$subject = preg_replace( "/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $subject); //no whitespaces

$item = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $item); //item id

$playerguid = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $playerguid); //item id

$text = preg_replace( "/[^A-Za-z0-9!-:.? ]/", "", $text); //no whitespaces

$money= preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $money);




if ($item=='')//send item


if ($money=='')




$insert_data = array(

'%reciver%' => $playerguid,

'%subject%' => $db->escape($subject),

'%message%' => $db->escape($text),

'%money%' => $money,

'%item%' => $item,

'%item_count%' => 1


$query_string = strtr('INSERT INTO mail_external(receiver, subject, message, money, item, item_count) VALUES("%reciver%", "%subject%", "%message%", "%money%", %item%, %item_count%)', $insert_data);


$db->query($query_string) or ($sendmail=mysql_error());


return "<!-- success --><span class=\"colorgood\">Mail is sent! <br>All done!</span>";


return "<span class=\"colorbad\">Mail is not sent! Error returned: ".$sendmail."<br>".$query_string;






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ale ted bych uvital pomoc spise s timto

Warning: Illegal string offset 'adb' in C:\xampp\htdocs\lang\en-us.php on line 2

Warning: Illegal string offset 'db' in C:\xampp\htdocs\lang\en-us.php on line 3






$lang['adb'] = "Could not connect to Account Database.";

$lang['db'] = "Could not connect to Website Database.";

$home['home'] = "home";

$status['status'] = "Status";

$Community['Community'] = "Community";

$Media['Media'] = "Media";

$Forums['Forums'] = "Forums";

$Services['Services'] = "Services";

$Wow['Wow'] = "World Of Warcraft ";

$Wow3['Wow3'] = " - Entire World";

$Latest['Latest'] = "Latest Written Posts ";

$View_all['View_all'] = "View all";

$all['all'] = "All Main Posts";

$P_topics['P_topics'] = "Popular Topics";

$comments['comments'] = "Comments";

$loading_forum_sett['loading_forum_sett'] = "Loading Forum Settings";

$post['post'] = "Post";

$reply['reply'] = "Reply";

$Forum['reply'] = "Reply";

$click['click'] = " Click ";

$code_forum['code_forum']= " to view the Forums Code of Conduct.";

$here['here'] = "here";

$Account['Account'] = "Account";

$Account1['Account1'] = "Can't log in?";

$Account3['Account3'] = "Create Account";

$Account4['Account4'] = "Account Summary";

$Account5['Account5'] = "Account Security";

$Account6['Account6'] = "Manage your Account";

$Account7['Account7'] = "Ban list";

$Friends['Keepthem'] = "Keep your friends in game.";


$Support['Support'] = "Support";

$Support3['Support3'] = "Support Articles";

$Support4['Support4'] = "Help! I got hacked!";

$Support5['Support5'] = "Browse our support articles";

$Support6['Support6'] = "Create a new support ticket";

$Support7['Support7'] = "View your active support tickets.";

$Support8['Support8'] = "Knowledge Center";

$Support9['Support9'] = "Ask a Question";

$Support10['Support10'] = "Your Support Tickets";

$Support11['Support11'] = "Get Support and explore the knowledgebase.";


$Games['Games'] = "Games";

$Client_down['Client_down'] = "Game Client Downloads";

$Client_down3['Client_down3'] = "Download World of Warcraft Client";


$Americas['Americas'] = "Americas";

$English['English'] = "English (US)";

$Spanish['Spanish'] = "Español (AL)";

$Europe['Europe'] = "Europe";

$Deutsch['Deutsch'] = "Deutsch";

$Spanish3['Spanish3'] = "Español (EU)";

$English3['English3'] = " English (EU)";

$French['French'] = "Français";

$russia['russia'] = "Pyccкий" ;

$Korea3['Korea3'] = "한국의";

$Korea['Korea'] = "Korea";

$Taiwan3['Taiwan3'] = "繁體中文";

$Taiwan['Taiwan'] = "Taiwan";

$China3['China3'] = "简体中文";

$China['China'] = "China";

$Bulgarian['Bulgarian'] = "BULGARIA";

$Bulgarian['Bulgarian_lang'] = "Български (EU)";

$Greek['Greek'] = "Hellas";

$Serbian['Europe'] = "Serbian";

$Greek['gr_lang'] = "Ελληνικα (EU)";

$Romanian['RO'] = "Romania";

$Romanian['ROEU'] = "Romanian (EU)";

$italy['europe'] = "Italian";

$copyright['copyright'] = "Copyright © 2011 ";

$copyright3['copyright3'] = "Powered by AquaFlame CMS";

$copyright4['copyright4'] = "Resources are in Blizzard Entertainment Property.";


$Welcome['Welcome'] ="Welcome, ";

$logout['logout'] = "Log Out";

$login['login'] = "Log In" ;


$Donate1['Donate1'] = "Donate for";

$Donate['Donate'] = "Donate";


$website['explore'] = "Explore";

$More['More'] = "More";

$Retrieve['Retrieve'] = "Retrieve Lost Account";

$Find['Find'] = "Find us on the Map!";

$or['or'] = "or";

$search['text_bar'] = "Search characters, items and more…";


// Starting the voting translation

$Vote['Vote'] = "Vote System & Simple";

$Vote['Vote1'] = "Vote System for ";

$Vote['Vote2'] = "Spend Points";

$Vote['Vote3'] = "History";

$Vote['Vote4'] = "How It Works";

$Vote['Vote5'] = "Vote Now";

$Vote['Vote6'] = "After you vote you need to wait atleast 12 hours to reset your IP from revoting. Remember to spend your Points wisely. Do not make any mistakes, ";

$Vote2['Vote6'] = " will not return any Points back..";

$Vote['Vote7'] = "Vote/Reward History";

$Vote['Vote8'] = "Your Vote and Reward History";

$Vote['Vote9'] = "There are no logs from your actions right now.";

$Vote['Vote10'] = "Account ID";

$Vote['Vote11'] = "Item ID";

$Vote['Vote12'] = "Date";

$Vote['Vote13'] = "Time";

$Vote['Vote14'] = "V.Points Spend";

$Vote['Vote15'] = "V.Points Earned";

$Vote['Vote16'] = "Site";

$Vote['Vote17'] = " Vote Points";

$Vote['Vote18'] = "You have ";

$Vote['Vote19'] = "The vote id entered is NULL.";

$Vote['Vote20'] = "The vote option does not exist";

$Vote['Vote21'] = "Voting…";

$Vote['Vote22'] = "Thank you for voting.";

$Vote['Vote23'] = "You have already voted in the last 24 hours";

$Vote['Vote24'] = " hours";

$Vote['Vote25'] = " minutes";

$Vote['Vote26'] = " seconds";

$Vote['Vote27'] = " second";

$Vote['Vote28'] = " (click to vote)";

$Vote['CanVoteNow'] = "You can vote now";

$Vote['Vote30'] = "In order to vote you must click the vote option's title.";

$Vote['Vote31'] = "If the vote option has a red X image on its left that means you cannot vote otherwise you can.";

$Vote['Vote32'] = "Every vote option displays the time when you can vote.";

$Vote['VoteLinks'] = "Vote Links";

$Vote['Vote34'] = " hour";

$Vote['Vote35'] = " minute";

$Vote['CanVoteIn'] = "You can vote in ";

$Vote['Earned'] = "Earned";

$Vote['VotePanel'] = "Vote Panel";

// Finishing the voting translation


// Starting the register.php translation

$re['re'] = "Registration of";

$re['re1'] = "Account Creation";

$re['re2'] = "We value and respect your privacy.</b> Find out how ";

$re['re3'] = " safeguards user information by reading our ";

$re['re4'] = "Online Privacy Policy";

$re['re5'] = "Country of Residence:";

$re['re6'] = "Date of Birth:";

$re['re7'] = "Title:";

$re['re8'] = "First Name:";

$re['re9'] = "Last Name:";

$re['re10'] = "E-mail Address:";

$re['re11'] = "Username:";

$re['re12'] = "Password:";

$re['re13'] = "For your security, we highly recommend that you choose a unique password that you don't use for any other online account.";

$re['re14'] = "Password Strength:";

$re['re15'] = "Your password must be between 8-16 characters in length.";

$re['re16'] = "Your password must contain at least one alphabetic character and one numeric character.";

$re['re17'] = "You cannot enter your account name as your password.";

$re['re18'] = "Passwords must match.";

$re['re19'] = "Secret Question & Answer:";

$re['re20'] = "Select a Question";

$re['re21'] = "First elementary school I attended?";

$re['re22'] = "The high school I graduated from?";

$re['re23'] = "Mother's city of birth? ";

$re['re24'] = "Father's city of birth?";

$re['re25'] = "Your city of birth?";

$re['re26'] = "Name of your first pet?";

$re['re27'] = "Best friend in high school?";

$re['re28'] = "Model of your first car?";

$re['re29'] = "Your favorite sports team?";

$re['re30'] = "Your first employer (company name)?";

$re['re31'] = "This information is used for account security related issues such as resetting your password.";

$re['re32'] = "Chat Agreement:";

$re['re33'] = "In order to provide Free Gaming, we will monitor and/or review your text chat, including private, or 'whisper' chat, in the event of complaints from other users or violations of the rules. By clicking the check box below, you agree with the rule of allowing us to review your chat Conversations ingame, to investigate potential violations of the rules. We will not use the information for any reason other than pursuing such violations.";

$re['re34'] = "I consent to ";

$re['re35'] = " monitoring and/or reviewing my personal messages.";

$re['re36'] = "I accept the ";

$re['re37'] = "Terms of Use ";

$re['re38'] = " applicable to my country of residence and if under 18 years old, agree and acknowledge that my parent or guardian has also reviewed and accepted the Terms of Use on my behalf.";

$re['re39'] = "Create Free Account";

$re['re40'] = "Cancel";

$re['mr'] = "Mr";

$re['miss'] = "Miss";

$re['ms'] = "Ms.";

$re['re41'] = "Type your firstname";

$re['re42'] = "Type your lastname";

$re['re43'] = "Type your E-mail";

$re['re44'] = "Confirm your E-mail";

$re['re45'] = "Type the Account Name";

$re['re46'] = "Type your Password";

$re['re47'] = "Confirm your Password";

$re['re48'] = "Answer";

$re['error1'] = "An error has ocurred during your account registration, please try again and if the problem persists please contact with the adminsitration.";

$re['error2']="The password doesn't match!";

$re['error3']="You must type a FirstName";

$re['error4']="You must type a Lastname";

$re['error5']="You must type an E-Mail";

$re['error6']="You must type a Password";

$re['error7']="The Account Name has already taken!";

$re['error8']="You must select a correct date of birth!";

$re['error9']="The E-mail directions doesn't match!";

$re['error10']="You must select a secret question and answer!";


$re['scc2']="Your account and preferences has been resgitrated succesfull";

$re['goPanel']="Navigate back to the ACM";





//Finishing the register.php translation


// Starting register

$Reg['Reg'] = "Required";

$Reg['Reg1'] = "Account Settings";

$Reg['Reg2'] = "Change Your Password";

$Reg['Reg3'] = "You ";

$Reg['Reg4'] = "MUST";

$Reg['Reg5'] = " be offline for this tool to successfully work! Plus you need to be Loged to the website. Use this form to change your password.";

$Reg['Reg6'] = "Error:";

$Reg['Reg7'] = "New password fields must match!";

$Reg['Reg8'] = "Please go back and try again.";

$Reg['Reg9'] = "Your new password is too short!";

$Reg['Reg10'] = "You entered";

$Reg['Reg11'] = "character(s).";

$Reg['Reg12'] = "The minimum length is 5 characters and the maximum length is 15.";

$Reg['Reg13'] = "Please go back and try again.";

$Reg['Reg14'] = "Invalid account name/password!";

$Reg['Reg15'] = "Please go back and try again.";

$Reg['Reg16'] = "Password for the Account";

$Reg['Reg17'] = "has been successfully changed!";

$Reg['Reg18'] = "Account Name:";

$Reg['Reg19'] = "Old Password:";

$Reg['Reg20'] = "New Password:";

$Reg['Reg21'] = "Password Rules";

$Reg['Reg22'] = "Your password may only contain ";

$Reg['Reg23'] = "alphabetic characters (A-Z), numeric characters (0-9), and punctuation.";

$Reg['Reg24'] = "Your password ";

$Reg['Reg25'] = "must";

$Reg['Reg26'] = " contain at least one alphabetic character ";

$Reg['Reg27'] = "and";

$Reg['Reg28'] = " one numeric character.";

$Reg['Reg29'] = "You cannot enter your account name as your password.";

$Reg['Reg30'] = "Your password must be between ";

$Reg['Reg31'] = "eight and sixteen characters";

$Reg['Reg32'] = " in length.";

$Reg['Reg33'] = "For your security, we highly recommend you choose a unique password that you don't use for any other online account.";

$Reg['Reg34'] = "Confirm New Password:";

$Reg['Reg35'] = "Continue";

$Reg['Reg36'] = "Cancel ";

$Reg['Reg37'] = " - Change Password";

// Finishing register


// Starting Account Log

$Log['Log'] = " - Login";

$Log['Log1'] = "Battle.net";

$Log['Log2'] = "Log In";

$Log['Log3'] = "Logging In";

$Log['Log4'] = "Wrong Password";

$Log['Log5'] = "Invalid Account Name";

$Log['Log6'] = "Account Name";

$Log['Log7'] = "Password";

$Log['Log8'] = "Keep me logged in";

$Log['Log9'] = "Log In";

$Log['Log10'] = "You're Logged In";

$Log['Log11'] = "Can't log in";

$Log['Log12'] = "Don't have an account yet? ";

$Log['Log13'] = "Sign up now";

$Log['Log14'] = "Learn how to ";

$Log['Log15'] = "protect your account";

$Log['Log16'] = "Already Logged in?";

$Log['Log17'] = "If you are already logged but ths page does not redirect you to the account then press the following button: ";

$Log['Log18'] = "Account Management";

$Log['Log19'] = "Processing…";

// Finishing Account Log


// Starting Acccount Man

$Man['Man1'] = " - Account Management";

$Man['Man2'] = "JavaScript must be enabled to use this site.";

$Man['Man3'] = "Game Management";

$Man['Man4'] = "World of Warcraft®: Cataclysm";

$Man['Man5'] = "Account Name";

$Man['Man6'] = "Status";

$Man['Man7'] = "Active";

$Man['Man8'] = "Banned";

$Man['Man9'] = "Current Game Source";

$Man['Man10'] = "100% Days";

$Man2['Man10'] = "0% Days";

$Man['Man11'] = "Expansion Pack";

$Man['Man12'] = "Cataclysm";

$Man['Man13'] = "Change";

$Man['Man14'] = "Wrath of the Lich King";

$Man['Man15'] = "Change";

$Man['Man16'] = "The Burning Crusade";

$Man['Man17'] = "Change";

$Man['Man18'] = "World of Warcraft";

$Man['Man19'] = "Change";

$Man['Man20'] = "Region";

$Man['Man21'] = "Europe (EU)";

$Man['Man22'] = " Donator";

$Man['Man23'] = "Unsubscribed";

$Man['Man24'] = "Donate / Buy Subscription";

$Man['Man25'] = "Vote and Get Rewarded";

$Man['Man26'] = "Change your Password";

$Man['Man27'] = "View Account History";

$Man['Man28'] = "Download Beginner's Guide";

$Man['Man29'] = "Download Game Client";

$Man['Man30'] = "Enter your Game Key";

$Man['Man31'] = "Upgrade Account";

$Man['Man32'] = "Cancel ";

$Man['Man33'] = "Not case-sensitive, no spaces or hyphens required.";

$Man['Man34'] = "Character Services";

$Man['Man35'] = "Additional Services";

$Man['Man36'] = "Referrals & Rewards";

$Man['Man37'] = "Game Time & Subscriptions";

$Man['Man38'] = "Character Transfer";

$Man['Man39'] = "Move your characters to different realms or accounts.";

$Man['Man40'] = "Faction Change";

$Man['Man41'] = "Change a character's faction (Horde to Alliance or Alliance to Horde).";

$Man['Man42'] = "Race Change";

$Man['Man43'] = "Change a character's race (within your current faction).";

$Man['Man44'] = "Name Change";

$Man['Man45'] = "Change your characters' names.";

$Man['Man46'] = "Appearance Change";

$Man['Man47'] = "Change your characters' appearance (Optional name change included).";

$Man['Man48'] = "Character Unstuck";

$Man['Man49'] = "Transfer your characters when he gets stuck.";

$Man['Man50'] = "Vote Shop";

$Man['Man51'] = "Vote and get rewarded and support ";

$Man['Man52'] = "to be on the Top List.";

$Man['Man53'] = "Beta Test Realm (Closed)";

$Man['Man54'] = "Arena Pass registration is currently closed. Click here for more information.";

$Man['Man55'] = "Parental Controls";

$Man['Man56'] = "Manage, monitor, and limit your child's play time.";

$Man['Man57'] = "Recruit a Friend";

$Man['Man58'] = "Earn in-game rewards, and more by recruiting your friends, bringing them to the Ultimate Gaming.";

$Man['Man59'] = "Refer a Friend";

$Man['Man60'] = "Get more Friends, to ";

$Man['Man61'] = ", to enjoy the Ultimate Gaming.";

$Man['Man62'] = "Donate Subscription";

$Man['Man63'] = "Add ";

$Man['Man64'] = " Donation Title to your account and unlock illuminative Rewards.";

$Man['Man65'] = " Remote";

$Man['Man66'] = "Use all the features of the Remote Auction House of ";

$Man['Man67'] = "Donate by SMS and Get Rewards";

$Man['Man68'] = "Send Invitations";

$Man['Man69'] = "History/Status";

$Man['Man70'] = "How It Works";

$Man['Man71'] = "Instructions For Recipient";

$Man['Man72'] = "You have ";

$Man['Man73'] = "friends";

$Man['Man74'] = " linked to your account and";

$Man['Man75'] = "referrals remaining.";

$Man['Man76'] = "Level together and faster";

$Man['Man77'] = "Gain rewards if your friend subscribes";

$Man['Man78'] = "Get a unique two-person mount";

// Finishing Account Man


// Starting Header acount

$ha['ha26'] ="Account";

$ha['ha0'] = "Summary";

$ha['ha1'] = "Settings";

$ha['ha2'] = "Change E-mail Adress";

$ha['ha3'] = "Change password";

$ha['ha4'] = "Communication Preferences";

$ha['ha5'] = "Parental Controls";

$ha['ha6'] = "My Payment Options";

$ha['ha7'] = "Contact & General Info";

$ha['ha8'] = "Codes & Services";

$ha['ha9'] = "Vote Panel";

$ha['ha10'] = "Donation Panel";

$ha['ha11'] = "SMS Donation Panel";

$ha['ha12'] = "V.i.P Item Switch Panel";

$ha['ha13'] = "Download Game Clients";

$ha['ha14'] = "Beta Settings";

$ha['ha15'] = "V.i.P Code Redemption";

$ha['ha16'] = "Player Options";

$ha['ha17'] = "Character Unstuck";

$ha['ha18'] = "Name Change";

$ha['ha19'] = "Faction Change";

$ha['ha20'] = "Race Change";

$ha['ha21'] = "Character Transfer";

$ha['ha22'] = "Appearance Change";

$ha['ha23'] = "Refer an Account";

$ha['ha24'] = "Recruit a Friend";

$ha['ha25'] = "Return to Website";

// Finishing Header Account


//Starting Ban List

$BanL['BanL1'] = "Banned By:";

$BanL['BanL2'] = "Unban Date:";

$BanL['BanL3'] = "Duration:";

$BanL['BanL4'] = "Reason";

$BanL['BanL5'] = "Permanent";

$BanL['BanL6'] = "Never";

$BanL['BanL7'] = "Ban List";

$BanL['BanL8'] = "Check if your Account is Banned";

$BanL['BanL9'] = "Account ID";

$BanL['BanL10'] = "There are no banned users right now.";

$BanL['BanL11'] = "Banned List";

// Finishing Ban List


//Starting Chatbox

$ChatB['ChatB1'] = "Shout was empty.";

$ChatB['ChatB2'] = "You Must Login To Shout.";

$ChatB['ChatB3'] = "Page:";

$ChatB['ChatB4'] = "Previous";

$ChatB['ChatB5'] = "Next";

//Finishing Chatbox


// Starting the Char Unstuck translation

$Uns['Uns'] = " - Character Unstuck";

$Uns['Uns1'] = "Progress 100%";

$Uns['Uns2'] = " [step 1 of 1]";

$Uns['Uns3'] = "Game Region Warning";

$Uns['Uns4'] = "You should change your country to Korea, republic of and verify your Personal Residence Number to use Korean games.";

$Uns['Uns5'] = "Game Region Warning";

$Uns['Uns6'] = "The World of Warcraft account merge process is not yet available in your region.";

$Uns['Uns7'] = "If you lost your authenticator, please detach it before proceeding. (Security card service ended 8/13/2010 and was automatically detached.) ";

$Uns['Uns8'] = "If you use Phone Lock: please unlock your World of Warcraft account before merging.";

$Uns['Uns9'] = "Taiwan: 0800-303-585";

$Uns['Uns10'] = "(Not available 10�11AM every first Wed of the month)";

$Uns['Uns11'] = "Hong Kong & Macau: 396-54666";

$Uns['Uns12'] = " Required";

$Uns['Uns13'] = "Game Management";

$Uns['Uns14'] = "Unstuck your World of Warcraft Character";

$Uns['Uns15'] = "Enter the username and password of the World of Warcraft account and the Character you wish to transfer from the stucked area. You will have the opportunity to move or to continue your journey ingame. You must be offline from your account to let this succeed.";

$Uns['Uns16'] = "World of Warcraft Account Name:";

$Uns['Uns17'] = "World of Warcraft Account Character:";

$Uns['Uns18'] = "World of Warcraft Account Password:";

$Uns['Uns19'] = "Forgot your password?";

$Uns['Uns20'] = "If you have forgotten your World of Warcraft password, please contact ";

$Uns['Uns21'] = "Customer Support";

$Uns['Uns22'] = "Unstuck!";

$Uns['Uns23'] = "Cancel ";

$Uns['Uns24'] = "Read more";

$Uns['Uns25'] = "Invalid Account.";

$Uns['Uns26'] = "Invalid Character.";

$Uns['Uns27'] = "That Character Is Not Yours.";

$Uns['Uns28'] = "Your Character Is unlocked.";

$Uns['Uns29'] = "Continue";

// Finishing the Char Unstuck translation


// Starting Index

$Ind['Ind'] = "Next";

$Ind['Ind1'] = "Search Bar";

$Ind['Ind2'] = "Search";

$Ind['Ind3'] = "Promo Advertisement";

$Ind['Ind4'] = "Server Information: ";

$Ind['Ind5'] = " Realmlist : ";

$Ind['Ind6'] = " Patch Version : ";

$Ind['Ind7'] = " Accounts : ";

$Ind['Ind8'] = "Accounts Registered";

$Ind['Ind9'] = " Characters: ";

$Ind['Ind10'] = " Characters Created";

$Ind['Ind11'] = "Recommended Services";

$Ind['Ind12'] = "Recruit a Friend";

$Ind['Ind13'] = "Get your friends ingame and play togethere for free!";

$Ind['Ind14'] = "Transfer a Character";

$Ind['Ind15'] = "Make your Transfers realm by realm, Character by Character!";

$Ind['Ind16'] = "Vote to Save the Day";

$Ind['Ind17'] = "Vote is: ";

$Ind['Ind18'] = "Online!";

$Ind['Ind19'] = "Vote Now!";

$Ind['Ind20'] = "GPS / Visitors Map";

$Ind['Ind21'] = "Map / GPS is: ";

$Ind['Ind22'] = "Online!";

$Ind['Ind23'] = "Check Online Now!";

// Finishing Index


// Starting Services

$Serv['Serv'] = "Services";

$Serv['Serv1'] = " Account Services";

$Serv['Serv2'] = "Use the account services available for World of Warcraft to easily upgrade your game and access a number of additional account options.";

$Serv['Serv3'] = "Account Management";

$Serv['Serv4'] = "Review and change your account security options, use additional account services, and more.";

$Serv['Serv5'] = "Ban List";

$Serv['Serv6'] = "Find which players have been Banned from the server. Beware of what you will see!";

$Serv['Serv7'] = "Armory";

$Serv['Serv8'] = "Trying to find your Character, or a friend's? Browse the ";

$Serv['Serv9'] = " Armory.";

$Serv['Serv10'] = "Recruit a Friend";

$Serv['Serv11'] = "Earn epic rewards for each player you invite to play at ";

$Serv['Serv12'] = "Donation Shop";

$Serv['Serv13'] = "Visit the Donation Shop and check out our services/gifts/prizes/etc.";

$Serv['Serv14'] = "Upgrade your Account";

$Serv['Serv15'] = "Upgrade your World of Warcraft Account!";

$Serv['Serv16'] = "Account Services";


$Serv['Serv18'] = "Refer-A-Friend";

$Serv['Serv19'] = "CHARACTER SERVICES";

$Serv['Serv20'] = "Trade Characters";

$Serv['Serv21'] = "Character Name Change";

$Serv['Serv22'] = "Character Race Change";

$Serv['Serv23'] = "Character Faction Change";

$Serv['Serv24'] = "Character Customization";

$Serv['Serv25'] = "Website Options";

$Serv['Serv26'] = "Change Website Theme";

$Serv['Serv27'] = "Change Avatar";

$Serv['Serv28'] = "Request GM Application";

$Serv['Serv29'] = "Request GM Trial";

$Serv['Serv30'] = "Download WoW Client";

$Serv['Serv31'] = "Change your avatar";

$Serv['Serv32'] = "You can change your avatar.";

$Serv['Serv33'] = "Changing Avatar";

$Serv['Serv34'] = "Error";

$Serv['Serv35'] = "Your avatar has been changed.";

$Serv['Serv36'] = "Submit";

$Serv['Serv37'] = "You need to be logged in to use this service.";

// Finishing Services


// Starting the Forum Translation

$Forum['Forum'] = "AquaFlame CMS";

$Forum['Forum1'] = "AquaFlame CMS - Redirection";

$Forum['Forum2'] = "Grats.";

$Forum['Forum3'] = " You broke it.";

$Forum['Forum4'] = "Please wait while we are Redirecting you to the Account Management.";

$Forum['Forum5'] = "or";

$Forum['Forum6'] = "This page doesn't exist or some other horrible error has occurred.";

$Forum['Forum7'] = "Forums";

$Forum['Forum8'] = "New Topic";

$Forum['Forum9'] = "World of Warcraft";

$Forum['Forum10'] = "Forums";

$Forum['Forum11'] = "Empty Thread Name";

$Forum['Forum12'] = "Empty Thread Content";

$Forum['Forum13'] = "Internal Error";

$Forum['Forum14'] = "Creating Thread…";

$Forum['Forum15'] = "Could not post the thread!";

$Forum['Forum16'] = "Thread has been successfully created.";

$Forum['Forum17'] = "Create Thread";

$Forum['Forum18'] = "No Realm";

$Forum['Forum19'] = "Profile";

$Forum['Forum20'] = "Level Race Class";

$Forum['Forum21'] = "Preview";

$Forum['Forum22'] = "Edit";

$Forum['Forum23'] = "Submit";

$Forum['Forum24'] = "Please report any Code of Conduct violations, including:";

$Forum['Forum25'] = "Threats of violence. ";

$Forum['Forum26'] = "We take these seriously and will alert the proper authorities.";

$Forum['Forum27'] = "Posts containing personal information about other players. ";

$Forum['Forum28'] = "This includes physical addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and inappropriate photos and/or videos.";

$Forum['Forum29'] = "Harassing or discriminatory language. ";

$Forum['Forum30'] = "This will not be tolerated.";

$Forum['Forum31'] = "Click ";

$Forum['Forum32'] = "here";

$Forum['Forum33'] = " to view the Forums Code of Conduct.";

$Forum['Forum34'] = "World of Warcraft";

$Forum['Forum35'] = "Forums";

$Forum['Forum36'] = "Request forum does not exist…";

$Forum['Forum37'] = "Redirecting…";

$Forum['Forum38'] = "Advanced";

$Forum['Forum39'] = "Simple";

$Forum['Forum40'] = "Create Thread";

$Forum['Forum41'] = "Replies";

$Forum['Forum42'] = "Views";

$Forum['Forum43'] = "Last Poster";

$Forum['Forum44'] = "No Threads in this forum.";

$Forum['Forum45'] = "Last Page";

$Forum['Forum46'] = "Next >";

$Forum['Forum47'] = "Not Logged In";

$Forum['Forum48'] = "Subject";

$Forum['Forum49'] = "Author";

$Forum['Forum50'] = "Jump to first Blizzard Post";

$Forum['Forum51'] = "Last Post by";

$Forum['Forum52'] = "on";

$Forum['Forum53'] = "Editing Post";

$Forum['Forum54'] = "Could not edit.";

$Forum['Forum55'] = "Thread has been successfully edited.";

$Forum['Forum56'] = "Thread";

$Forum['Forum57'] = "Post";

$Forum['Forum58'] = "Could not post the reply!";

$Forum['Forum59'] = "Request thread does not exist…";

$Forum['Forum60'] = "Topic";

$Forum['Forum61'] = "Add a reply";

$Forum['Forum62'] = "View posts";

$Forum['Forum63'] = "Staff Member";

$Forum['Forum64'] = "Moderator";

$Forum['Forum65'] = "No Guild";

$Forum['Forum66'] = "No Characters";

$Forum['Forum67'] = "Edited by";

$Forum['Forum68'] = "on";

$Forum['Forum69'] = "Posted Date : ";

$Forum['Forum70'] = "Rate is Disabled.";

$Forum['Forum71'] = "Next Blizzard Post";

$Forum['Forum72'] = "Quote";

$Forum['Forum73'] = "Reply to Thread";

$Forum['Forum74'] = "This thread is locked";

$Forum['Forum75'] = "In order to post you must to be logged in";

$Forum['Forum76'] = "Forum Post created…";

$Forum['Forum77'] = "Latest Blizzard Posts";

$Forum['Forum78'] = "All Blizzard posts";

$Forum['Forum79'] = "Popular Topics";

$Forum['Forum80'] = "in";

// Finishing the Forum Translation



$uplate['login'] = "<strong>Log in now</strong> to enhance and personalize your experience!";

$uplate['profile'] = "Profile";

$uplate['post'] = "View my posts";

$uplate['auction'] = "View my auctions";

$uplate['events'] = "View my events";

$uplate['manage'] = "Manage your characters";

$uplate['customize'] = "Personalize the characters that apear in this menu.";

$uplate['r1'] = "Human";

$uplate['r2'] = "Orc";

$uplate['r3'] = "Dwarf";

$uplate['r4'] = "Night Elf";

$uplate['r5'] = "Undead";

$uplate['r6'] = "Tauren";

$uplate['r7'] = "Gnome";

$uplate['r8'] = "Troll";

$uplate['r9'] = "Goblin";

$uplate['r10'] = "Blood elf";

$uplate['r11'] = "Draenei";

$uplate['r22'] = "Wargen";

$uplate['r'] = "All Races";

$uplate['nochars'] = "No characters have been found";

//finish userplate


//Starting Armory

$armory['talents'] = "TALENTS";

$armory['APoints'] = "Arena";

$armory['summary'] = "Summary";

$armory['reputation'] = "Reputation";

$armory['3d'] = "3D Model";

$armory['advanced'] = "Advanced";

$armory['itemlevel'] = "Avareage item level";

$armory['equipped'] = "Equipped";

$armory['audit'] = "Character revision";

$armory['what'] = "What is this?";

$armory['emptyGlyph'] = "empty glyph slot";

$armory['unenchanted'] = "Not enchanted objects";

$armory['reforging'] = "Reforging";

$armory['enchant'] = "Enchants and Bonusses";

$armory['armour'] = "Armour";

$armory['stamina'] = "Stamina";

$armory['strength'] = "Strength";

$armory['gems'] = "Gems";

$armory['noGems'] = "This Character don't have gems.";

$armory['activity'] = "Recent Activity";

$armory['noActivity'] = "There is no recent activity.";

$armory['disable'] = "This feature is disable.";

$armory['early'] = "See previous activity.";

$armory['race1'] = "Human";

$armory['race2'] = "Orc";

$armory['race3'] = "Dwarf";

$armory['race4'] = "Nigth Elf";

$armory['race5'] = "Undead";

$armory['race6'] = "Tauren";

$armory['race7'] = "Gnome";

$armory['race8'] = "Troll";

$armory['race9'] = "Goblin";

$armory['race10'] = "Blood Elf";

$armory['race11'] = "Draenei";

$armory['race22'] = "Wargen";

$armory['oflvl'] = " of level ";

$armory['class1'] = "Warraior";

$armory['class2'] = "Paladin";

$armory['class3'] = "Hunter";

$armory['class4'] = "Rogue";

$armory['class5'] = "Priest";

$armory['class6'] = "Death Knigth";

$armory['class7'] = "Shaman";

$armory['class8'] = "Mage";

$armory['class9'] = "Warlock";

$armory['class11'] = "Druid";

$armory['branch398'] ="Blood";

$armory['branch399'] ="Frost";

$armory['branch400'] ="Unholy";

$armory['branch752'] ="Balance";

$armory['branch750'] ="Feral Combat";

$armory['branch748'] ="Restoration";

$armory['branch811'] ="Beast Mastery";

$armory['branch807'] ="Marksmanship";

$armory['branch809'] ="Survival";

$armory['branch799'] ="Arcane";

$armory['branch851'] ="Fire";

$armory['branch823'] ="Frost";

$armory['branch831'] ="Holy";

$armory['branch839'] ="Protection";

$armory['branch855'] ="Retribution";

$armory['branch760'] ="Discipline";

$armory['branch813'] ="Holy";

$armory['branch795'] ="Shadow";

$armory['branch182'] ="Assassination";

$armory['branch181'] ="Combat";

$armory['branch184'] ="Subtlety";

$armory['branch261'] ="Elemental";

$armory['branch263'] ="Enhancenment";

$armory['branch262'] ="Restoration";

$armory['branch871'] ="Affliction";

$armory['branch867'] ="Demonology";

$armory['branch865'] ="Destruction";

$armory['branch746'] ="Arms";

$armory['branch815'] ="Fury";

$armory['branch845'] ="Protection";

$armory['branch0'] ="Talents";

$armory['branch'] ="Talents";





$armory['AP']="Attack Power";









$armory['spellP']="Spell Power";


$armory['manaReg']="Mana regeneration";

$armory['combatReg']="In Combat regeneration";





$armory['Other'] ="Other";

$armory['Base'] ="Base";

$armory['Melee'] ="Melee";

$armory['Ranged'] ="Ranged";

$armory['Spell'] = "Spell";

$armory['Defense'] = "Defense";











$armory['showAll']="Show all the stats";

$armory['showMain']="Show just the main stats";

$armory['Faction1'] = "Horde";

$armory['Faction0'] = "Alliance";

//Finish Armory












$status['newP']="New Players";


$status['noResults']="There is not match founds for this parameters.";

$guild['Guilds'] = "Guilds";

$arena['Teams'] = "Arena Teams";

$statNav['AllRealms'] = "All Realms";

$statNav['TopHonor'] = "Top Honor";

$statNav['TopConquest'] = "Top Conquest";

$Index['NoArticles'] = "No Articles";

$Index['By'] = "By";

//Finish Others



$search['Name'] = "Name";

$search['Level'] = "Level";

$search['Race'] = "Race";

$search['Class'] = "Class";

$search['Faction'] = "Faction";

$search['Guild'] = "Guild";

$search['Realm'] = "Realm";

$search['Battlegroup'] = "Battlegroup";

$search['Show'] = "Showing";

$search['Results'] = "results";

$search['Of'] = "of";

$search['sumResults'] = "Summary of results for ";

$search['charResults'] = "Character results for ";

$search['guildResults'] = "Guild results for ";

$search['arenaResults'] = "Arena Team results for ";

$search['forumResults'] = "Forum results for ";

$search['again'] = "Please search again…";

$search['noResults1'] = "Your search for ";

$search['noResults2'] = " has no matches.";

$search['sugg'] = "Suggestions for searching: ";

$search['sugg1'] = "Make sure all words are spelled correctly";

$search['sugg2'] = "Try using more general keywords";

$search['sugg3'] = "If you know a character's name and realm, use the format character@realm";

$search['summ'] = "Summary";

$search['prev'] = "Prev";

$search['articles'] = "Articles";

$search['Mode'] = "Mode";

$search['Rating'] = "Rating";

$search['forumResults'] = "Forum results for ";

$search['publi'] = "Published by ";

//Finish Search



$style['bold'] = "Bold";

$style['italics'] = "Italics";

$style['underline'] = "Underline";

$style['list'] = "Unordered List";

$style['listItem'] = "List Item";

$style['quote'] = "Quote";

$style['quoteBy'] = "";

$style['unformat'] = "";

$style['cleanup'] = "";

$style['code'] = "Code Blocks";

$style['item'] = "Wow Item";

$style['itemPrompt'] = "";

$style['url'] = "";

$style['urlPrompt'] = "";

//Finish Styles


//Game Client

$GameCli['Game1'] = "Download Games";

$GameCli['Game2'] = "Game Management";

$GameCli['Game3'] = "Game Client Downloads";

$GameCli['Game4'] = "File Details";

$GameCli['Game5'] = "Language";

$GameCli['Game6'] = "Windows Link";

$GameCli['Game7'] = "Mac Link";

$GameCli['Game8'] = "Full Game Client";

$GameCli['Game9'] = "Europe";

$GameCli['Game10'] = "(Change)";

$GameCli['Game11'] = "Public Test Realm Client";

$GameCli['Game12'] = "Free Starter Edition";

$GameCli['Game13'] = "Beginner's Guide";

$GameCli['Game14'] = "European Language Packs";

$GameCli['Game15'] = "Used for patching a game client with a different language.";

$GameCli['Game16'] = "(Requires the European full game client.)";

//Finish Game Client



$Community['comm1'] = "Contests";

$Community['comm2'] = "Past and present contests for you to check out and participate in. Check it out now!";

$Community['comm3'] = "Get in touch with other ";

$Community['comm4'] = " gamers via the official World of Warcraft forums.";

$Community['comm5'] = "Submit Fan Art";

$Community['comm6'] = "Submit Media";

$Community['comm7'] = "Submit Screenshots";

$Community['comm8'] = "Submit Wallpapers";

$Community['comm9'] = "Social Media";

$Community['comm10'] = "Follow us on Facebook.";

$Community['comm11'] = "Tweet us on Twitter.";

$Community['comm12'] = "Subscribe on Youtube.";

$Community['comm13'] = "Community Links";

$Community['comm14'] = "Join our community.";

$Community['FanArt'] = "Fan Art";

$Community['Screenshots'] = "Screenshots";

$Community['Wallpap'] = "Wallpapers";

$Community['Media'] = "Media";

//Finish Community



$Status['RealmStat'] = "Realm Status";

$Status['Stat1'] = "This page lists all available World of Warcraft realms as well as the status of each. A realm can be listed as either Up or Down. Messages related to realm status and scheduled maintenance will be posted in the ";

$Status['Stat2'] = " Let us apologize in advance if your Realm is listed as down. Chances are we are working diligently to bring it back online as quickly as possible.";

$Status['ServStat'] = "Service Status forum.";

$Status['Status'] = "Status";

$Status['All'] = "All";

$Status['Up'] = "Up";

$Status['Down'] = "Down";

$Status['RealmName'] = "Realm Name";

$Status['Type'] = "Type";

$Status['Locale'] = "Locale";

$Status['spanish'] = "spanish";

$Status['german'] = "german";

$Status['french'] = "french";

$Status['tournament'] = "tournament";

$Status['russian'] = "russian";

$Status['english'] = "english";

$Status['Queue'] = "Queue";

$Status['Reset'] = "Reset";

$Status['Information'] = "Information";

$Status['Population'] = "Population";

$Status['OnNow'] = "Online Now";

$Status['ClickOnline'] = "Click to view the Online Players";

$Status['Statistics'] = "Statistics";

$Status['StatRealms'] = "Realm Status";

$Status['Months'] = " Months";

$Status['Days'] = " Days";

$Status['Hours'] = " Hours";

$Status['Min'] = " Min";

$Status['Uptime:'] = "Uptime:";

$Status['Tipe'] = "Type: ";

$Status['PjCreat'] = "Created Characters: ";

$Status['Drop'] = "Drop: ";

$Status['PjConect'] = "Connected characters: ";

$Status['Exp'] = "Experience: ";

$Status['Ali'] = "Aliance";

$Status['Horde'] = "Horde";

$Status['PlOnLine'] = "Online.";

$Status['Stat3'] = "This page lists all available World of Failure Players inside the ";

$Status['Stat4'] = " Realm as well as the stats of each. The Character can be listed as either Horde or Alliance. Let us apologize in advance if you find any player that is not listed, it takes 5 seconds to refresh the list.";

$Status['Faction'] = "Faction";

$Status['Name'] = "Name";

$Status['Race'] = "Race";

$Status['Human'] = "Human";

$Status['Dwarf'] = "Dwarf";

$Status['NightElf'] = "Night Elf";

$Status['Gnome'] = "Gnome";

$Status['Draenei'] = "Draenei";

$Status['Worgen'] = "Worgen";

$Status['Orc'] = "Orc";

$Status['Troll'] = "Troll";

$Status['Tauren'] = "Tauren";

$Status['Undead'] = "Undead";

$Status['BloodElf'] = "Blood Elf";

$Status['Goblin'] = "Goblin";

$Status['Class'] = "Class";

$Status['Warrior'] = "Warrior";

$Status['Paladin'] = "Paladin";

$Status['Rogue'] = "Rogue";

$Status['Mage'] = "Mage";

$Status['Druid'] = "Druid";

$Status['Warlock'] = "Warlock";

$Status['Hunter'] = "Hunter";

$Status['Shaman'] = "Shaman";

$Status['Priest'] = "Priest";

$Status['DeathKnight'] = "Death Knight.";

$Status['Level'] = "Level";

$Status['CataLev'] = "Cataclysm Levels";

$Status['WoTLKLev'] = "WoTLK Levels";

$Status['BCLev'] = "Burning Crusade Levels";

$Status['VanLev'] = "Vanilla Levels";

$Status['Location'] = "Location";

$Status['Male'] = "Male";

$Status['Female'] = "Female";

$Status['EastKingd'] = "Eastern Kingdoms";

$Status['LostIsle'] = "Lost Isles / Kezan";

$Status['Gilneas'] = "Gilneas City";

$Status['Kalimdor'] = "Kalimdor";

$Status['Outland'] = "Outland";

$Status['Northrend'] = "Northrend";

$Status['NotConected'] = "There is none connected right now.";

$Status['RlmStat'] = "Realm Statistics";

$Status['Stat5'] = "This page lists all available Information for the Players - Characters that are created on ";

$Status['Stat6'] = " realm as well as the status of each. A realm can have unlimited characters and can host more that 5000 players. Messages related to realm status and scheduled maintenance will be posted in the ";

$Status['Stat7'] = "Service Status.";

$Status['Stat8'] = " Let us apologize in advance if the Statistics have crashed or are counted wrong. Chances are we are working diligently to fix the problem, if there is one, so please leave a comment on the forums, and we will fix it as soon as possible.";

$Status['CharCreat'] = " Characters Created - ";

$Status['CharOn'] = " Players Online - ";

$Status['StatClass'] = "Statistics by Class";

$Status['StatRace'] = "Statistics by Race";

$Status['Pandaren'] = "Pandaren";

$Status['ReqMistPand'] = "Requires Mists of Pandaria";

$Status['PandNoAval'] = "Pandaren are NOT available.";

//Finish Status



$Media['SendMedia'] = "Send Multimedia";

$Media['SendWallp'] = "Send Wallpapers";

$Media['SendScreensh'] = "Send Screenshots";

$Media['SendArt'] = "Send Artwork";

$Media['SendComic'] = "Send Comics";

$Media['SendVideo'] = "Send Vídeos";

$Media['Media'] = "Media";

$Media['AllVideos'] = "All Videos";

$Media['SendSuccse'] = " The media has been send successfully! Now a moderator must approve it. It may take up to 24 hours.";

$Media['ErrorSend'] = "An ERROR has occured while saving the media in the database!";

$Media['SendVideo2'] = "Send your videos related to World of Warcraft!";

$Media['ChooseMediaSend'] = "Select content to send:";

$Media['Videos'] = "Videos";

$Media['Wallpapers'] = "Wallpapers";

$Media['Screenshots'] = "Screenshots";

$Media['Artwork'] = "Artwork";

$Media['Comics'] = "Comics";

$Media['AllFildRequiered'] = "All fields are required.";

$Media['LargeText'] = "To send a media file you must be logged in to the web. After sending the media file, a moderator will review it and within hours if their content is suitable, will be published.";

$Media['TitleVideo'] = "Video title:";

$Media['LinkVideo'] = "Full Youtube Link: ";

$Media['Description'] = "Descriptionn: ";

$Media['SendVideo'] = "Send";

$Media['DelFields'] = "Clear fields";

$Media['Previous'] = "Anterior";

$Media['Next'] = "Siguiente";

$Media['Cancel'] = "Cancel";

$Media['CommentPosted'] = "Comment Posted";

$Media['NotPostComment'] = "Could not post the comment!";

$Media['SendCorrect'] = "Succes";

$Media['Title'] = "Title";

$Media['File'] = "File";

$Media['Multimedia'] = "Multimedia";

//Finish Media





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Nerobím sa múdrym ... ale ak je niekto slepý ?




function sendmail($playername,$playerguid, $subject, $text, $item, $shopid=0, $money=0, $realmid=true) //returns, IMPORTANT: do not remove <!-- success --> if success


//send normal, item only

global $db,$a_user,$db_translation;

$subject = preg_replace( "/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $subject); //no whitespaces

$item = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $item); //item id

$playerguid = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $playerguid); //item id

$text = preg_replace( "/[^A-Za-z0-9!-:.? ]/", "", $text); //no whitespaces

$money= preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $money);




if ($item=='')//send item


if ($money=='')





$query_string ='INSERT INTO mail_external(sender, receiver, subject, message, money, stationery, sent) VALUES("'.$playerguid.'","'.$playerguid.'", "'.$subject.'", "'.$text.'", "'.$money.'", 0, 1)';


$db->query($query_string) or ($sendmail=mysql_error());

//find mail id and add item

$sql1 = $db->query("SELECT id FROM mail_external WHERE subject='".$subject."' AND receiver='".$playerguid."' LIMIT 1")or ($sendmail.=mysql_error());


if($sendmail==true && $sql2[0]<>'')

$db->query("INSERT INTO mail_external_items (mail_id,item) VALUES ('".$sql2[0]."','".$item."')") or ($sendmail.=mysql_error());


return "<!-- success --><span class=\"colorgood\">Mail is sent! <br>All done!</span>";


return "<span class=\"colorbad\">Mail is not sent! Error returned: ".$sendmail."<br>".$query_string;




function sendmail_secondpatch($playername,$playerguid, $subject, $text, $item, $shopid=0, $money=0, $realmid=true) //returns, IMPORTANT: do not remove <!-- success --> if success


//send normal, item only

global $db,$a_user,$db_translation;

$subject = preg_replace( "/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $subject); //no whitespaces

$item = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $item); //item id

$playerguid = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $playerguid); //item id

$text = preg_replace( "/[^A-Za-z0-9!-:.? ]/", "", $text); //no whitespaces

$money= preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $money);




if ($item=='')//send item


if ($money=='')




$insert_data = array(

'%reciver%' => $playerguid,

'%subject%' => $db->escape($subject),

'%message%' => $db->escape($text),

'%money%' => $money,

'%item%' => $item,

'%item_count%' => 1


$query_string = strtr('INSERT INTO mail_external(receiver, subject, message, money, item, item_count) VALUES("%reciver%", "%subject%", "%message%", "%money%", %item%, %item_count%)', $insert_data);


$db->query($query_string) or ($sendmail=mysql_error());


return "<!-- success --><span class=\"colorgood\">Mail is sent! <br>All done!</span>";


return "<span class=\"colorbad\">Mail is not sent! Error returned: ".$sendmail."<br>".$query_string;






>>Všetky mail_external jednoducho prepíš na mail ... to je všetko

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ta tabulka mail a mail_extender je docela dost odlysna takze to nejde a jeste k tomu kdyz ve hre napisu postu tak to hodi error, uz sem to psal nahore


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a co bude s timto




ale ted bych uvital pomoc spise s timto

Warning: Illegal string offset 'adb' in C:\xampp\htdocs\lang\en-us.php on line 2

Warning: Illegal string offset 'db' in C:\xampp\htdocs\lang\en-us.php on line 3






$lang['adb'] = "Could not connect to Account Database.";

$lang['db'] = "Could not connect to Website Database.";

$home['home'] = "home";

$status['status'] = "Status";

$Community['Community'] = "Community";

$Media['Media'] = "Media";

$Forums['Forums'] = "Forums";

$Services['Services'] = "Services";

$Wow['Wow'] = "World Of Warcraft ";

$Wow3['Wow3'] = " - Entire World";

$Latest['Latest'] = "Latest Written Posts ";

$View_all['View_all'] = "View all";

$all['all'] = "All Main Posts";

$P_topics['P_topics'] = "Popular Topics";

$comments['comments'] = "Comments";

$loading_forum_sett['loading_forum_sett'] = "Loading Forum Settings";

$post['post'] = "Post";

$reply['reply'] = "Reply";

$Forum['reply'] = "Reply";

$click['click'] = " Click ";

$code_forum['code_forum']= " to view the Forums Code of Conduct.";

$here['here'] = "here";

$Account['Account'] = "Account";

$Account1['Account1'] = "Can't log in?";

$Account3['Account3'] = "Create Account";

$Account4['Account4'] = "Account Summary";

$Account5['Account5'] = "Account Security";

$Account6['Account6'] = "Manage your Account";

$Account7['Account7'] = "Ban list";

$Friends['Keepthem'] = "Keep your friends in game.";


$Support['Support'] = "Support";

$Support3['Support3'] = "Support Articles";

$Support4['Support4'] = "Help! I got hacked!";

$Support5['Support5'] = "Browse our support articles";

$Support6['Support6'] = "Create a new support ticket";

$Support7['Support7'] = "View your active support tickets.";

$Support8['Support8'] = "Knowledge Center";

$Support9['Support9'] = "Ask a Question";

$Support10['Support10'] = "Your Support Tickets";

$Support11['Support11'] = "Get Support and explore the knowledgebase.";


$Games['Games'] = "Games";

$Client_down['Client_down'] = "Game Client Downloads";

$Client_down3['Client_down3'] = "Download World of Warcraft Client";


$Americas['Americas'] = "Americas";

$English['English'] = "English (US)";

$Spanish['Spanish'] = "Español (AL)";

$Europe['Europe'] = "Europe";

$Deutsch['Deutsch'] = "Deutsch";

$Spanish3['Spanish3'] = "Español (EU)";

$English3['English3'] = " English (EU)";

$French['French'] = "Français";

$russia['russia'] = "Pyccкий" ;

$Korea3['Korea3'] = "한국의";

$Korea['Korea'] = "Korea";

$Taiwan3['Taiwan3'] = "繁體中文";

$Taiwan['Taiwan'] = "Taiwan";

$China3['China3'] = "简体中文";

$China['China'] = "China";

$Bulgarian['Bulgarian'] = "BULGARIA";

$Bulgarian['Bulgarian_lang'] = "Български (EU)";

$Greek['Greek'] = "Hellas";

$Serbian['Europe'] = "Serbian";

$Greek['gr_lang'] = "Ελληνικα (EU)";

$Romanian['RO'] = "Romania";

$Romanian['ROEU'] = "Romanian (EU)";

$italy['europe'] = "Italian";

$copyright['copyright'] = "Copyright © 2011 ";

$copyright3['copyright3'] = "Powered by AquaFlame CMS";

$copyright4['copyright4'] = "Resources are in Blizzard Entertainment Property.";


$Welcome['Welcome'] ="Welcome, ";

$logout['logout'] = "Log Out";

$login['login'] = "Log In" ;


$Donate1['Donate1'] = "Donate for";

$Donate['Donate'] = "Donate";


$website['explore'] = "Explore";

$More['More'] = "More";

$Retrieve['Retrieve'] = "Retrieve Lost Account";

$Find['Find'] = "Find us on the Map!";

$or['or'] = "or";

$search['text_bar'] = "Search characters, items and more…";


// Starting the voting translation

$Vote['Vote'] = "Vote System & Simple";

$Vote['Vote1'] = "Vote System for ";

$Vote['Vote2'] = "Spend Points";

$Vote['Vote3'] = "History";

$Vote['Vote4'] = "How It Works";

$Vote['Vote5'] = "Vote Now";

$Vote['Vote6'] = "After you vote you need to wait atleast 12 hours to reset your IP from revoting. Remember to spend your Points wisely. Do not make any mistakes, ";

$Vote2['Vote6'] = " will not return any Points back..";

$Vote['Vote7'] = "Vote/Reward History";

$Vote['Vote8'] = "Your Vote and Reward History";

$Vote['Vote9'] = "There are no logs from your actions right now.";

$Vote['Vote10'] = "Account ID";

$Vote['Vote11'] = "Item ID";

$Vote['Vote12'] = "Date";

$Vote['Vote13'] = "Time";

$Vote['Vote14'] = "V.Points Spend";

$Vote['Vote15'] = "V.Points Earned";

$Vote['Vote16'] = "Site";

$Vote['Vote17'] = " Vote Points";

$Vote['Vote18'] = "You have ";

$Vote['Vote19'] = "The vote id entered is NULL.";

$Vote['Vote20'] = "The vote option does not exist";

$Vote['Vote21'] = "Voting…";

$Vote['Vote22'] = "Thank you for voting.";

$Vote['Vote23'] = "You have already voted in the last 24 hours";

$Vote['Vote24'] = " hours";

$Vote['Vote25'] = " minutes";

$Vote['Vote26'] = " seconds";

$Vote['Vote27'] = " second";

$Vote['Vote28'] = " (click to vote)";

$Vote['CanVoteNow'] = "You can vote now";

$Vote['Vote30'] = "In order to vote you must click the vote option's title.";

$Vote['Vote31'] = "If the vote option has a red X image on its left that means you cannot vote otherwise you can.";

$Vote['Vote32'] = "Every vote option displays the time when you can vote.";

$Vote['VoteLinks'] = "Vote Links";

$Vote['Vote34'] = " hour";

$Vote['Vote35'] = " minute";

$Vote['CanVoteIn'] = "You can vote in ";

$Vote['Earned'] = "Earned";

$Vote['VotePanel'] = "Vote Panel";

// Finishing the voting translation


// Starting the register.php translation

$re['re'] = "Registration of";

$re['re1'] = "Account Creation";

$re['re2'] = "We value and respect your privacy.</b> Find out how ";

$re['re3'] = " safeguards user information by reading our ";

$re['re4'] = "Online Privacy Policy";

$re['re5'] = "Country of Residence:";

$re['re6'] = "Date of Birth:";

$re['re7'] = "Title:";

$re['re8'] = "First Name:";

$re['re9'] = "Last Name:";

$re['re10'] = "E-mail Address:";

$re['re11'] = "Username:";

$re['re12'] = "Password:";

$re['re13'] = "For your security, we highly recommend that you choose a unique password that you don't use for any other online account.";

$re['re14'] = "Password Strength:";

$re['re15'] = "Your password must be between 8-16 characters in length.";

$re['re16'] = "Your password must contain at least one alphabetic character and one numeric character.";

$re['re17'] = "You cannot enter your account name as your password.";

$re['re18'] = "Passwords must match.";

$re['re19'] = "Secret Question & Answer:";

$re['re20'] = "Select a Question";

$re['re21'] = "First elementary school I attended?";

$re['re22'] = "The high school I graduated from?";

$re['re23'] = "Mother's city of birth? ";

$re['re24'] = "Father's city of birth?";

$re['re25'] = "Your city of birth?";

$re['re26'] = "Name of your first pet?";

$re['re27'] = "Best friend in high school?";

$re['re28'] = "Model of your first car?";

$re['re29'] = "Your favorite sports team?";

$re['re30'] = "Your first employer (company name)?";

$re['re31'] = "This information is used for account security related issues such as resetting your password.";

$re['re32'] = "Chat Agreement:";

$re['re33'] = "In order to provide Free Gaming, we will monitor and/or review your text chat, including private, or 'whisper' chat, in the event of complaints from other users or violations of the rules. By clicking the check box below, you agree with the rule of allowing us to review your chat Conversations ingame, to investigate potential violations of the rules. We will not use the information for any reason other than pursuing such violations.";

$re['re34'] = "I consent to ";

$re['re35'] = " monitoring and/or reviewing my personal messages.";

$re['re36'] = "I accept the ";

$re['re37'] = "Terms of Use ";

$re['re38'] = " applicable to my country of residence and if under 18 years old, agree and acknowledge that my parent or guardian has also reviewed and accepted the Terms of Use on my behalf.";

$re['re39'] = "Create Free Account";

$re['re40'] = "Cancel";

$re['mr'] = "Mr";

$re['miss'] = "Miss";

$re['ms'] = "Ms.";

$re['re41'] = "Type your firstname";

$re['re42'] = "Type your lastname";

$re['re43'] = "Type your E-mail";

$re['re44'] = "Confirm your E-mail";

$re['re45'] = "Type the Account Name";

$re['re46'] = "Type your Password";

$re['re47'] = "Confirm your Password";

$re['re48'] = "Answer";

$re['error1'] = "An error has ocurred during your account registration, please try again and if the problem persists please contact with the adminsitration.";

$re['error2']="The password doesn't match!";

$re['error3']="You must type a FirstName";

$re['error4']="You must type a Lastname";

$re['error5']="You must type an E-Mail";

$re['error6']="You must type a Password";

$re['error7']="The Account Name has already taken!";

$re['error8']="You must select a correct date of birth!";

$re['error9']="The E-mail directions doesn't match!";

$re['error10']="You must select a secret question and answer!";


$re['scc2']="Your account and preferences has been resgitrated succesfull";

$re['goPanel']="Navigate back to the ACM";





//Finishing the register.php translation


// Starting register

$Reg['Reg'] = "Required";

$Reg['Reg1'] = "Account Settings";

$Reg['Reg2'] = "Change Your Password";

$Reg['Reg3'] = "You ";

$Reg['Reg4'] = "MUST";

$Reg['Reg5'] = " be offline for this tool to successfully work! Plus you need to be Loged to the website. Use this form to change your password.";

$Reg['Reg6'] = "Error:";

$Reg['Reg7'] = "New password fields must match!";

$Reg['Reg8'] = "Please go back and try again.";

$Reg['Reg9'] = "Your new password is too short!";

$Reg['Reg10'] = "You entered";

$Reg['Reg11'] = "character(s).";

$Reg['Reg12'] = "The minimum length is 5 characters and the maximum length is 15.";

$Reg['Reg13'] = "Please go back and try again.";

$Reg['Reg14'] = "Invalid account name/password!";

$Reg['Reg15'] = "Please go back and try again.";

$Reg['Reg16'] = "Password for the Account";

$Reg['Reg17'] = "has been successfully changed!";

$Reg['Reg18'] = "Account Name:";

$Reg['Reg19'] = "Old Password:";

$Reg['Reg20'] = "New Password:";

$Reg['Reg21'] = "Password Rules";

$Reg['Reg22'] = "Your password may only contain ";

$Reg['Reg23'] = "alphabetic characters (A-Z), numeric characters (0-9), and punctuation.";

$Reg['Reg24'] = "Your password ";

$Reg['Reg25'] = "must";

$Reg['Reg26'] = " contain at least one alphabetic character ";

$Reg['Reg27'] = "and";

$Reg['Reg28'] = " one numeric character.";

$Reg['Reg29'] = "You cannot enter your account name as your password.";

$Reg['Reg30'] = "Your password must be between ";

$Reg['Reg31'] = "eight and sixteen characters";

$Reg['Reg32'] = " in length.";

$Reg['Reg33'] = "For your security, we highly recommend you choose a unique password that you don't use for any other online account.";

$Reg['Reg34'] = "Confirm New Password:";

$Reg['Reg35'] = "Continue";

$Reg['Reg36'] = "Cancel ";

$Reg['Reg37'] = " - Change Password";

// Finishing register


// Starting Account Log

$Log['Log'] = " - Login";

$Log['Log1'] = "Battle.net";

$Log['Log2'] = "Log In";

$Log['Log3'] = "Logging In";

$Log['Log4'] = "Wrong Password";

$Log['Log5'] = "Invalid Account Name";

$Log['Log6'] = "Account Name";

$Log['Log7'] = "Password";

$Log['Log8'] = "Keep me logged in";

$Log['Log9'] = "Log In";

$Log['Log10'] = "You're Logged In";

$Log['Log11'] = "Can't log in";

$Log['Log12'] = "Don't have an account yet? ";

$Log['Log13'] = "Sign up now";

$Log['Log14'] = "Learn how to ";

$Log['Log15'] = "protect your account";

$Log['Log16'] = "Already Logged in?";

$Log['Log17'] = "If you are already logged but ths page does not redirect you to the account then press the following button: ";

$Log['Log18'] = "Account Management";

$Log['Log19'] = "Processing…";

// Finishing Account Log


// Starting Acccount Man

$Man['Man1'] = " - Account Management";

$Man['Man2'] = "JavaScript must be enabled to use this site.";

$Man['Man3'] = "Game Management";

$Man['Man4'] = "World of Warcraft®: Cataclysm";

$Man['Man5'] = "Account Name";

$Man['Man6'] = "Status";

$Man['Man7'] = "Active";

$Man['Man8'] = "Banned";

$Man['Man9'] = "Current Game Source";

$Man['Man10'] = "100% Days";

$Man2['Man10'] = "0% Days";

$Man['Man11'] = "Expansion Pack";

$Man['Man12'] = "Cataclysm";

$Man['Man13'] = "Change";

$Man['Man14'] = "Wrath of the Lich King";

$Man['Man15'] = "Change";

$Man['Man16'] = "The Burning Crusade";

$Man['Man17'] = "Change";

$Man['Man18'] = "World of Warcraft";

$Man['Man19'] = "Change";

$Man['Man20'] = "Region";

$Man['Man21'] = "Europe (EU)";

$Man['Man22'] = " Donator";

$Man['Man23'] = "Unsubscribed";

$Man['Man24'] = "Donate / Buy Subscription";

$Man['Man25'] = "Vote and Get Rewarded";

$Man['Man26'] = "Change your Password";

$Man['Man27'] = "View Account History";

$Man['Man28'] = "Download Beginner's Guide";

$Man['Man29'] = "Download Game Client";

$Man['Man30'] = "Enter your Game Key";

$Man['Man31'] = "Upgrade Account";

$Man['Man32'] = "Cancel ";

$Man['Man33'] = "Not case-sensitive, no spaces or hyphens required.";

$Man['Man34'] = "Character Services";

$Man['Man35'] = "Additional Services";

$Man['Man36'] = "Referrals & Rewards";

$Man['Man37'] = "Game Time & Subscriptions";

$Man['Man38'] = "Character Transfer";

$Man['Man39'] = "Move your characters to different realms or accounts.";

$Man['Man40'] = "Faction Change";

$Man['Man41'] = "Change a character's faction (Horde to Alliance or Alliance to Horde).";

$Man['Man42'] = "Race Change";

$Man['Man43'] = "Change a character's race (within your current faction).";

$Man['Man44'] = "Name Change";

$Man['Man45'] = "Change your characters' names.";

$Man['Man46'] = "Appearance Change";

$Man['Man47'] = "Change your characters' appearance (Optional name change included).";

$Man['Man48'] = "Character Unstuck";

$Man['Man49'] = "Transfer your characters when he gets stuck.";

$Man['Man50'] = "Vote Shop";

$Man['Man51'] = "Vote and get rewarded and support ";

$Man['Man52'] = "to be on the Top List.";

$Man['Man53'] = "Beta Test Realm (Closed)";

$Man['Man54'] = "Arena Pass registration is currently closed. Click here for more information.";

$Man['Man55'] = "Parental Controls";

$Man['Man56'] = "Manage, monitor, and limit your child's play time.";

$Man['Man57'] = "Recruit a Friend";

$Man['Man58'] = "Earn in-game rewards, and more by recruiting your friends, bringing them to the Ultimate Gaming.";

$Man['Man59'] = "Refer a Friend";

$Man['Man60'] = "Get more Friends, to ";

$Man['Man61'] = ", to enjoy the Ultimate Gaming.";

$Man['Man62'] = "Donate Subscription";

$Man['Man63'] = "Add ";

$Man['Man64'] = " Donation Title to your account and unlock illuminative Rewards.";

$Man['Man65'] = " Remote";

$Man['Man66'] = "Use all the features of the Remote Auction House of ";

$Man['Man67'] = "Donate by SMS and Get Rewards";

$Man['Man68'] = "Send Invitations";

$Man['Man69'] = "History/Status";

$Man['Man70'] = "How It Works";

$Man['Man71'] = "Instructions For Recipient";

$Man['Man72'] = "You have ";

$Man['Man73'] = "friends";

$Man['Man74'] = " linked to your account and";

$Man['Man75'] = "referrals remaining.";

$Man['Man76'] = "Level together and faster";

$Man['Man77'] = "Gain rewards if your friend subscribes";

$Man['Man78'] = "Get a unique two-person mount";

// Finishing Account Man


// Starting Header acount

$ha['ha26'] ="Account";

$ha['ha0'] = "Summary";

$ha['ha1'] = "Settings";

$ha['ha2'] = "Change E-mail Adress";

$ha['ha3'] = "Change password";

$ha['ha4'] = "Communication Preferences";

$ha['ha5'] = "Parental Controls";

$ha['ha6'] = "My Payment Options";

$ha['ha7'] = "Contact & General Info";

$ha['ha8'] = "Codes & Services";

$ha['ha9'] = "Vote Panel";

$ha['ha10'] = "Donation Panel";

$ha['ha11'] = "SMS Donation Panel";

$ha['ha12'] = "V.i.P Item Switch Panel";

$ha['ha13'] = "Download Game Clients";

$ha['ha14'] = "Beta Settings";

$ha['ha15'] = "V.i.P Code Redemption";

$ha['ha16'] = "Player Options";

$ha['ha17'] = "Character Unstuck";

$ha['ha18'] = "Name Change";

$ha['ha19'] = "Faction Change";

$ha['ha20'] = "Race Change";

$ha['ha21'] = "Character Transfer";

$ha['ha22'] = "Appearance Change";

$ha['ha23'] = "Refer an Account";

$ha['ha24'] = "Recruit a Friend";

$ha['ha25'] = "Return to Website";

// Finishing Header Account


//Starting Ban List

$BanL['BanL1'] = "Banned By:";

$BanL['BanL2'] = "Unban Date:";

$BanL['BanL3'] = "Duration:";

$BanL['BanL4'] = "Reason";

$BanL['BanL5'] = "Permanent";

$BanL['BanL6'] = "Never";

$BanL['BanL7'] = "Ban List";

$BanL['BanL8'] = "Check if your Account is Banned";

$BanL['BanL9'] = "Account ID";

$BanL['BanL10'] = "There are no banned users right now.";

$BanL['BanL11'] = "Banned List";

// Finishing Ban List


//Starting Chatbox

$ChatB['ChatB1'] = "Shout was empty.";

$ChatB['ChatB2'] = "You Must Login To Shout.";

$ChatB['ChatB3'] = "Page:";

$ChatB['ChatB4'] = "Previous";

$ChatB['ChatB5'] = "Next";

//Finishing Chatbox


// Starting the Char Unstuck translation

$Uns['Uns'] = " - Character Unstuck";

$Uns['Uns1'] = "Progress 100%";

$Uns['Uns2'] = " [step 1 of 1]";

$Uns['Uns3'] = "Game Region Warning";

$Uns['Uns4'] = "You should change your country to Korea, republic of and verify your Personal Residence Number to use Korean games.";

$Uns['Uns5'] = "Game Region Warning";

$Uns['Uns6'] = "The World of Warcraft account merge process is not yet available in your region.";

$Uns['Uns7'] = "If you lost your authenticator, please detach it before proceeding. (Security card service ended 8/13/2010 and was automatically detached.) ";

$Uns['Uns8'] = "If you use Phone Lock: please unlock your World of Warcraft account before merging.";

$Uns['Uns9'] = "Taiwan: 0800-303-585";

$Uns['Uns10'] = "(Not available 10�11AM every first Wed of the month)";

$Uns['Uns11'] = "Hong Kong & Macau: 396-54666";

$Uns['Uns12'] = " Required";

$Uns['Uns13'] = "Game Management";

$Uns['Uns14'] = "Unstuck your World of Warcraft Character";

$Uns['Uns15'] = "Enter the username and password of the World of Warcraft account and the Character you wish to transfer from the stucked area. You will have the opportunity to move or to continue your journey ingame. You must be offline from your account to let this succeed.";

$Uns['Uns16'] = "World of Warcraft Account Name:";

$Uns['Uns17'] = "World of Warcraft Account Character:";

$Uns['Uns18'] = "World of Warcraft Account Password:";

$Uns['Uns19'] = "Forgot your password?";

$Uns['Uns20'] = "If you have forgotten your World of Warcraft password, please contact ";

$Uns['Uns21'] = "Customer Support";

$Uns['Uns22'] = "Unstuck!";

$Uns['Uns23'] = "Cancel ";

$Uns['Uns24'] = "Read more";

$Uns['Uns25'] = "Invalid Account.";

$Uns['Uns26'] = "Invalid Character.";

$Uns['Uns27'] = "That Character Is Not Yours.";

$Uns['Uns28'] = "Your Character Is unlocked.";

$Uns['Uns29'] = "Continue";

// Finishing the Char Unstuck translation


// Starting Index

$Ind['Ind'] = "Next";

$Ind['Ind1'] = "Search Bar";

$Ind['Ind2'] = "Search";

$Ind['Ind3'] = "Promo Advertisement";

$Ind['Ind4'] = "Server Information: ";

$Ind['Ind5'] = " Realmlist : ";

$Ind['Ind6'] = " Patch Version : ";

$Ind['Ind7'] = " Accounts : ";

$Ind['Ind8'] = "Accounts Registered";

$Ind['Ind9'] = " Characters: ";

$Ind['Ind10'] = " Characters Created";

$Ind['Ind11'] = "Recommended Services";

$Ind['Ind12'] = "Recruit a Friend";

$Ind['Ind13'] = "Get your friends ingame and play togethere for free!";

$Ind['Ind14'] = "Transfer a Character";

$Ind['Ind15'] = "Make your Transfers realm by realm, Character by Character!";

$Ind['Ind16'] = "Vote to Save the Day";

$Ind['Ind17'] = "Vote is: ";

$Ind['Ind18'] = "Online!";

$Ind['Ind19'] = "Vote Now!";

$Ind['Ind20'] = "GPS / Visitors Map";

$Ind['Ind21'] = "Map / GPS is: ";

$Ind['Ind22'] = "Online!";

$Ind['Ind23'] = "Check Online Now!";

// Finishing Index


// Starting Services

$Serv['Serv'] = "Services";

$Serv['Serv1'] = " Account Services";

$Serv['Serv2'] = "Use the account services available for World of Warcraft to easily upgrade your game and access a number of additional account options.";

$Serv['Serv3'] = "Account Management";

$Serv['Serv4'] = "Review and change your account security options, use additional account services, and more.";

$Serv['Serv5'] = "Ban List";

$Serv['Serv6'] = "Find which players have been Banned from the server. Beware of what you will see!";

$Serv['Serv7'] = "Armory";

$Serv['Serv8'] = "Trying to find your Character, or a friend's? Browse the ";

$Serv['Serv9'] = " Armory.";

$Serv['Serv10'] = "Recruit a Friend";

$Serv['Serv11'] = "Earn epic rewards for each player you invite to play at ";

$Serv['Serv12'] = "Donation Shop";

$Serv['Serv13'] = "Visit the Donation Shop and check out our services/gifts/prizes/etc.";

$Serv['Serv14'] = "Upgrade your Account";

$Serv['Serv15'] = "Upgrade your World of Warcraft Account!";

$Serv['Serv16'] = "Account Services";


$Serv['Serv18'] = "Refer-A-Friend";

$Serv['Serv19'] = "CHARACTER SERVICES";

$Serv['Serv20'] = "Trade Characters";

$Serv['Serv21'] = "Character Name Change";

$Serv['Serv22'] = "Character Race Change";

$Serv['Serv23'] = "Character Faction Change";

$Serv['Serv24'] = "Character Customization";

$Serv['Serv25'] = "Website Options";

$Serv['Serv26'] = "Change Website Theme";

$Serv['Serv27'] = "Change Avatar";

$Serv['Serv28'] = "Request GM Application";

$Serv['Serv29'] = "Request GM Trial";

$Serv['Serv30'] = "Download WoW Client";

$Serv['Serv31'] = "Change your avatar";

$Serv['Serv32'] = "You can change your avatar.";

$Serv['Serv33'] = "Changing Avatar";

$Serv['Serv34'] = "Error";

$Serv['Serv35'] = "Your avatar has been changed.";

$Serv['Serv36'] = "Submit";

$Serv['Serv37'] = "You need to be logged in to use this service.";

// Finishing Services


// Starting the Forum Translation

$Forum['Forum'] = "AquaFlame CMS";

$Forum['Forum1'] = "AquaFlame CMS - Redirection";

$Forum['Forum2'] = "Grats.";

$Forum['Forum3'] = " You broke it.";

$Forum['Forum4'] = "Please wait while we are Redirecting you to the Account Management.";

$Forum['Forum5'] = "or";

$Forum['Forum6'] = "This page doesn't exist or some other horrible error has occurred.";

$Forum['Forum7'] = "Forums";

$Forum['Forum8'] = "New Topic";

$Forum['Forum9'] = "World of Warcraft";

$Forum['Forum10'] = "Forums";

$Forum['Forum11'] = "Empty Thread Name";

$Forum['Forum12'] = "Empty Thread Content";

$Forum['Forum13'] = "Internal Error";

$Forum['Forum14'] = "Creating Thread…";

$Forum['Forum15'] = "Could not post the thread!";

$Forum['Forum16'] = "Thread has been successfully created.";

$Forum['Forum17'] = "Create Thread";

$Forum['Forum18'] = "No Realm";

$Forum['Forum19'] = "Profile";

$Forum['Forum20'] = "Level Race Class";

$Forum['Forum21'] = "Preview";

$Forum['Forum22'] = "Edit";

$Forum['Forum23'] = "Submit";

$Forum['Forum24'] = "Please report any Code of Conduct violations, including:";

$Forum['Forum25'] = "Threats of violence. ";

$Forum['Forum26'] = "We take these seriously and will alert the proper authorities.";

$Forum['Forum27'] = "Posts containing personal information about other players. ";

$Forum['Forum28'] = "This includes physical addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and inappropriate photos and/or videos.";

$Forum['Forum29'] = "Harassing or discriminatory language. ";

$Forum['Forum30'] = "This will not be tolerated.";

$Forum['Forum31'] = "Click ";

$Forum['Forum32'] = "here";

$Forum['Forum33'] = " to view the Forums Code of Conduct.";

$Forum['Forum34'] = "World of Warcraft";

$Forum['Forum35'] = "Forums";

$Forum['Forum36'] = "Request forum does not exist…";

$Forum['Forum37'] = "Redirecting…";

$Forum['Forum38'] = "Advanced";

$Forum['Forum39'] = "Simple";

$Forum['Forum40'] = "Create Thread";

$Forum['Forum41'] = "Replies";

$Forum['Forum42'] = "Views";

$Forum['Forum43'] = "Last Poster";

$Forum['Forum44'] = "No Threads in this forum.";

$Forum['Forum45'] = "Last Page";

$Forum['Forum46'] = "Next >";

$Forum['Forum47'] = "Not Logged In";

$Forum['Forum48'] = "Subject";

$Forum['Forum49'] = "Author";

$Forum['Forum50'] = "Jump to first Blizzard Post";

$Forum['Forum51'] = "Last Post by";

$Forum['Forum52'] = "on";

$Forum['Forum53'] = "Editing Post";

$Forum['Forum54'] = "Could not edit.";

$Forum['Forum55'] = "Thread has been successfully edited.";

$Forum['Forum56'] = "Thread";

$Forum['Forum57'] = "Post";

$Forum['Forum58'] = "Could not post the reply!";

$Forum['Forum59'] = "Request thread does not exist…";

$Forum['Forum60'] = "Topic";

$Forum['Forum61'] = "Add a reply";

$Forum['Forum62'] = "View posts";

$Forum['Forum63'] = "Staff Member";

$Forum['Forum64'] = "Moderator";

$Forum['Forum65'] = "No Guild";

$Forum['Forum66'] = "No Characters";

$Forum['Forum67'] = "Edited by";

$Forum['Forum68'] = "on";

$Forum['Forum69'] = "Posted Date : ";

$Forum['Forum70'] = "Rate is Disabled.";

$Forum['Forum71'] = "Next Blizzard Post";

$Forum['Forum72'] = "Quote";

$Forum['Forum73'] = "Reply to Thread";

$Forum['Forum74'] = "This thread is locked";

$Forum['Forum75'] = "In order to post you must to be logged in";

$Forum['Forum76'] = "Forum Post created…";

$Forum['Forum77'] = "Latest Blizzard Posts";

$Forum['Forum78'] = "All Blizzard posts";

$Forum['Forum79'] = "Popular Topics";

$Forum['Forum80'] = "in";

// Finishing the Forum Translation



$uplate['login'] = "<strong>Log in now</strong> to enhance and personalize your experience!";

$uplate['profile'] = "Profile";

$uplate['post'] = "View my posts";

$uplate['auction'] = "View my auctions";

$uplate['events'] = "View my events";

$uplate['manage'] = "Manage your characters";

$uplate['customize'] = "Personalize the characters that apear in this menu.";

$uplate['r1'] = "Human";

$uplate['r2'] = "Orc";

$uplate['r3'] = "Dwarf";

$uplate['r4'] = "Night Elf";

$uplate['r5'] = "Undead";

$uplate['r6'] = "Tauren";

$uplate['r7'] = "Gnome";

$uplate['r8'] = "Troll";

$uplate['r9'] = "Goblin";

$uplate['r10'] = "Blood elf";

$uplate['r11'] = "Draenei";

$uplate['r22'] = "Wargen";

$uplate['r'] = "All Races";

$uplate['nochars'] = "No characters have been found";

//finish userplate


//Starting Armory

$armory['talents'] = "TALENTS";

$armory['APoints'] = "Arena";

$armory['summary'] = "Summary";

$armory['reputation'] = "Reputation";

$armory['3d'] = "3D Model";

$armory['advanced'] = "Advanced";

$armory['itemlevel'] = "Avareage item level";

$armory['equipped'] = "Equipped";

$armory['audit'] = "Character revision";

$armory['what'] = "What is this?";

$armory['emptyGlyph'] = "empty glyph slot";

$armory['unenchanted'] = "Not enchanted objects";

$armory['reforging'] = "Reforging";

$armory['enchant'] = "Enchants and Bonusses";

$armory['armour'] = "Armour";

$armory['stamina'] = "Stamina";

$armory['strength'] = "Strength";

$armory['gems'] = "Gems";

$armory['noGems'] = "This Character don't have gems.";

$armory['activity'] = "Recent Activity";

$armory['noActivity'] = "There is no recent activity.";

$armory['disable'] = "This feature is disable.";

$armory['early'] = "See previous activity.";

$armory['race1'] = "Human";

$armory['race2'] = "Orc";

$armory['race3'] = "Dwarf";

$armory['race4'] = "Nigth Elf";

$armory['race5'] = "Undead";

$armory['race6'] = "Tauren";

$armory['race7'] = "Gnome";

$armory['race8'] = "Troll";

$armory['race9'] = "Goblin";

$armory['race10'] = "Blood Elf";

$armory['race11'] = "Draenei";

$armory['race22'] = "Wargen";

$armory['oflvl'] = " of level ";

$armory['class1'] = "Warraior";

$armory['class2'] = "Paladin";

$armory['class3'] = "Hunter";

$armory['class4'] = "Rogue";

$armory['class5'] = "Priest";

$armory['class6'] = "Death Knigth";

$armory['class7'] = "Shaman";

$armory['class8'] = "Mage";

$armory['class9'] = "Warlock";

$armory['class11'] = "Druid";

$armory['branch398'] ="Blood";

$armory['branch399'] ="Frost";

$armory['branch400'] ="Unholy";

$armory['branch752'] ="Balance";

$armory['branch750'] ="Feral Combat";

$armory['branch748'] ="Restoration";

$armory['branch811'] ="Beast Mastery";

$armory['branch807'] ="Marksmanship";

$armory['branch809'] ="Survival";

$armory['branch799'] ="Arcane";

$armory['branch851'] ="Fire";

$armory['branch823'] ="Frost";

$armory['branch831'] ="Holy";

$armory['branch839'] ="Protection";

$armory['branch855'] ="Retribution";

$armory['branch760'] ="Discipline";

$armory['branch813'] ="Holy";

$armory['branch795'] ="Shadow";

$armory['branch182'] ="Assassination";

$armory['branch181'] ="Combat";

$armory['branch184'] ="Subtlety";

$armory['branch261'] ="Elemental";

$armory['branch263'] ="Enhancenment";

$armory['branch262'] ="Restoration";

$armory['branch871'] ="Affliction";

$armory['branch867'] ="Demonology";

$armory['branch865'] ="Destruction";

$armory['branch746'] ="Arms";

$armory['branch815'] ="Fury";

$armory['branch845'] ="Protection";

$armory['branch0'] ="Talents";

$armory['branch'] ="Talents";





$armory['AP']="Attack Power";









$armory['spellP']="Spell Power";


$armory['manaReg']="Mana regeneration";

$armory['combatReg']="In Combat regeneration";





$armory['Other'] ="Other";

$armory['Base'] ="Base";

$armory['Melee'] ="Melee";

$armory['Ranged'] ="Ranged";

$armory['Spell'] = "Spell";

$armory['Defense'] = "Defense";











$armory['showAll']="Show all the stats";

$armory['showMain']="Show just the main stats";

$armory['Faction1'] = "Horde";

$armory['Faction0'] = "Alliance";

//Finish Armory












$status['newP']="New Players";


$status['noResults']="There is not match founds for this parameters.";

$guild['Guilds'] = "Guilds";

$arena['Teams'] = "Arena Teams";

$statNav['AllRealms'] = "All Realms";

$statNav['TopHonor'] = "Top Honor";

$statNav['TopConquest'] = "Top Conquest";

$Index['NoArticles'] = "No Articles";

$Index['By'] = "By";

//Finish Others



$search['Name'] = "Name";

$search['Level'] = "Level";

$search['Race'] = "Race";

$search['Class'] = "Class";

$search['Faction'] = "Faction";

$search['Guild'] = "Guild";

$search['Realm'] = "Realm";

$search['Battlegroup'] = "Battlegroup";

$search['Show'] = "Showing";

$search['Results'] = "results";

$search['Of'] = "of";

$search['sumResults'] = "Summary of results for ";

$search['charResults'] = "Character results for ";

$search['guildResults'] = "Guild results for ";

$search['arenaResults'] = "Arena Team results for ";

$search['forumResults'] = "Forum results for ";

$search['again'] = "Please search again…";

$search['noResults1'] = "Your search for ";

$search['noResults2'] = " has no matches.";

$search['sugg'] = "Suggestions for searching: ";

$search['sugg1'] = "Make sure all words are spelled correctly";

$search['sugg2'] = "Try using more general keywords";

$search['sugg3'] = "If you know a character's name and realm, use the format character@realm";

$search['summ'] = "Summary";

$search['prev'] = "Prev";

$search['articles'] = "Articles";

$search['Mode'] = "Mode";

$search['Rating'] = "Rating";

$search['forumResults'] = "Forum results for ";

$search['publi'] = "Published by ";

//Finish Search



$style['bold'] = "Bold";

$style['italics'] = "Italics";

$style['underline'] = "Underline";

$style['list'] = "Unordered List";

$style['listItem'] = "List Item";

$style['quote'] = "Quote";

$style['quoteBy'] = "";

$style['unformat'] = "";

$style['cleanup'] = "";

$style['code'] = "Code Blocks";

$style['item'] = "Wow Item";

$style['itemPrompt'] = "";

$style['url'] = "";

$style['urlPrompt'] = "";

//Finish Styles


//Game Client

$GameCli['Game1'] = "Download Games";

$GameCli['Game2'] = "Game Management";

$GameCli['Game3'] = "Game Client Downloads";

$GameCli['Game4'] = "File Details";

$GameCli['Game5'] = "Language";

$GameCli['Game6'] = "Windows Link";

$GameCli['Game7'] = "Mac Link";

$GameCli['Game8'] = "Full Game Client";

$GameCli['Game9'] = "Europe";

$GameCli['Game10'] = "(Change)";

$GameCli['Game11'] = "Public Test Realm Client";

$GameCli['Game12'] = "Free Starter Edition";

$GameCli['Game13'] = "Beginner's Guide";

$GameCli['Game14'] = "European Language Packs";

$GameCli['Game15'] = "Used for patching a game client with a different language.";

$GameCli['Game16'] = "(Requires the European full game client.)";

//Finish Game Client



$Community['comm1'] = "Contests";

$Community['comm2'] = "Past and present contests for you to check out and participate in. Check it out now!";

$Community['comm3'] = "Get in touch with other ";

$Community['comm4'] = " gamers via the official World of Warcraft forums.";

$Community['comm5'] = "Submit Fan Art";

$Community['comm6'] = "Submit Media";

$Community['comm7'] = "Submit Screenshots";

$Community['comm8'] = "Submit Wallpapers";

$Community['comm9'] = "Social Media";

$Community['comm10'] = "Follow us on Facebook.";

$Community['comm11'] = "Tweet us on Twitter.";

$Community['comm12'] = "Subscribe on Youtube.";

$Community['comm13'] = "Community Links";

$Community['comm14'] = "Join our community.";

$Community['FanArt'] = "Fan Art";

$Community['Screenshots'] = "Screenshots";

$Community['Wallpap'] = "Wallpapers";

$Community['Media'] = "Media";

//Finish Community



$Status['RealmStat'] = "Realm Status";

$Status['Stat1'] = "This page lists all available World of Warcraft realms as well as the status of each. A realm can be listed as either Up or Down. Messages related to realm status and scheduled maintenance will be posted in the ";

$Status['Stat2'] = " Let us apologize in advance if your Realm is listed as down. Chances are we are working diligently to bring it back online as quickly as possible.";

$Status['ServStat'] = "Service Status forum.";

$Status['Status'] = "Status";

$Status['All'] = "All";

$Status['Up'] = "Up";

$Status['Down'] = "Down";

$Status['RealmName'] = "Realm Name";

$Status['Type'] = "Type";

$Status['Locale'] = "Locale";

$Status['spanish'] = "spanish";

$Status['german'] = "german";

$Status['french'] = "french";

$Status['tournament'] = "tournament";

$Status['russian'] = "russian";

$Status['english'] = "english";

$Status['Queue'] = "Queue";

$Status['Reset'] = "Reset";

$Status['Information'] = "Information";

$Status['Population'] = "Population";

$Status['OnNow'] = "Online Now";

$Status['ClickOnline'] = "Click to view the Online Players";

$Status['Statistics'] = "Statistics";

$Status['StatRealms'] = "Realm Status";

$Status['Months'] = " Months";

$Status['Days'] = " Days";

$Status['Hours'] = " Hours";

$Status['Min'] = " Min";

$Status['Uptime:'] = "Uptime:";

$Status['Tipe'] = "Type: ";

$Status['PjCreat'] = "Created Characters: ";

$Status['Drop'] = "Drop: ";

$Status['PjConect'] = "Connected characters: ";

$Status['Exp'] = "Experience: ";

$Status['Ali'] = "Aliance";

$Status['Horde'] = "Horde";

$Status['PlOnLine'] = "Online.";

$Status['Stat3'] = "This page lists all available World of Failure Players inside the ";

$Status['Stat4'] = " Realm as well as the stats of each. The Character can be listed as either Horde or Alliance. Let us apologize in advance if you find any player that is not listed, it takes 5 seconds to refresh the list.";

$Status['Faction'] = "Faction";

$Status['Name'] = "Name";

$Status['Race'] = "Race";

$Status['Human'] = "Human";

$Status['Dwarf'] = "Dwarf";

$Status['NightElf'] = "Night Elf";

$Status['Gnome'] = "Gnome";

$Status['Draenei'] = "Draenei";

$Status['Worgen'] = "Worgen";

$Status['Orc'] = "Orc";

$Status['Troll'] = "Troll";

$Status['Tauren'] = "Tauren";

$Status['Undead'] = "Undead";

$Status['BloodElf'] = "Blood Elf";

$Status['Goblin'] = "Goblin";

$Status['Class'] = "Class";

$Status['Warrior'] = "Warrior";

$Status['Paladin'] = "Paladin";

$Status['Rogue'] = "Rogue";

$Status['Mage'] = "Mage";

$Status['Druid'] = "Druid";

$Status['Warlock'] = "Warlock";

$Status['Hunter'] = "Hunter";

$Status['Shaman'] = "Shaman";

$Status['Priest'] = "Priest";

$Status['DeathKnight'] = "Death Knight.";

$Status['Level'] = "Level";

$Status['CataLev'] = "Cataclysm Levels";

$Status['WoTLKLev'] = "WoTLK Levels";

$Status['BCLev'] = "Burning Crusade Levels";

$Status['VanLev'] = "Vanilla Levels";

$Status['Location'] = "Location";

$Status['Male'] = "Male";

$Status['Female'] = "Female";

$Status['EastKingd'] = "Eastern Kingdoms";

$Status['LostIsle'] = "Lost Isles / Kezan";

$Status['Gilneas'] = "Gilneas City";

$Status['Kalimdor'] = "Kalimdor";

$Status['Outland'] = "Outland";

$Status['Northrend'] = "Northrend";

$Status['NotConected'] = "There is none connected right now.";

$Status['RlmStat'] = "Realm Statistics";

$Status['Stat5'] = "This page lists all available Information for the Players - Characters that are created on ";

$Status['Stat6'] = " realm as well as the status of each. A realm can have unlimited characters and can host more that 5000 players. Messages related to realm status and scheduled maintenance will be posted in the ";

$Status['Stat7'] = "Service Status.";

$Status['Stat8'] = " Let us apologize in advance if the Statistics have crashed or are counted wrong. Chances are we are working diligently to fix the problem, if there is one, so please leave a comment on the forums, and we will fix it as soon as possible.";

$Status['CharCreat'] = " Characters Created - ";

$Status['CharOn'] = " Players Online - ";

$Status['StatClass'] = "Statistics by Class";

$Status['StatRace'] = "Statistics by Race";

$Status['Pandaren'] = "Pandaren";

$Status['ReqMistPand'] = "Requires Mists of Pandaria";

$Status['PandNoAval'] = "Pandaren are NOT available.";

//Finish Status



$Media['SendMedia'] = "Send Multimedia";

$Media['SendWallp'] = "Send Wallpapers";

$Media['SendScreensh'] = "Send Screenshots";

$Media['SendArt'] = "Send Artwork";

$Media['SendComic'] = "Send Comics";

$Media['SendVideo'] = "Send Vídeos";

$Media['Media'] = "Media";

$Media['AllVideos'] = "All Videos";

$Media['SendSuccse'] = " The media has been send successfully! Now a moderator must approve it. It may take up to 24 hours.";

$Media['ErrorSend'] = "An ERROR has occured while saving the media in the database!";

$Media['SendVideo2'] = "Send your videos related to World of Warcraft!";

$Media['ChooseMediaSend'] = "Select content to send:";

$Media['Videos'] = "Videos";

$Media['Wallpapers'] = "Wallpapers";

$Media['Screenshots'] = "Screenshots";

$Media['Artwork'] = "Artwork";

$Media['Comics'] = "Comics";

$Media['AllFildRequiered'] = "All fields are required.";

$Media['LargeText'] = "To send a media file you must be logged in to the web. After sending the media file, a moderator will review it and within hours if their content is suitable, will be published.";

$Media['TitleVideo'] = "Video title:";

$Media['LinkVideo'] = "Full Youtube Link: ";

$Media['Description'] = "Descriptionn: ";

$Media['SendVideo'] = "Send";

$Media['DelFields'] = "Clear fields";

$Media['Previous'] = "Anterior";

$Media['Next'] = "Siguiente";

$Media['Cancel'] = "Cancel";

$Media['CommentPosted'] = "Comment Posted";

$Media['NotPostComment'] = "Could not post the comment!";

$Media['SendCorrect'] = "Succes";

$Media['Title'] = "Title";

$Media['File'] = "File";

$Media['Multimedia'] = "Multimedia";

//Finish Media






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