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Installation Guide for Mangos TBC BETA

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Nevim jestli to Admini smazou ale budis ja jen ze tu porad padaji slova o emulu na TBC mno tak mi to nedalo a hledal jsem a hledal a neco nasel a dokonce Mangos na TBC zatim je to jen BETA doufam ze se vam to bude hodit :) Kdzyt Smazat. Dekuju!!!


What i need?

- WoW 1.12.x (find it yourself)
- TBC 2.0.0 Build 5991 (worldofwarcraft.com/downloads/expansion-bc/WoW-

- MySQL - (mysql.com)
- Navicat - (navicat.com)
- WinMPQ - (rapidshare.de/files/37157465/WinMPQfinal_TBC.rar.html)
- Mangos TBC Emu - (rapidshare.de/files/37045544/debugV3_1_.rar.html)
- AD.exe - for map extraction - (rapidshare.de/files/37157775/ad.exe.html)
- A Mangos Database (SQL Files) - (filebeam.com/79c30a184b10871a0d96926d30e13245) from compboy

How do i Install?

__________________________________________________ ________/\
First Step: Installation, MAPS and DBC extraction /
__________________________________________________ ________/

Install WoW and upgrade to 1.12.1
Install Burning Crusade Beta client build 5991
Install MySQL and Navicat
Extract WinMPQ

Extract the Mangos TBC Emu intro any DIRECTORY you want.. as long you remmeber it.

After that take AD.exe copy it intro your WoW 1.12.1 root DIRECTORY where wow.exe is then create a folder called "maps" whitout the quotes in the WoW 1.12.1 root DIRECTORY, then execute AD.exe wait a few min depending on your computer speed.
**NOTE** If it AD.exe says it cant open patch-2.MPQ its normal just let it go.

When AD.exe is done, copy the "MAPS" directory from WoW 1.12.1 and put it in the Mangos TBC root directory where mangosd.exe and realmd.exe are.

**NOTE** i am using enUS as a exemple here.
Open WinMPQ now and open "/Data/enUS/locale-enUS.MPQ from TBC Beta DIRECTORY, select all the DBC files and extract them intro the Mangos TBC emu root DIRECTORY then rename the DBCClientFile DIRECTORY to dbc.

or just download the DBC from here: (filebeam.com/58069e201ca17a662b745cbd9ba6ecf5) from DDDooGGG

__________________________________________________ ________/\
Second Step: ZOMG WTF is MySQL!? /
__________________________________________________ ________/

Assuming you have MySQL installed and Navicat to make the job easier. open Navicat and make a connection to your MySQL Server.

Create a database for your World server, any name can be used aslong it dont contain spaces and create an other one for your Realm server.
This can be done by Right-Clicking in the left box it will bring a menu like in the Fig. 01 Image.
Fig. 01 Fig. 02

Right-Click on your world database and choose "Execute Batch File.." (Fig. 02) find your world server SQL file. ( mangos.sql )
(IMPORTANT)Wait till mangos.sql is done Executing it should takes few mins.
Right-Click on your realm database and choose "Execute Batch File.." (Fig. 02) find your realm server SQL for the realm server ( realmd.sql )

DO NOT FORGET! to change the realmlist ip in the realm server database the default included in the compboy SQL is "dotawow.ath.cx" you must change it for for local play or your internet IP to allow connection from the net.
*OPTIONAL* in the realmlist table you can change the name of your server.

Now if you did evreything correctly it should look like this in Navicat... This image is only an exemple
bcemu is the World Server Database in this image.

__________________________________________________ ________/\
Third Step: Configuring Mangos /
__________________________________________________ ________/

Go intro your mangos TBC emu folder and find those files called "mangosd.conf" and "realmd.conf"

For Mangosd.conf change the info so it match MySQL info


# Database connection settings for the world server. # Default: hostname;port;username;password;database LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;user;pass;realm_server" WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;user;pass;world_server"

For Realmd.conf change the info so it match MySQL info
**NOTE** The LoginDatabaseInfo line should be the same as the line from Mangosd.conf


# Database connection settings for the realm server. # Default: hostname;port;username;password;database LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;user;pass;world_server"

Save those files and Run Mangosd.exe and Realmd.exe and that should be it.

If you still have problem then id suggest to take a look at this video tutorial.
its a mangos video tutorial made by Blackstar taken from the Mangos forum original thread: (mangosproject.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5121)
The first 2 minute 2 second are just SVN stuff so ignore that, after that you should see how to work in Navicat and set conf files.



A jeste tu davam nejaky Info dalsi jo bohuzel je to vsechno v AJ doufma ze se nezlobite :)



Q: How do i make an account ?
A: You can make accounts from the mangosd.exe console by typing create "account" "password" whitout the quotes and set your account as gm with setgm "account" "level" still whitout quotes and the levels are...

0 - User (Default)
1 - Mod
2 - GM
3 - Admin

Q: What ports do i need to open ?
A: 3724, 3725, 4200 and 3306 *but i might be wrong* those are the ports i used for lud so it should work for mangos too.

Q: The .go command dont work HELP!
Originally Posted by Valmanway View Post
The .go command parameters are changed. Just move the mapid (the first number of the alpha locations) to the end. It should work fine.


Stairway of Destiny:
.go 530 -247.0472 938.1437 84.3426 -> .go -247.0472 938.1437 84.3426 530
till theres a better database...

Blood Elf Model Fix: (rapidshare.de/files/37167484/playercreateinfo.rar.html)
Fixed Tier 3 for BE and DE: (rapidshare.de/files/37113279/item_template.rar.html)

- To install Blood Elf fix delete the current playercreateinfo in your world server database and "Execute Batch File..." the fixed playercreateinfo.sql
- To install Blood Elf fix delete the current item_template in your world server database and "Execute Batch File..." the fixed item_template.sql

Originally Posted by jaboxer View Post
ok all the people asking about all the other classes that are not Bloodelf or Dran, coming up with different skills/items, thats not my work, whoever originally did this database screwed up.

in my post, as i said....


#2 Both BloodElf & Draenei have their startup items, so they
dont enter the world nekkid~!

#3 Both BloodElf & Draenei have ALL THEIR class skills now

Now, before everyone asks a zillion questions, there a few things
i couldnt do, like find the new spells for some of the classes, if
anybody can get the id#'s, i can put them in, but other than that,
its looking alot better.

also, the startup items clothes, i had too use the old templates,
because i dont know the item #'s for the new stuff, so if anybody
can find those, i can change that over easy.

here's what you need to do:

downoad the fix which includes the following sql's:


download link:

another mirror:



how to update:

go into Navicat and go into your database, mine is called

goto each table listed below and right click on mouse,
and use the "empty" function:


now head back to the top of your database tree bcemu,
or whatever you've got it called, and right click and use the
"Execture Batch File" on each one.

and there ya go! simple as that, remember im taking corrects
if i missed something, so let me know, we all can make this
a better emu together

remember :

each .sql file here has this at the top:

MySQL Data Transfer
Source Host: localhost
Source Database: bcemu
Target Host: localhost
Target Database: bcemu
Date: 10/17/2006 3:47:59 PM

if your main database is not called bcemu, then rename
it in the .sql files.


so if your asking about Human, Night Elfs, or any other class
thats not BE/DR, that STILL NEEDS TO BE FIXED.

Im only one person, and i cant do it all, i will get too those
other races asap, someone asked about BE Mage starting
with undead Mage skills, well BE are horde side, and i dont
know the NEW spells yet, as i said in my original post...

if only people would read this thread, there's lots of valuable
information here thats been answered over and over.


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Kdopak mi poradi?? TBC jsem stahl a nainstaloval, MaNGOS jsem rozjel normalni zpusobem, pouzil jsem DB co je v navodu, DBC si vyexportoval, mapy pouzil z 1.12.1..

Ted spustim MaNGOS a zatvrdnu u Connected.. co je spatne? V info o serveru (server.txt) je jedna SQL chyba a to

ERROR:SQL ERROR: Table 'mangos2.account' doesn't exist

Pls help :(

Edited by Ferenc

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asi jediny wow na tbc co jde rozjet normalne, ale chybi tam modely blood elfu ve hre atp., nejsou spawny...

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Cybe co si to napsal??z toho sem nepochpopil nic..asi jediny wow na tbc co jde rozjet normalne??je tech wowu tolik bo co??A neni to nahodou tbc datadick na wow??ja myslim ze obracene to nenď

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Lidi ja jsem to tu dal jen protoze porad nekdo skmral o EMU na TBC tak jsem to tu hodil aby uz zbytecne nezkladalli dalsi Topici :)

Sam porad rikam na TBC emul jeste ne :)

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Ja si myslim ze mozna udelat dobrej emu pro betu clienta by taky nebylo od veci...pze kdyby se naspawnoval svet pro puvodni rasy..a pak by se dalo aspon par npc pro rasy nove...pak itemy ty by taky nebyly extra nutne..myslim ty nove...akorat kouzla a takovy veci s tema by byl problem

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no...ale kdyz ti nepojedou spelly tak ti nepojede vetsina itemu...pak....podle ceho ces udelat npc a questy??to by me taky zajimalo....kdyz je to zatim jen beta...

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Jeste otazecka..jak moc je tento emu hraletnej?co na nem jede?jak fungujou rasy atd..pls info...neda se to nejak rozjet treba jako normalni mangos kde by bylo all pro puvodni rasy...a jeste troska pro ty nove??


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Zacinam se tim uz zaobirat takze uvidim :) Mozna udelam revizi tu novou co je tedka akorat pro verzi TBC :)

Edited by serafin

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Oficialne se uz od 16 ledna hraje. A jetli myslis mangos revizi tak ta jeste nevysla :)


a ani tak skoro nebude toto je z www.mangosproject.org a hovory to za vsetko :whistling:


TBC is not currently supported by MaNGOS!



All aspects of future support are undetermined!




When (AND IF) support is added it will in come in a glorious announcement from the heavens that will leave all in awe!


(Or at least via a memo from someone such as theLuda.)





Thank you


suma sumarum mangos zatial TBC nepodporuje a zostavaju iba prerabky ktore vetsinov nestoja ani za rec ale najde sa par ktore ako tak funguju B)

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a ani tak skoro nebude toto je z www.mangosproject.org a hovory to za vsetko :whistling:


TBC is not currently supported by MaNGOS!

All aspects of future support are undetermined!

When (AND IF) support is added it will in come in a glorious announcement from the heavens that will leave all in awe!


(Or at least via a memo from someone such as theLuda.)



Thank you


suma sumarum mangos zatial TBC nepodporuje a zostavaju iba prerabky ktore vetsinov nestoja ani za rec ale najde sa par ktore ako tak funguju B)


mno, ale ten moj funguje, to musite uznat ;) zasa dalsi spam :D:spam: :spam: :spam:

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Nemuzete nekdo odhadnout , kdy asi MaNGOS začne officialne podporovat TBC ??


pozry sa o jednu stranku spet a najdes odpoved alebo chod rovno na www.mangosproject.org :lol:<_<

Edited by morpheuss

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