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mangos web v3 pomoc

Recommended Posts

conf mam takto


$dev = FALSE; // CHANGE THIS TO "FALSE"!!!!!!!!!!!

if ($dev == FALSE){ // Dont touch this.
*  Here you modify REALM database information ( Site will not work if these values are not good )
$realmd = array(
	'db_type'	 => 'mysql',
	'db_host'	 => '',   //ip of db realm
	'db_port'	 => '3306',	//port
	'db_username' => 'root',	//realm user
	'db_password' => 'root', 	//realm password
	'db_name'	 => 'realmd',	//realm db name
	'db_encoding' => 'utf8',		// don't change

*  Here you can modify general Config information.
$config = array(
	'template'					=> 'offlike',
	'template_image_href'		 => 'templates/offlike/',	//Link where images are located - Not touch YET.
	'default_lang'				=> 'en',					//Default lang // Don't change
	'lang'						=> 'en',					//Site Default lang
	'copyright'				   => 'All Images and Logos are copyright 2007 Blizzard Entertainment',  // Copyright Information for the footer of page
	'display_banner_flash'		=> 0,					   //Do you want to display Flash Banners?  |  1=yes 0=Show normal picture
	'use_archaeic_dbinfo_format'  => FALSE,				   //Leave this as FALSE unless you are converting from Modded MaNGOS Web
	'use_alternate_mangosdb_port' => 0,					   //If non-zero, use this port for connection to MaNGOS world database, NOT info in realmlist table
	'use_local_ip_port_test'	  => FALSE,				   //If TRUE, will use IP for port tests
	'account_key_retain_length'   => 60*60*24*14,			  //Retains account key cookie info for 14 days
	'cache_expiretime'			=> 0						// Cache expiretime. 0 = DISABLE cache system. 200 secconds is default

*  Here you can configure voting links to be displayed on your main page.
$config['vote_links'] = array();							  //Please do not remove this line.
*  Write your lines below this comment.
*  Example:
$config['vote_links'][] = array(
'link' => 'http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132194680',
'image' => 'http://www.xtremeTop100.com/votenew.jpg',
$config['vote_links'][] = array(
'link' => 'http://www.gamesites200.com/wowprivate/in.php?id=534',
'image' => 'http://www.gamesites200.com/wowprivate/vote.gif',
$config['vote_links'][] = array(
'link' => 'http://www.wowtopsites.com/index.php?do=votes&id=766',
'image' => 'http://www.wowtopsites.com/tracker.php?do=in&id=766',
$config['vote_links'][] = array(
'link' => 'http://www.gtop100.com/in.php?site=6873',
'image' => 'http://www.gtop100.com/images/nvotebutton.jpg',

*  Here you can configure the secret questions given out for password retrieve.
$secret_question_arr = array(
'0' => "What is your mother's maiden name?",
'1' => "What street did you grow up on?",
'2' => "What is the name of your first pet?",
'3' => "What is your favorite color?",
'4' => "What is your father's maiden name?",

*  This is an extended config section. In this section you can modify values; these values are optional to set but
*  some of the config values are very handy to set.
$site_specific_config = array(
	#Configuration for Realm
	'realm_info' => array(
		'default_realm_id'		  => 1,	  // Default REALMID. This will be displayed as default all places.

	#Configuration for news section.
	'news' => array(
		'items_per_page'			=> 6,	  // News-Output items limit
		'defaultOpen'			   => 3,	  // First N+1 items that are "opened" by default.

	#Configuration for forum's
	'forum' => array(
		'news_forum_id'			 => 1,	  // forum id for "news"
		'bugs_forum_id'			 => 2,	  // forum id for "bugtracker"
		'ql4_forum_id'			  => 4,	  // forum id for FAQ Forum/Quicklink4 in right menu

		// If you want to use external forums ( example Phpbb , you must configure these values)
		'externalforum'			 => 0,	  // 1 = Use external forum	 |	0 = Dont use external forum
		'frame_forum'			   => 0,	  // 1 = Use Frame to external forum	 |	0 = Redirect to external forum
		'forum_external_link'	   => '/forum',  // Url of external forum

		// If you want to use external bugs tracker ( example sourceforge.net , you must configure these values)
		'externalbugstracker'	   => 0,	  // 1 = Use external forum	 |	0 = Dont use external Bugs Tracker
		'frame_bugstracker'		 => 0,	  // 1 = Use Frame to external forum	 |	0 = Redirect to external Bugs Tracker
		'bugstracker_external_link' => '',	 // Url of external Bugs Tracker

		// Do you want to use external FAQ site? ( example forum topic)
		'faqsite_external_link'	 => '',	 // Url of external FAQ site - leave blank for internal forum

	#Configuration for Account Creation
	'account_registrer' => array(
		'enable_image_verfication'  => 0,   //  1 = Enable , 0 = Disable. .. Image activation, ( User must answer an image that gets created !/core/cache/randimg/ must have write permessions!!)
		'secret_questions_input'	=> 1,   // Do you want to let the user have secret questions?

//Variable name is in the process of being changed  -- Do not edit this
$site_spesific_config =& $site_specific_config;
//Do not edit the above

This is specified if you want to show the block that show information about your server rates.

You can use the config file that follows with mangosweb located... ./mangos.conf
>>> OR <<<  :
PATH to mangos CONFIG file. ( Example on windows: "C:\mangos\etc\mangos.conf"  | on linux "/opt/mangos/emumangos/mangos.conf" )

Note! To show " Server rates " you must enable "server_rates" to 'yes'.
To add more config files you must add an extra array.
$mangos_conf_external = array(
	// One array for each realm Number under is the ID of the realm..
	1 => array(
		'Mangos_Config_File' => './mangos.conf',

In this Config array you can configure what components on the site you want to show. Its formed in many section
You type 0 or 1   -  1 means that you will show content.
$component_active = array(
	'right_section' => array(
		'quicklinks'		 => 1,
		'users_on_homepage'  => 1,   //since "Users On Web Server" is currently under Server Information, requires server_information set to 1 also
		'server_information' => 1,
		'server_rates'	   => 0,
		'media'			  => 1,   //screenshot of the day
		'newbguide'		 => 1,   //new comer's guid
		'hitcounter'	 => 0,

	//specify which parts show under server_information
	'server_information' => array(
		'realm_status'	  => 1,
		'server_ip'		 => 1,
		'type'			  => 1,
		'language'		  => 1,
		'population'		=> 1,
		'accounts'		  => 1,
		'active_accounts'   => 1, //accounts active in last 2 weeks
		'characters'		=> 1,
		'online'			=> 1,
		'more_info'		 => 0,

	'left_section' => array(
		'Teamspeak'		 => 1,
		'chat'			  => 1,
		'donate'			=> 0,

		'Realms_status'	 => 1,
		'Players_online'	=> 1,
		'Honor'			 => 1,
		'Playermap'		 => 1, //Enable or disable playermap
		'Characters'		=> 1,
		'Userlist'		  => 1,
		'Statistic'		 => 1,
		'ah_system'		 => 0, //Auction House page
		'talents'	=>1,
'imap'			  => 1, //Outland map

		'Screenshots'	   => 1,
		'Wallpapers'		=> 1,
		'Upload_Wallpaper'  => 0,
		'Upload_Screenshot' => 0,

		'Commands'		  => 1,
		'Bug_tracker'	   => 1,
		'In_Game_Support'   => 1,
		'Online_GMs'		=> 1,

		//Game Guide
		'How_to_play'	   => 1,

		'Activate_account'  => 0,
		'Character_copy'	=> 1, // This requires extra install of SQL and more config.  See below.
		'retrieve_pass'	 => 1, // Where users fill in secret questions to retrieve their pass.

Here you may set the number of results displayed per page in the armory
Default: 50
$config['results_per_page'] = 50;

Here you may set the number of images displayed per page in the gallery
Default: 5
$config['images_per_page'] = 5;

Use wowhead tooltips instead basic tooltips now in ah system only
TODO: May on in armory
Support only blizzlike items (damn 2.3)
$config['wowhead_tooltips'] = 0;  

In this section you can configure the menu 'Character copy'.
You have 2 things to configure: What account the horde characters is on and  what account the alliance characters is on.
$character_copy_config = array(

	// On what realm ID's should the character copy system work ? You can add sevral realms in this array.
	'realmd_id' => array(
		0 => '1',
		//Example to add another realm to this function:  1 => '2',
	// Id's of horde and alliance account ( Find in realm.account table ->[guid] ) . THESE MUST BE SET OR !NOTHING! WILL WORK!!!!
	'accounts' => array(
		'horde'	=> 0,
		'alliance' => 0,

	// General Config system
	'generalconfig' => array(
		'Player_Start_Money' => 0, // How much gold should player start with ? ( This value is in copper )
		'Player_Start_Level' => 1, // What level should the player start with ?

Here you can enable use of pure-password saving.  It is not recommended unless you feel your database will NEVER be hacked into.
To enable, install the extra .sql
Then set $config['use_purepass_table'] to 1
$config['use_purepass_table'] = 0;

Here you can configure the donation administration.

$donation_config = array(
	// Your paypal email ( Paypal username )
	'PayPal_Email' => '[email protected]', 
	// Default PayPal lang. Just keep it like this.
	'paypallang' => 'EN',


/** Dont change anything below **/
$templates = array('offlike');
//	@include "../../../config.php";
include dirname(__FILE__)."/../config.php";

Edited by bLuma

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