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[EVENT] Darkmoon Faire

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Darkmoon Faire is a traveling fair that showcases the weird and the extraordinary. Often spotted in Elwynn Forest, Mulgore, and Terokkar Forest.

A gathering of the exotic from around the world and beyond, Silas Darkmoon has brought together the Darkmoon Faire as a celebration of the wonders and mysteries found in Azeroth. While the Faire spends most of its time in parts unknown, they do stop from time to time in Mulgore, Elwynn Forest and Terokkar Forest. When the faire is on its way, barkers will stop by Orgrimmar, Ironforge and Shattrath City to announce its arrival.

wowscrnshot040608015819ot3.th.jpg wowscrnshot041208074158ck4.th.jpg wowscrnshot041208074258ec3.th.jpg wowscrnshot041208074527qu6.th.jpg wowscrnshot041208074545ra4.th.jpg wowscrnshot041208074653ny2.th.jpg
These screenshots are from this event and not retail. They are outdated so some results may vary.

Download r22!
Password: arcemu

How-To Install:
1. Open the scripts folder and add the project to your current scripts folder. Just apply the corresponding folders. (Built using Moonscripts)
2. Open your script project and 'Add Existing Project', applying the project file if it's not already added.
3. Compile the scripts for your server. This will create a 'DarkmoonFaire.dll' file to add to your scripts_bin folder.
4. Open the 'Locations' folder and pick a location you wish to add to your server.
5. Pick a series from that folder. (Setup = The faire workers setting up (like retail); Active = Full Spawned Event; Remove = Used to remove each set.)
6. In that folder apply the 'DarkmoonFaire_<Location>_<Series>.sql to your world database.
7. Reboot, and it ready to go!

This project is extermely blizzlike as I have purged all data from retail servers. Currently the only two locations avalible are Mulgore and Elwynn Forest. I have put countless hours into this and am looking for anyone willing to help develop the tonk system and a few other C++ related areas. If you are interested please PM me on these forums.

Feel free to use this and distribute it freely, all I ask is for some sort of credit, even if only left in the compiled dll. Also if you improve this in anyway, please share it with everyone else here, as I have done with this. We're all here for the open-source, lets keep it that way. ;)

Revision 22:
- Fixed the sql queries so that adding and removing work correctly and remove everything.
- Bunch more cleanup work. Will begin quest rebuild shortly.
Revision 21:
- Removed custom carnies from active series. Now using the correct npc.
- Active carnies now hold thier broom and bucket like they should.
Revision 20:
- Fixed the custom carnies. They now apply correctly.
- Renamed one of the files.
Revision 19:
- Cleaned up all location sql files.
- Removed old sql folders with ripped data. These arn't needed anymore.
- Added a 'Remove' sql for Mulgore Setup series. Whops.
Revision 18:
- Removed the Blastenheimer script from the project since it somehow go left behind.
- Cleaned up sayge script a bit.
Revision 17:
  - Updated TonkControlConsole.cpp in the /extras/ folder. So far you can only drive then around. Anyone
 interested in helping with this script?
  - Fixed Tonks to have correct faction, hp and mana.
  - Edited cannon type, this will change.
Revision 16:
  - Blastenheimer 5000 Cannon scripted. This is in the /extras/ folder and to use it you have to use the
 patch 'Gameobject_RemoveModifyEvent.patch' in the /patch/ folder or it won't compile.
  - Cannon still does not animate, and this can only be used in ElwynnForest right now until I find a way
 to make it work in multiple locations. Can anyone script this to animate? Me love you long time.
Revision 15:
  - Added the music to the Faire in ElwynnForest. I used an invisible npc instead of a gameobject. 
 If anyone can script this for a gameobject, please post it.
  - Updated sqls to spawn this 'dmfmusic' npc.
  - Edited some scripts

Faire Schedule:

2008 Schedule

Elwynn Dates 
March 3 - March 9 
June 9 - June 15 
September 8 - September 14 
December 8 - December 14 

Mulgore Dates 
January 7 - January 13 
April 7 - April 13 
July 7 - July 13 
October 6 - October 12 

Terokkar Forest Dates 
February 4 - January 10 
May 5 - May 11 
August 4 - August 10 
November 10 - November 16

Edited by Zachy

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Definuj slovo ,,poskodene'' ;) Nejde sosnout? Nejde otevřít? Nejde zkompilovat? Prostě slovo ,,poskodene'' nestačí :P

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Ja to akoze mozem stiahnut stade ale ukazuje mi na tej stranke ze to ma 0mega a 0 Kb vsetko nula a nejde to ani otvorit Subor poskodeny :teehee:

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A nebezalo totok na verzii 1.12.1??? pokial viem tam to bnolo ale potom s prichjodom BC to zmyszlo ze vsetkych serverov preco? :(

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Protoze po datadisku zacaly byt emulatory propracovanejsi a ma to byt tak ze ten cirkus se tam obevi jednou za mesic, nema tam byt porad

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