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[Release] Howling's Funserver Pack V4

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Howling's Funverserver Pack V4 released! Here is what's new:


-added in mall warp npc, morph npc, buff npc, heal npc, stripper npc and maxskill npc!

-updated to latest ncdb 1171 & latest ascent core trunk 4.3 r4234

-latest moonscripts 308

-cursor problems from mall vendors fixed!

-pvp token system (both players who fight must be lvl 70 and winner gets a salmon, you decide if you reward him with t7 or what you want according to how many he has d)

-L70 ETC band now automatically plays song & shows emotes

-Scarlets hand custom instance with lua scriptes bosses & mobs

-portal to the custom instance in mall

-alterac valley battleground fixed, so now all 4 battlegrounds are working

-portal to alterac valley battleground spawned in mall

-headless horseman spawned in front of custom city

-remote connections to database enabled

-minor mysql and site errors fixed

-editing site names guide


PS: sorry about the many portals in mall to Scarlets Hand, now i noticed, just write .go sel then .go del when you are near one to remove some


V3 stuff:

-updated to latest ncdb 1151 & ascent core 4160

-fixed mysql errors

-mysql problems readme created if you encounter

-custom bosses and items fixed and working

-custom bosses are spawned in front of custom city

-all battlegrounds fixed, work and arena npcs & battlemasters spawned in mall

-portal to eye of the storm battleground in mall

-stats fixed, they are now calculated properly

-added ascent restarter

-legendary items from kael thas fight and warglaives added to arena 3 pvp vendor

-added old tier 7 items at tier I vendor

-added new tier 7 items at tier II vendor

-zeppelin & boats transports fixed

-the new mounts added to mount vendors (amani war bear, cenarion war hypograph, flying machine control, turbo charged flying machine control)

-added navicat installer to not have problems like with installed aldready one

-no item requirement on vendors fixed

-gm set vendor added on gm island

-global melee & spell caster trainers spawned in mall (with all class abilities like berserker stance, defensive stance, bear form etc)

-Wrath Of The Lich King Site

-Integrated forum

-forum install guide in the pack

-Working integrated armory like on blizz

-pointers fixed

-Howling's Breath of Doom weapon added to gm vendor

-added nice worldports text

-fixed all sqls and errors from previous pack

-L70 ETC rock band spawned in mall with stage Song "Power of the horde" with command .playall 11803

-added dyndns updater because sometimes the ip gets updated and website doesn't work anymore, just leave it there on startup, it will automatically update the ip

-regen rate lowered so i added telaari grapes and purified draenic water (7500 hp/7200 mana over 30 sec) at mall inkeeper

-auctioneer in mall

For the ones who are new to my releases below are the other details:

I launched my server to be much more easier for you guys to use my repack, everything is integrated here, so you will have only little work setting up the server.


1.Must extract the server in C:\Howling's Server, otherwise mysql and apache won't work

2.Extract the maps and put them in the ascent folder (if u already have the maps skip this one)

3.If u want to have all class spells on startup, start with t6,start with weapon & riding skill, Language - horde and alliance understand each other execute the sql files from stuff folder

4. for the blizzlike site u have the instructions in the stuff folder and other read me's

5. change the realmlist with or with your dyndns address if u have it public

6. the account is admin with pass admin, to make other admin/gm accounts enter the logon database, accounts table and put for the account you want az for admin, a for gm, 0 is for normal players

7.To make your server work u must change a little the config files:


in ascent-world.conf

<WorldDatabase Hostname = "evilwow.servegame.org" put localhost or your dyndns address if u have it public

Motd = "Hi everyone! Welcome to Evil WoW" change it to what you want

in ascent-logon.conf:

Hostname = "evilwow.servegame.org" put localhost or your dyndns address if u have it public

in ascent-realms.conf


<LogonServer Address = "evilwow.servegame.org" put localhost or your dyndns address if u have it public

<Realm1 Name = "Evil WoW" put which name u want the realm to have

Address = "evilwow.servegame.org:8129" put or your dyndns address if u have it public

8. Install .net framework 3.5

9.Now open these files in this order: mysql and apache from the server folder and after that ascent-logon.exe and ascent-world.exe

10. Optional only: if u want to have vmaps and collision enabled move the vmap_assembler.exe and vmapextract_v2.exe into your wow folder and make a folder named vmaps there. double click on vmapextract_v2.exe and wait for it to finish. After that double click vmap_assembler.exe and wait a little longer. Move the buildings and vmaps folder in your ascent folder and it's done you have collision system!

11. After it finishes loading enter and play!

My configuration helps u out by:

-having instant 70 on xp

-exalted reputation instant

-very high drop rate

-lua files enabled

-disabled annoying die directive

.recall port pog command to get in mall


The Server also includes:

-mysql, apache & navicat integrated into server

-.net framework 3.5 included

-moonscripts included & most lua scripts

-illidan's mall which includes: tiers vendor, weapon vendors, inkeeper,mailbox etc & custom city

-illidan & all bosses working

-maps & vmaps extractor

-character database

-world database

-lots of tools

-collision enabled

-readmes in the stuff folder

-standard tier 7, without the priest, mage & rogue t7

-gm set

-optional Sqls if u want to add (saw someone wanted spells on startup), so u can execute the sql files to start will all class spells,start with t6, start with weapon & riding skill, Language - horde and alliance understand each other

-gm commands & others

-very useful addons, especially My_master to make your gm life easier

-put my config files of ascent to make it easier for ya

-added new tier 7 set for all classes


-created portals to mall in every starting areas and in every major city

-created portals to arena & illidan's custom city

-created portals to nagrand arena

- welcome npc which gives you 10000 gold added

- season 3 vendors added

-teleports fixed

-removed arena points and faction requirement for items

-respawned all class trainers in mall cause they weren't teaching all spells

-spawned riding instructor & weapon masters in mall

-fully spawned Zul'aman mobs & missing bosses like Zul'jin and Hex Lord

-spawned some missing npcs in SSC, like Lady Vashj and some mobs

-spawned missing Shadikith and full opera bossess in Karazhan

-spawned a few mobs and missing essences in BT

-guild master spawned,tabard vendor spawned,battlemasters spawned,arena organizer spawned,banker,bartender spawned all in mall

-added enchant weapon-executioner at vendor


Credits to Illidan for mall,instance, custom city

Credits to DjAligator for the GM set

Credits to Vatralaus & Pedregon for the site

Credits to Knaur for the global trainers

If you have problems installing, post it here, good luck with the server:D, it is a big file but it's worth it! the download link might ask you to install a toolbar, install it so u can recieve a 3 letter code for download smile.gif


Link to a video how to make your server public

Link to the pack




Prevzato z PerfectWorldForka


Fakt neco suproveho pro fun servery :)

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Jinak vcera sem to testoval a je to 100% funkcni Illidan Event spoustu lua scriptu a pak SQL updaty Fakt stoji za to to otestovat :)

Edited by Scarry

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Jinak vcera sem to testoval a je to 100% funkcni Illidan Event spoustu lua scriptu a pak SQL updaty Fakt stoji za to to otestovat :)



no podivej sql update sou kde ? nak je tam nemohu najit a co sunwel jede ti v poho ?

PS:koukam ze tu je jen ten fun repack sou dva blizz a fun ale ten blizz je naka jebka ten fun skusim

Edited by eu.blood.leon

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