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Dead F. Angel

##DFA ArcEMU Revisions##

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ALTER TABLE `items` CHANGE `socket_bonus` `socket_bonus` INT( 30 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL;

Diki... predpokladam ze taky isty bude zapis aj ked tu istu chybu dela s inym stlpcom..


Neni to nahodou delane pre NCDB sak mam RusDB a stale hadze DUPLICATE ENTRY...

Edited by Phoenix1994

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Už vyšla Revision 4377 :P

btw, nekompiloval jsem to já ;)

Edited by Zachy

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Chtěl sem se zeptat, podporují tyhle revize moon++ a lua? Mám totiž vše zaplí a bossům se moc nechce do castění. Jinak RusDB se mi zdá až moc přespavnovaná, viz BT :-)

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inac pozor na nove nastavenie v ascent-logonserver.confg bez toho sa server nepusti


#  AllowedIPs
#    This section MUST be completed, otherwise all attempts to link your servers will fail.
#    These "Allowed" fields are a space-seperated list of CIDR-form IP addresses that are allowed
#    to make server connections to your logonserver, and register realms.
#    For example, everything in the 127.0.0.* range would be:
#, as 24 of the bits must match the
#    To allow a single IP,
#, would allow only to connect as 32 of the bits must match.
#  AllowedModIPs
#    In the same form as AllowedIPs, these are the IPs that are allowed to modify the database
#    (adding bans, GMs, account permissions, etc)

<LogonServer RemotePassword = "change_me_logon"
             AllowedIPs = "***MUST BE COMPLETED***"
             AllowedModIPs = "***MUST BE COMPLETED***">

Edited by miki999

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pls pouzivam ten Ascent TRUNK 4391 (miki999) + moon scripts - Download

a neviem co mam viplnit v logon serveri :( :

AllowedIPs = ""

AllowedModIPs = "">

uplne dole :(

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tohle je od MesoX-a se podekuj pak jemu ;)




# Database Section
#   Database.Host      - The hostname that the database is located on
#   Database.Username  - The username used for the mysql connection
#   Database.Password  - The password used for the mysql connection
#   Database.Name      - The database name
#   Database.Port      - Port that MySQL listens on. Usually 3306.
#   Database.Type      - Client to use. 1 = MySQL, 2 = PostgreSQL, 3 = Oracle 10g

WorldDatabase Hostname = "" Username = "root" Password = "root" Name = "jmenodb" Port = "3306" Type = "1"
CharacterDatabase Hostname = "" Username = "root" Password = "root" Name = "jmenodb" Port = "3306" Type = "1"


+ SMAZAT die directive (je to zhruba v prostred a potom skoro uplne na konci - musis to smazazt cele jak to vidis tady!)

# Die Directive
#    If this triggers it means you didn't read your config file!
#    Just comment it or remove it when you've read this.

die msg="I am a newb who didn't even read half my config file!"


DALE zmenit heslo ( je to asi za polovinou conf souboru)

# LogonServer Setup
#    DisablePings   
#        This directive controls whether pings will be sent to the logonserver to check
#        if the connection is still "alive". Expect problems if it is disabled.
#        Default: 0
#    RemotePassword
#        This directive controls the password used to authenticate with the logonserver.
#        It must be the same between the two configs. If it is not, your server will
#        not register.

LogonServer DisablePings = "0"
             RemotePassword = "root"





# LogonDatabase Section
#    These directives are the location of the `realms` and `accounts`
#    tables.
#    LogonDatabase.Host      - The hostname that the database is located on
#    LogonDatabase.Username  - The username used for the mysql connection
#    LogonDatabase.Password  - The password used for the mysql connection
#    LogonDatabase.Name      - The database name
#    LogonDatabase.Port      - Port that MySQL listens on. Usually 3306.
#    LogonDatabase.Type      - Client to use. 1 = MySQL, 2 = PostgreSQL, 3 = Oracle 10g

LogonDatabase Hostname = ""
               Username = "root"
               Password = "root"
               Name     = "jmenodb"
               Port     = "3306"
               Type     = "1"

# Accepted Build Range Setup
#    These two directives set up which clients will be
#    allowed to authenticate with the realm list.
#    Set these to the same builds that the server was
#    compiled for.
#    As of the last update, version 2.1.1 was build 6739. Version 2.3.0 was build 7561. Version 2.4.0 is build 7897.
<Client MinBuild = "7561"
        MaxBuild = "7897"


a zase zmenit heslo(zase uplne dole)

# WorldServer Setup
#    This directive controls the password used to authenticate with the worldserver.
#    It must be the same between the two configs. If it is not, your server will
#    not register.
#    Default: "change_me_logon"

LogonServer RemotePassword = "root"




# Realm Section
#    Name:
#        The name of the realm.
#    Address:
#        The address (and port) of that realm.
#    Icon:
#        The type of realm (PVP, Normal, RPPVP, RP)
#    Colour:
#        Realm colour in realm list display.
#    TimeZone:
#        Time zone the realm is in.
#    Population:
#        (0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high)

Realm1 Name = "NAZEV SERVRU"
        Address = "IPSERVRU:8129"   // nebo ip hamachi ale musi zustat vzdy :8129 ( 8129 je port serveru )
        Icon = "PVP"
        Colour = "1"
        Population = "1.0"
        TimeZone = "1"



by MesoX

Edited by X-dizox

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tohle je od MesoX-a se podekuj pak jemu ;)


# Database Section
#   Database.Host      - The hostname that the database is located on
#   Database.Username  - The username used for the mysql connection
#   Database.Password  - The password used for the mysql connection
#   Database.Name      - The database name
#   Database.Port      - Port that MySQL listens on. Usually 3306.
#   Database.Type      - Client to use. 1 = MySQL, 2 = PostgreSQL, 3 = Oracle 10g

WorldDatabase Hostname = "" Username = "root" Password = "root" Name = "jmenodb" Port = "3306" Type = "1"
CharacterDatabase Hostname = "" Username = "root" Password = "root" Name = "jmenodb" Port = "3306" Type = "1"


+ SMAZAT die directive (je to zhruba v prostred a potom skoro uplne na konci - musis to smazazt cele jak to vidis tady!)

# Die Directive
#    If this triggers it means you didn't read your config file!
#    Just comment it or remove it when you've read this.

die msg="I am a newb who didn't even read half my config file!"


DALE zmenit heslo ( je to asi za polovinou conf souboru)

# LogonServer Setup
#    DisablePings   
#        This directive controls whether pings will be sent to the logonserver to check
#        if the connection is still "alive". Expect problems if it is disabled.
#        Default: 0
#    RemotePassword
#        This directive controls the password used to authenticate with the logonserver.
#        It must be the same between the two configs. If it is not, your server will
#        not register.

LogonServer DisablePings = "0"
             RemotePassword = "root"


# LogonDatabase Section
#    These directives are the location of the `realms` and `accounts`
#    tables.
#    LogonDatabase.Host      - The hostname that the database is located on
#    LogonDatabase.Username  - The username used for the mysql connection
#    LogonDatabase.Password  - The password used for the mysql connection
#    LogonDatabase.Name      - The database name
#    LogonDatabase.Port      - Port that MySQL listens on. Usually 3306.
#    LogonDatabase.Type      - Client to use. 1 = MySQL, 2 = PostgreSQL, 3 = Oracle 10g

LogonDatabase Hostname = ""
               Username = "root"
               Password = "root"
               Name     = "jmenodb"
               Port     = "3306"
               Type     = "1"

# Accepted Build Range Setup
#    These two directives set up which clients will be
#    allowed to authenticate with the realm list.
#    Set these to the same builds that the server was
#    compiled for.
#    As of the last update, version 2.1.1 was build 6739. Version 2.3.0 was build 7561. Version 2.4.0 is build 7897.
<Client MinBuild = "7561"
        MaxBuild = "7897"


a zase zmenit heslo(zase uplne dole)

# WorldServer Setup
#    This directive controls the password used to authenticate with the worldserver.
#    It must be the same between the two configs. If it is not, your server will
#    not register.
#    Default: "change_me_logon"

LogonServer RemotePassword = "root"


# Realm Section
#    Name:
#        The name of the realm.
#    Address:
#        The address (and port) of that realm.
#    Icon:
#        The type of realm (PVP, Normal, RPPVP, RP)
#    Colour:
#        Realm colour in realm list display.
#    TimeZone:
#        Time zone the realm is in.
#    Population:
#        (0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high)

Realm1 Name = "NAZEV SERVRU"
        Address = "IPSERVRU:8129"   // nebo ip hamachi ale musi zustat vzdy :8129 ( 8129 je port serveru )
        Icon = "PVP"
        Colour = "1"
        Population = "1.0"
        TimeZone = "1"

by MesoX

OMG ale to bolo este zo stareho logonserveru ale hento je novsia verzia kde to tu je este napisane inak ????? ci vari ty si to tam nasiel ?


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a teras mam takyto problem ze ascent-world pise :

Connecting to logonserver on ´´...


Authenticating failed a stale do okola a ascent-logonserver:

Authenticating request from, result FAIL

Key: a vseliake haky baky co s tym zas je ? :(((

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ascent-world pise :

Connecting to logonserver on ´´...


Authenticating failed a stale do okola a ascent-logonserver:

Authenticating request from, result FAIL

Key: a vseliake haky baky stale

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ale ked pouzivam ascent - 4336 tak tam to este neni v logonserveri a pise to stale to

scent-world pise :

Connecting to logonserver on ´´...


Authenticating failed a stale do okola a ascent-logonserver:

Authenticating request from, result FAIL

Key: a vseliake haky baky stale

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