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Posts posted by wowfeenix

  1. i8YjAhn.png


    ETA: November 16 2018, 20:00 CET

    We'd like to invite you all to launch of our upcoming Vanilla highrate realm - Alpenglow. Feenix project will be reborn with help from EluneBay team. They decided to help us bring peace to our players and take the lead over the project.
    Quick info:
    1. Total lack of progressive content. We're opening everything, we're not going to block anything. (It makes no sense to block content when Blizzard is at the stage of releasing classic versions of servers.)
    - Each raid except Molten Core and Onyxia will beavailable with Attunements, which should be obtained by guilds and will be assigned to them. This means that each subsequent raid requires the completion of the previous one. This will be kept, at the level closest to the Blizzlike level, Attunement will unlock every next raid.
    - Attunements are assigned to the guild, not to the character, so the guild that won it on group A can also use it on group B.
    2. We will add the Hall of Fame, which was introduced in realm Alpenglow. (We really want to distinguish people who have worked on the success of their own guilds and introduce a greater number of opportunities to win and stand out. 3 Experience and Quest rate are, at the level of x12 - exactly what it looked like, on the previous version of Warsong. (It really does not make sense to force people who are waiting for the Classic edition to get back to leveling up again.) We leave the opportunity to enjoy the end game with everyone in a short time and, above all, the opportunity to prepare for the official Classic servers.)
    4. Feenix custom changes, some remain, some are going to be changed or improved. Those will definitely stay:
    - 20 minutes Hearthstone Cooldown,
    - Dual Talent (For everyone for the Vote and Donate points, the first gives the opportunity to get the dual talent function completely free, in a relatively short time not longer than 14 days).
    * * * We’re changing * * *
    - x2 Honor Rates x2 Profession Rates x2 Loot Rates: Everything goes down to level x1. (We want to keep several aspects of the game so that players have the opportunity to get used to the Blizzlike level and will not be disgusted by resistance after switching to the official version of the game.)
    - Multiboxing: We do not intend to introduce the possibility of multiboxing, we are well aware that this was possible on the previous version of the Feenix project, unfortunately we are not going to allow it.
    * * * We’re adding * * *

    - Item Pack: Our change that will keep the drop values at x1 and enjoy the normal game when leveling. Item pack is a package that each player will receive automatically after getting one of the following levels:
    10, 20,  30, 40, 50, 60. - Basic equipment will be prepared in each package, ie: chest, legs, gloves, back, head + weapon.

    Usefull links:

    Feenix Website: Click here
    Feenix Community: Click Here.

    Best regards, The Feenix Team.

  2. Dear users of WoWResource! We'd like to introduce you to our private World of Warcraft server project based on Classic and The Burning Crusade versions.

    Project Feenix is a new version of well known WoWone server, created by players of that server who have no connections to the old administration of WoWone. 
    We are currently in phase of preparations and gathering our community before servers launch. In many eyes Feenix is still remembered as friendly place to play, that's why we want to keep implementing new events as long as possible.

    Going to the point, especially to the work over the project, which started at the beginning of August 2017. For most of this time, our emulator received a large number of patches, which will be easily visible to everyone, from the first day of playing on our server. Our server is based on a source code that has been tested and is still being developed by our developers team (exactly on MaNGOS). Needless to say, and we have to emphasize this here, we intend to provide a closed beta tests. You will get more information about this event on our forum and our social media profiles.

    We start from the very beginning of the Classic version and intend to offer the fastest and balanced High Rate mode. Below we present settings of our realms:

    Realm: Warsong 1.12.1 

    ~ Player XP: x12,
    ~ Quest XP: x12,
    ~ All other settings: x2.

    Realm: Archangel 2.4.3 

    ~ Player XP: x14,
    ~ Quest XP: x14,
    ~ All other settings: x2.

    We plan to provide you all instances in a short period of time. For a better presentation of whole situation, below we present a detailed graphical description for each stage of the server.


    ETA: May 18, 2018, 18:00 GMT + 2

    Regarding the location of our servers, these are located in Western Germany, that's why all Europeans can be calm and play with very low latency. We will also do our best for players from other continents to provide them with game comfort from everywhere on Earth, no matter where they play.

    In summary, this project is created for two reasons:
    1. Reproducing already absent private servers, realm Warsong and Archangel, also known as WoWone.
    2. Filling the gap in the High Rate sector, affecting the Classic version and The Burning Crusade.

    We are obviously open to cooperation, so if you are willing to join our team and not necessarily play, feel free to email us via the form available on our website. We will respond to every message with great pleasure.

    Usefull links:

    ~ Feenix Website -> Click Here,
    ~ Feenix Forum -> Click Here.

    Best regards, the Feenix project team!
