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    • Xmat

      Pravidlo pro postování v TTT

      Do sekce Tipy, triky, tutoriály nepatří žádné dotazy.   Postujte sem vaše návody, tipy a různé další věci jež uznáte za vhodné sdělit zdejšímu osazenstvu, ale veškeré dotazy směřujte do sekce Všeobecná diskuse.
    • Replik

      Seznam návodů a důležitých témat v této sekci

      Pro lepší přehlednost jsem vytvořil tento seznam, který vás, méně zkušené, lépe provede touto sekcí. Věřím, že zde najdete, co hledáte. Vypsané jsou návody, které jsou oficiálně uznané jako návody. Běžné diskuze, které neposkytují postupy a rady zvěřejněny nejsou.   Instalace vlastního MaNGOS Serveru Díky těmto návodům budete (měli by jste být) schopni vytvořit a následně spustit váš vlastní server. Nastavení je pro verze s i bez datadisku.   Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (bez datadisku TBC) - Autor Benny Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (s datadiskem TBC) - Autor Malfik Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor charlie Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor kupkoid   Chyby a jejich řešení při přihlašování k serveru - Autor Cybe   Zálohování uživatelských dat   Dávkový soubor (BAT soubor) pro vytvoření SQL záloh - Autor Replik   Kompilování - tvoření vlastních release (revizí)   Tvorba kompilací pro Win32 (MangoScript) - Autor bLuma   Ostatní - těžko zařaditelné, ale neznamená to, že nejsou dobré   VIP Systém - Autor charlie Tvorba Webových stránek pro MaNGOS - Autor zahuba Tvorba teleportačních NPC (MangoScript) - Autor Replik Registrační web (původně předělaná SPORA) Funkční pro Antrix i MaNGOS - Autor Replik Nastavení a spuštění Minimanager pro MaNGOS - Autor BlackMartin Nastavení MaNGOS Website - Autor Artorius   Samozřejmě jsou zde i jiné návody, ale tyto jsou nejvíce používané, proto věřím, že vám budou nápomocné. Tuto sekci budeme upravovat podle potřeby. Pokud by jste něco nenašli nebo si nevěděli rady, hledejte na fóru a teprve potom založte vlastní topik. Pokud nějaký autor vytvoří kvalitní návod a chtěl by ho zveřejnit i v tomto seznamu, doporučuji, aby mi napsal zprávu skrze PM.   Díky a přeji hezký den na WoWResource   Replik
    • Aristo

      Příspěvky tam, kde nemají co dělat

      Dodržujte zákaz přispívání do topiků s repaky pokud si to zakladatelé nepřejí!! Opakované psaní příspěvků bude trestáno warnem.
    • Aristo

      Používání spoilerů

      Poslední dobou má většina uživatelů fora zvláštní nutkání postovat extrémně dlouhé texty nebo kódy, které zabírají v nejedenom případu i 80% obsahu celé stránky a hodně tak zvedají nepřehlednost v topiku. Chtěl bych všechny uživatele požádat, aby při postování citací, jakýchkoliv kódů, errorů, atp... delších než 30 řádků používali funkci spoileru.   Funkci vyvoláte příkazem [spoiler] text [/spoiler]   Ukázka:  


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Everything posted by Time

  1. Prodám vysokokapacitní "Externí Disky"

    Prodám vysokokapacitní "Flash Disc" tohle je samozřejmě o klidu, takže Fiki nevím zda li jsi v tomto odborník, ale určitě nejsi, vůbec nevíš co je to pojem Flash Disc a Pevný disk, prosím prostuduj si nějakou knihu předtím než začneš nabízet něco o čem nemáš ani páru tady máš nějaké výňatky z wikipedie http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harddisk http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_disk http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_pam%C4%9B%C5%A5
  2. Na jakém serveru jste začínali?

    Antik server snad nejlepší komunita co byla.... patch 1.3.2... to byly časy
  3. Zkus tenhle http://www.toxic-wow.net/ hraje tam průměrně 800+ je tam jak AV (sice nefunguje tak jak by mělo ale bitka 50 na 50 se tam vzdycky najde), WSG-AB funkcni, je to prijemne odreagování pro hráče-nehráče wowu
  4. V6 (client ver.2.3.3)

    jinak tady pro ty línější hledat ((changelog)) +++ blizzlike teleport coor +++ removed extra thread locking on packet send in WS +++ netcore: working on Edge-Triggered emulation (almost completed), epoll emulated under Windows does support ET behaviour although not yet tested +++ UseHighPerformanceNetReactor setting is now also good for ES and WS +++ netcore: epoll() (Linux/Win), on recv() if EAGAIN is received connection will not be dropped +++ fixed crash on Groups if deleted while having BG registration +++ fixed portability issue with output of 64bit integers to printf like f. -- more work on quest packets. +++ started implementing faster asynchronious epoll() Edge-Triggered feature :) this road will never end :).... +++ more documentation on epoll() +++ new Python API: add_varargs_method ("Despawn", &PyUnit::ext_Despawn, "(respawn_time_ms, respawn_at_spawn_loc) Despawns Creature with 'respawn_time_ms' and respawns it at spawn location if 'respawn_at_spawn_loc' == 1."); +++ epoll() IOCP: reimplemented event collection for new connects for Listener sockets using asynchronious Winsock API WSAEventSelect for less CPU work and be more eventable-like model +++ fixed epoll() IOCPed reactor correct closure +++ fixed pthread POSIX try_lock mutexes (errno was mistakenly used for EBUSY condition check that is fully thread unsafe, using return value instead now) +++ enabled ASSERTs for Public versions +++ decode some spell attributes. +++ aux: hidden public members of thread_container +++ PyCXX: improved method call speed by x2 times +++ fixed usage of ASSERT_AUX in epoll() +++ fixed spells like Flamestrike to be stuck on player +++ tried to fix infreq. crash in ES on items +++ fixed GMs shutdown -- SMSG_QUESTGIVER_QUEST_DETAILS done (kos add Honor points and reward spell for it). +++ fixed "Required %" +++ implemented GO quest status signs +++ move quest reputation to new sql table ( check sql svn ) +++ more checks on data loading +++ correction to Quest dialog status for GO +++ probably fixed "Requires %s" +++ disabled GM commands on players/self if player is on taxi/transport +++ Load only teach spellprices (ignore others) +++ Output spells with NULL price (missing from table) to log +++ fixed crash in epoll() IOCP on exit +++ expanded object_cast<> to Object to Object situation +++ SMSG_QUESTGIVER_QUEST_DETAILS will work for item quest givers also +++ reverted PyCXX to std::map +++ fixed compile +++ completed hash functor +++ quest packet fix +++ fixed GetQuestFinishSpellId() PY API +++ improved PYCXX performance (PLEASE REBUILD DEPLIBS PRIOR PROJECT COMPILE) +++ speedup PYCXX methods lookup during runtime using hash_map + hasher function -- reverted -) +++ close quest window if mob has == 1 quests +++ fixed ASSERT on ES closure +++ new method GetQuestCount() for Creature -- more work on quest packets. +++ improved sqlpp's Query class +++ non important corrections (interproject updates) +++ new Python API: - GetQuestFinishSpellId(quest_id) - GetQuestBeginSpellId(quest_id) for scripting of buff/debuff spells on quest interaction. You will ned new table 'quest_spells' from SVN. +++ modified all projects to be using SSE CPU extensions +++ corrections to Affect Add/Remove +++ fixed crash on Affect add (my mistake) +++ reanabled stack walking to detect mutex deadlock +++ try-catch block will also Log now in Scripts lib +++ fixed compile +++ removed hack for emotions in SMSG_QUESTGIVER_QUEST_DETAILS: to-do: emote data for quest details shell be loaded from DB +++ added 'm_honorPoints' to Quest class: to-do: load it from Quest proto from DB +++ fixed item binding +++ fixed compile +++ reverted changes to sql ++ (Pls NEVER change anything there without talking to me, all stuff there is tested and working bug-free) +++ epoll: better memory management Notice: NEVER make commits without explanations of what was done!!! +++ epoll() IOCP: optimized recv buffer size to be calculated on the fly boosting buffer when data portion is large and decreasing respectively when packets are small +++ HandleAddAffect will delete affect now if target was Null -- Modify quest packets structure. +++ fixed ghost (PLEASE DO NOT DO UNTESTED OR ROUGH CHANGES WITHOUT KNOWING THE RESULT OR CAUSE) +++ corrections to loot to save on CPU +++ switched on mutex debugging to detect deadlock +++ fixed asserting on item deletion if couln't find/load it from DB +++ improved IOCP to be using linked list and removed dependence from all STL containers except hash_map +++ added warning output for spells with 0 price +++ fixed loot +++ maximized epoll() IOCP speed by using linked lists for frequent objects +++ fixed player ressurection script API +++ fixed bug when quests could not be completed if item was held in additional bags +++ fixed item count getter which would affect other game aspects I guess +++ fixed GHOST aura not be saved into DB preventing players be between Alive/Dead :) +++ more loot tables.. ( 2sql ) +++ added min_count max_count to items,creatures loot (need sql) +++ dramatically improved CPU utilization in epoll() using IOCP = 15000 active connections take 10% CPU + 2% for every 5000 new connections +++ fixed compile +++ more work on network core, seems IOCP is finished and needs mass test +++ new dbc stores +++ fixed StableSlotPrices and BankBagSlotPrices +++ code cleanup +++ info about procflags +++ fixed forced external socket close for epoll() +++ also to LS +++ disabled abortive connection close out of rector in RS +++ more on IOCP +++ more on IOCP +++ seems like finished IOCP epoll() reactor for Windows, pls try it now :) +++ code cleanup +++ more work on IOCP +++ more work on IOCP +++ more work on IOCPed epoll(): completed problem (1) when connections are dropped, now problem (2) - asynchr. data flaws +++ fighting with epoll iocp reactor... # Should Realm Server use high performance network reactor (Windows: IOCP, Linux: epoll, BSD: kqueue) # Enable this option to accept many connections to Realm, it is recommended for connections > 300 # Default: 0, change to yes or true or 1 to enable # UseHighPerformanceNetReactor = no +++ summon wild spell effect can now put spawned creature into destination given by client +++ seems that Reactor_EPoll is fixed now to accept new incoming connections awaiting for data portion on connect and not sending anything before that +++ tried to fix some spell effects +++ completed epoll() emulation using IOCP and enabled Reactor_EPoll for LS & RS, please report any bugs to me ASAP +++ almost completed Reactor_EPoll emulation using IOCP under Windows, though all servers use Reactor_Select for stability +++ almost completed IOCP (disabled though) +++ started epoll() Win emulation using IOCP to provide same fast net engine under Windows +++ fixed Reactor_Poll/Reactor_EPoll/Reactor_Select misc errors +++ some stuff.. +++ optimized Reactor_EPoll for Win +++ my new ID +++ fixed RS to be working more correctly with WS connections +++ fixed Reactor_EPoll (starting Win optimization now :)) +++ Reactor_EPoll: windows version got now >1 epoll() reactors creation ability +++ Reactor: implemented Reactor_EPoll: - Linux: using native epoll interface - Windows: implemented own epoll emulation :) based on select() +++ fixed priority setting for threads in POSIX threads +++ some stuff -- Add owned and bidder sends in auction. (cant find expired auction, so TODO) +++ optimized aux::average_time +++ swithced off mutex debugging +++ corrected projects +++ fixed Reactor_Poll for Windows +++ fixed add affect ^^ +++ fixed Linux build and fixed all incompatibilities, Linux now is 100% == Windows version with all background supporting libs incl. memory pool +++ fixed <item>: unknown stat type[-1] by default in db we have it. with 0 value.) +++ work on system classes/aux lib/mempool, implemented POSIX mmap()/unmap() for page allocations in mempool +++ fully reworked logics of post Add/Remove affect actions +++ AreaTriggers now unified back to 1 map, no sense to keep in to 2 and make mistakes with it (pls do not modify anymore, it is fully correct) +++ implemented Item Stats for Combat Ratings, now items will give them :) +++ reorganized new memory pool to be real library now +++ AUX_ASSERT will 'throw' now to generate crash-dumps -- Add SMSG_AUCTION_BIDDER_NOTIFICATION. +++ fixed areatriggers +++ cleanup +++ aux lib got CLog bound for logging into file log also +++ Auction: owner will now receive notifications also when comes online if auction was completed while offline -- version changed to 2.3.3. -- correct structure of SMSG_AUCTION_OWNER_NOTIFICATION +++ improved comressor +++ fixed falling damage +++ fixed RS crash on too early thread start +++ switched on 2-nd mempool, it is yet Windows only, if works well will port no NIX +++ new Quest handling API: # ------------------------------------------- # Called in time when 'player' will get update-create information on this npc 'self' providing ability to customize default NPC 'flags npc_flags_current' # if no action is needed return 'npc_flags_current' unchanged. def OnNPCFlagNotify(self, player, npc_flags_current): # modify npc_flags_current and return result if you wish to customize NPC flags which will be seen by 'player' # return default NPC flags if no action is needed return npc_flags_current To provide dynamic NPC flags corrections to any NPC which player will see. NPC flag changes by handler do not affect set NPC flag on creature, it is only for player which is given by handler. You can even prevent eny player for interacting with NPCs by simply Nullifying the flags and etc.. -- Fixed bug when player can wrap bags. +++ fixed my yesterday's bug with passive affect +++ fixed GO to be active/inactive on quest status change of player +++ new addons to AUXLIB +++ reverted Compressor to use system's realloc//free +++ compressor... +++ fixed Zlib compressor +++ fixed passive special spells be removed with all bound affects, like: http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=30234 +++ GO to be active/inactive for quests must be at least in InvolvedObjects SQL table!!!! +++ added instance req diff for alli\horde +++ fixed mangos converter +++ some corrections for pool/compressor/assert +++ removed mempool wrapper from compressor (I AM VERY SORRY) -- Uncommented check item on reqskill. -- Remove double result send if item can't be equipped. -- Correct my check for skinning. - Fixed bug when player can skin corpse while loot not empty. - Fixed bug when player can prospect while looting. - Fixed bug when player can disenchant while looting. -- fixed compile (moved object management from protected to public). +++ tried to fix Boss freezeing +++ skip friends at target collection for AOE spells +++ fixed mana cost for spells with manacostperlevel +++ more fixes to mem wrapper +++ spells like Bloodlust will also be affecting spell cast times +++ returned MM integrity control back to operations +++ fixes to mempool wrapper +++ tried to fix bug when Quests go inactive when moved to bag from bagpack +++ improved some handlers being not working with global containers now +++ switched off C- external mempool due to constant leaks, bye bye -- add spellcheck for outdoors (kos check pls) TODO: - add SPELL_FAILED_NOTHING_TO_DISPEL to SpellEff_Dispel. - add SPELL_FAILED_NOTHING_TO_STEAL to SpellEff_StealBuff. - add SPELL_FAILED_WRONG_WEATHER to all flying mounts if weather in area >0 (like rain, sandstorm and etc.) -- more work on defs. -- Add info for spell cast result. - new defs - code beauti. +++ fixed group registrations for instances +++ implemented realloc in mempool based on malloc/memcpy/free +++ disabled mempool +++ fixed ES deadlock +++ added more logging to debug money transactions ES-WS -- sory was commit wrong files -- chat and enums from 2.3.3 +++ reenabled timeouts in mutexes to detect deadlock in ES (import may crash on timout, if you plan to import dumps uncomment like this //#define _DEBUG_THREAD_LIB__MUTEX_TIMEOUT in common/tools/config.h +++ improvements in thread classes +++ fixed mem corruption in ES (also it was crashing on start due to it) +++ improved object handling in WS handlers +++ added more thread safety to ES +++ implemented Pull spell effect +++ fixed bug when higher ranked Rod could not be used for enchanting +++ implemented Heal Mechanical spell effect +++ not important 0 check +++ improved organization +++ reverted creature sizing +++ fixed memory corruption by mempool (now it does not give SEGFAULT under Linux and unordered crashes under Windows) +++ fixed mempool::pcalloc func. (wrong param order) +++ fixed vcprintf port for Linux (1 num was cut of va_args size) +++ improved string::fmt formatting functions +++ implemented thread priority get/set for Linux, although to change it you will need root previlegies +++ fixed SQL sintax for sqlppstructtable.inl _get_format() for Linux Sorry could not Mirc as was under Linux and often rebooting :) See ya! +++ let's use parsed prototype's data instead of DBC statics which are sometimes wrong +++ switched off mempool object creations at all +++ implemented new spell effects +++ changed rw-mutex type in ES to more safe +++ PY: InterruptManaRegen +++ fixed player account stuck if no instance was found on player login +++ fixed crash on CloseSessions if player is being loaded +++ reverted pool changes to original +++ more fixes.. +++ SPELL_CRIT_* not affect to melee crit school +++ fixed portability +++ switched off internal mempool's logics but it will still use our wrapping logics to check if it is correct +++ fixed 64-bit portability issues in mempool +++ fixed Linux compile +++ fixed VS 9.0 compile +++ fixed crash in ES if player tried to teleport to non existing instance when logging in +++ replaced ASSERT for mm == 0 in MovementHandler.cpp to Error log and return; +++ RS will use Reactor_Select and Memory pool for compressing the packets +++ small fixes.. +++ correct targets count for some Target type.. +++ fixed buybank opcode +++ numerous fixes in services +++ it is now possible to set sleep time for Reactor in constructor, default = 0ms +++ server will not depend on type of Reactor and sleep times +++ tried to fix crash on buyback +++ new PY API: pet.GetPetHost() - returns Owner/host of the pet PyUnit. +++ new NPC flag to work on - Start work on save/load gb logs. +++ RelayServer (ES) is also Asynchronious: - 1 thread for objects, 2 thread for network, 3 thread for events +++ fixed guild bank items swapping +++ fixed sqlpps interfaces deallocation in some cases when flushing SQLs +++ unified code in many place in Game lib +++ fixed crash on _UpdateAffect() updater (2 places, thx to Zhenya) +++ improved item operations +++ removed old code +++talents: Nether Protection Pyroclasm EmberStorm +++ not allow add quest\soulbond item to GB +++ aux: implemented new mutex like class: ba rrier(num) to block <num threads and release them when num threads start waiting +++ implemented guild-bank items add/remove +++ fixed inventory bug for bags (nullified slot on player load) +++ tuned inventory operations between ES - WS +++ Netcore: removed send buffer be 0, to avoid excessive blocking (better performance) update gb when edit tab or buy new tab. +++ some changes in RemoveItemFromInventoryById +++ may be fixed AP bonus in Forms ( testing it ) +++ ModScale!! +++ mempool will have additional 5 pools for special linkage to some extensively alloc/dealloc classes between threads to get most asynchronious and avoid excessive interlocking (linked WorldPacket and Buffer data in Netcore) +++ removed excessive locking in Netcore +++ improved Buffer class in Netcore +++ more dynamically allocated classes got linked to memory pool +++ implemented Guildbak item swapping (inside bank yet) +++ fixed guild rights management and new for guildbank ops (pls use new SQL provided and convert old rank table into it) +++ fixed WS crash on ES disconnect +++ fixed ES mem corruption on Item having uninit. pointer +++ subst. ASSERT in MovementHandler into Error log + player logout if MM is lost +++ added #ifdef blocks in mutex.h/inl to separate mutex debugging and switched off mutex timeout(deadlock) detection +++ quick fixed crash in ES +++ fixed bug with double totem creatures spawning on placement +++ work on guildbank: guild tab packet, item operations +++ ES: Player class got: GetItemBySlot/GetContainerBySlot (for Vata :)) +++ mempool will not crash on app closure and will write more correct stats +++ string_helper got strncpy safe function, please use only it for char* ops. +++ small fixes.. +++ fixed crash on Pet deletion by GM command +++ fixed ES not deleting player on far teleports +++ implemented our own memory pool usage (based on found free pure C lib) +++ Python objects are now cached to provide no memory fragmentation now +++ fixed mem corruption in WS in Collision section +++ some errors/warning corrections according GCC +++ CS is now compiled under Linux +++ Reactor_Select is now used by Linux version +++ project corrections for 7.1, 8.0, 9.0 - correct my check (change NULL to 0) - Add chack for deposit and withdraw money to gb. - Change zm limit in VS7.1 +++ fixed MapMgr not having own objects in holder (sorry) - Moved slots from player to defines. - Start work on deposit item in bank. +++ fixed my ugly bug in aux::thread_map in [] operator resulting in object not inserted into map +++ sql ++ fixed and finished thread transactions and exec mark !!! +++ sped up world object interaction by looking up MapMgr local hash_map by guid rather than global on ObjectMgr +++ fixed creature fly +++ switched on Log to thread +++ more work on sql++ +++ Group class is now thread safe +++ implemented GuildBank log for money & items (without saving to DB yet) +++ sqlpp will generate dumps on crash to trace an error +++ some small guild bank corrections +++ cleanup in rw_mutex_type +++ implemented special debugging logics for rw_mutex_type to detect abnormal mutex usage resulting in deadlocks +++ implemented player micro-relogin for ES when player ports from map to map, which preserves logics of object interaction fully now +++ fixed sql ++ for using transactions under MT - Add bools for all rank permission, but need little work on it. - Add check on Withdraw money from gbank (need test). +++ quick crash fixes +++ fixed apply auras on power word shield and e.t.c +++ fixed AuraModScale +++ some work on guildbanks +++ my Id +++ project corrections +++ reverted ranks for Guild in Roaster() +++ aux::Transaction: finished hardcore task to make sqlpp supporting multithreaded environment, along as execmark +++ enabled transactions for player saves, please enable Execution thread in sql.conf of WS and ES +++ added ranks addon for GuildBank (Dereka's help info) +++ aux: added new method to global_ptr<T>::get_ref_count(), returning N references established on pointer +++ fixed bug with dead sessions stucked in MMgr +++ corrections to log - Add bools for guild ranks permission. +++ fixed func_... logger for MSVC 7.1 compile +++ working on sqlpp: transactions and ExecMark under MT env. +++ cleaned up HandleSetDungeonDifficultyOpcode +++ fixed Player::TeleportToTrigger for instances +++ fixed func_log +++ fixed 7.1 proj. +++ removed trash from WS +++ player will get Evading on creature target under water if player is not in water too +++ fixed aligning for GuildBank +++ reverted Reactor_Select to be using FixedArray<> as it originally was +++ removed trash +++ fixed arena teams not aligned to 1 byte +++ use: func_error, func_verbose, func_warning if you want to log specific function and prove its header in log +++ fixed ES crash on Container's objects put to ObjectHolder +++ splited assert +++ corrected 7.1 projects +++ fixed CMSG_REQUEST_ACCOUNT_DATA +++ more fixes +++ fixed crash in ES in FriendList (FriendList class needs cleanup!) +++ fixed aux::timer for Linux +++ fixed some compiler warnings +++ fixed crash WS had before we started Mail & Auct. +++ fixed Mail operations +++ fixed ES-WS Item operations +++ auction is working now +++ corrected events +++ corrected CheckName +++ fixed Player creation in ES: - now it is created when request by client is sent - OnLogin() already searches for created object ! this allows to load all objects with player to ES also. +++ fixed CMSG_ITEM_QUERY_SINGLE +++ fixed ES-WS macros for events - fixed compile for VS7.1 +++ fixed crash on ES connection to WS +++ WS will generate crash-dums on Net thread crashes +++ improved sqlpp::structtable +++ wchar_t support to sqlpp::Query +++ linux fixes +++ more Linux fix +++ fixes to Linux compile +++ fixes for nix build.. +++ skills of player in ES are taken from update fields now sent by WS +++ added const methods to sqlpp::StructTable +++ modified ItemPrototype loading in WS to be using dbs::SItemPrototypeInfo database instead of SQL query +++ ES will load StructTables before any global game classes +++ tried to correct Makefiles for Linux +++ uncommented uneeded code in WS (for mail and auctions) +++ fixed memory corruption on player teleports +++ fixed compile for WS +++ aux:: implemented support for int64/uint64 index field size for StructTable class +++ fixed SItemPrototypeInfo format (removed virtual destructor) +++ fixed built.. *kos we need add to format item_id as 'x'? format contains 134 symbols and in db 134. something strange.. +++ completed changes in ES, did not have time to test, also pls correct SItemPrototypeInfo format, it has -1 fields less than DB has. Pls. +++ fixed compile errors in ES and WS +++ Mail almost finised but will not work yet, pls wait untill I finish it today +++ switch to +++ Cataclysm +++ update SpellNames +++ More talents .. +++ replace numbers by constspellnames ^^ - done fixing mail (have 1 error) kos pls add GenerateMailID() to objmgr in ES and we done. +++ more work on Inventory for ES +++ fixing Mail... - fix compile for VS7.1 - more work on mail (kos dont forgot delete MailHandler.h coz i move all to Mail.h) +++ new files for Mail class in ES +++ aux: implemented atomic variable class for atomic and thread safe operations with any variables. It is templated class: aux::threads::atomic_var<TYPE> var; Declared variable behaives like any simple numeric data type. +++ implemented Inventory handling events in WS, left for ES now - more mail fix - mail +++ code cleanup +++ fixed exploit... +++ some changes in social +++ ItemProto format +++ small changes in spell system. ( need check Starshards ) fixed compile "common". Update for VS7.1 little work on mail (complete it tomorrow, sorry want to sleep =)) +++ completed Auction in ES, Mail is left +++ some classes went to aux (same as it is in starfury) +++ added sqlpp::StructTable class support to load DB tables in struct in auto-method (also to share them between server) +++ more on ES +++ intermediary phase with Auction & mail movement to ES - WS - RS - LS - CS are compilable now, ES - not ready yet +++ in process of fixing Auctions within ES -- moved mail and auction to es (have alot of errors =) sory)DO NOT UPDATE TILL WE FIX ALL ERRORS!!! +++ changed mutex type +++ 2 new events for ES-WS +++ switched all servers to Reactor_Select except LS and RS +++ +15msec for sleet to ES and CS +++ forgot +++ some corrections +++ Reactor: Reactor_Poll will dealloc fd array +++ Player will get UpdateFields passed to ES on Login and on every SaveToDB, so that player->GetUInt32Value/GetUInt64Value/GetFloatValue/HasFlag functions will return values in ES for player already +++ modified mutex protections for RelayProto in WS and ES +++ completed Reactor_Poll for Windows, it also will work for Windows Vista x32-x64 and Windows Server 2008 family +++ Reactor_Poll used in RS and LS +++ aux::global_ptr is now fully thread safe +++ reactor::Reactor_Poll for Win started to work but returns 34(ERANGE) on recv() on WoW client connection somehow... +++ switched thread_containers by default to fast spin_lock mutex +++ more spells +++ Reactor: implemented poll() emulation under Win +++ added mutex locks for Auction and Mail untill they are moved to ES +++ started Item class in ES for basic Item Getter functions +++ include fixes +++ some corrections to Reactor +++ Soul Leech +++ fixed some spells replacing +++ some spells_id replaced by defines name ( later fully ) +++ some changes in SPELL_AURA_TRASFORM +++ aux: implemented new class named 'global_ptr' which is working similar to our 'shared_ptr' except that it is counting (and actually building linked list also) all references to raw pointer. It will result in ASSERT in case user tries to delete raw pointer if pointer has any references available. - This class is thread safe. - it will deallocate object by pointer (host) if reference count == 0 - it works with global_ptr_host_linker template class linking to Class we want to create global_ptr with. - Example: WorldSession class is using this new implementation +++ corrections according GCC errors/critical warnings +++ fixe Linux compile for LS - Fixed compile in VS7.1 - add AutoJoinBGVoice() and AutoJoinPartyVoice() (need to find packets for it) +++ more include fixes +++ AverageTime is now aux::average_time +++ fixed crash on logout +++ projects +++ aux: shared_ptr is now thread safe +++ moved WorldSession be shared_ptr now +++ fixed more includes +++ fixed includes for LS and CS (removed loginserv unneeded lib and pushed files to koboldls) +++ fixed Linux compilation, AND, yes Linux version is fully working for ES - WS - RS - LS (CS will make to be compiled tommorow), yeeee :) Reason for SEGFOLT for WS and ES I think was messy includes all over the project. +++ crash fix +++ fixed durability lost from spell, ranged, melee +++ some other fixes.. +++ more fixes for includes - More work on channels, new opcodes, change zm limit for VS7.1 +++ fixed includes for WS - ES - RS servers +++ increase hate degradation time +++ corrected scripts lib and game lib includes as wisely noticed by kvakvs +++ some more to rw_recursive_mutex +++ more correct logs +++ some corrections in MapTileRegister +++ fixed compile (sorry) +++ implemented new conditional_semaphore_ex Win type for more Fair operations (no possibility for deadlocking at all) +++ changed Writers favourable for world thread in rw_mutex_type - work on opcodes. - Now player left trade channel if not in city. - Correct custom channels to enable voice. - Add new guild bank opcode. (never water elemental have spells in spellbook) +++ implemented session being reacquired by mapmgr which will be the target for player placement, allowing player placement to be done in corresponding mapmgr, thus more smooth for whole srv +++ more thread safety +++ fixed RS deadlock on closing all sessions if conn. to WS is lost +++ Latency is written by all MMgrs now + World thread +++ reorganized timings for threads to try to avoid to much locking by global events +++ fixed wrong linkage +++ fixed project dependencies +++ fixed 7.1 build - Fix compile in VS7.1 +++ small corrections to ES +++ fixed CCompress: ThreadInstance() +++ more corrections to srv closure +++ more fixes to deadlocking +++ aux:: thread containers to use mutex instead of spin locks now +++ aux:: added timeout ASSERT for rw_mutex_type +++ WowCrypt got mutex protection +++ tried to fix bug with Instance creation with double ID - Now we generate pet names (need add check on male/female in future). - Add guild bank tab prices. +++ fixed compile +++ fixed NameGen loading +++ fixed crash on player login +++ improved thread safety +++ fixed ressurect.. - add NameGen.dbc for generate pet names. +++ fixed Compressor be fully threadsafe if used CCompress::ThreadInstance(), to obtain instance only for calling thread. +++ removed excessive mutex in Reactor +++ small fixes.. - Fixed eye of Eye of Kilrogg (FIXME: need remove eye after timer gone, need change speed of eye) +++ aux: - fixed read-write mutex (race condition) - implemented new conditional_semaphore_ex for external mutex intake for special thread classes like rw_mutex_type - thread_unique_queue has now container_type typedef avail. - improved pthread emulation under win +++ xreactor: - decreased sleep time to 10ms - made send queue more asinchronyous and fast as result +++ fixed Instance registration for groups +++ all maps now are FULLY asynchronious and got own thread routines (introduced built-in event manager and objects holder) +++ modified game lib to work with asynchronious map model +++ fixed Transports being TWICE updated by different MMgr ( Evil bug in 1 bool :)) ) +++ RS is now also asynchroniuos and compresses movemnt packets on the fly in sep. thread providing better RS latency times - Remove msg "These items can't be swapped." on change item in ring or trinket slot. (kos pls check it) +++ fixed mana cost mod +++ fixed clearcasting +++ fixed Benedict +++ fixed Lightening Overload +++ fixed Improved Healing +++ fixed Predatory Strikes +++ fixed wands +++ aux: - fixed conditional_semaphore deadlocking by providing portable emulation of pthread's conditional primitives for win platform (SetEvent implementation) +++ aux: - fixed conditional_semaphore - fixed rw_mutex_type +++ so far World maps are all in 1 thread (will sep. tommorow) +++ WS started to work but not optimal (will improve) +++ more work on items *todo process combat ratings. +++ aux: partial fix for read-write mutex deadlocking +++ crafted items will have Randmom enchant generated also +++ improved Instance creation performance +++ fixed Instance owner rights check +++ possible no dead lock will occur +++ fixed SMSG_UPDATE_ACCOUNT_DATA (my typing error, specified deflated data size to packet instead of inflated) +++ Language anticheat +++ small cleanup +++ small fixes.. +++ add dbc struct +++ intermediary commit (WS is not working, pls do not use it till tommorow) +++ much reorganization in core: - instances now updated in own thread - all player/session updates are done by corresponding mmgrs - more concurrency added to provide better lag-free performance +++ fixed stun/root spells not dispelling +++ improved performance of Spell affects providing Caster's ref_ptr +++ fixed profession skill be limited by 300 max only +++ fixed action buttons +++ uncommented water_swim flags due to fully incorrect water location in map files +++ fixed Null return by GetBankTab() +++ fixed profession trainers (sorry, was experimenting with unk field) +++ fixed ES money functions, now they modify player's money (working as callback by WS) +++ guildbank is now able to withdraw/deposit money - work on deposit and withdraw (kos pls check my comments) +++ cleaned up trainer list generation code +++ some cleanup in spell code +++ improved heroic loot by adding 10-15% range to item loot chance +++ plz not use suicide for player +++ implemented account data save/restore/hash allowing to restore account settings for client connected from another PC, also decreases network bandwidth +++ added >><< methods for Bytebuffer to <<>> Bytebuffer object +++ corrected chat (Join), orhpained packet +++ fixed loot for Heroic instances
  5. V6 (client ver.2.3.3)

    V4 http://www.wowresource.eu/index.php?showtopic=6220&st=0&p=50565entry50565 V5 http://www.wowresource.eu/index.php?showtopic=6569&st=0&p=53147entry53147 nemám páru proč to tu admini smazali.... když se na tom začlo zase dělat...
  6. Idem Poskladat comp pomozte aky ??

    pěkný pěkný... mít na to šušně tak si tez koupim mam tentáž procesor + podobnou základní desku + RAm a jeste o prazdninách me to stálo okolo 10000 kč celej mesic brigady a za to takovou destičku a desku jinak cajk procák sem taktnul na 3.20 Ghz coz je super nemam s nim problemy... kdyby si chtel vic nemcum se ho povedlo taktnout na 4 Ghz.. k tomu uz ale potrebujes něaký to chlazení s dusíkem apod
  7. New !! Kobold Server (core) V4

    Myslím ze to má cenu vyzkoušet... kdyby nekdo měl zájem si s tim pohrát a udělat test server rád bych otestoval kdyztak PM thx ****Update**** ----------------------- Kobold Server V4 ----------------------- Supported client version: 7359 (2.2.3) Kobold Team is pleased to continue series of Kobold Public releases. True multihtreading and utilising of all CPU cores (OpenMP) will deliver to you best performance and smoothness of all processes running. Software provided does not have any limitations in comparison with earlier releases to provide full capabilities to have as much fun as you can have. Attached there is a pack of scripts which was developed by our professional and die-hard Python developers. We hope you will add there some of your work as well and start learning how nice Python language is. You will want to convert your own database to Kobold format to use it. Provided is just basic database. You may find it interesting to convert your Mangos database to Kobold by just specifying params for DB connection in WS sql.conf file as following: MangosDatabaseEngine = mysql MangosDatabaseName = wow_server MangosDatabaseHost = localhost MangosDatabaseHostAddr = localhost MangosDatabasePort = 3306 MangosDatabaseUser = root MangosDatabasePassword = Also add/set in 'db_properties' table param 'ConvertFromMangosDB' to '1'. When _WorldServer is started it will convert and import all your accounts with players and their full info into Kobold DB. It can be done at any time even if you have accounts in Kobold DB already, converter will autoresolve all issues with double names/guids/... Ascent converter is not provided due to lack of structurised approach there and you shall write your own converter, or convert to Mangos and then using our importer to Kobold. Have fun with it You are also provided with capability to choose desired Database platform: - MySQL - PostgreSQL - SQLite Some may find SQLite - a good option to create repack with easy to use features. You are welcomed! Binaries: -------- x86: http://depositfiles.com/files/2459678 [!] WS connection limit patch: http://depositfiles.com/files/2468090 x64: http://depositfiles.com/files/2459697 [!] WS connection limit patch: http://depositfiles.com/files/2468268 [!] Current release does not have Clustering Mode enabled. It will be released later on. Basic database: --------------- http://depositfiles.com/files/2459497 http://depositfiles.com/files/2459507 [!] For MySQL users: You must disable Strict mode of your MySQL server by tweaking *.ini file of MySQL server. Pls refer to MySQL web site how to do it. Tools: ------ Tools are enclosed. For CollisionServer please use corresponding by name extractor. For _WorldServer must be used MapExporter.exe. You will want to install following dependencies: --------------------------------------------- [!] Note: Users using x64 version must install both packages, for those who chose win32, just first one - x86: [!] Attention!!! For those who have difficulties to start servers please also install, over Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86): http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64): http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Crashes: -------- [!] In case of crashes you will get crash dump file generated in errors folder of each server. Please give download link to them so that we could fix crashes rapidly. Have fun! And Cheers from Kobold Team! (vše převzato z emupedia.com) ---->Mirror<---- ~~~Emulátor + Databáze(zastaralá) ~~~~ Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/71574437/Kobol...tabase.rar.html Filebeam: http://filebeam.com/156050450c7b4fd7ffa60db121c586be Sendspace: http://www.sendspace.com/file/4dlesa Upozornění:U těchto souborů se musi aktualizovat WS connection limit patch http://rapidshare.com/files/71890831/x86_W...Limit_Patch.rar >>>This package only contains the X86 (32-bit) version<< tato databáze má o 100Mb víc pul hodiny se nahrává nevim jestli je lepsi... ale chyby myslím ze to vypistuje stejny http://rapidshare.com/files/72449735/wow_server.rar.html Pass: ILoveKobold komu by chyběli itemy... a jakože 100 procentne budou chybet tak se je stáhněte tu.. http://rapidshare.com/files/71668511/items.rar.html
  8. New !! Kobold Server (core) V4

    Musis mit nainstalovane Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, nahoře jsou linky >>
  9. Kobold Server V5

    ----------------------- Kobold Server V5 ----------------------- Supported client version: 7561 (2.3.0) Server version: 2337 [!!! Most AI driven world among all emulators !!!] 90379 spawned creatures 77754 spawned creatures with AI modules [!]Use our own provided Database to get fully correct world behaviour. Kobold Team is glad to release next server update V5. [!]This update must be put over V4 Kobold Server version only. It is not full server. Binaries - Tools - Scripts - SQL updates: -------- x86 - x64: http://depositfiles.com/files/2871172 Updated full database: --------------- http://depositfiles.com/files/2871255 Crashes: -------- [!] In case of crashes you will get crash dump file generated in errors folder of each server. Please give download link to them so that we could fix crashes rapidly. Although it shall not crash at all [!] For Doomies: We are planning to release full server compilation (Novice Pak) with SQLite DB for those who find it difficult to setup/configure/use MySQL DBs and prefer file-based method with one-click start. Performance hints: ------------------ 1) To achieve best performance on populated servers pls make sure you have: DatabaseUseExecutorThread = yes Option like this in your sql.conf file for WS and ES. This will turn all DB operations be fully asynchronious for interface you enable this option. 2) To improve DB performance even more on more powerfull machnies you have an option to convert some of your MySQL tables into InnoDB: Code: ALTER TABLE `characters` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `char_enum` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `char_auras` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `chars_data` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `auctionhouse` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `bindpoint` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `chars_data` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `char_spells` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `char_actionbuttons` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `queststatus` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `char_reputation` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `inventory` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `honor` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `item_instances` ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE `mail` ENGINE = InnoDB; Have fun! And We wish you a Happy New 2008 Year! Re-upload Core: http://www.mediafire.com/?7wr94xxffoc Database: http://www.mediafire.com/?2gvxzwxyhzw Vše převzato z www.emupedia.com
  10. Kobold Server V5

    hele axxo nejsem si jist ale myslím ze collision server nechodí aspoň na V4 tomu bylo tak, ale fakt nevim zkus to no.. jinak dost to žere ramky
  11. Kobold Server V5

    OKi bylo by super... potom napis jestli se povede Jinak nevim jestli se to sem hodí ale tady je server který jede pod timto emu..http://warik.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=6049 jsou tam 3 realmy (Blizz,10xraty,3xraty) za zkušku a zajímavost to stojí
  12. Kobold Server V5

    Myslím že je otázkou času kdy někdo zkusí svůj server rozjet na V5.... uvidíme Tady přikládám changelog k verzi 2.3.0 General - Server version changed to 2.3.0 - Rewriting updatefields.h for 2.3.0 - Add new opcodes. - Add new emotes. - Add new text emotes. - Add new creature type. - Add new creature family. - Add new bag type. - Fixed item proto. (2.3.0) - Fixed quest packet. (2.3.0) - Add new inventory errors. - Add new spell errors. - Fixed voice chat interface. - Fixed movement packet. (almost ) +++ dbc +++ creature response +++ tried to correct char movement +++ teleport packet fix +++ tried to fix aura visuals - Add new GO types. +++ fixed build +++ correction to SMSG_SPELL_START +++ SendMail +++ converter to 2.3.0 +++ correction for Lightning Overload +++ added another parameter(spellId) to the "SpellEffect" method of spell scripts +++ MP HP regen +++ combat ratings +++ fixed guilds ( need dump guild create) - Add new guildbank opcodes. +++ teleportation must be fixed +++ unified packet counters +++ implemented same-map teleport anticheat (pls test it) +++ prevented reclaiming corpse earlier than timer goes out +++ added logging to cheaters file for teleport hackers +++ switched off Talent learning animation (not Blizzlike) +++ corrected SMSG_QUESTGIVER_QUEST_COMPLETE - Guildbank packets in ES (need dump) +++ implemented target 2 for spells (test approach yet) - More work on guild bank. - Fixed channels. - Corrected and moved some opcodes. +++ finished implementation of new spell target +++ started to implement multi item mail sending +++ added check on casting spell in CanAggro() f. to prevent mob getting hate while in casting process - Moved some opcodes. +++ new dbc TalenTab.dbc +++ added some output to cheat.log +++ fixed learn another class talent +++ fixed corpse reclaim +++ fixed corpse reclaim expiration timer +++ improved sql++ iface +++ Guardians will now enter combat even if spawned while spawner is combating +++ fixed spirit healers (update Scripts) +++ fixed some packets +++ fixed creatures proto importer for new format of logger for 2.3.0 +++ fixed update create packet block +++ added missing NULL checks.. +++ add tame errors - work on interface. +++ fixed action buttons +++ fixed CreateUpdate packet +++ fixed item durability crashes and durability repair price bug +++ possible fixed bug in mods removed from player for item for which mods wern't applied - disable nonstandard extension used in VS7.1 - Add some logs in move packets. - Add more constants. - Fixed Mail. - Fixed many bags in mail system. +++ implemented Expertise, new parameter for Player - combat rating - chances for combat +++ corrected other-Player visual +++ corrections to proper usage of Mail Item's array (we just need Save-Load from DB now) +++ added new column "difficulty" to pickpocket_loot and creatures_loot to indicate if the loot entry is meant to be used for normal(0) or heroic(1) difficulty +++ new flags for ranged spells +++ possible fix for #132 for Arenas and BG +++ char converter: will add 5 base Expertise value disabled buy Extented costs items until fix db.. +++ minor improvements +++ fixed crash :\ +++ fixed learn talents ! +++ fixed item sell +++ changed DBC loading class for TalentTab.dbc to avoid format changes be not noticable +++ misleading log msg +++ implemented new aura type (Mod Expertise) +++ optimised aux::safe_array +++ implemented new spell auras: - mod Dispell % for specific spell affect - mod Spell Dmg by Attack Power % - mod Spell Healing by Attack Power % - mod Scale (new) - Fixed bug when enchanted stats on item don't showed up in trade window. - Renamed some def's. +++ corrected ignite +++ fixed nextlevelxp according 2.3.0 +++ fixed buydiscount according 2.3.0 +++ world boss now have more ImmuneEffects +++ corrected Bloodthirst +++ fixed pet ( thx to Kosuha ) - correction (don't like warnings) - Change structure of trade packet. (not completed) - Fixed meeting stone. (test pls) - corrected trade (pls test) - add def for guild bank log. - sory forgot remove test flags in trade. - Add all type of eff_target to script_effect (now we can script it all in pithon) +++ added FFA flag (against everybody) set/remove for Gurubashi Arena entrance/leaving +++ fixed not optimal usage of OpenMP technology in array classes of 'aux' lib +++ fixed auto-resurrection when ported to Spirit Healer (Spirit Healer NPC flags must be changed) +++ implemented Area (BG) Spirit Healer queue !!! UNIT_NPC_FLAG_SPIRITHEALER = 32768 is good for BATTLE GROUND SPIRIT HELER, but not as normal Spirit Healer (pls dump) +++ fixed total mana/health percent regeneration auras +++ fixed NPC flags +++ BG healers shall work Blizzlike now +++ new Py API for BG Healers logics: AreaHealerQueuePlayerList(not_in_one_cell) - "Returns Python's List containing Unit objects (Players) which are in ressurection queue with ended timer." - Now we save player position on join queue to bg.(dont forget update sql) - Small correction and misses +++ cmsg_move_time_skipped corection (thx to Dereka) +++ correction to BG Bind point load/usage, now will work +++ unified packet file logger in RS - Dismount player if got dazed from behind. +++ adding Gold & Green flags on Arena entrance +++ added new event in BG manager: OnPlayerLeave(p) to process player leaving BG events - temp fix problem 132 on mail (kos as i say never use custom msg this is the reason of 132) - Mobs now can swim (little buggy but working) - Add check on mail self. +++ added new AI states which can be set to creature to mark some special AI behaviour managed by functions: unit.GetAIActionStateFlags() unit.SetAIActionStateFlags(flags) - Add new opcodes. - More work on guild bank. +++ tried to combat #132 in groups +++ in WS's WorldProto you now have ability to Relay packet to ES and also let it be processed by WS as usual, use corresponding switches in RelayPacket method of WorldProto +++ fixed creatures coordinates +++ delete items which req ZoneId\MapId +++ new item tables ( sql svn ) +++ remove hack from TeleportFar +++ small corrections - More defs for guild bank - Change and add new guild ranks defs. - Almost done guild event log. (need write save and load from/to db. +++ fixed teleportation +++ improved special map items to be updated by 5 minutes timer, not often and not in any other f. as it is slow +++ smaller code corrections +++ fixed possible crash in Regenerate and also regen v. calculations +++ started guild bank +++ correction to feed pet +++ inn triggers with out teleport +++ changes in learntalent. - Fixed bug when enchanted stats dont showed up on mailed item. +++ fixed Log - progress bar (under MT) +++ console caption now displays server's name +++ corected Area Spirit Healer (BG) to work fully Blizzlike +++ fixed NPC flags by removing excessive place were we set UNIT_FLAG_SWIM flag on creature be always swimming - Fixed mail, now all be fine (start work on 12 items) +++ req items for heroic dufficulty (update svn scripts) - Update guild enums, rewrite mostly all guild results. +++ project files for vs2008 +++ small bug fixing +++ commented out new addon in Group +++ massive optimizations in Inventory handling: - GetAmmoItem - GetItemById - GetItemCount.. - GetItemByGUID... - and etc. All these f. are now based on hashed containers with fast accessing methods and logics. +++ NPC will not be interacting with player while in combat +++ Inlined object casts + added const methods +++ more work on inventory +++ improved client packet's wrapping code +++ fixed object_cast for Item class, now Containers will also be included +++ fixed HandleSetAmmoOpcode method, player can now unload ammo - little work on lfg/lfm. (never capture me pls video lfg/lfm from off server) - Add new opcodes. +++ implemented vendors with limited goods (using our base for dynamic vendors) +++ dynamic vendors will also be working in public release from now +++ improved object creation and update speed +++ avoided usage of sqrt were possible - more work on lfg/lfm (almost done) +++ fixed bug with action buttons not be saved on fast far teleports (instances...) +++ fixed Arena team flags +++ doors opening/closure in BG moved to scripts - put msg's on leave lfg/lfm or change dungeon. +++ new sql for pet feading +++ made bytebuffer more flexible to work with types +++ more work on guild bank: - correction to handlers - implemented save/load db +++ fixed arena packet +++ implement 133 effect +++ delete hack from isInCity +++ some others fixes +++ improved mem consumption by RS +++ implemented 'IsInDoor' check for player with event processing using Collide Server +++ improved CanCast +++ Mounts are prevented to be casted InDoors +++ add ENABLE_CIRCLE_OF_BLOOD (arena) plz check, and update .py +++ player will be resurrected on leaving BG/Arena being dead +++ more protection against rude words in chat +++ hack in collide.dll to switch off in_door check for In Cities locations +++ add recall city (exodar, silvermoon) +++ corrected chat (Join), orhpained packet +++ fixed loot for Heroic instances +++ improved heroic loot by adding 10-15% range to item loot chance Výňatek od developers "it only server, scripts have more update and fix"
  13. New !! Kobold Server (core) V4

    trochu se mi to zdálo divný ale něak sem tomu nevěnoval pozornost.. ano myslel sem GB mám v tom už bordel
  14. New !! Kobold Server (core) V4

    najiždí mi to cca 7 min (E6750 3,20Ghz) takze myslím ze by to chtelo lepsi procak... + dalsi problem je v ramce na V4 se doporučuje ramka 2GB+ (nejlépe 4GB se zapnutým collide serverem) mám 1 GB a bohuzel je to malo coz zpusobuje pady (muj pripad...) na emupedii doporucují mit server na více kompech takze se nedivím že to hodně lidí odrazuje.. tot vse neakej výnatek z emupedie.... otázky [odpovědi] jestli to vůbec někoho zajímá...... pokud někdo víte co je cluster systém mohl by to sem napsat vcelku vy mě to zajímalo... How many clients can It hold? [unlimited] Battlegrounds work? Arena,Warsong gulch , Arathi basin etc [Warsong fully], [Arenas] Raiding? [Yes] Heroic instances? [Yes] Taxi system? [Yes] Fall damage? [Yes] Collision detection? [Yes] Cluster sytem? [Yes] [Not active in current release yet, but will be in future releases] Mobs Pathfinding? [Not yet, but started] Aggro system? [Yes] Pet system? [Yes] Carpe Diem...
  15. New !! Kobold Server (core) V4

    zkus tohle je to patch ktery to má opravit http://rapidshare.com/files/71890831/x86_W...Limit_Patch.rar edit: kdo používá mysql musí se zakázat strict mode http://community.postnuke.com/Wiki-Disabli...5StrictMode.htm a nebo upravit v mysql složce my.ini...
  16. New !! Kobold Server (core) V4

    tak sem se s tim od vcerejska s prominutim sral porty ipcka LS,WS,ES,CS,RS vsechno pospojoval jak by to melo být.. zapnu... realm list vyresil.. a seknu se na connecting a v LogonoServeru mi to vypisuje toto http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/1121/beznzvuhs9.jpg na emupedia sem psal... tam mi napsali že mám u pass nebo acc mene nez 4 znaky coz bohuzel nemam... kdyby tu byl nekdo kdo se v tom vyzna nebo uz to testoval tak piste.... uz si nevim rady jako bavi me objevovat nové věci ale na tohle uz nemám makovici neake info: -nová V4 obsahuje nový CollideServer který ma fungovat alá vmaps u mangosu (cituji z emupedia: colide work only spell and some mod (need rewrited CS) -dev not have now free time..) -nový RelayServer který má na starosti latenci -podpora více procesorů edit: Server jsem zcela rozchodil ted uz jen zkousim jestli mi ti to nehodí chybu
  17. Ludmila V4 Coming Soon

    jinak dev to dělají dobře že o tom lidi houby ví protože chtějí jí dodělat... k tomu to luda se víc podobá ofíku ne mangos , ale je to můj názor myslím že kdybych neznal ofík tak by mi mangos stačil...,
  18. Ludmila V4 Coming Soon

    mno nevím robby ale myslím že se pleteš hraju na wartime serveru a jsou tam aktualizace (Kobold core) na denním pořádku... akorát přestali vydávat changelog na jejich stránkách... tedkom na ofic foru delaji new server a tu jsou changelogy http://shadowrealm.ws/forum/showthread.php?t=25 takže bych Ludu moc nevykopával.. jinak hrál sem na ofíku asi tři měsíce.. než se mi to přestalo chtít platit, poté sem hrál na narnias hrůza děs nemyslím ani tak ty pády ale Rogue totálně bugly jak stealth tak ability..., proto hraju radši na wartime s limitem hráčů 86 ( rekord!), samýma rusákama ale docela hodně věcí šlape tak jak má , což hlavní bugy že musí vyladit aggro a pohyb mobu jinak si na nic nestežuji, o kolo půlnoci se dávají bitky u SW, k tomu myslím že až zruší limit ( někde sem četl že to bude brzy..) tak wartime bude první server kde to bude, jinak server má hodně zvýšený expy u questů takže expení žádné... btw. kdyby tam někdo hrál trak mi písněte moc rusáku co umí english nebo czech tam není ) (Juracy Human Rogue)