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      Seznam návodů a důležitých témat v této sekci

      Pro lepší přehlednost jsem vytvořil tento seznam, který vás, méně zkušené, lépe provede touto sekcí. Věřím, že zde najdete, co hledáte. Vypsané jsou návody, které jsou oficiálně uznané jako návody. Běžné diskuze, které neposkytují postupy a rady zvěřejněny nejsou.   Instalace vlastního MaNGOS Serveru Díky těmto návodům budete (měli by jste být) schopni vytvořit a následně spustit váš vlastní server. Nastavení je pro verze s i bez datadisku.   Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (bez datadisku TBC) - Autor Benny Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (s datadiskem TBC) - Autor Malfik Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor charlie Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor kupkoid   Chyby a jejich řešení při přihlašování k serveru - Autor Cybe   Zálohování uživatelských dat   Dávkový soubor (BAT soubor) pro vytvoření SQL záloh - Autor Replik   Kompilování - tvoření vlastních release (revizí)   Tvorba kompilací pro Win32 (MangoScript) - Autor bLuma   Ostatní - těžko zařaditelné, ale neznamená to, že nejsou dobré   VIP Systém - Autor charlie Tvorba Webových stránek pro MaNGOS - Autor zahuba Tvorba teleportačních NPC (MangoScript) - Autor Replik Registrační web (původně předělaná SPORA) Funkční pro Antrix i MaNGOS - Autor Replik Nastavení a spuštění Minimanager pro MaNGOS - Autor BlackMartin Nastavení MaNGOS Website - Autor Artorius   Samozřejmě jsou zde i jiné návody, ale tyto jsou nejvíce používané, proto věřím, že vám budou nápomocné. Tuto sekci budeme upravovat podle potřeby. Pokud by jste něco nenašli nebo si nevěděli rady, hledejte na fóru a teprve potom založte vlastní topik. Pokud nějaký autor vytvoří kvalitní návod a chtěl by ho zveřejnit i v tomto seznamu, doporučuji, aby mi napsal zprávu skrze PM.   Díky a přeji hezký den na WoWResource   Replik
    • Aristo

      Příspěvky tam, kde nemají co dělat

      Dodržujte zákaz přispívání do topiků s repaky pokud si to zakladatelé nepřejí!! Opakované psaní příspěvků bude trestáno warnem.
    • Aristo

      Používání spoilerů

      Poslední dobou má většina uživatelů fora zvláštní nutkání postovat extrémně dlouhé texty nebo kódy, které zabírají v nejedenom případu i 80% obsahu celé stránky a hodně tak zvedají nepřehlednost v topiku. Chtěl bych všechny uživatele požádat, aby při postování citací, jakýchkoliv kódů, errorů, atp... delších než 30 řádků používali funkci spoileru.   Funkci vyvoláte příkazem [spoiler] text [/spoiler]   Ukázka:  


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Everything posted by STONERSVK

  1. Diablo III

    Muj battle tag BulloSnnap , real id [email protected] klidne si ma pridajte, budem sice len reakracny hrac protoze uz nemam tolik na pc cas ale urcite obcas zahraju asi pujdu wizard nabo DH
  2. Diablo III

    jak muzes delat zaver na hru s jedneho ani ne actu jestli se to tak da nazvat dit to byl jen jeden ´´velkej quest´´ a navic ten boss je delanej do sola ne na party proto byl tak v parte easy
  3. Predam web

    Predam predoslu verziu webu molten-wow.com Screen demo a pristup dodam vaznym zaujemcom neni to RIP verzia ktora bola na AC webe ale predosla verzia tej co je online teraz cena 100 euro + vote system 30 euro Jednoducha konfiguracia, jednoducha zmena loga, hlavicky a vsetkeho mozneho. vsetko ukazem predvediem.
  4. Predam web

    ponuku stahujem, prosim lock
  5. Predám doménu 2 rádu + systém (zdarma k tomu)

    na nete to najdes aj free
  6. Predam web

    ano presne to je ona
  7. ja znam taky jeden cutter na url link dopice.sk
  8. Guild Wars 2

    kurde sice nemam moc casu, ale kdyby mi dali ten beta test urcite bych to skusil
  9. Jaký emulátor?

    je tam udelanej koncept ale je to vypnute, dela to jen crashe a kdyz to nefunguje aspon z 90% jak na blizu tak to Kaer radej vypne uplne co funguje na wotlku: Cataclysm, delaji se porad fixes takze je to outdated uz ted:
  10. Návrhy na FUN

    hral sem na serveru kde vse funguje sice se obcas nejaky bug nasel ale hned ho opravili Skvela hratelnost , PVP PVE, talenty spelly, hodne lidi proste paradicka! a byl to TENTO!
  11. Jaký emulátor?

    sry za bump ale dlho sem tu nebyl ja se nehadam mne uz je to jedno stejne tady je kazdej chytrej jak radio ja mu svuj nazor rekl nemohu za to ze kinders mafie zije ve snech ze prave kdyz stahne repack od skyfiru bude na urovni top projektu
  12. HTML/CSS kóder

    on tu chce najst typka co to nakoduje a ty mu sem posles templatu a chces za to 16 evri?
  13. [Website] Wotlk

    ze potrebujes urcite bryle, ne proto ze to je strasne= si zacatecnik to ti neberu kazdy nejak zacina ALE PROC PRO BOHA TAKOVA VELKOST FONTU, WEB PRO DUCHODCE?
  14. [Cataclysm.Manius.eu] Desolace (GM, EM a Developer)

    no tak to ti preju hodne stesti
  15. [WTS]Goldy

    po dlhsi dobe goldy znovu k mani MOMETALNE MAME GOLDY JEN NA SERVERECH: Drakthul- Horda Burning Blade-Alici Outland-Alici Stromscale-Horda cena 10 000g 3eura cena je jen orietacna kto bude mit zajem napiste mi PM Reference od top hracu na danych serverech poskytnu nicky a muzete se zeptat
  16. prestal sem tam chodit protoze mam fakt mrte prace a kdyz nepracuju tak sem skoro u PC neni ale parta je tam skvela takze doporucuju vam tam zajit
  17. Who DoS Me? - Alebo zverejnite útoky

    spominal si mi to este pred spustenym, je to fajn vec urcite chvalim a ten chrumkavy dizajn, wauu Like it
  18. webová hra

    ty mas tolik tech projektu ze si zacinam myslet ze si robot
  19. Nefungují Custom Channely (kanály)

    jake mas cislo revize? myslim ze skyfire tohle uz opravilo
  20. repack wrath of lich king jeutie!

    algalon tam je musis spustit ten event
  21. Jaký emulátor?

    vis o tom uplne hovno to je jako spatne ze si molten nahrabal hrace s reklamou a marketingem? odkud mas info ze molten staff delal od northrendu na cata na full time? co to je za blbost aneb ti to rekl nejaky tvuj kamarat a jemu to rekla mama kdyz mu varila obed? cata se develoval subezne ale full time vzdy bylo wotlk realmy kecas tady uplne sracky na tomhle serveru nam hraje prez 40 000 hracu denne na vsech wotlk-cata realmech tak asi to nebude tak jak ty rikas stat za hovno a o necem to asi svedci kde funguje cross realm LFR? BG? ano ty sou ted vypnuty kvuli cata realmum ale kde mas takovej technickej team na nejakem freecku? to nema zadne jine freecko a urcite ne ty cesko slovensky atrapy to ze otevreli cata realmy, ty ses vymudrenej opravdu jak radio testovalo se to jen s 50 testerama ted na 2x realmy vbehlo 4500x2 hracu tak asi se problemy objevili ale uz byl dosazenej uptime prez 2 dni pri full population,fixy se delaji primo za behu kdyz je samozrejme nutnej restart jede to dolu ale to je normalni server sa prachama? a co jako, kdo se v dnesni dobe pusti do tak obrovskyho projektu bez penez? no jen kinder s myslenkou ze jeho server na hamachi bude TOP N1. cata molten 2x realm bezej cca 15 DNI a podivej se kam to dotahli 9000 hracu online!! plus dalsi Tisic hracu ve frontach na tom emu dela denno denne nekolik developeru uvidime kdyz padne jak ty rikas, padne mozna jen kdyz to zastavi blizzard jinak ne, odliv hracu tady nehrozi jdes tu buzerovat praci o ktere vubec nic nevis si jen obycejnej hater nic vic, tohle rikalo presne par lidi i kdyz se molten otevrel s wotlk a je to server kterej ma technickou tak i customer podporu na jinem levelu jdes to zrovnavat s Wowfreakz? dit oni sou radi ze tam maj 5000 lidi na vsech realmech a jak je to s funkcnosti si popovidame casem az to bude bezet aspon z casti tak dlho jako na na jinych freečkach
  22. Jaký emulátor?

    vubec netusis o cem mluvis, pokud teda provozujes server kde bude hrat 100 lidi ti to muze bejt jedno ale pokud tam mas lidi vic nejsou jen problemy s game playem ale i stabilita toho emu, co vyresis to ze udelas instant? jen jednu vec nemusi hraci expit ale co implentovat content? PVP tak PVE, spelly talenty spravnej prepocet reforge a to nemluvim o mastery specech ktere sice funguji ale dost pochybne bezpecnost prot WPE na skyfire je na bode mrazu staci clovek kterej se fyzna ve filtrech a exploity a bugy sou na svete jeden clovek tak zruinuje celou hratelnost serveru par klikama ale vam to je jedno hlavne ze mate ty vase ==imba servery== ja vam to neberu ted bych piloval radci wotlk TC2 do top stadia a pripravne bych vyvijel nejaky debug cata realm ale do ostrej prevadzky je to dost o hubu jeden nemenovany projekt se kterym spolupracuju spustil 2x cata realmy o celkove kapacite 9000 hracu +- zatez na HW jak prase, stabilita kdyby to nebylo postaveno na uplnej jinem core ,je ten server uplne nepouzitelnej, porad se vyskitne nejaky fakt zavaznej problem a vse se musi fixovat za behu protoze na nektere problemy pri testovani pri par hracich nikdy nezistis pro ukazku changelog za par dnu spusteni February 10, 2012 CLASSES _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ Druid ▪ [Leather Specialization] has been added to trainers ▪ [Mastery] has been added to trainers ▪ [Thrash] has been added to trainers ▪ [Wild Mushroom] has been added to trainers ▪ [Wild Mushroom: Detonate] has been added to trainers ▪ [stampeding Roar] (Cat form) has been added to trainers ▪ [stampeding Roar] (Bear form) has been added to trainers ▪ Hunter ▪ Pet saving code has been rewritten ▪ [Control Pet] has been added to trainers ▪ [scatter Shot] has been added to trainers ▪ [Trap Launcher] has been added to trainers ▪ [Cobra Shot] has been added to trainers ▪ [Aspect of the Fox] has been added to trainers ▪ [Widow Venom] has been added to trainers ▪ [Mail Specialization] has been added to trainers ▪ [Call Pet 2] has been added to trainers ▪ [Call Pet 3] has been added to trainers ▪ [Call Pet 4] has been added to trainers ▪ [Call Pet 5] has been added to trainers ▪ Mage ▪ [Flame Orb] has been added to trainers ▪ [Ring of Frost] has been added to trainers ▪ [Time Warp] has been added to trainers ▪ Rogue ▪ [Combat Readiness] has been added to trainers ▪ [Redirect] has been added to trainers ▪ [smoke Bomb] has been added to trainers ▪ [Leather Specialization] has been added to trainers ▪ [Mastery] has been added to trainers ▪ Warlock ▪ Dwarf warlocks will now be able to interact with gameobjects ▪ Warrior ▪ [Colossus Smash] has been added to trainers ▪ [Plate Specialization] has been added to trainers ▪ [Mastery] has been added to trainers DUNGEONS AND BATTLEGROUNDS _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ Dungeon Finder has been implemented. The feature still remains closed and undergoing testing ▪ Ragefire Chasm is now scripted and open ▪ Wailing Caverns is now scripted and open ▪ The Stockade is now scripted and open ▪ Blackfathom Deeps is now scripted and open ▪ Gnomeregan is now scripted and open QUESTS _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ [Petrified Root] for [Twice Removed] will now be only usable on a dead Darkscale Scout ▪ [The Troll Menace] has been corrected GENERAL _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ Item stats are fixed ▪ Item spells are fixed ▪ Item durations are fixed ▪ Weapon swing time on items is fixed ▪ Random item enchantments are fixed ▪ Item limits and categories have been corrected ▪ Disenchantment requirements on items have been corrected ▪ Item sockets and socket bonuses are fixed ▪ Profession skill level of 525 can now be attained ▪ Level requirements for items have been corrected ▪ Skill requirements for items have been corrected ▪ Spell requirements for items have been corrected ▪ Race requirements for items have been corrected ▪ Class requirements for items have been corrected ▪ Unique restrictions for items have been corrected ▪ Reputation restrictions items have been corrected ▪ Armor bonus modifiers on items have been corrected ▪ Binding restrictions on items have been corrected ▪ Bag slots have been corrected ▪ Armor damage requirements on items have been corrected ▪ Random properties on items have been corrected ▪ Item durability has been corrected ▪ Item which start quests have been corrected ▪ Item qualities for items have been corrected ▪ Stacks for items have been corrected ▪ Mounts requirements have been corrected ▪ Vendor item prices have been corrected ▪ 87 items have been added to the database CORE _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ 5 crash fixes ▪ 4 exploit fixes ▪ Typo corrections ▪ Code cleanup February 8, 2012 CLASSES _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ Druid ▪ [Healing Touch] has been added to trainers ▪ Paladin ▪ Seals can now proc only from melee attacks ▪ Rogue ▪ Rogues now have Bows learned by default ▪ Shaman ▪ [Lava Surge] is fixed ▪ [unleash Frost] is fixed ▪ [Elemental Reach] will now correctly increase [searing Totem] range ▪ [Healing Rain] is fixed ▪ [Earthgrab Totem] has been corrected ▪ Warrior ▪ [Heroic Leap] has been added to the class trainer ▪ [inner Rage] has been added to the class trainer QUESTS _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ [The Arts of a Druid] has been corrected ▪ [Rain of Destruction] has been corrected ▪ [Vyral the Vile] is fixed ▪ [CLUCK!] has been corrected ▪ [Dread Head Redemption] has been scripted ▪ [To Greymane Manor] is fixed ▪ [The King's Observatory] is fixed ▪ [it's all Fun and Games] is fixed ▪ [Losing Your Tail] is fixed ▪ [The Blackwald] is fixed ▪ All nearby players will receive credit upon defeating Jastor Gallywix in [Final Confrontation] GENERAL _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ Flight paths have been fixed ▪ Forsaken Catapult has been corrected ▪ Uldum spawns have been added ▪ Priest trainer's phase in Gilneas has been corrected ▪ Ursangous in Ashenvale has been corrected ▪ Spiders in Eastern Plaguelands will no longer give reputation with Ashtongue Deathsworn ▪ Sunwalker Kodos at trainers have been corrected ▪ Lorna Crowley has been corrected ▪ Vygna's faction and level has been corrected ▪ Shazdar, Naal Mistrunner, Ronald Burch, Emrul Riknussun and Fyldan now have correct item prices ▪ Spell costs for several class trainers have been corrected ▪ Portals to Blasted Lands located in Silithus target positions have been corrected ▪ Items stack that can be bought from vendors have been corrected ▪ Missing spawns have been added to The Circle of Cinders in Mount Hyjal ▪ Missing spawns have been added to Grove of Aessina in Mount Hyjal ▪ Missing spawns have been added to Sanctuary of Malorne in Mount Hyjal ▪ Missing spawns have been added to The Regrowth in Mount Hyjal ▪ Missing spawns have been added to Doom's Vigil in Mount Hyjal CORE _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ More performance optimizations ▪ Major improvements to logon ▪ 18 Exploit fixes ▪ 11 Crash fixes February 4, 2012 CLASSES _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ Death Knight ▪ [blood Rites] is fixed ▪ [blood of the North] is fixed ▪ [Reaping] is fixed ▪ Paladin ▪ [seal of Insight] swing effect is fixed ▪ [seal of Truth] has been corrected ▪ [Judgement] has been implemented ▪ [Holy Wrath] stun requirements have been fixed ▪ [Consecration] is fixed ▪ [blessing of Might] now requires level 56 requirement ▪ [seals of Command] has been corrected QUESTS _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ [up, Up and Away] is fixed ▪ [Warchief's Emissary] is fixed ▪ [Down with Crushcog!] is fixed ▪ [Decontamination] is fixed ▪ [Last Stand] is fixed ▪ [Final Confrontation] is fixed ▪ [447] is fixed ▪ [The Great Bank Heist] has been temporarily set to autocomplete ▪ [Fourth and Goal] has been temporarily set to autocomplete ▪ [Rolling with my Homies] has been temporarily set to autocomplete GENERAL _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ Many fixes to Goblin starting zone ▪ Many fixes to Worgen starting zone ▪ Many missing spells from trainers have been added ▪ Level requirements for many spells have been corrected ▪ Corrections to spawn timers of objects ▪ Public chat channels will no longer disconnect players and work as intended ▪ Spawn timers for rare creatures has been corrected ▪ [Running Wild] has been corrected ▪ Many corrections to spawns, respawn timers and phasing in Gilneas ▪ [Teleport to Rut'theran] has been corrected ▪ Fixed Kezan phase spells, you can now leave the zone ▪ NPC Claims Adjuster no longer has an invisible aura ▪ NPC Flatland Cougar will no longer deal high damage ▪ Wild Turkeys spawns have has been corrected ▪ Incorrect gossips has been removed from some creatures ▪ NPCs with wrong abilities have been corrected ▪ Frenzied Stalkers spawn time has been corrected ▪ Hoboair Gryphon Master will now be friendly to Alliance as intended ▪ Numerous corrections to gossip typos ▪ [Hercular's Rod] can only be used on Dark Ranger ▪ Charger, Warhorse and Exarch's Elekks have been added to Alliance and Horde Paladin trainers CORE _______________________________________________________________________________________ ▪ Major optimizations to logon load ▪ Initiating a shutdown or restart will no longer crash the realm ▪ Optimizations to threading ▪ 5 Exploit fixes ▪ 7 Crash fixes sry za to pozadi ale tapatalk ci co to je to nejak nebere z mobilu, psano na rychlo z phonu sory
  23. Jaký emulátor?

    vsechny verejne ´´public´´ relase´´ emulatory na cataclysm sou k nicemu a nikdy nebudou na urovni hratelnosti jako to bylo u wotlk nebo TBC
  24. repack wrath of lich king jeutie!

    Update Download version 9.6.0 -- Mediafire, FTP Download version 9.6.6 -- Mediafire, FTP Attention: This revision carries Dynamic Vmaps which can be a tad buggy, therefore I brand it a BETArelease. You will have to either download these new Vmaps or re-extract yours. I do not recommend using this on live servers. The earlier revision is still available for download. Linux version by Epicblood - OS X version: Soon™ DBC -- FTP Maps -- FTP Vmaps3 (9.6.0)-- FTP Vmaps4 (9.6.6)-- FTP These files belong inside the repack folder and are required for the sever to successfully boot
  25. Antivirus

    radcej to nebudem komentovat ty rytmaus fan