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Posts posted by STONERSVK

  1. Nejake to info ohladne noveho datadisku



    WoD zones








    News Posts:

    UI Improvments

    WoD FAQ

    WoD More info

    WoD Garrison Feature

    WoD Adventure

    WoD Dungeons and Raid Info

    Journey into Draenor

    A Look at PvP

    Flying in Draenor

    Tauren Artcraft

    Alpha Patch Notes

    Alpha Testing Begins

    Female Dwarf Update Blog

    Female Orc Artcraft

    Building a Garrison Artcraft

    A First Look Artcraft

    Different Spell / Racial Changes

    New Datamined Informationi

    Technical Game Designer Interview

    More Datamined Information


    General information:


    Number Squishing


    New Character Models:

    Run Down


    Dwarf Roar

    Dwarf Female


    Orc Flex


    Gnome Female

    Female Gnome

    Gnomes again

    Gnome Disgust

    Undead Male

    Undead Male Head

    Undead Female Head

    Undead Female

    Tauren Male

    Male Tauren Emotes


    Female Orc

    Female Orc 2

    Female Orc Comparison

    Female Orc Emotes

    Human Female Comparison

    Human Female 1

    Human Female 2

    Human Female Maintaining the 'Soul'




    Run Down

    Garrison Picture

    Garrison Leveling

    Garrison Picture 2

    Garrison Followers

    Garrison Picture 3

    Garrison Followers 2

    Small Buildings


    Garrison Upgrades

    Lumber Mill

    Lumber Mill Comparison

    Lumber Mill V1

    Lumber Mill V2

    Mage Tower Interior

    Mage Tower V1

    Mage Tower V2

    Mage Tower V3

    Prop 1

    Prop Differences 1

    Prop Differences 2

    Prop Differences 3

    Prop Differences 4

    Prop Differences 5

    Prop Differences 6

    Storage Building

    Storage Building Interior

    Horde Stables V3


    Leveling 90-100




    New Boosting Feature

    Run Down

    Run Down 2

    WoD Boosting


    Dungeons / Raids / Scenarios:

    Run Down

    WoD Raid Structure

    Blackrock Foundry Map


    Blizz con Day 1 Wrap up:

    Day 1 Wrap up



    Run Down


    Shadowmoon Valley

    Shadowmoon Valley 2

    Frostfire Ridge

    Frostfire Ridge 2

    Draenor vs Outlands



    Run Down



    Run Down



    New Stats


    New UI:

    New Heirloom UI

    New Bag UI

    New "Toy Box" UI

    New Map Quest UI



    Iron Horde Clans

    Shattered Hand




    WoD Talent Calculator




    Warcraft's Facebook Page

    Warcraft's Twitter Page







    WoD New Icons


    • Upvote 2

  2. bača co tu skusas prosim ta na tych tvojich serveroch budes hrat akurat tak ty, isto si zase niekoho o*ebal inak kde by si ty prisiel k nejakemu VPSku



    juline viem ze sa mu snazis pomoct ale tento mlady je pan je stara firma tu na WS

    • Upvote 4
    • Downvote 2

  3. Něco ti můžu napsat, ale nic extra jen 4 roky ruštiny..


    jen? :P, to snad jednu vetu pre denda zvladnes ne :P



    bača chce byt zase zajimavej a pouzil gúgl translator a pohladil své ego :), protoze nikdo z nas to nezna :D :D

    • Upvote 2
    • Downvote 1

  4. kua nebud line prase a skus trochu hledat tady na foru, vscihni porad cekate ze vam to kazdy zepise a hodi do topicu


    jinak jen tak v ICC v tournamentu je NPC ktere ten spell ma skus se podivat na jeho script, myslim ze v novem TC to funguje tak staci kdyz do script name skopirujes jmeno scriptu :)

    • Upvote 2

  5. nejake cords pro porty:




    !tele 1 1 80 1 289


    Scarlet Monastery Instances


    !tele 1 1 80 1 189


    HawaiiMainLand - Pandaria


    !tele 1 1 54 1 870 - Underground

    !tele 1 1 170 1 870 - Above ground


    UNUSED: Scenario Alcaz Island (taken out of retail game)


    !tele -3000 -4000 50 0 930 - Ouside the invisible wall boundaries

    !tele -3000 -5000 50 0 930 - Inside actual scenario


    ShadowPanHideout - Shado-Pan Monastery


    !tele 3000 3000 450 1 959


    EastTemple - Temple of the Jade Serpent


    !tele 2000 -2000 230 1 960


    StormstoutBrewery - Stormstout Brewery


    !tele 100 100 160 1 961


    TheGreatWall - Gate of the Setting Sun


    !tele 100 100 1 1 962


    MoguDungeon - Mogu'shan Palace


    Map ID is 994 -- Couldn't find the actual instance since it has no outdoor landscape.


    MoguInteriorRaid - The Depths [unused]


    !tele -100 -100 1 1 995


    MoguExteriorRaid - Terrace of Endless Spring


    !tele -2000 -3000 1 1 996


    ValleyOfPower - Temple of Kotmogu


    !tele 1 1 1 1 998


    Theremore's Fall


    Map ID's are 999 and 1000, I couldn't find the ground due to Fog of War.


    ScarletSanctuaryArmoryAndLibrary - Scarlet Halls


    !tele 1 1 1 1 1001


    ScarletMonasteryCathedralGY - Scarlet Monastery


    !tele 1000 1 1 1 1004


    BrewmasterScenario1 - A Brewing Storm


    !tele 1000 -1000 1 1 1005


    NewScholomance - Scholomance


    !tele 1 1 1 1 1007


    MogushanPalace - Mogu'Shan Vaults


    MapID is 1008, couldn't find the instance ground.


    MantidRaid - Heart of Fear


    !tele 1 1 250 1 1009


    MistsCTF3 - CTF3


    MapID is 1010. Do not go here or you will DC.


    MantidDungeon - Siege of Niuzao Temple


    !tele 2000 6000 140 1 1011


    Peak of Serenity


    MapID - 1014


    Ruins of Thereamore


    MapID - 1019


    Greenstone Village


    MapID - 1024


    MoguRuinsScenario - (UNUSED) Scenario: Mogu'Ruins


    !tele 2000 -2000 1 1 1028 (Fly mode and stuff needs to be on, just fly towards the ground)


    AncientMoguCryptScenario - (UNUSED) Scenario: Mogu Crypt


    !tele 1000 1000 550 1 1029 (Same as above)


    AncientMoguCryptDestroyed - Crypt of the Forgotten


    MapID - 1030 -- Couldn't find the ground.


    ProvingGroundScenario - Areana of Annihilation


    MapID - 1031 -- Couldn't find the areana ground.


    RingOfValorScenario - Hellscream Areana


    MapID - 1043 -- Couldn't find the areana ground.


    ValleyOfPowerScenario - Temple of Kotmogu


    !tele 1000 1000 550 1 1035 (enable flying)


    BrewmasterScenario3 - Big Beach Brew Bash


    MapID - 1048 -- Couldn't find the ground (fog of War)


    BlackOxTempleScenario - (UNUSED) Scenario: Black Ox Temple


    !tele 2000 5000 1 1 1049 (enable flying)


    ScenarioKlaxxiIsland - Assult on Zan'vess


    !tele -1000 3000 1 1 1050 (enable flying and go towards land)


    ScenarioBremaster4 - Brewmoon Festival


    MapID - 1051


    LevelDesignLand - DevOnly - Level Design Land - Dev Only


    MapID - 1060 (you disconnect when porting there :()




    map id dump:



    0 - Azeroth

    1 - Kalimdor

    13 - test

    25 - ScottTest

    30 - PVPZone01

    33 - Shadowfang

    34 - StormwindJail

    35 - StormwindPrison

    36 - DeadminesInstance

    37 - PVPZone02

    42 - Collin

    43 - WailingCaverns

    44 - Monastery

    47 - RazorfenKraulInstance

    48 - Blackfathom

    70 - Uldaman

    90 - GnomeragonInstance

    109 - SunkenTemple

    129 - RazorfenDowns

    169 - EmeraldDream

    189 - MonasteryInstances

    209 - TanarisInstance

    229 - BlackRockSpire

    230 - BlackrockDepths

    249 - OnyxiaLairInstance

    269 - CavernsOfTime

    289 - SchoolofNecromancy

    309 - Zul'gurub

    329 - Stratholme

    349 - Mauradon

    369 - DeeprunTram

    389 - OrgrimmarInstance

    409 - MoltenCore

    429 - DireMaul

    449 - AlliancePVPBarracks

    450 - HordePVPBarracks

    451 - development

    469 - BlackwingLair

    489 - PVPZone03

    509 - AhnQiraj

    529 - PVPZone04

    530 - Expansion01

    531 - AhnQirajTemple

    532 - Karazahn

    533 - Stratholme Raid

    534 - HyjalPast

    540 - HellfireMilitary

    542 - HellfireDemon

    543 - HellfireRampart

    544 - HellfireRaid

    545 - CoilfangPumping

    546 - CoilfangMarsh

    547 - CoilfangDraenei

    548 - CoilfangRaid

    550 - TempestKeepRaid

    552 - TempestKeepArcane

    553 - TempestKeepAtrium

    554 - TempestKeepFactory

    555 - AuchindounShadow

    556 - AuchindounDemon

    557 - AuchindounEthereal

    558 - AuchindounDraenei

    559 - PVPZone05

    560 - HillsbradPast

    562 - bladesedgearena

    564 - BlackTemple

    565 - GruulsLair

    566 - NetherstormBG

    568 - ZulAman

    571 - Northrend

    572 - PVPLordaeron

    573 - ExteriorTest

    574 - Valgarde70

    575 - UtgardePinnacle

    576 - Nexus70

    578 - Nexus80

    580 - SunwellPlateau

    582 - Transport176244

    584 - Transport176231

    585 - Sunwell5ManFix

    586 - Transport181645

    587 - Transport177233

    588 - Transport176310

    589 - Transport175080

    590 - Transport176495

    591 - Transport164871

    592 - Transport186238

    593 - Transport20808

    594 - Transport187038

    595 - StratholmeCOT

    596 - Transport187263

    597 - CraigTest

    598 - Sunwell5Man

    599 - Ulduar70

    600 - DrakTheronKeep

    601 - Azjol_Uppercity

    602 - Ulduar80

    603 - UlduarRaid

    604 - GunDrak

    605 - development_nonweighted

    606 - QA_DVD

    607 - NorthrendBG

    608 - DalaranPrison

    609 - DeathKnightStart

    610 - Transport_Tirisfal _Vengeance_Landing

    612 - Transport_Menethil_Valgarde

    613 - Transport_Orgrimmar_Warsong_Hold

    614 - Transport_Stormwind_Valiance_Keep

    615 - ChamberOfAspectsBlack

    616 - NexusRaid

    617 - DalaranArena

    618 - OrgrimmarArena

    619 - Azjol_LowerCity

    620 - Transport_Moa'ki_Unu'pe

    621 - Transport_Moa'ki_Kamagua

    622 - Transport192241

    623 - Transport192242

    624 - WintergraspRaid

    627 - unused

    628 - IsleofConquest

    631 - IcecrownCitadel

    632 - IcecrownCitadel5Man

    637 - AbyssalMaw

    638 - Gilneas

    641 - Transport_AllianceAirshipBG

    642 - Transport_HordeAirshipBG

    643 - AbyssalMaw_Interior

    644 - Uldum

    645 - BlackRockSpire_4_0

    646 - Deephome

    647 - Transport_Orgrimmar_to_Thunderbluff

    648 - LostIsles

    649 - ArgentTournamentRaid

    650 - ArgentTournamentDungeon

    651 - ElevatorSpawnTest

    654 - Gilneas2

    655 - GilneasPhase1

    656 - GilneasPhase2

    657 - SkywallDungeon

    658 - QuarryofTears

    659 - LostIslesPhase1

    660 - Deephomeceiling

    661 - LostIslesPhase2

    662 - Transport197195

    668 - HallsOfReflection

    669 - BlackwingDescent

    670 - GrimBatolDungeon

    671 - GrimBatolRaid

    672 - Transport197347

    673 - Transport197348

    674 - Transport197349-2

    712 - Transport197349

    713 - Transport197350

    718 - Transport201834

    719 - MountHyjalPhase1

    720 - Firelands1

    721 - Firelands2

    723 - Stormwind

    724 - ChamberofAspectsRed

    725 - DeepholmeDungeon

    726 - CataclysmCTF

    727 - STV_Mine_BG

    728 - TheBattleforGilneas

    730 - MaelstromZone

    731 - DesolaceBomb

    732 - TolBarad

    734 - AhnQirajTerrace

    736 - TwilightHighlandsDragonmawPhase

    738 - Transport200100

    739 - Transport200101

    740 - Transport200102

    741 - Transport200103

    742 - Transport203729

    743 - Transport203730

    746 - UldumPhaseOasis

    747 - Transport 203732

    748 - Transport203858

    749 - Transport203859

    750 - Transport203860

    751 - RedgridgeOrcBomb

    752 - RedridgeBridgePhaseOne

    753 - RedridgeBridgePhaseTwo

    754 - SkywallRaid

    755 - UldumDungeon

    757 - BaradinHold

    759 - UldumPhasedEntrance

    760 - TwilightHighlandsPhasedEntrance

    761 - Gilneas_BG_2

    762 - Transport 203861

    763 - Transport 203862

    764 - UldumPhaseWreckedCamp

    765 - Transport203863

    766 - Transport 2033864

    767 - Transport 2033865

    859 - Zul_Gurub5Man

    860 - NewRaceStartZone

    861 - FirelandsDailies

    870 - HawaiiMainLand

    930 - ScenarioAlcazIsland

    938 - COTDragonblight

    939 - COTWarOfTheAncients

    940 - TheHourOfTwilight

    951 - NexusLegendary

    959 - ShadowpanHideout

    960 - EastTemple

    961 - StormstoutBrewery

    962 - TheGreatWall

    967 - DeathwingBack

    968 - EyeoftheStorm2.0

    971 - JadeForestAllianceHubPhase

    972 - JadeForestBattlefieldPhase

    974 - DarkmoonFaire

    975 - TurtleShipPhase01

    976 - TurtleShipPhase02

    977 - MaelstromDeathwingFight

    980 - TolVirArena

    994 - MoguDungeon

    995 - MoguInteriorRaid

    996 - MoguExteriorRaid

    998 - ValleyOfPower

    999 - BFTAllianceScenario

    1000 - BFTHordeScenario

    1001 - ScarletSanctuaryArmoryAndLibrary

    1004 - ScarletMonasteryCathedralGY

    1005 - BrewmasterScenario01

    1007 - NewScholomance

    1008 - MogushanPalace

    1009 - MantidRaid

    1010 - MistsCTF3

    1011 - MantidDungeon

    1014 - MonkAreaScenario

    1019 - RuinsOfTheramore

    1024 - PandaFishingVillageScenario

    1028 - MoguRuinsScenario

    1029 - AncientMoguCryptScenario

    1030 - AncientMoguCyptDestroyedScenario

    1031 - ProvingGroundsScenario

    1032 - PetBattleJadeForest

    1035 - ValleyOfPowerScenario

    1043 - RingOfValorScenario

    1048 - BrewmasterScenario03

    1049 - BlackOxTempleScenario

    1050 - ScenarioKlaxxiIsland

    1051 - ScenarioBrewmaster04

    1060 - LevelDesignLand-DevOnly

    1066 - StormwindGunshipPandariaStartArea

    1074 - OrgrimmarGunshipPandariaStart

    1075 - TheramoreScenarioPhase

    1076 - JadeForestHordeStartingArea


    • Upvote 1

  6. bohuzel funner ma pravdu, ale zatim je vo eule od blizu napsano tak ze to prodavat nemsi, a uzivatel si acc jen pronajmuje :) ale vse se uvidi jestli stym blizz vubec neco bude delat nebo ne :)


    jinak acc skus klidne prodat i tady nebo na aukru :) a i ingame najdes kupce
