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    • Xmat

      Pravidlo pro postování v TTT

      Do sekce Tipy, triky, tutoriály nepatří žádné dotazy.   Postujte sem vaše návody, tipy a různé další věci jež uznáte za vhodné sdělit zdejšímu osazenstvu, ale veškeré dotazy směřujte do sekce Všeobecná diskuse.
    • Replik

      Seznam návodů a důležitých témat v této sekci

      Pro lepší přehlednost jsem vytvořil tento seznam, který vás, méně zkušené, lépe provede touto sekcí. Věřím, že zde najdete, co hledáte. Vypsané jsou návody, které jsou oficiálně uznané jako návody. Běžné diskuze, které neposkytují postupy a rady zvěřejněny nejsou.   Instalace vlastního MaNGOS Serveru Díky těmto návodům budete (měli by jste být) schopni vytvořit a následně spustit váš vlastní server. Nastavení je pro verze s i bez datadisku.   Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (bez datadisku TBC) - Autor Benny Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (s datadiskem TBC) - Autor Malfik Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor charlie Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor kupkoid   Chyby a jejich řešení při přihlašování k serveru - Autor Cybe   Zálohování uživatelských dat   Dávkový soubor (BAT soubor) pro vytvoření SQL záloh - Autor Replik   Kompilování - tvoření vlastních release (revizí)   Tvorba kompilací pro Win32 (MangoScript) - Autor bLuma   Ostatní - těžko zařaditelné, ale neznamená to, že nejsou dobré   VIP Systém - Autor charlie Tvorba Webových stránek pro MaNGOS - Autor zahuba Tvorba teleportačních NPC (MangoScript) - Autor Replik Registrační web (původně předělaná SPORA) Funkční pro Antrix i MaNGOS - Autor Replik Nastavení a spuštění Minimanager pro MaNGOS - Autor BlackMartin Nastavení MaNGOS Website - Autor Artorius   Samozřejmě jsou zde i jiné návody, ale tyto jsou nejvíce používané, proto věřím, že vám budou nápomocné. Tuto sekci budeme upravovat podle potřeby. Pokud by jste něco nenašli nebo si nevěděli rady, hledejte na fóru a teprve potom založte vlastní topik. Pokud nějaký autor vytvoří kvalitní návod a chtěl by ho zveřejnit i v tomto seznamu, doporučuji, aby mi napsal zprávu skrze PM.   Díky a přeji hezký den na WoWResource   Replik
    • Aristo

      Příspěvky tam, kde nemají co dělat

      Dodržujte zákaz přispívání do topiků s repaky pokud si to zakladatelé nepřejí!! Opakované psaní příspěvků bude trestáno warnem.
    • Aristo

      Používání spoilerů

      Poslední dobou má většina uživatelů fora zvláštní nutkání postovat extrémně dlouhé texty nebo kódy, které zabírají v nejedenom případu i 80% obsahu celé stránky a hodně tak zvedají nepřehlednost v topiku. Chtěl bych všechny uživatele požádat, aby při postování citací, jakýchkoliv kódů, errorů, atp... delších než 30 řádků používali funkci spoileru.   Funkci vyvoláte příkazem [spoiler] text [/spoiler]   Ukázka:  
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[HELLP]SQL chybi realmflags

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2010-09-16 19:20:09 Using configuration file /opt/oregon/etc/oregoncore.conf.

2010-09-16 19:20:09 OregonCore Rev: 710 Hash: a2f38bda468f (Unix,little-endian) (core-daemon)

2010-09-16 19:20:09 <Ctrl-C> to stop.


2010-09-16 19:20:09 _____

2010-09-16 19:20:09 /\ __`\

2010-09-16 19:20:09 \ \ \/\ \ _ __ __ __ ___ ___

2010-09-16 19:20:09 \ \ \ \ \/\`'__\'__`\ /'_ `\ / __`\/' _ `\

2010-09-16 19:20:09 \ \ \_\ \ \ \/\ __//\ \L\ \/\ \L\ \\ \/\ \

2010-09-16 19:20:09 \ \_____\ \_\ \____\ \____ \ \____/ \_\ \_\

2010-09-16 19:20:09 \/_____/\/_/\/____/\/___L\ \/___/ \/_/\/_/

2010-09-16 19:20:09 /\____/

2010-09-16 19:20:09 \_/__/

2010-09-16 19:20:09 http://www.oregoncore.com


2010-09-16 19:20:09 MySQL client library: 5.0.51a

2010-09-16 19:20:09 MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny4

2010-09-16 19:20:09 MySQL client library: 5.0.51a

2010-09-16 19:20:09 MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny4

2010-09-16 19:20:09 MySQL client library: 5.0.51a

2010-09-16 19:20:09 MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny4

2010-09-16 19:20:09 Realm running as realm ID 1

2010-09-16 19:20:09 Using World DB: ODB 0.0.3 UP1 for OregonCore rev.55

2010-09-16 19:20:09 Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.

2010-09-16 19:20:09 Using DataDir /Data/

2010-09-16 19:20:09 WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:0, getHeight:0

2010-09-16 19:20:09 WORLD: VMap data directory is: /Data/vmaps

2010-09-16 19:20:09 WORLD: VMap config keys are: vmap.enableLOS, vmap.enableHeight, vmap.ignoreMapIds, vmap.ignoreSpellIds

2010-09-16 19:20:09

2010-09-16 19:20:09 Loading Oregon strings...

2010-09-16 19:20:09

2010-09-16 19:20:09 >> Loaded 756 Oregon strings from table oregon_string

2010-09-16 19:20:09 Initialize data stores...

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Initialized 59 data stores

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Using enUS DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: enUS

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading Script Names...

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading Instance Template...

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 58 Instance Template definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMap Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 7025 SkillLineAbility MultiMap

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Cleaning up instances...

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Initialized 22 instances

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Packing instances...

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Instance numbers remapped, next instance id is 23

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading Localization strings...

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 0 creature locale strings. DB table locales_creature is empty.

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 0 gameobject locale strings. DB table locales_gameobject is empty.

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 0 Item locale strings. DB table locales_item is empty.

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 0 Quest locale strings. DB table locales_quest is empty.

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 0 Quest locale strings. DB table locales_npc_text is empty.

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 0 PageText locale strings. DB table locales_page_text is empty.

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 0 gossip_menu_option locale strings. DB table `locales_gossip_menu_option` is empty.

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >>> Localization strings loaded

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading Page Texts...

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 1431 page texts

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading Game Object Templates...

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 13674 game object templates

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading Spell Chain Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 867 spell chains

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading Spell Required Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 37 spell required records

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading Spell Elixir types...

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 99 spell elixir definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading Spell Learn Skills...

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 78 Spell Learn Skills from DBC

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading Spell Learn Spells...

2010-09-16 19:20:11

2010-09-16 19:20:11 >> Loaded 14 spell learn spells + 500 found in DBC

2010-09-16 19:20:11 Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...

2010-09-16 19:20:12

2010-09-16 19:20:12 >> Loaded 578 custom spell proc event conditions +11 custom

2010-09-16 19:20:12 Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...

2010-09-16 19:20:12 >> Loaded 90 aggro generating spells

2010-09-16 19:20:12

2010-09-16 19:20:12 Loading NPC Texts...

2010-09-16 19:20:12

2010-09-16 19:20:12 >> Loaded 4455 npc texts

2010-09-16 19:20:12 Loading Enchant Spells Proc datas...

2010-09-16 19:20:12 >> Loaded 6 enchant proc data definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:12 Loading Item Random Enchantments Table...

2010-09-16 19:20:12

2010-09-16 19:20:12 >> Loaded 28408 Item Enchantment definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:12 Loading Items...

2010-09-16 19:20:17 >> Loaded 23880 item prototypes

2010-09-16 19:20:17

2010-09-16 19:20:17 Loading Item Texts...

2010-09-16 19:20:17

2010-09-16 19:20:17 >> Loaded 11 item texts

2010-09-16 19:20:17 Loading Creature Model Based Info Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:17 >> Loaded 17001 creature model based info

2010-09-16 19:20:17

2010-09-16 19:20:17 Loading Equipment templates...

2010-09-16 19:20:17 >> Loaded 1930 equipment template

2010-09-16 19:20:17

2010-09-16 19:20:17 Loading Creature templates...

2010-09-16 19:20:19 >> Loaded 18781 creature definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:19

2010-09-16 19:20:19 Loading SpellsScriptTarget...

2010-09-16 19:20:19 ERROR: Table spell_script_target: creature template entry 8313 does not exist.

2010-09-16 19:20:19 ERROR: Table spell_script_target: creature template entry 38968 does not exist.

2010-09-16 19:20:19

2010-09-16 19:20:19 >> Loaded 552 Spell Script Targets

2010-09-16 19:20:19 Loading Creature Reputation OnKill Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:19

2010-09-16 19:20:19 >> Loaded 1401 creature award reputation definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:19 Loading Pet Create Spells...

2010-09-16 19:20:19

2010-09-16 19:20:19 >> Loaded 739 pet create spells

2010-09-16 19:20:19 Loading Creature Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:23 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 10450 Entry: 3296) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=5100.

2010-09-16 19:20:23 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 8526 Entry: 3296) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=5100.

2010-09-16 19:20:23 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 6500 Entry: 14392) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=6000.

2010-09-16 19:20:23 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 6499 Entry: 14720) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2260), creature_template.minhealth=950000.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 3390 Entry: 3296) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=5100.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 3387 Entry: 3296) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=5100.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190474 Entry: 13417) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=6200.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190448 Entry: 3401) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7500.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190449 Entry: 3334) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=4800.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190450 Entry: 3324) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=2800.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190451 Entry: 5815) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=3100.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190452 Entry: 23128) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=5100.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190468 Entry: 3353) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7400.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190486 Entry: 3890) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=3500.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190471 Entry: 10088) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=6300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190472 Entry: 5885) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=4700.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190487 Entry: 15006) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=3800.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190497 Entry: 20385) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7100.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190498 Entry: 14942) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7500.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190516 Entry: 15350) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=10214.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190556 Entry: 6929) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=3700.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190510 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190511 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190513 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190514 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190854 Entry: 17315) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=5000.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190521 Entry: 18525) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2260), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190525 Entry: 19688) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7700.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190531 Entry: 3296) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=5100.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190533 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190534 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190535 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190536 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190537 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190538 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190539 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190855 Entry: 17315) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=5000.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190543 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190544 Entry: 15371) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=7300.

2010-09-16 19:20:25 ERROR: Table creature have creature (GUID: 1190856 Entry: 17315) with creature_template.RegenHealth=1 and low current health (2200), creature_template.minhealth=5000.

2010-09-16 19:20:25

2010-09-16 19:20:25 >> Loaded 95934 creatures

2010-09-16 19:20:25 Loading Creature Linked Respawn...

2010-09-16 19:20:25

2010-09-16 19:20:25 >> Loaded 97 linked respawns

2010-09-16 19:20:25

2010-09-16 19:20:25 Loading Creature Addon Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:25 >> Loaded 4496 creature template addons

2010-09-16 19:20:25

2010-09-16 19:20:26 >> Loaded 58604 creature addons

2010-09-16 19:20:26

2010-09-16 19:20:26 >>> Creature Addon Data loaded

2010-09-16 19:20:26

2010-09-16 19:20:26 Loading Creature Respawn Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:26 >> Loaded 207 creature respawn times

2010-09-16 19:20:26

2010-09-16 19:20:26 Loading Gameobject Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 54975 gameobjects

2010-09-16 19:20:28 Loading Gameobject Respawn Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 0 gameobject respawn time.

2010-09-16 19:20:28 Loading Game Event Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 49 game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 11 game event saves in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 26 game event prerequisites in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 2493 creatures in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 15795 gameobjects in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 8 model/equipment changes in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 60 quests additions in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 0 go quests additions in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 11 quest event conditions in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 15 conditions in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 4 condition saves in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 1 npcflags in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 57 vendor additions in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 10 npc gossip textids in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 4 battleground holidays in game events

2010-09-16 19:20:28 Loading Weather Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:28

2010-09-16 19:20:28 >> Loaded 35 weather definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:28 Loading Quests...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 6518 quests definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Quests Relations...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 278 quest relations from gameobject_questrelation

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 217 quest relations from gameobject_involvedrelation

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_questrelation: Quest 600007 listed for entry 500102 does not exist.

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_questrelation: Quest 600017 listed for entry 500102 does not exist.

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 5423 quest relations from creature_questrelation

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_questrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10167, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_questrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10560, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_questrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10704, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_questrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10882, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_questrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10884, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_questrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10885, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_questrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10886, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_questrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10888, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_questrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10949, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation: Quest 600007 listed for entry 500102 does not exist.

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation: Quest 600017 listed for entry 500102 does not exist.

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 5694 quest relations from creature_involvedrelation

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10102, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10210, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10280, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10560, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10704, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10708, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10781, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10882, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10883, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10884, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10885, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10886, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10888, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 10948, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Table creature_involvedrelation has creature entry (18481) for quest 11007, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading AreaTrigger definitions...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 161 area trigger teleport definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Access Requirements...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 52 access requirement definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Quest Area Triggers...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 37 quest trigger points

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Tavern Area Triggers...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 71 tavern triggers

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading AreaTrigger script names...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 5 areatrigger scripts

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Graveyard-zone links...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 513 graveyard-zone links

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Spell target coordinates...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 222 spell teleport coordinates

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading SpellAffect definitions...

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Spell 16998 listed in spell_affect have different low part from EffectItemType2 for effect index (1) and not needed, skipped.

2010-09-16 19:20:30 ERROR: Spell 16999 listed in spell_affect have different low part from EffectItemType2 for effect index (1) and not needed, skipped.

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 1190 spell affect definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading spell pet auras...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 34 spell pet auras

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading spell extra attributes...

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading linked spells...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 50 linked spells

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Player Create Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 52 player create definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 0 custom player create items

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 2005 player create spells

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 293 player create actions

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 630 level health/mana definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 3640 level stats definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Exploration BaseXP Data...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 71 BaseXP definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Pet Name Parts...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 260 pet name parts

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading the max pet number...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded the max pet number: 51

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading pet level stats...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 1470 level pet stats definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Player Corpses...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 0 corpses

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Disabled Spells...

2010-09-16 19:20:30

2010-09-16 19:20:30 >> Loaded 1 disabled spells from spell_disabled

2010-09-16 19:20:30 Loading Loot Tables...

2010-09-16 19:20:30 creature_loot_template :

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 263539 loot definitions (6231 templates)

2010-09-16 19:20:34 fishing_loot_template :

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 194 loot definitions (177 templates)

2010-09-16 19:20:34 gameobject_loot_template :

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 18162 loot definitions (784 templates)

2010-09-16 19:20:34 item_loot_template :

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 4749 loot definitions (221 templates)

2010-09-16 19:20:34 mail_loot_template :

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 65 loot definitions (64 templates)

2010-09-16 19:20:34 pickpocketing_loot_template :

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 10598 loot definitions (2444 templates)

2010-09-16 19:20:34 skinning_loot_template :

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 3316 loot definitions (925 templates)

2010-09-16 19:20:34 disenchant_loot_template :

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 102 loot definitions (46 templates)

2010-09-16 19:20:34 prospecting_loot_template :

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 60 loot definitions (7 templates)

2010-09-16 19:20:34 mail_loot_template :

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 65 loot definitions (64 templates)

2010-09-16 19:20:34 reference_loot_template :

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 6722 loot definitions (320 templates)

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading Skill Discovery Table...

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 17 skill discovery definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading Skill Extra Item Table...

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 160 spell specialization definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading Skill Fishing base level requirements...

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 79 areas for fishing base skill level

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading Item Auctions...

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 6 auction items

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading Auctions...

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 6 auctions

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading Guilds...

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 11 guild definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading ArenaTeams...

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 0 arenateam definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading Groups...

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 3 group definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 7 group-instance binds total

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 7 group members total

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading ReservedNames...

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 0 reserved player names

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading GameObjects for quests...

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 671 GameObject for quests

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading BattleMasters...

2010-09-16 19:20:34

2010-09-16 19:20:34 >> Loaded 71 battlemaster entries

2010-09-16 19:20:34 Loading GameTeleports...

2010-09-16 19:20:35

2010-09-16 19:20:35 >> Loaded 429 game tele's

2010-09-16 19:20:35 Loading Npc Text Id...

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 8528) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 7417) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 6567) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79672) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79673) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79678) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79682) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79688) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79698) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79723) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79853) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79696) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79697) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 86424) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79714) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79684) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79686) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 3385) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79695) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:35 ERROR: Table npc_gossip have not existed creature (GUID: 79841) entry, ignore.

2010-09-16 19:20:36

2010-09-16 19:20:36 >> Loaded 2498 NpcTextId

2010-09-16 19:20:36 Loading Gossip scripts...

2010-09-16 19:20:36 gossip_scripts :

2010-09-16 19:20:36

2010-09-16 19:20:36 >> Loaded 0 script definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:36 Loading Gossip menu...

2010-09-16 19:20:36

2010-09-16 19:20:36 ERROR: >> Loaded gossip_menu, table is empty!

2010-09-16 19:20:36 Loading Gossip menu options...

2010-09-16 19:20:36

2010-09-16 19:20:36 >> Loaded 17 gossip_menu_option entries

2010-09-16 19:20:36 Loading Vendors...

2010-09-16 19:20:36

2010-09-16 19:20:36 >> Loaded 24162 Vendors

2010-09-16 19:20:36 Loading Trainers...

2010-09-16 19:20:37

2010-09-16 19:20:37 >> Loaded Trainers 55093

2010-09-16 19:20:37 Loading Waypoints...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 43496 waypoints

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Loading Creature Formations...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 2 creatures in formations

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Loading GM tickets...

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Returning old mails...

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Loading Scripts...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 quest_start_scripts :

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 276 script definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:39 quest_end_scripts :

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 196 script definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:39 spell_scripts :

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 9 script definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:39 gameobject_scripts :

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 51 script definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:39 event_scripts :

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 408 script definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:39 waypoint_scripts :

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 506 script definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >>> Scripts loaded

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Loading Scripts text locales...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 287 string templates from db_script_string

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Loading CreatureEventAI Texts...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 624 string templates from creature_ai_texts

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Loading EventAI Texts additional data...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 624 additional CreatureEventAI Texts data.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Loading CreatureEventAI Summons...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 10 CreatureEventAI summon definitions

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Loading CreatureEventAI Scripts...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 12547 CreatureEventAI scripts

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Initializing Scripts...

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Oregon Script initializing OregonScript

2010-09-16 19:20:39 OSCR: Using configuration file /opt/oregon/etc/oregoncore.conf

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 MySQL client library: 5.0.51a

2010-09-16 19:20:39 MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny4

2010-09-16 19:20:39 OSCR: OregonScript database initialized successfully.

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 TSCR: Database version is: ACID 2.0.3 - Full Release for Oregon Core (2.4.3 Client)

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 OISS: Loading Script Texts...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 861 string templates from script_texts

2010-09-16 19:20:39 OISS: Loading Script Texts additional data...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 861 additional Script Texts data.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 TSCR: Loading Custom Texts...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 0 string templates. DB table custom_texts is empty.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 TSCR: Loading Custom Texts additional data...

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 0 additional Custom Texts data. DB table custom_texts is empty.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 OSCR: Loading C++ scripts

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named go_iruxos does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named npc_brewfest_reveler does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_shirrak_the_dead_watcher does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_ethereal_apprentice does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named npc_volcano does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_angerrel does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_doperel does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_haterel does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_vilerel does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_seethrel does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_gloomrel does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_giant_infernal does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_abomination does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_ghoul does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_necromancer does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_banshee does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_crypt_fiend does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_fel_stalker does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_frost_wyrm does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_gargoyle does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_rage_winterchill does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_anetheron does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_towering_infernal does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_kazrogal does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_azgalor does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_greyheart_spellbinder does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_inner_demon does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_the_lurker_below does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_coilfang_guardian does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_coilfang_ambusher does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_the_black_stalker does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mobs_mana_tapped does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_shadowmoon_channeler does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_hellfire_sentry does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named npc_wing_commander_dabiree does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named npc_wing_commander_brack does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_sparrowhawk does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_phase_hunter does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_kurinnaxx does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_illidari_spawn does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_torloth_the_magnificent does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named npc_void_sentinel does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_volatile_felfire_fiend does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_high_botanist_freywinn does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_rotting_forest_rager does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_archaedas_minions does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_stonekeepers does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_jadespine_basilisk does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_akilzon does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 ERROR: OregonScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_akilzon_eagle does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 696 C++ Scripts.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Load Overriden SQL Data.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Starting Map System

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Starting Game Event system...

2010-09-16 19:20:39 GameEvent 16 "Gurubashi Arena Booty Run" started.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 GameEvent 29 "Edge of Madness, Gri'lek" started.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 GameEvent 36 "Shattered Sun Offensive: Phase 1 - Reclaiming the Sanctum COMPLETE" started.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 GameEvent 38 "Shattered Sun Offensive: Phase 2 - Sun's Reach Armory COMPLETE" started.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 GameEvent 39 "Shattered Sun Offensive: Phase 2b - Activating the Sunwell Portal" started.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 GameEvent 42 "Shattered Sun Offensive: Phase 3 - Sun's Reach Harbor COMPLETE" started.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 GameEvent 44 "Shattered Sun Offensive: Phase 3b - Rebuilding the Anvil and Forge COMPLETE" started.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 GameEvent 45 "Shattered Sun Offensive: Phase 4A - Creating the Alchemy Lab" started.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 GameEvent 47 "Shattered Sun Offensive: Phase 4B - Building the Monument to the Fallen" started.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Game Event system initialized.

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Starting BattleGround System

2010-09-16 19:20:39

2010-09-16 19:20:39 >> Loaded 8 battlegrounds

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Starting Outdoor PvP System

2010-09-16 19:20:39 Loading Transports...

2010-09-16 19:20:40

2010-09-16 19:20:40 >> Loaded 9 transports

2010-09-16 19:20:40 Loading Transports Events...

2010-09-16 19:20:40

>> Transport events table is empty


2010-09-16 19:20:40 Deleting expired bans...

2010-09-16 19:20:40 Calculate next daily quest reset time...

2010-09-16 19:20:40 Initialize AuctionHouseBot...

2010-09-16 19:20:40 AuctionHouseBot and AuctionHouseBuyer have been loaded.

2010-09-16 19:20:40 WORLD: World initialized

2010-09-16 19:20:40 Max allowed socket connections 1024

2010-09-16 19:20:40 ERROR: Failed to open acceptor ,check if the port is free

2010-09-16 19:20:40 ERROR: Failed to start network

2010-09-16 19:20:40 ERROR: SQL: UPDATE realmlist SET realmflags = realmflags & ~(2), population = 0, realmbuilds = '8606 ' WHERE id = '1'

2010-09-16 19:20:40 ERROR: SQL ERROR: Unknown column 'realmflags' in 'field list'

2010-09-16 19:20:40 ERROR: SQL: UPDATE realmlist SET realmflags = realmflags | 2 WHERE id = '1'

2010-09-16 19:20:40 ERROR: SQL ERROR: Unknown column 'realmflags' in 'field list'

2010-09-16 19:20:40

2010-09-16 19:20:40 Halting process...

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