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vemes ten fix od toho nahore a das tam ten format co jsem psal mistot toho dole ISO aby tam byl ten format vis :)


mno dal som to takto: ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8, updatol cez navicat ale robi to to iste.... mas to tak aj ty?

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musis vsechno patchnout pres navicat + tohle specialne presne takhle : ---


MySQL Data Transfer

Source Host: localhost

Source Database: wow_server

Target Host: localhost

Target Database: wow_server

Date: 10/8/2006 11:20:20 AM




-- ----------------------------

-- Table structure for characters

-- ----------------------------

CREATE TABLE `characters` (

`guid` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`acct` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`data` longtext NOT NULL,

`indepData` longtext NOT NULL,

`name` varchar(21) NOT NULL default '',

`level` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`class` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`race` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`positionX` float NOT NULL default '0',

`positionY` float NOT NULL default '0',

`positionZ` float NOT NULL default '0',

`mapId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`zoneId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`orientation` float NOT NULL default '0',

`taximask` longtext NOT NULL,

`outfit` longtext NOT NULL,

`reputation` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`skills` longtext NOT NULL,

`taxiX` float NOT NULL default '0',

`taxiY` float NOT NULL default '0',

`taxiZ` float NOT NULL default '0',

`unlearn_count` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`transportGuid` bigint(32) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`stableSlots` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`enumFlag` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`resurrectionLoc` text NOT NULL,

`instanceId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`guid`)


Edited by Invisiblik

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mate nekdo seznam tabulek a atributama, ktere jsou potreba dat do DB?? :) s timhle si hraju poprve, takze... :D a tohle mi to pise... wowug3.jpg

Edited by Orlin

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tak to nekdon ahodte protoze hraju na testovacim erveru a je to 100x lepsi nez mangos:) nelze mu vyzrat NPC + dalsi :) a je tam 50 online aliku :) a lagy 150:)

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hotovo uz jen acc:)



EHM :) jak se patchuje prez navitac? pls obrázky:) já to patchnul přez txt. :D:D:D


-- ----------------------------

-- Table structure for characters

-- ----------------------------

CREATE TABLE `characters` (

`guid` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`acct` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`data` longtext NOT NULL,

`indepData` longtext NOT NULL,

`name` varchar(21) NOT NULL default '',

`level` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`class` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`race` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`positionX` float NOT NULL default '0',

`positionY` float NOT NULL default '0',

`positionZ` float NOT NULL default '0',

`mapId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`zoneId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`orientation` float NOT NULL default '0',

`taximask` longtext NOT NULL,

`outfit` longtext NOT NULL,

`reputation` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`skills` longtext NOT NULL,

`taxiX` float NOT NULL default '0',

`taxiY` float NOT NULL default '0',

`taxiZ` float NOT NULL default '0',

`unlearn_count` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`transportGuid` bigint(32) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`stableSlots` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`enumFlag` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`resurrectionLoc` text NOT NULL,

`instanceId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`guid`)




s tim mi to vubec nejde nevytvari se nic sem to nechal k 2000 times a nic tak sem to odklikl a nic se nevytvářelo:( pls heelp neni to tim když instaluju mysql ze zaskrtnu latin?

Edited by Patrik

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pls help, nejdou mit vorit acc, dycky to napise ze line 1365 nema default hodnotu ci tak nejak, co s tim mam delat? a kde pls sezenu ty txt s gameobjectama a spawnama?

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Mensi test z fora tranzeru


Výsledky testů: Muf & Lami


+++ Raid, grupy, party chat

+++ Instance funguji (lidi v party a v raidu se vidi s ostatnimi z party, jiny grupy nevidi, ani druhou frakci)

+++ funkcni vlastnosti Chance on Hit, Equip ...

+++ roll system (lootovani)

+++ stats (str, agi, spi...)

+++ funguje hodne spellu (viz treba judgement)

+++ funguje hodne talentu (na prvni pohled)

+++ fall damage, water breath

+++ share quest

+++ dobre fungujici PvP system (na svem uzemi jste nenapadnutelni, dokud sami nezautocite, v neutralnich lokacich muzete bojovat jak chcete)

+++ udajne dobre funguje Duel system - nezkouseli jsme, rikal Krejza wink.gif

+++ Guardi vám pomáhají tzn. útočí na nepřátelská NPC, stejně tak si pomáhají nepřátelská NPC, když na ně útočí guard nebo hráč (i když normálně by si vás nevšímali)

+++ neco pro warriory, pouhym sekanim do potvory generujete rage, takze nemusite cekat, ze do vas bude potvora mlatit

+++ dynamicke aggro, potvory jdou po tom, kdo jim nejvic ublizuje wink.gif


--- pady pri prechodu do instance, pokud jste v raid grupe (nekdy) - chyba 132/pad serveru (minimalni vyskyt)

--- problemy s respawntimem, vzdy nastaveny na 300 s

--- nejak blbne posta, nedochazej po ni penize, pouze itemy a text - tak penize dojdou, ale po relogu (takze nejprve relog, pote vybrat postu)

--- pravděpodobně nefungují bonusy ze setu


Jinak to, ze je tohle omezena verze, plna bude placena je asi pravda (na 90%), ma to natvrdo nastaveny respawn time a 50 hracu limit.

No pokud cena nebude premistena, tak se o porizeni da uvazovat a navic stejne jako u wadu bude crackla verze do dvou dnu po vydani k dizpozici :D

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Ja mam ten isty problem, myslim ten s tou postavou, nejde mi to. Ale s tymy world_gameobj.txt to s tym mozno pohneme : skusal som exportovat tabulku gameobject z mangosovej databazy a ulozil som ju ako world_gameobj.txt, mozno to pojde. Teraz uz iba ta postava a skusit to :P:PB)

Edited by ProDuctiF

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nj tez som sa sekol na tom patchnuti cez navicat... tez som to skusal ze som to zmenilv SQL a nahral do DB ale nikdy mi to nenahraje... mohli by ste nekto vysvetlit ako sa patchnuje cez NAVICAT? :)

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mam jinej problem, opatchoval sem to v navicatu vyladil par chyb, ale posledni zbejva a to tahle :




nevite nekdo co s tim pls?


//EDIT uz sem to vyresil... znova sem vyextrahoval databazi a je to ok

Edited by Maser

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mam jinej problem, opatchoval sem to v navicatu vyladil par chyb, ale posledni zbejva a to tahle :




nevite nekdo co s tim pls?


Tiez mi to rano robilo... ked som sa snazil patchovat DB, no neopatchoval som to... nakoniec som urobil novu databazu.. nahral tam povodny wow_server.sql a ide to uz.. ale nejde mi vytvarat postavy :) btw ako si to skusal patchovat cez navicat ty? :)

Edited by RoXY

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sry mne sa prvykrat nenacital picture :)


Inac myslim si ze tie gameobjekty treba cez navicat exportovat do .txt a tym padom budete mat tie .txt a prikazom v hre ich spawnete... ked kliknete v navicate na gameobjects a date Export Wizard pyta sa vas to an vyber formatu, povodny je .txt tak simyslim ze takto sa ziskaju tie gameobjecty.. ale to je len dohada .. nejd emi vytovirt postavu tak som to neskusal :(

Edited by RoXY

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Mno ja si myslim ze to treba urobit takto: urobit si .txt subor do ktoreho nakopirujeme to , co by sme chceli patchnut , potom v Navicate vyberieme Import Wizard a importneme tam ten .txt, ale v tej importacii by trebalo nastavit aby to vyhladalo data, ktore sa zhoduju, a nahradilo to co sa sa nezhoduje :) a nato som ete neprisiel ako to urobit:) tak skuste sa s tym pohrat aj vy.. mozno nato spolocne prideme ked uz nikto neporadi kto to vie :)


EDIT: teraz som prisiel nato, ze to sa musi importovat do jedneho z tych TABLE.. napr do characters.. lenze v characters mi to neopatchuje.. bolo by treba zistit v ktorom TABLE je riadok, ktory treba patchnut

Edited by RoXY

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no takze sem hadzem navod ktory som nasiel na internete keby niekto nahodou nevedel ako na to :)


How to install (by finalzero)

Installation Guide: (version 0.1)


1. Run the Kobold setup program (nothing more to it)

2. Tell the install where you want to install the game server e.g. C:\Kobold

3. Once setup has finished you need to perform serveral tasks:


* Make sure you are using client 1.12.1 (the latest version of wow) - I am not 100% sure if this is a requirement however the client worked fine for me

* Perform the post install tasks:


* Go to the Kobold root folder and into the folder labeled Tools

* Copy the file MapExtractor.exe into your wow client folder

* Go to your client folder and create a new folder in there called maps

* double-click MapExtractor.exe and wait for it to finish extracting the maps

* When finished, move the mps folder into your Kobold server's root (where the readme.txt file is)

* Go into the Tools folder again and double-click the file named DBCextractor.exe - when prompted extract the contents into the \KoboldServerLite\WS\ folder in the Kobold server directory

o go to the above folder and edit the file ExtractDBC.bat

o Modify the line set WoWdir=<your_wow_client>r\Data\ to point to your client's data foler e.g. C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Data

o Save the file and then double-click to run it, make sure there are no errors


4. Now you need to setup the database, I will use Navicat as my example as thats what most people on this board seem to use.


* Start Navicat and then create a new database (if you don't know how to do this, go to Google and search for Navicat creating a new database

o Make sure the database format is utf-8 and call the database kobold

* Now before you import the sql file you need to fix it as it has a bug (probably more but not found them yet):

o Open up the file wow_server.sql using a text editor like conTEXT, don't try using Windows notepad as it can't handle the size of the sql file and will just crash

+ Locate the following line: `reputation` text NOT NULL (line number 325) and change it to the following:




`reputation` text NOT NULL default '',


+ Save the SQL file

* Now go to Navicat and select your database called kobold

* right-click the database and choose Execute Batch File..

* When prompted locate the wow_server.sql file and run it

* Confirm there were no errors


5. Okay now you need to edit two tables in the database so in Navicat double-click your database kobold to display the list of tables in the right hand side of the program.


* Find the table called accounts and double-click it to open it

o change the username and password to whatever you want it to be and then click on the small tick icon to save the changes and then close that edit window

* There is another table to edit but we cannot do that until we have the kobold server running (step 6)


6. Now we need to setup the game server so it will run correctly and connect to the MySQL database to populate it with the initial settings.


* Go to the kobold root folder and then into the folder called LS and then into the folder called conf

* Open the file first config file called login_server.conf and edit the values as follows:





LoginServerListenIp = <your_server_lan_address> #change this to your server's LAN ip address LoginServerPort = 3724 DefaultRealmName = Kobold Test Realm # leave it as is or change it to whatever you want to call your realm DefaultRealmAddr = <your_server_lan_address> # again change to your servers LAN ip address DefaultRealmPort = 3725 DefaultRealmType = "Normal"


* Save the file and then open the sql.conf and edit as follows:





DatabaseName = kobold DatabaseHost = localhost DatabasePort = 3306 DatabaseUser = <your_database_server's_root_id> DatabasePassword = <your_database_server's_root_password>


* save the file and then go back to the root kobold folder


6.1 You need to perform the above steps two the conf files in the RS folder and the WS folder (e.g. \RS\conf\realm_server.conf)




7. Now you need to fire up the server initially to get the database populated with some values. Start the server in the following order:


* double-click WS_Server_Alive.bat (wait until it has loaded fully)

* double-click RS_Server_Alive.bat

* double-clickLS_Server_Alive.bat


8. Once the server has loaded up fully, the login server screen will say "Ready to accept connections" or something similar. You need to close down each window as we need to shutdown the game server now


9. Start Navicat again and do the following:


* Locate the table realm_list and double-click to edit the data

* change the filed address to whatever you have your server LAN ip as (e.g.

* Save the changes by clicking on the small tick icon and close the edit window


10. Finally you can restart the server in the order shown above to confirm it is able to connect to the database and everything is okay (takes about 3 minutes to load up fully)


11. You now need to edit your realmlist.wtf file in your client folder to point it to your local server.


* Go to the client folder and edit the file realmlist.wtf and then change the line set realm list to point to your kobold server e.g. set realmlist mylocalserver


12. You also need to make sure Windows knows about your server, we need to edit the hosts file to do this.


* start Windows Notepad and open the file hosts located in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\

* Add a new line at the end to look something like:





<your_server_lan_address> <mylocalserver>



Code: kobold.localserver.com


* Save the file an then exit Notepad


13. Okay if you have got this far and had no problems then you are ready to log into the game world.


* Start your wow client and then log in with the username and password you put in the database (Step 5)

* If all is well you should get prompted to choose your realm and then you can create a new character




Thats it really, seems two files are missing that would let you import the game world (or I just haven't tested the import feature properly). Also there is an error during the startup of the WS_Server_Alive.bat script however as I mentioned earlier I have no idea what it relates to. If the author(s) of Kobold could be kind enough to post some feedback on this forum it would be greatly appreciated as its useless to post a release and then disappear without replying to comments.




a. Obtaining your servers IP address:


* click on START > Run.. > type cmd to start the Windows Command Prompt

* Type ipconfig /all to display your servers ip address

o locate the line that says host name to get your servers hostname

o locate the line ip address to locate the lan address of your server





0.2 - Missed out a database setup step:


* Open Navicat and find the table worldserver_list

* change the field IP to your servers LAN ip address and save the record (click on the tick icon) and close the edit window




Common problems and fixes:


1. Unable to connect


This happens allot with this server, just try logging in again until it realizes your client is there.


2. Realm is showing as off-line


This also seems to happen until you actually manage to get on and create a character. While the server is on and your client is at the login screen, open up Navicat


* locate the table realm_list and open it up

* in the field status change the value to 1 and save (click the tick icon) the settings and close the edit window





Hope that helps you peeps. btw don't bother asking my anything about the steps as I really don't have time to sit on this forum and reply to every request for help.


All the answers you need are on this forum, just need to learn how to use the Search button at the top of this forum






* EDIT: Make sure this line is correct:



`reputation` text NOT NULL default '',


The '' are two single quotes i.e. ' otherwise you will have problems.


This is not my guide! I saw it in ragezone so i decided to copy it here

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