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Kobold Server V7

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Puvodni topic: http://kobold-team.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=89



Kobold Server V7


Supported client version: 7799 (client ver.2.3.3)

Server version: 2846


Kobold Team is glad to release next server update V7.


[!]This update must be put over V6 Kobold Server version only. It is not full server.



Windows - Binaries - Tools:












x32 (built under Ubuntu Desktop 7.10 'Gutsy Gibbon' (http://www.ubuntu.com/'>http://www.ubuntu.com/) with all standard dependencies (Python 2.5, Mysql 5.x, Openssl)):

[Note] For sake of testing stability issues, this compilation is not specifically optimized (using standard compile though).



x64 (built under Ubuntu Server 7.10 (http://www.ubuntu.com/) with all standard dependencies (Python 2.5, Mysql 5.x, Openssl)):

[Note] Optimized for AMD Opteron & Intel XEON 64-bit CPUs.




Scripts - SQL updates:


[!] Complete SQL updates, please use these files (sort files by their date and apply SQL updates in same order from lower to higher date):


This update must be put over working V6 database.


[!] Scripts:






+++ GO Goobers shall get UpdateQuestGOCount() tick when clicked and player has incomplete quest(not in V7)

+++ fixed Linux compile: RS

+++ again types

+++ fixed linux types

+++ EFFECT_CHARGE cannot be used while root

+++ correct Id zone for Gurubashi arena

+++ --warning

+++ removed mistake by Xpinguin

+++ player on start has m_area_id == (uint32)ObjectMgr::ZONEID_NOT_FOUND for correct behaviour

+++ moved affects removal by areaid to correct processor

+++ more split to zone/area change processors

+++ advanced PyCXX configuration for usage std::map/hash_map containers for methods

+++ updated PyCXX to rev. 100


-- more packets.

-- changed sysmsg to ingame packet msg.

+++ added GetAreaId() method for object and fixed Spees requiring area_id

+++ zone_id/area_id mixed areas shall be fixed

+++ to clear fully or remove some skills from 'skill_list' use skill_list.clear() or skill_list.remove(skill_id), for GetDynamicSpells same for GetDynamicSkillLines. Do not use ClearTrainerSpells() except in function ManageTrainer()

Update Scripts SVN!

-- more packets structure.

+++ fixed Py API:

- AddDynamicSkillLine

- AddDynamicTrainerSpell

- AddSkippedTrainerSpell

! refer to scripts comments !

+++ correct some packets.. update sql svn

+++ not allow use mount in BootyBay

+++ not allow mount on transport

+++ after reward is taken for quest player will get next quest from Creature/GO right away

+++ more than >1 quest in line for go must be fixed

+++ reorganized a bit Chat manager, nothing special

+++ small correct items RandomProperties

+++ more checks for ITEM_SPELLTRIGGER_ON_EQUIP

+++ code cleanup

+++ fixed my old bug in create packet of object: misused m_objectTypeId and m_objectType thus sending wrong data

-- Fixed bug on deletion item in mail when inventory is full. (need add check if mailed item can stack with inventory item, even if inventory is full)

+++ fixed typo

+++ fixed profession trainers to give recipies now, especially low-level trainers (10lvl)

+++ on learning profession, player is offered confirmation dialog

+++ some safer code for chat

+++ more api: AddSkippedTeachSpells()

+++ fixed check in item response packet

+++ implemented new Python API: GetDynamicTeachSpells() for trainers to have some specific spells added while train list is built. !!! Add spell_ids which player will have in spell book, not the one teacher uses !!!. Update scripts.

+++ fixed crash when object can't be placed by MM due to bad coords in world

+++ fixed GO/Creatures import when Off.RefGuid was present in DB for other objects, for skipped objects added Log msg to log and client

+++ new portal effect Iron

+++ fixed bug when removed Pet was not removed also from far-group members from portrait

+++ some work for ah

bug with weapons exist:\ opcode doesn`t come to server

+++ fixed Pets be showed in far group updates for all summon/taming/load actions

+++ fixed Pets be removed from bar on deletion/dismissal etc..

+++ only Managable Pets will be shown on portrait (cr->isManagedPet())

+++ auras must be visible on group members now

+++ reverted SMSG_INSPECT_TALENTS work as it damaged Talents fully + another aspect.

+++ fixed ASSERT on mail send and changed it to Error msg and single item ignoring

+++ forgot to correct projects

+++ unified Pet group flags Request

+++ if pet is summoned group members will be updated if not in close view

+++ finally found reason of mass #132, it was broken SMSG_NAME_RESPONSE !!!!

+++ fixed all group updates issues, aura flags are left to complete fully (I need dump for simple 2 player group, with far players, better with one having 1 visible aura)

+++ small changes..

+++ more


+++ 132 combating...

+++ removed #132 on member login (group)

+++ completed pet griup update flags

++ fighting #132

+++ small addon

+++ work on group updates fixing #132

++ implemented Pet auras to be shown for group members

+++ implemented Pet name to be show for group memebers

+++ group code tuning and cleanup

+++ linux make for 32

+++ fixed Player::GetItemById and GetItemCountInInventory methods be not returning 0 on first failed item, but rather iterating them all

+++ add reputation checks in BuyItem ^^

+++ fixed taxi bug when player was a bit far from vendor

+++ areatrigger non-teleport distance is increased by +20 yards

+++ fixed quests not completable for Exploration

-- add SMSG_INSPECT_TALENTS (kos pls check it and delete if it wrong).

-- Add ChatMessageType to SendBattleGroundMessage and SendTextMessageToBGPlayers (don't forget update scripts).

+++ fixed and unified CanTalkToNPC() to be checking reputation, shapeshift (excluded Stances), stealth in unified manner

+++ reverted...

+++ fixed inactive RS sometimes in Realm list

+++ enabled primary profs in trainer list

+++ set error msgs for Python dangerous API f. SetUpdateFieldValue/GetUpdateFieldValue

+++ Player will now see new quest givers on level change

+++ 1 more check

+++ GO questgivers will not show incompleted quest

+++ fixed crashes in name/object querries (handlers) SORRY

+++ protected GetObjectOfSameMapId from crash on Null object supplied

+++ fixed profession trainers

+++ excluded unneeded spells from trainers

+++ trainers have more spells now

+++ more to quest states

+++ finished npc statuses

+++ if quest is completed creatures will be updated by forcing UNIT_NPC_FLAGS recalc

+++ fixed trainers

+++ more on quest system

- questgivers will be dynamically downgraded to gossips if player has no any quest relation to the npc

- class trainers will be simple gossips if have no relation by class to player (update scripts)

+++ fixed quest accept if item is giver

+++ fixed isQuestGiver check for Creature

+++ more

+++ 'reputation' quests will have blue signs now

+++ some remarks

+++ more Quest system reorganization:

- also fixed DOT on minimap when quest pending to completition

+++ more reorganization in quests:

- fixed quest status signs on go and npc

- fixed cheating detection

- forgot, something else

+++ more to quest system

+++ party quest sharing must be working again now

+++ corrected

+++ aggressive save on quest status

+++ more on quest system reorganization

+++ more work on quest system

+++ sorry

+++ better not duplicating already existing methods

+++ fixed item removal from mail

+++ on skill's leveling player will be saved (do not add additional saves any more for skills!)

+++ additional checks in EffectTriggerSpell

+++ not allow equip items with spells during arena match

+++ helpful quest list log for npc

+++ fixed mail save

+++ sorry

+++ cleanup in quests

+++ fixed ASSERT in ES on Mail Send

+++ reorgonized Quest system

+++ more to correct Hate management

+++ implemented multi item Mail (please thoroughly test and report bugs)

+++ corrections to Combat Ratings system

+++ fixed combat for Pet and Owner:

- pet will attack target if owner is being attacked while in Defensive

- Owner will come into combat state if pet is attacking

- combat enter/exit for both are tuned

+++ some more work on Goober GO

+++ enabled spell cast on GO usage for: GO_TYPE_GOOBER

+++ reorganized some quest logics hoping to kill quest/mix bug on quest delete

+++ fixed reagents being counted and removed from Bank

* More Mangos conversion fixes

* Fixed SQL syntax in characters converter

* Beginning of the make system unification

-- Moved and sorted events for each bg.

+++ fixes to Linux stability

+++ no errors thrown in ES now on player creation

+++ fixed console under Linux




New features:


- reworked Quest system

- implemented dynamic NPC flags/statuses


Have fun

Last edited by Kosuha

Edited by Ganimoth

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Hmm este kdyb fungovali linky na stazení.

\\ Linky upraveny idem testnout.

\\Ele chtelo by to jine linky ten rapid.de je hroznej du neco vyhrabat :)

Edited by Czeirne

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Ja to stazeny nemam, ja to jen prepostl :).

Nicmene rapida taky nemam rad, s neverejnou IP si toho clovek moc nepostahuje.

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Parada muj oblibeny emu ten hned musim reupnout :D


Edit:tak ne tak az se dostanu k mymu komu to nebude hned tak rychle :D

Edited by Strop

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