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[MaNGOS] RoSPORA status list (full + uprava)

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RoSPORA ke stazeni ZDE - jiz obsahuje cryptovani hesla


Upravil jsem trochu kod v index.php pro ty co pouzivaji RoSPORA status


jedna se o nezobrazovani hracu ve statusu s GMlvlem vetsim nez 0


je to moje prvni vec co jsem v php dokazal tak se mi nesmejte :)



function make_players_array(){
    global $host, $user, $password, $db, $database_encoding, $pl_array;
    $mangos_db = new DBLayer($host, $user, $password, $db);
    $mangos_db->query("SET NAMES $database_encoding");
    $query = $mangos_db->query("SELECT * FROM `character` WHERE `online`='1' ORDER BY `name`");
    while($result = $mangos_db->fetch_assoc($query))
        $char_data = explode(' ',$result['data']);
        $char_gender = dechex($char_data[36]);
        $char_gender = str_pad($char_gender,8, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $char_gender = $char_gender{3};
        $res_pos=get_zone_name($result['map'], $result['position_x'], $result['position_y']);

$pl_array[$i] = Array($result['name'], $result['race'], $result['class'], $char_data[34], $res_pos, $char_gender);
return $i;




function make_players_array(){
    global $host, $user, $password, $db, $dbr, $database_encoding, $pl_array;
    $mangos_db = new DBLayer($host, $user, $password, $db);
    $mangos_db->query("SET NAMES $database_encoding");
    $query = $mangos_db->query("SELECT * FROM `character` WHERE `online`='1' ORDER BY `name`");
  $query = $mangos_db->query("SELECT * FROM `character` WHERE `online`='1' and `account` not in (select `id` from `" . $dbr. "`.`account` where `gmlevel`>0) ORDER BY `name`");
  while($result = $mangos_db->fetch_assoc($query))
        $char_data = explode(' ',$result['data']);
        $char_gender = dechex($char_data[36]);
        $char_gender = str_pad($char_gender,8, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $char_gender = $char_gender{3};
        $res_pos=get_zone_name($result['map'], $result['position_x'], $result['position_y']);

   $pl_array[$i] = Array($result['name'], $result['race'], $result['class'], $char_data[34], $res_pos, $char_gender); 

return $i;

Edited by Benny

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A jeste jedna vec. Pridami uptimu do statusu. Pridejte nekam mezi funkce


function mangos_uptime()
    global $host, $port, $user, $db, $password;
    if(test_realm($host, $port) > 0)
        $connect = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password);
        $database = mysql_select_db($db, $connect);
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT `starttime` FROM `uptime` ORDER BY `starttime` DESC LIMIT 1");
        if (!$query) {
            echo 'Could not run query: ' . mysql_error();
        $getuptime = mysql_fetch_row($query);
        $time = time() - $getuptime[0];

        $uptime = array(
        'd' => $time / 86400 % 7,
        'h' => $time / 3600 % 24,
        'm' => $time / 60 % 60,
        's' => $time % 60
        echo $uptime[d] . "day(s) " . $uptime[h] . "hour(s) " . $uptime[m] . "minute(s) " . $uptime[s] . "second(s)";
    } else {
        echo "Offline";


a mezi


<br><strong class=title><center><?php print "$status";echo " "; print "$title";   ?></center></strong><br>



<center><?php print $timetext?> : <span id="timecontainer"></span>



<center>Server uptime: <?php print mangos_uptime()?></center><br>


takze to bude vypadat takhle


<br><strong class=title><center><?php print "$status";echo " "; print "$title";   ?></center></strong><br>
<center><?php print $timetext?> : <span id="timecontainer"></span>
<center>Server uptime: <?php print mangos_uptime()?></center><br>

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To nezobrazovani GM nemusis delat ze testujes radek po radku, ale staci upravit SQL dotaz :


function make_players_array(){
    global $host, $user, $password, $db, $database_encoding, $pl_array;
    $mangos_db = new DBLayer($host, $user, $password, $db);
    $mangos_db->query("SET NAMES $database_encoding");
    $query = $mangos_db->query("SELECT * FROM `character` WHERE `online`='1' ORDER BY `name`");
    while($result = $mangos_db->fetch_assoc($query))
        $char_data = explode(' ',$result['data']);
        $char_gender = dechex($char_data[36]);
        $char_gender = str_pad($char_gender,8, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $char_gender = $char_gender{3};
        $res_pos=get_zone_name($result['map'], $result['position_x'], $result['position_y']);

$pl_array[$i] = Array($result['name'], $result['race'], $result['class'], $char_data[34], $res_pos, $char_gender);
return $i;




function make_players_array(){
    global $host, $user, $password, $db, $database_encoding, $pl_array;
    $mangos_db = new DBLayer($host, $user, $password, $db);
    $mangos_db->query("SET NAMES $database_encoding");
    $query = $mangos_db->query("SELECT * FROM `character` WHERE `online`='1' and `account` not in (select `id` from `realmd`.`account` where `gmlevel`>0) ORDER BY `name`");
    while($result = $mangos_db->fetch_assoc($query))
        $char_data = explode(' ',$result['data']);
        $char_gender = dechex($char_data[36]);
        $char_gender = str_pad($char_gender,8, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $char_gender = $char_gender{3};
        $res_pos=get_zone_name($result['map'], $result['position_x'], $result['position_y']);

$pl_array[$i] = Array($result['name'], $result['race'], $result['class'], $char_data[34], $res_pos, $char_gender);
return $i;


to bude fungovat pokud tabulka account je v DB realmd, pak by se jeste melo `realmd` upravit za `$promena` ktera obsahuje jmeno accountove DB.. z configu.

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Upravil jsem podle tebe prvni post a doplnil promenou na misto toho realmd jak si psal, ale mam takovy dojem ze tohle pujde jen za predpokladu ze user a heslo do realmd bude stejne jako do mangos, coz ale vetsinou byva, takze se usetri nejakej ten vypocetni vykon a prenos :)

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Upravil jsem podle tebe prvni post a doplnil promenou na misto toho realmd jak si psal, ale mam takovy dojem ze tohle pujde jen za predpokladu ze user a heslo do realmd bude stejne jako do mangos, coz ale vetsinou byva, takze se usetri nejakej ten vypocetni vykon a prenos :)

Jj, mas naprostou pravdu, ale kdo by daval realmd a mangos na dva ruzny mysql ? :D

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Update by hisgrak


RoSPORA update CZ


Do souboru "index.php" mezi jazyky vložit

case "cz":
    $text = Array(
    'acc' => 'Vytvoření accountu',
    'create' => 'je dokončeno !',
    'failed' => 'nebylo úspěšné !',
    'not_all' => 'Nevyplněna všechna políčka',
    'playerson' => 'hráčů online',
    'off' => 'je offline',
    'name' => 'Jméno accountu',
        'tbc' => 'Rozšíření',
    'password' => 'Heslo',
    'ip_limit' => Array('Z vaší IP ',' byl account již vytvořen'),
    'char' => Array('Jméno','Rasa','Classa','LvL','Lokace'),
        'backtext' => 'Zpět',


v configu nastavit



$timetext="Čas serveru";


pak do složky mezi obrázky vložit obrázek z tohoto archivu




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Tady sem dal svuj config ale myslim ze jako tam neni nic spatne:-/ A hlavne mi to neukazuje ani online hrace:-/




#Database Settings


$lang="en"; // Language ("en" - english, "ru" - russian, "tr" - turkish, "hu" - hungarian)

$host="localhost"; // HOST for Mangos database

$user="mangos"; // USER for Mangos database

$password="***"; // PASS for Mangos database

$db="mangos"; // NAME of Mangos database

$hostr="localhost"; // HOST for Realm database

$userr="mangos" ; // USER for Realm database

$passwordr="***"; // PASS for Realm database

$dbr="realmd"; // NAME of Realm database

$database_encoding = 'UTF8'; // Set encoding

$server = "localhost"; // Server adress (for realm status)

$port = "3724"; // Server port (for realm status) 8085 or 3724


#Page Account Feature Options


$accountoption="1"; //Set your RoSPORA's account creating is open or closed. 1 - Open , 2 - Closed

$onlineoption="1"; //Set your RoSPORA's online player display is open or closed. 1 - Open , 2 - Closed

$accountmessage="Account Creation Closed!"; //Set your account creation closed text

$onlinemessage="Online Player Display Disabled!"; //Set your online player display text

$lock_acc=0; // Lock created account to IP adress (1 - on, 0 - off)

$lock_reg=0; // Registration only one (or more) account from one IP adress

// 0 - not limit, 1 - one acc, 2 - two acc, etc...


#Page Template Options


$img_base = "img/"; // Image dir

$ongif = "img/on.gif";

$offgif = "img/off.gif";

$charset="windows-1251"; //Browser charset of your language.Tarayýcýnýzýn dilinize göre charset ayarý - Türkçe : "iso-8859-9"

$timetext="Current Server Time"; //Shows Server Time , if you want you can change it to your language Example: ="yourlang";


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#Database Settings


$lang="en"; // Language ("en" - english, "ru" - russian, "tr" - turkish, "hu" - hungarian)

$host="localhost"; // HOST for Mangos database

$user="mangos"; // USER for Mangos database

$password="root"; // PASS for Mangos database

$db="mangos"; // NAME of Mangos database

$hostr="localhost"; // HOST for Realm database

$userr="mangos" ; // USER for Realm database

$passwordr="root"; // PASS for Realm database

$dbr="realmd"; // NAME of Realm database

$database_encoding = 'UTF8'; // Set encoding

$server = "localhost"; // Server adress (for realm status)

$port = "3724"; // Server port (for realm status) 8085 or 3724


#Page Account Feature Options


$accountoption="1"; //Set your RoSPORA's account creating is open or closed. 1 - Open , 2 - Closed

$onlineoption="1"; //Set your RoSPORA's online player display is open or closed. 1 - Open , 2 - Closed

$accountmessage="Account Creation Closed!"; //Set your account creation closed text

$onlinemessage="Online Player Display Disabled!"; //Set your online player display text

$lock_acc=0; // Lock created account to IP adress (1 - on, 0 - off)

$lock_reg=0; // Registration only one (or more) account from one IP adress

// 0 - not limit, 1 - one acc, 2 - two acc, etc...


#Page Template Options


$img_base = "img/"; // Image dir

$ongif = "img/on.gif";

$offgif = "img/off.gif";

$charset="windows-1251"; //Browser charset of your language.Tarayýcýnýzýn dilinize göre charset ayarý - Türkçe : "iso-8859-9"

$timetext="Current Server Time"; //Shows Server Time , if you want you can change it to your language Example: ="yourlang";


něco ti tam chybělo skusto ted :whistling:

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#Database Settings


$lang="en"; // Language ("en" - english, "ru" - russian, "tr" - turkish, "hu" - hungarian)

$host="localhost"; // HOST for Mangos database

$user="mangos"; // USER for Mangos database

$password="root"; // PASS for Mangos database

$db="mangos"; // NAME of Mangos database

$hostr="localhost"; // HOST for Realm database

$userr="mangos" ; // USER for Realm database

$passwordr="root"; // PASS for Realm database

$dbr="realmd"; // NAME of Realm database

$database_encoding = 'UTF8'; // Set encoding

$server = "localhost"; // Server adress (for realm status)

$port = "3724"; // Server port (for realm status) 8085 or 3724


#Page Account Feature Options


$accountoption="1"; //Set your RoSPORA's account creating is open or closed. 1 - Open , 2 - Closed

$onlineoption="1"; //Set your RoSPORA's online player display is open or closed. 1 - Open , 2 - Closed

$accountmessage="Account Creation Closed!"; //Set your account creation closed text

$onlinemessage="Online Player Display Disabled!"; //Set your online player display text

$lock_acc=0; // Lock created account to IP adress (1 - on, 0 - off)

$lock_reg=0; // Registration only one (or more) account from one IP adress

// 0 - not limit, 1 - one acc, 2 - two acc, etc...


#Page Template Options


$img_base = "img/"; // Image dir

$ongif = "img/on.gif";

$offgif = "img/off.gif";

$charset="windows-1251"; //Browser charset of your language.Tarayýcýnýzýn dilinize göre charset ayarý - Türkçe : "iso-8859-9"

$timetext="Current Server Time"; //Shows Server Time , if you want you can change it to your language Example: ="yourlang";


něco ti tam chybělo skusto ted :whistling:



Netusim cos tam menil spis se nenasel neco zmeneni od toho co tam mam ja za config...ale stejne to nefunguje...




4Radek: Zmenil sem to a taky nic;) A je tam napsano ze se to ma ptat na databazi mangos a ne characters:-/

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#Database Settings

$lang="en";                // Language ("en" - english, "ru" - russian, "tr" - turkish, "hu" - hungarian)
$host="";            // HOST for Mangos database
$user="root";            // USER for Mangos database
$password="tvujpass";            // PASS for Mangos database
$db="characters";                // NAME of Mangos database
$hostr="";            // HOST for Realm database
$userr="root";            // USER for Realm database
$passwordr="tvujpass";                // PASS for Realm database
$dbr="realmd";                // NAME of Realm database
$database_encoding = 'CP1251';          // Set encoding
$server = "";                // Server adress (for realm status)
$port = "8085";                // Server port (for realm status) 8085 or 3724

#Page Account Feature Options

$accountoption="1";                     //Set your RoSPORA's account creating is open or closed. 1 - Open , 2 - Closed
$onlineoption="1";                      //Set your RoSPORA's online player display is open or closed. 1 - Open , 2 - Closed
$accountmessage="Account Creation Closed!";          //Set your account creation closed text
$onlinemessage="Online Player Display Disabled!";   //Set your online player display text
$lock_acc=0;                // Lock created account to IP adress (1 - on, 0 - off)
$lock_reg=0;                // Registration only one (or more) account from one IP adress
                                        // 0 - not limit, 1 - one acc,  2 - two acc, etc...

#Page Template Options

$img_base = "img/";            // Image dir
$ongif = "img/on.gif";
$offgif = "img/off.gif";
$charset="windows-1251";           //Browser charset of your language.Tarayýcýnýzýn dilinize göre charset ayarý - Türkçe : "iso-8859-9"  
$timetext="Current Server Time";   //Shows Server Time , if you want you can change it to your language Example:      ="yourlang";                                   

Edited by Radek402

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Sry že doto kecám pokad to budeš mít takto bud ti to nepude nebo ti to bude psát chyby online hráče ukaže ale regi napujdou to sem měl take :D

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Noo diky za snazivost hosi ale me de spi o ty registrace nez o online hrace:P a ta nejde ani kdyz tam mam tu databazi mangos a nebo characters:-/


a mas vubec povoleny porty?

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pro ty co by chtěli mís stejné zobrazení jako u nás http://mmorpg-online.cz/wow/ tak zde kod a link




Edit by MOD: Priste sem dej kdyztak jeste neco delsiho


Edit by Rick: co  pridat rolovaci plugin ? pak by nebylo třeba u kodu na 3 strany ho pastovat v plne velikosti


Edited by rick97

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