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      Pro lepší přehlednost jsem vytvořil tento seznam, který vás, méně zkušené, lépe provede touto sekcí. Věřím, že zde najdete, co hledáte. Vypsané jsou návody, které jsou oficiálně uznané jako návody. Běžné diskuze, které neposkytují postupy a rady zvěřejněny nejsou.   Instalace vlastního MaNGOS Serveru Díky těmto návodům budete (měli by jste být) schopni vytvořit a následně spustit váš vlastní server. Nastavení je pro verze s i bez datadisku.   Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (bez datadisku TBC) - Autor Benny Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (s datadiskem TBC) - Autor Malfik Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor charlie Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor kupkoid   Chyby a jejich řešení při přihlašování k serveru - Autor Cybe   Zálohování uživatelských dat   Dávkový soubor (BAT soubor) pro vytvoření SQL záloh - Autor Replik   Kompilování - tvoření vlastních release (revizí)   Tvorba kompilací pro Win32 (MangoScript) - Autor bLuma   Ostatní - těžko zařaditelné, ale neznamená to, že nejsou dobré   VIP Systém - Autor charlie Tvorba Webových stránek pro MaNGOS - Autor zahuba Tvorba teleportačních NPC (MangoScript) - Autor Replik Registrační web (původně předělaná SPORA) Funkční pro Antrix i MaNGOS - Autor Replik Nastavení a spuštění Minimanager pro MaNGOS - Autor BlackMartin Nastavení MaNGOS Website - Autor Artorius   Samozřejmě jsou zde i jiné návody, ale tyto jsou nejvíce používané, proto věřím, že vám budou nápomocné. Tuto sekci budeme upravovat podle potřeby. Pokud by jste něco nenašli nebo si nevěděli rady, hledejte na fóru a teprve potom založte vlastní topik. Pokud nějaký autor vytvoří kvalitní návod a chtěl by ho zveřejnit i v tomto seznamu, doporučuji, aby mi napsal zprávu skrze PM.   Díky a přeji hezký den na WoWResource   Replik
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Posts posted by Hendy

  1. 5 ale to je detail :)


    na oregonu to teda nefunguje normálně de pvp z tím že nejde ubrat HP ale dmg to vypisuje :-D duely sice jsou ale taky nejde dmg :-D najde se postup co bude fungovat tady na foře sem nenašel id do dbc který by fachalo a na core nevim jak upravit nemám to jak kompilovat ani editovat

    • Downvote 1

  2. Me to proste nechce fungovat :/ .netFramework v4.0 mam naistalovany, i restart PC mam ... Kdyz to otevřu tak mi to napiše "neznamy format nebo poškozen" ://


    mám stejný problém nejde otevřít rar je poškozený :-(

    • Upvote 1

  3. Co k tomu říct :D Chápu, že jsi tu nový.. Ale radši se poohlídni po něčem jiném, tolikrát jsme to chtěli předělat, spojit s jiným lepším systémem.. No comment, radši to neřeš ;)


    Vtom případě asi uděláme z developerem vlastní snad se to chití ;)

  4. Zdravím docela mě rozčiluje jak je na http://servery.wowresource.eu/ je plno serverů teda spíše vetšina co nefungují sice ten nas ted patří mezni ně ale je tam bordel a je to neprehledný místy to i blbne nešlo by udělat lepší ? sem schopen udělat neco podobný pres template web a věřim že by to jelo líp a byl by tam pořadek nešlo by stim vazně neco udělat ?přeci jen tu stranku využivá plno lidi a diki tomu že tam je bordel tak wow pomalu odepisujou potkavám víc a víc lidí který si stěžovali zrovna na to že už neni ani jeden normální server kde neni supp, má plno vymožeností a příjemný GM team, neznám ani jeden kde by byl GM příjemný!!! prosím vas udělejte tam pořádek a jesti by to šlo komplet předělat myslim že plno lidem by se libil online status každeho serveru,obsáhlé infa a aktuální počet online hráčů a hlavně oblíbenost :) děkuji a zvažte to. sry za pravopis :);)

    • Upvote 1

  5. Zdravím uvítal bych někoho kdo zvládne opravit tyto chyby v db :( a prosím pište na skype : warhendy



    2010-12-11 05:10:15 SQL: UPDATE `version` SET `core_version` = 'TrinityCore Rev: * Hash: * (Win32,little-endian)', `core_revision` = '*'

    2010-12-11 05:10:15 SQL ERROR: Incorrect integer value: '*' for column 'core_revision' at row 1

    2010-12-11 05:10:18 SQL: SELECT entry, customChance, PPMChance, procEx FROM spell_enchant_proc_data

    2010-12-11 05:10:18 query ERROR: Unknown column 'procEx' in 'field list'

    2010-12-11 05:10:21 Table `creature_template` have creature (Entry: 24917) with equipment_id 3001 not found in table `creature_equip_template`, set to no equipment.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48405 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48406 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48407 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48408 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48409 Entry: 17934) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9900), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48410 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48411 Entry: 17935) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (18000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=33534.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48412 Entry: 17936) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=33534.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48413 Entry: 17934) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9900), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48414 Entry: 17934) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9900), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48415 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48416 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48417 Entry: 17934) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9900), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48418 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48419 Entry: 17772) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (180000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=455250.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48420 Entry: 17922) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (18000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=29340.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48423 Entry: 17928) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (26100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=29340.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48425 Entry: 17922) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (18000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=29340.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48427 Entry: 17928) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (26100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=29340.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48435 Entry: 17921) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (16200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48437 Entry: 17921) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (16200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48439 Entry: 17928) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (26100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=29340.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48480 Entry: 17921) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (16200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48481 Entry: 17921) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (16200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48565 Entry: 17921) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (16200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48566 Entry: 17921) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (16200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48567 Entry: 17922) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (18000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=29340.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48568 Entry: 17919) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48569 Entry: 17919) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48753 Entry: 17919) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48754 Entry: 17919) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48755 Entry: 17919) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48756 Entry: 17919) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48757 Entry: 17920) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (26100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48758 Entry: 17920) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (26100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 48759 Entry: 17920) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (26100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 49163 Entry: 17919) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 49164 Entry: 17919) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 49988 Entry: 17921) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (16200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 49995 Entry: 17921) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (16200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 51475 Entry: 17921) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (16200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 51639 Entry: 17921) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (16200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 51640 Entry: 17921) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (16200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 51860 Entry: 17920) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (26100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 51877 Entry: 17920) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (26100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 51901 Entry: 17920) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (26100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52718 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52810 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52942 Entry: 17852) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (162000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=455250.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52943 Entry: 17936) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=33534.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52944 Entry: 17936) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=33534.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52945 Entry: 17937) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (12000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52946 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52947 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52948 Entry: 17936) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=33534.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52949 Entry: 17937) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (12000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52950 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52951 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52952 Entry: 17937) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (12000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52953 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52981 Entry: 17932) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=55888.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52982 Entry: 17936) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (20700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=33534.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52983 Entry: 17937) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (12000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52984 Entry: 17937) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (12000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52985 Entry: 17933) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (24300), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52986 Entry: 17933) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (24300), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 52987 Entry: 17933) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (24300), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53012 Entry: 17933) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (24300), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53013 Entry: 17933) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (24300), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53014 Entry: 17933) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (24300), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=83832.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53015 Entry: 17934) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9900), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53016 Entry: 17934) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9900), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53017 Entry: 17935) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (18000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=33534.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53018 Entry: 17935) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (18000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=33534.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53019 Entry: 17935) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (18000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=33534.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53020 Entry: 17934) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9900), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53021 Entry: 17934) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9900), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=41916.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53022 Entry: 17935) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (18000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=33534.

    2010-12-11 05:10:23 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 53023 Entry: 17935) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (18000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=33534.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519310 Entry: 17397) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=2486.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519309 Entry: 17397) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=2486.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519302 Entry: 19016) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (4100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=4126.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519300 Entry: 19016) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (4100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=4126.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519299 Entry: 19016) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (4100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=4126.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518354 Entry: 18688) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (2800), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5700.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518353 Entry: 18688) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (2800), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5700.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519296 Entry: 19016) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (4100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=4126.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519288 Entry: 19016) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (4100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=4126.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519287 Entry: 19016) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (4100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=4126.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519286 Entry: 19016) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (4100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=4126.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519277 Entry: 17626) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=5158.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519266 Entry: 19016) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (4100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=4126.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519265 Entry: 19016) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (4100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=4126.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519242 Entry: 17626) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=5158.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519241 Entry: 17626) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=5158.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519239 Entry: 17397) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=2486.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519238 Entry: 17397) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=2486.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519236 Entry: 17370) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=5158.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519235 Entry: 17370) with low current mana (0), `creature_template`.`minmana`=5158.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519222 Entry: 17256) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (220000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=242800.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519221 Entry: 17256) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (220000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=242800.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519220 Entry: 17256) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (220000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=242800.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519219 Entry: 17256) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (220000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=242800.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519218 Entry: 17256) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (220000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=242800.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519209 Entry: 21174) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (69200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=4818380.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 98529 Entry: 12018) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (3900), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=666200.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 38669 Entry: 1088) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=1716.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 38721 Entry: 1088) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=1716.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 38723 Entry: 1088) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=1716.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 38753 Entry: 1088) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=1716.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 38755 Entry: 1088) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=1716.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 38756 Entry: 1088) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=1716.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 38761 Entry: 1088) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=1716.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 38876 Entry: 1088) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=1716.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 38877 Entry: 1088) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=1716.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 42830 Entry: 1088) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=1716.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 43605 Entry: 1088) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (328), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=1716.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518458 Entry: 10323) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (510), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=516.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 93838 Entry: 21217) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (2655000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5300000.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519122 Entry: 16031) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (3800), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5200.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518350 Entry: 25319) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (1), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5000000.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518355 Entry: 18688) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (2800), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5700.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518356 Entry: 18688) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (2800), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5700.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518357 Entry: 18688) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (2800), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5700.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518358 Entry: 18688) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (2800), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5700.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518359 Entry: 18688) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (2800), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5700.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518360 Entry: 18688) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (2800), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5700.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518400 Entry: 11287) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (430), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=487.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518418 Entry: 18686) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=9144.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518424 Entry: 18684) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=9784.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518425 Entry: 18684) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (9700), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=9784.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518428 Entry: 18677) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (10000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=10316.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1518429 Entry: 18679) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (8500), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=8548.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (Entry: 32666) with equipment_id 3915 not found in table `creature_equip_template`, set to no equipment.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (Entry: 32667) with equipment_id 3019 not found in table `creature_equip_template`, set to no equipment.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (Entry: 31146) with equipment_id 3019 not found in table `creature_equip_template`, set to no equipment.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519038 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519039 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519040 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519041 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519042 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519043 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519044 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519045 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519046 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519047 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519048 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519049 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519050 Entry: 23286) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (5200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=5240.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519051 Entry: 23188) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (7200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=7266.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519052 Entry: 23188) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (7200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=7266.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519053 Entry: 23188) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (7200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=7266.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519054 Entry: 23188) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (7200), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=7266.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519055 Entry: 11058) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (27000), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=28296.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519117 Entry: 25176) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (7900), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=11000.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519119 Entry: 25177) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (4100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=6986.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519120 Entry: 27722) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (6400), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=6986.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519121 Entry: 27721) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (6400), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=6986.

    2010-12-11 05:10:24 Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 1519338 Entry: 19016) with `creature_template`.`RegenHealth`=1 and low current health (4100), `creature_template`.`minhealth`=4126.

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 14740) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 21301) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 21776) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 61988) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 61989) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 61990) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 61991) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 61992) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 66947) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 77790) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 79020) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 85682) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 85693) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 85694) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 85711) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 85740) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 85744) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 86210) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 86469) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 86873) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 89311) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 91131) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 91132) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:25 Creature (GUID: 91133) does not exist but has a record in `creature_addon`

    2010-12-11 05:10:27 Table `gameobject` have gameobject (GUID: 152654) with not existed gameobject entry 0, skipped.

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:28 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not existed creature template (Entry: 0), ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:29 Quest 11515 has `ReqSourceRef1` = 1 but `ReqItemId1` = 0 and `ReqSpellCast1` = 0, quest can't be done.

    2010-12-11 05:10:29 Spell (id: 33824) have SPELL_EFFECT_QUEST_COMPLETE for quest 10162 , but quest not have flag QUEST_TRINITY_FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT. Quest flags must be fixed, quest modified to enable objective.

    2010-12-11 05:10:30 Spell 16998 listed in `spell_affect` have redundant (same with EffectItemType2) data for effect index (1) and not needed, skipped.

    2010-12-11 05:10:30 Spell 16999 listed in `spell_affect` have redundant (same with EffectItemType2) data for effect index (1) and not needed, skipped.

    2010-12-11 05:10:34 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 358 (creature entry) not exist but used as loot id in DB.

    2010-12-11 05:10:34 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 16719 group 1 has total chance > 100% (530.000000)

    2010-12-11 05:10:35 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 10005 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.

    2010-12-11 05:10:35 Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 12000 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.

    2010-12-11 05:10:37 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not creature template (Entry: 15433) without vendor flag, ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:37 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not creature template (Entry: 19046) without vendor flag, ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:37 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not creature template (Entry: 19319) without vendor flag, ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:37 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not creature template (Entry: 19571) without vendor flag, ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:37 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not creature template (Entry: 21088) without vendor flag, ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:37 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` have data for not creature template (Entry: 22922) without vendor flag, ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:37 Table `(game_event_)npc_vendor` has `maxcount`=0 for item 5956 of vendor (Entry: 3413) but `incrtime`<>0, ignore

    2010-12-11 05:10:38 Table `creature_formations` has an invalid record (leaderGUID: '0', memberGUID: '0')

    2010-12-11 05:10:38 Table `quest_start_scripts` has quest (ID: 434) in SCRIPT_COMMAND_QUEST_EXPLORED in `datalong` for script id 434, but quest not have flag QUEST_TRINITY_FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT in quest flags. Script command or quest flags wrong. Quest modified to require objective.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 Table `script_texts` contain entry -5000001 out of allowed range (-1000000 - -1999999), ignored.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 Table `script_texts` contain entry -5000002 out of allowed range (-1000000 - -1999999), ignored.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 Table `script_texts` contain entry -5000003 out of allowed range (-1000000 - -1999999), ignored.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Entry -5000001 in table `script_texts` is out of accepted entry range for table.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Entry -5000002 in table `script_texts` is out of accepted entry range for table.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Entry -5000003 in table `script_texts` is out of accepted entry range for table.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Event 1945604 Action 1. SpecialFlags for quest entry 10166 does not include |2, Action will not have any effect.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Event 2835501 has script for non-existing creature.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Event 2834701 has script for non-existing creature.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Creature 19988 has EFLAG_REPEATABLE set. Event can never be repeatable. Removing flag for event 1998801.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Creature 23400 has EFLAG_REPEATABLE set. Event can never be repeatable. Removing flag for event 2340001.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Event 1786401 Action 1 uses non-existant creature entry 31406.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Event 1786402 Action 1 uses non-existant creature entry 31408.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Creature 22444 has EFLAG_REPEATABLE set. Event can never be repeatable. Removing flag for event 2244401.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Event 435101 Action 2. SpecialFlags for quest entry 11146 does not include |2, Action will not have any effect.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Event 435201 Action 2. SpecialFlags for quest entry 11146 does not include |2, Action will not have any effect.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Creature 2755 are using percentage event(275502) with param1 <= param2 (MaxPercent <= MinPercent). Event will never trigger!

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 TSCR: Creature 2755 has param3 and param4=0 (RepeatMin/RepeatMax) but cannot be repeatable without timers. Removing EFLAG_REPEATABLE for event 275502.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 CRASH ALERT! TrinityScript: RegisterSelf, but script named at_test does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 CRASH ALERT! TrinityScript: RegisterSelf, but script named custom_example does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 CRASH ALERT! TrinityScript: RegisterSelf, but script named custom_gossip_codebox does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 CRASH ALERT! TrinityScript: RegisterSelf, but script named test does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 CRASH ALERT! TrinityScript: RegisterSelf, but script named go_teleporter does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 CRASH ALERT! TrinityScript: RegisterSelf, but script named item_test does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 CRASH ALERT! TrinityScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_Flamewaker_elite does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 CRASH ALERT! TrinityScript: RegisterSelf, but script named boss_rivendare_naxx does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 CRASH ALERT! TrinityScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_talbuk_doe does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 CRASH ALERT! TrinityScript: RegisterSelf, but script named mob_talbuk_sire does not have ScriptName assigned in database.

    2010-12-11 05:10:40 CRASH ALERT! TrinityScript: RegisterSelf, but script named npc_blackhole does not have ScriptName assigned in database.



  6. Mám problem stím že mi nejde vytvořit acc a nezobrazujou se mi online hrači,server online status funguje jako jedinej nevím kde je problém.to první je index a podtim je configurace moc prosim jukněte nekdo na to a napište mi co je blbě rad bych tuhle registraci konečně sprovoznijl.

    :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(



    require_once( 'configuration.php' );
    Switch ($lang)
    case "en": 
    $text = Array(
    'acc' => 'Creation of account',
    'create' => 'is completed !',
    'failed' => 'was not possible !',
    'not_all' => 'Fields are filled not all',
    'playerson' => 'players online',
    'off' => 'is offline',
    'name' => 'Account Name',
           'tbc' => 'Account Feature',
    'password' => 'Password',
    'ip_limit' => Array('From your IP ',' accounts are already created'),
    'char' => Array('Name','Race','Class','LvL','Location'),
           'backtext' => 'Back',
    case "ru": 
    $text = Array(
    'acc' => 	'Ńîçäŕíčĺ ŕęęŕóíňŕ',
    'create' => 'çŕâĺđřĺíî !',
    'failed' => 'íĺâîçěîćíî !',
    'not_all' => 'Çŕďîëíĺíű íĺ âńĺ ďîë˙',
    'playerson' => 'čăđîęîâ íŕ ńĺđâĺđĺ',
    'off' => 'ńĺé÷ŕń îňęëţ÷ĺí',
    'name' => 'Čě˙ Ŕęęŕóíňŕ',
           'tbc' => '?????????????? ?????',
    'password' => 'Ďŕđîëü',
    'ip_limit' => Array('Ń âŕřĺăî IP ',' ŕęęŕóíňîâ óćĺ ńîçäŕíî'),
    'char' => Array('Ďĺđńîíŕć','Đŕńŕ','Ęëŕńń','ËâË','Đŕńďîëîćĺíčĺ'),
           'backtext' => 'Back',
    case "tr": 
    $text = Array(
    'acc' => 	'Hesap Alýmý',
    'create' => 'tamamlandý !',
    'failed' => 'münkün deđil !',
    'not_all' => 'Gerekli alanlar boţ býrakýlmýţ',
    'playerson' => 'oyuncu çevrimiçi',
    'off' => 'çevrimdýţý',
    'name' => 'Hesap Özelliđi',
           'tbc' => 'Hesap Ţekli',
    'password' => 'Ţifre',
    'ip_limit' => Array('Bu IP adresi ile ',' hesap zaten açýlmýţ'),
    'char' => Array('Ýsim','Irk','Sýnýf','Seviye','Yer'),
           'backtext' => 'Geri',
    case "hu":
       $text = Array(
       'acc' => 'Account létrehozása',
       'create' => 'Kész!',
       'failed' => 'Sikertelen!',
       'not_all' => 'Nincs kitöltve minden mező˙',
       'playerson' => 'Játékos Online',
       'off' => 'jelenleg nem fut',
       'name' => 'Account név',
       'tbc' => 'Account típusa',
       'password' => 'Jelszó',
       'ip_limit' => Array('Erről az IP-ről ',' már regisztráltak'),
       'char' => Array('Név','Faj','Kaszt','Szint','Pozició'),
       'backtext' => 'Vissza',
    $maps_a = Array(
    	0 => 'Azeroth',
    	1 => 'Kalimdor',
    	2 => 'UnderMine',
    	13 => 'Test zone',
    	17 => 'Kalidar',
    	30 => 'Alterac Valley',
    	33 => 'Shadowfang Keep Instance',
    	34 => 'The Stockade Instance',
    	35 => 'Stormwind Prizon',
    	36 => 'Deadmines Instance',
    	37 => 'Plains of Snow',
    	43 => 'Wailing Caverns Instance',
    	44 => 'Monastery Interior',
    	47 => 'Razorfen Kraul Instance',
    	48 => 'Blackfathom Deeps Instance',
    	70 => 'Uldaman Instance',
    	90 => 'Gnomeregan Instance',
    	109 => 'Sunken Temple Instance',
    	129 => 'Razorfen Downs Instance',
    	530 => 'Outland',
    	169 => 'Emerald Forest',
    	189 => 'Scarlet Monastery Instance',
    	209 => 'ZulFarrak Instance',
    	229 => 'Blackrock Spire Instance',
    	230 => 'Blackrock Depths Instance',
    	249 => 'Onyxias Lair Instance',
    	269 => 'Caverns of Time',
    	289 => 'Scholomance Instance',
    	309 => 'ZulGurub Instance',
    	329 => 'Stratholme Instance',
    	349 => 'Maraudon Instance',
    	369 => 'Deeprun Tram',
    	389 => 'Ragefire Chasm Instance',
    	409 => 'The Molten Core Instance',
    	429 => 'Dire Maul Instance',
    	449 => 'Alliance PVP Barracks',
    	450 => 'Horde PVP Barracks',
    	451 => 'Development Land',
    	469 => 'Blackwing Lair Instance',
    	489 => 'Warsong Gulch',
    	509 => 'Ruins of AhnQiraj Instance',
    	529 => 'Arathi Basin',
    	531 => 'Temple of AhnQiraj Instance',
    	533 => 'Naxxramas Instance',
    	532 => 'Karazahn',
    	534 => 'Hyjal Past',
    	540 => 'Shattered Halls Instance',
    	542 => 'Blood Furnace Instance',
    	543 => 'Hellfire Ramparts Instance',
    	544 => 'Magtheridons Lair Instance',
    	545 => 'Steamvault Instance',
    	546 => 'Underbog Instance',
    	547 => 'Slave Pens Instance',
    	548 => 'Coilfang Resevoir Instance',
    	550 => 'Tempest Keep',
    	552 => 'Tempest Keep',
    	553 => 'Tempest Keep',
    	554 => 'Tempest Keep',
    	555 => 'Auchindoun',
    	556 => 'Auchindoun',
    	557 => 'Auchindoun',
    	558 => 'Auchindoun',
    	559 => 'Nagrand Arena',
    	560 => 'Hillsbrad Past',
    	562 => 'Blades Edge Arena',
    	564 => 'Black Temple',
    	565 => 'Gruuls Lair',
    	566 => 'Netherstorm Arena',
    	568 => 'Zulaman',
    $zone = Array(
    0 => Array(
    	Array(1190,200,-9074,-8280,'Stormwind City',1519),
    	Array(2220,-2250,-15422,-11299,'Stranglethorn Vale',33),
    	Array(-1724,-3540,-9918,-8667,'Redridge Mountains',44),
    	Array(-2480,-4400,-6006,-4485,'Loch Modan',38),
    	Array(-1638,-2344,-11299,-9918,'Deadwind Pass',41),
    	Array(834,-1724,-9990,-8526,'Elwynn Forest',12),
    	Array(-500,-3100,-8667,-7348,'Burning Steppes',46),
    	Array(-608,-2170,-7348,-6285,'Searing Gorge',51),
    	Array(2000,-2480,-6612,-4485,'Dun Morogh',1),
    	Array(-1575,-5425,-432,805,'The Hinterlands',47),
    	Array(600,-1575,-1874,220,'Hillsbrad Foothills',267),
    	Array(-2725,-6056,805,3800,'Eastern Plaguelands',139),
    	Array(-850,-2725,805,3400,'Western Plaguelands',28),
    	Array(2200,600,-900,1525,'Silverpine Forest',130),
    	Array(2200,-850,1525,3400,'Tirisfal Glades',85),
    	Array(-2250,-3520,-12800,-10666,'Blasted Lands',4),
    	Array(-2344,-4516,-11070,-9600,'Swamp of Sorrows',8),
    	Array(-1575,-3900,-2367,-432,'Arathi Highlands',45),
    	Array(600,-1575,220,1525,'Alterac Mountains',36),
    1 => Array(
    	Array(326,-360,-1490,-910,'Thunder Bluff',1638),
    	Array(-400,-2094,-8221,-6016,'Un\'Goro Crater',490),
    	Array(-2478,-5500,-5135,-2330,'Dustwallow Marsh',15),
    	Array(-804,-5500,-6828,-4566,'Thousand Needles',400),
    	Array(3500,-804,-412,3580,'Stonetalon Mountains',406),
    	Array(-804,-4200,-4566,1370,'The Barrens',17),
    530 => Array(
    	Array(6135.25,4829,-2344.78,-1473.95,'Shattrath City',3703),
    	Array(-6400.75,-7612.20,9346.93,10153.70,'Silvermoon City',3487),
    	Array(7083.33,1683.33,-4600,-999.99,'Terokkar Forest',3519),
    	Array(-10075,-13337.49,-2933.33,-758.33,'Bloodmyst Isle',3525),
    	Array(8845.83,3420.83,791.66,4408.33,'Blades Edge Mountains',3522),
    	Array(4225,-1275,-5614.58,-1947.91,'Shadowmoon Valley',3520),
    	Array(-11066.36,-12123.13,-4314.37,-3609.68,'The Exodar',3557),
    	Array(5539.58,375,-1962.49,1481.25,'Hellfire Peninsula',3483),
    	Array(-10500,-14570.83,-5508.33,-2793.75,'Azuremyst Isle',3524),
    	Array(-4487,-9412,7758,11041,'Eversong Woods',3430)
    $def = Array(
    'character_race' => Array(
    	1 => 'Human',
    	2 => 'Orc',
    	3 => 'Dwarf',
    	4 => 'Night Elf',
    	5 => 'Undead',
    	6 => 'Tauren',
    	7 => 'Gnome',
    	8 => 'Troll',
    	9 => 'Goblin',
                   10 => 'Dranei',
                   11 => 'Blood Elf',
    'character_class' => Array(
    	1 => 'Warrior',
    	2 => 'Paladin',
    	3 => 'Hunter',
    	4 => 'Rogue',
    	5 => 'Priest',
    	7 => 'Shaman',
    	8 => 'Mage',
    	9 => 'Warlock',
    	11 => 'Druid',
           'character_rank' => Array(
    	'alliance' => Array(
    		1 => 'Private',
    		2 => 'Corporal',
    		3 => 'Sergeant',
    		4 => 'Master Sergeant',
    		5 => 'Sergeant Major',
    		6 => 'Knight',
    		7 => 'Knight-Lieutenant',
    		8 => 'Knight-Captain',
    		9 => 'Knight-Champion',
    		10 => 'Lieutenant Commander',
    		11 => 'Commander',
    		12 => 'Marshal',
    		13 => 'Field Marshal',
    		14 => 'Grand Marshal'
    	'horde' => Array(
    		1 => 'Scout',
    		2 => 'Grunt',
    		3 => 'Sergeant',
    		4 => 'Senior Sergeant',
    		5 => 'First Sergeant',
    		6 => 'Stone Guard',
    		7 => 'Blood Guard',
    		8 => 'Legionnare',
    		9 => 'Centurion',
    		10 => 'Champion',
    		11 => 'Lieutenant General',
    		12 => 'General',
    		13 => 'Warlord',
    		14 => 'High Warlord'
    class DBLayer
    var $link_id;
    var $query_result;
    var $saved_queries = array();
    var $num_queries = 0;
    function DBLayer($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name)
    	$this->link_id = @mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, true);
    	if ($this->link_id)
    		if (@mysql_select_db($db_name, $this->link_id))
    			return $this->link_id;
    			error('Unable to select database. MySQL reported: '.mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    		error('Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: '.mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    function query($sql)
    	$this->query_result = @mysql_query($sql, $this->link_id);
    	if ($this->query_result)
    		return $this->query_result;
    		return false;
    function result($query_id = 0, $row = 0)
    	return ($query_id) ? @mysql_result($query_id, $row) : false;
    function fetch_assoc($query_id = 0)
    	return ($query_id) ? @mysql_fetch_assoc($query_id) : false;
    function fetch_row($query_id = 0)
    	return ($query_id) ? @mysql_fetch_row($query_id) : false;
    function num_rows($query_id = 0)
    	return ($query_id) ? @mysql_num_rows($query_id) : false;
    function affected_rows()
    	return ($this->link_id) ? @mysql_affected_rows($this->link_id) : false;
    function insert_id()
    	return ($this->link_id) ? @mysql_insert_id($this->link_id) : false;
    function get_num_queries()
    	return $this->num_queries;
    function get_saved_queries()
    	return $this->saved_queries;
    function free_result($query_id = false)
    	return ($query_id) ? @mysql_free_result($query_id) : false;
    function escape($str)
    	if (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string'))
    		return mysql_real_escape_string($str, $this->link_id);
    		return mysql_escape_string($str);
    function error()
    	$result['error_sql'] = @current(@end($this->saved_queries));
    	$result['error_no'] = @mysql_errno($this->link_id);
    	$result['error_msg'] = @mysql_error($this->link_id);
    	return $result;
    function close()
    	if ($this->link_id)
    		if ($this->query_result)
    		return @mysql_close($this->link_id);
    		return false;
    class honor_system
    var $realm_db;
    var $mangos_db;
    function get_all_honor()
    	$q = $this->mangos_db->query("SELECT * FROM `character_kill` ORDER BY `guid`");
    	while($res_row = $this->mangos_db->fetch_assoc($q))
    			$honor_arr[$res_row['guid']] += $res_row['honor'];
    			$honor_arr[$res_row['guid']] -= $res_row['honor'];
    	return $honor_arr;
    function get_character_honor($char_id)
    	$q = $this->mangos_db->query("SELECT * FROM `character_kill` WHERE `guid`='$char_id'");
    	while($res_row = $this->mangos_db->fetch_assoc($q))
    			$honor += $res_row['honor'];
    			$honor -= $res_row['honor'];
    	return $honor;
    function calc_character_rank($honor_points)
    	$rank = 0;
    	if($honor_points <= 0){
    		$rank = 0; 
    		if($honor_points < 2000 and $honor_points > 500) $rank = 2;
    		else if($honor_points <= 500 and $honor_points > 0) $rank = 1;
    		else if ($honor_points >= 2000) $rank = round(($honor_points / 5000) + 1,0);
    	return $rank;
    function error($message, $file, $line, $db_error = false)
    global $siteerrors;
    $s = "\t\t".'Error: <strong>'.$message.'.</strong>'."\n";
    echo $s;
    function get_zone_name($mapid, $x, $y){
    global $maps_a, $zone;
    if (!empty($maps_a[$mapid]))
    if (($mapid==0) or ($mapid==1))
    	$i=0; $c=count($zone[$mapid]);
    	while ($i<$c)
    if ($zone[$mapid][$i][2] < $x  AND $zone[$mapid][$i][3] > $x AND $zone[$mapid][$i][1] < $y  AND $zone[$mapid][$i][0] > $y) $zmap=$zone[$mapid][$i][4];
    } else $zmap="Unknown zone";
    return $zmap;
    function test_realm(){
    global $server, $port;
    $s = @fsockopen("$server", $port, $ERROR_NO, $ERROR_STR,(float)0.5);
    if($s){@fclose($s);return true;} else return false;
    function get_realm_name(){
    global $hostr, $userr, $passwordr, $dbr, $database_encoding;
    $realm_db = new DBLayer($hostr, $userr, $passwordr, $dbr);
    $realm_db->query("SET NAMES $database_encoding");
    $query = $realm_db->query("SELECT * FROM `realmlist`");
    $result = $realm_db->fetch_assoc($query);
    if (empty($_POST['username']) and empty($_POST['passw']) and empty($_POST['email'])) 
    $cont='         <TR>
                   <TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=110 
                     src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif" width=15></TD>
                   <TD vAlign=center align=left width=190><B 
                     style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: white; LETTER-SPACING: 3px; FONT-VARIANT: small-caps"><LABEL 
                     for=username>'.$text["name"].':</LABEL> </B><BR><INPUT 
                     id=username style="WIDTH: 175px" tabIndex=1 maxLength=16 
                     size=18 name=username></TD>
                   <TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=1 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif" width=15></TD></TR>
                 <TR><TD width=190 height=1></TD></TR>
                 <TR><TD width=190 height=1></TD></TR>
                   <TD vAlign=center align=left width=190><B 
                     style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: white; LETTER-SPACING: 3px; FONT-VARIANT: small-caps"><LABEL 
                     for=passw>'.$text["password"].':</LABEL> </B><BR><INPUT id=passw 
                     style="WIDTH: 175px" tabIndex=2 type=password maxLength=12 
                     size=18 name=passw></TD></TR>
                   <TD vAlign=center align=left width=190><B
                     style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: white; LETTER-SPACING: 3px; FONT-VARIANT: small-caps"><LABEL
                     for=tbc>'.$text["tbc"].':</LABEL> </B><BR><select size="1" name="tbc">
    <option selected value="1">TBC</option>
                   <TD vAlign=center align=left width=190><B 
                     style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: white; LETTER-SPACING: 3px; FONT-VARIANT: small-caps"><LABEL 
                     for=email>E-mail:</LABEL> </B><BR><INPUT id=email 
                     style="WIDTH: 175px" tabIndex=2 maxLength=50 
                     size=18 name=email></TD></TR>
                   <TD align=left>
                     <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
                         <TD><IMG height=3 
                           src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif" width=1></TD>
                   <TD align=left colSpan=3>
                     <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
                         <TD><IMG height=39 
                           src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif" width=19></TD>
                         <TD><INPUT class=button 
                           style="WIDTH: 168px; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=3 type=image 
                           alt=Create src="'.$img_base.$button.'" 
                           value=Create border=0></TD>
    elseif  (empty($_POST['username']) or empty($_POST['passw']) or empty($_POST['email'])) 
    $cont='<TR><TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=182 width=1 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif"><TD align=Center><SMALL class=error>
    <br><br><a href="" onClick="history.go(-1)">'.$text["backtext"].'</a></SMALL></TD></TD></TR>';
    $username = htmlspecialchars(trim("$_POST[username]"));
    $passw = trim($_POST['passw']);
    $email = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['email']));
           $tbc = trim($_POST['tbc']);
    $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
    // ńäĺëŕňü ďđîâĺđęó íŕ íĺďîëó÷ĺíčĺ čďŕ
    $realm_db = new DBLayer($hostr, $userr, $passwordr, $dbr);
    $realm_db->query("SET NAMES $database_encoding");
    if ($lock_reg!=0){
     $query = $realm_db->query("SELECT `last_ip` FROM `account`  WHERE `last_ip`='$ip'");
     while($result = $realm_db->fetch_assoc($query)) $ip_cr++;
    if (($ip_cr>=$lock_reg) && ($lock_reg!=0))
    	$cont='<TR><TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=182 width=1 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif"><TD align=Center><SMALL class=error>
    <br><br><a href="" onClick="history.go(-1)">'.$text["backtext"].'</a></SMALL></TD></TD></TR>';
    } else
    if($realm_db->query("INSERT INTO `account` (`username`,`password`,`email`,`last_ip`,`locked`,`tbc`) VALUES ('$username','$passw','$email','$ip','$lock_acc','$tbc')"))
    	$cont='<TR><TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=182 width=1 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif"><TD align=Center><SMALL>
    	$cont='<TR><TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=182 width=1 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif"><TD align=Center><SMALL class=error>
    <br><br><a href="" onClick="history.go(-1)">'.$text["backtext"].'</a></SMALL></TD></TD></TR>';
    function make_players_array(){
    global $host, $user, $password, $db, $database_encoding, $pl_array;
    $mangos_db = new DBLayer($host, $user, $password, $db);
    $mangos_db->query("SET NAMES $database_encoding");
    $query = $mangos_db->query("SELECT * FROM `character` WHERE `online`='1' ORDER BY `name`");
    while($result = $mangos_db->fetch_assoc($query))
    	$char_data = explode(' ',$result['data']);
    	$char_gender = dechex($char_data[36]);
    	$char_gender = str_pad($char_gender,8, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
    	$char_gender = $char_gender{3};
    	$res_pos=get_zone_name($result['map'], $result['position_x'], $result['position_y']);
    $pl_array[$i] = Array($result['name'], $result['race'], $result['class'], $char_data[34], $res_pos, $char_gender);
    return $i;
    if (!$sort = &$_GET['s']) $sort=0;
    if (!$flag = &$_GET['f']) $flag=0;
    if ($flag==0)	{	$flag=1; $sort_type='<'; } 
    	else	{	$flag=0; $sort_type='>'; }
    if (!empty($pl_array)) 
    usort($pl_array, create_function('$a, $b', 'if ( $a['.$sort.'] == $b['.$sort.'] ) return 0; if ( $a['.$sort.'] '.$sort_type.' $b['.$sort.'] ) return -1; return 1;'));
    while ($i < $onlineplayers)
    $res_race = $def['character_race'][$race];
    $res_class = $def['character_class'][$class];
    $list.= "
    			<tr class=txt>
    				<td align='center'><img alt=$res_race src='".$img_base.$race."-$gender.gif' height='18' width='18'></td>
    				<td align='center'><img alt=$res_class src='".$img_base."$class.gif' height='18' width='18'></td>
    				<td align='center'>$lvl</td>
    				<td >$loc</td>
    if (test_realm())
    $title.=(' ('.$onlineplayers.' '.$text["playerson"].')');
    $status = "<img alt=Online src='".$img_base."online.gif' height='18' width='18'>";
    } else
    $title.=(' '.$text["off"] );
    $status = "<img alt=Offline src='".$img_base."offline.gif' height='18' width='18'>";
    // Main part !!!
    <HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"><TITLE><?php print $title ?></TITLE>
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    	  <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=220 border=0>
       echo "<br><br><br><br><center><strong><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\" size=\"2\">$accountmessage</font></center></strong><br><br><br><br><br>";
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                   <TD width=410><SMALL>
    		<br><strong class=title><center><?php print "$status";echo " "; print "$title";   ?></center></strong><br>
                    <center><?php print $timetext?> : <span id="timecontainer"></span>
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             new showLocalTime("timecontainer", "server-php", 0, "short")
                 <table cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' align='center'>
    <tr class=title>
    		<td align='left' nowrap='nowrap' width=50></td>
    		<td align='left' nowrap='nowrap' width=60><a href="<?php print $link.'0">'.$text['char'][0] ?></a></td>
    		<td align='center' nowrap='nowrap' width=40><a href="<?php print $link.'1">'.$text['char'][1] ?></a></td>
    		<td align='center' nowrap='nowrap' width=40><a href="<?php print $link.'2">'.$text['char'][2] ?></a></td>
    		<td align='center' nowrap='nowrap' width=40><a href="<?php print $link.'3">'.$text['char'][3] ?></a></td>
    		<td align='left' nowrap='nowrap' width=100><a href="<?php print $link.'4">'.$text['char'][4] ?></a></td>
       echo "<center><strong><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\" size=\"2\"><br>$onlinemessage</font></strong></center>";
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                   <TD width=124><IMG height=1 
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                     src="<?php print $img_base ?>pixel.gif" 



    #Database Settings
    $lang="en";				// Language ("en" - english, "ru" - russian, "tr" - turkish, "hu" - hungarian)
    $host="localhost";			// HOST for Mangos database
    $user="root"	;			// USER for Mangos database
    $password="xxx";			// PASS for Mangos database
    $db="world";				// NAME of Mangos database
    $hostr="localhost";			// HOST for Realm database
    $userr="root"	;			// USER for Realm database
    $passwordr="xxx";		        // PASS for Realm database
    $dbr="realmd";				// NAME of Realm database
    $database_encoding = 'CP1251';          // Set encoding
    $server = "";		        // Server adress (for realm status)
    $port = "8085";				// Server port (for realm status) 8085 or 3724
    #Page Account Feature Options
    $accountoption="1";                     //Set your account creating is open or closed. 1 - Open , 2 - Closed
    $onlineoption="1";                      //Set your online player display is open or closed. 1 - Open , 2 - Closed
    $accountmessage="Account Creation Closed!";          //Set your account creation closed text
    $onlinemessage="Online Player Display Disabled!";   //Set your online player display text
    $lock_acc=0;				// Lock created account to IP adress (1 - on, 0 - off)
    $lock_reg=0;				// Registration only one (or more) account from one IP adress
                                           // 0 - not limit, 1 - one acc,  2 - two acc, etc...
    #Page Template Options
    $img_base = "img/";			// Image dir
    $ongif = "img/on.gif";
    $offgif = "img/off.gif";
    $charset="windows-1251";           //Browser charset of your language.Tarayýcýnýzýn dilinize göre charset ayarý - Türkçe : "iso-8859-9"  
    $timetext="Current Server Time";   //Shows Server Time , if you want you can change it to your language Example:      ="yourlang";                                   


    je to stavěný přímo pro trinity tak netušim už kde je chyba kdyžtak mi napiše přesně co mám dat do host,hostr a server pač nebo localhost ani veřejná ip moc nepomohla stejnak vytvořit acc nejde a error to žadnej nepíše.


    • Upvote 1
    • Downvote 3

  7. Můžu se zeptat proč chceš Pražáky?


    Pozn.: Prosím tě, používej interpunkci. Čte se to daleko líp a je tomu víc rozumět, než když to nacpeš všechno do čtyř "vět".


    Proč Pražáky? no pač z Pražákem se můžu domluvit lip než z tím co je mimo prahu chápej server jde nejlíp tem lidem co se znají osobně. když jsem ještě dělal z kámošem server tak přišel knám a tak jsme server řešili na 2 pc plus jsme upravovali hardware pro lepší chod serveru ale to lepší než jen kecat je lepší znát toho druhého osobně aby byla důvěra teď jsem mel už 3-4 co mi chtěli pomoct ze serverem dokázali leda prd každý tohle máš špatně a udělali to ještě hůř tak to už je pak o domluvě a po skype se moc dobře domluvit nedá.Ani si sním nedám pivko když se server konečně povede server mám web mám registrace mám cz placenou doménu mám ale sám všechno dělat nemůžu pač ani vše najednou neumím. a konec další dotazy na skype sem už nic psát nebudu aby si někdo nestěžoval že to je na čtení moc dlouhý to já vím to na psaní taky xD.

  8. no hele dík nemám zájem sice vím že se tu asi nenajde nikdo z prahy co by mu by mu bylo 18 ale to si radši udělám všechno sám než aby to dopadlo jako u 3.jiných kdy každý dělal chytrého a říkali jak už to dělali že tohle a tamhle to je lepší ale dobrý to co mám je v pohodě na BG server to stačí de mi jen o to abych na web a db nebyl sám abych mel ještě druhého co by věděl to co já ne.Vždycky dokážou víc dva nežli jeden.Jeden nemůže vědět všechno a já nejsem někdo kdo je vtom nějak dobrý jediné co zvládnu je rozjet server tak napůl umím z DB ale ještě je co se učit a zkoušet a z webem xD tak to leda PHP Fusion a nastavit registrace všechno mám jakš takš zmáknuté ale sám nezvládám všechno.Kámoši co znám WoW sice hrají ale co se týče DB a webu toho moc nevědí kdyby se tu přece našel někdo kdo by byl schopný pomoct tak mi pište na skype sem tam jako warhendy.

  9. Hledám jednoho člověka (čecha) (nejlépe i z Prahy) co mu bylo už 18 let a je schopnej mi pomoct ze serverem už sem našel plno kktů ale ani jeden mi nepomoch,chteli leda tak hrat.potřeboval bych pomoct ze serverem v oblasti webu a herního prostředí jestli by se tu našel nekdo kdo umi hlavne z db a php fusion nebo už nekdy měl svuj server tak bych ho uvýtal ale dementy davam hnet do ignoru jinak pište na skype : warhendy

  10. Použij iframe.



    sice nevim včem mi tohle má pomoct ale zajmavý no ale já nepotřebuju si vytvořit odkaz ale potřeuju adresu www.nicewow.xf.cz přesměrovat na http://moje'>http://moje veřejna ip /web ale aby byla v adrese adresa www.nicewow.xf.cz a ne http://moje ip /web potřebuju prostě najit způsob jak schovat ip pod domenu

  11. A proč si ten web jednoduše nehodíš na WZ ? Jinak co třeba použít google a najít si něco o podstrkávání adresy přes úpravu .htaccess ? Možností je spousta, použij hlavu ;)


    věř mi že za celou noc sem nedělal nic jinýho než použival hlavu fakt bych potřeboval popostrčit co přesně dělat už sem fakt utahanej a to ještě musim jit až do jedný do rána do práce.

  12. zdravim mám web na php fusion můžu se na něj odkud koli připojit pomocí mé veřejné ip za kterou napišu /web ale nechci jen tak zveřejnovat ip to neni dobrý si myslím a hlavně to i blbě vypadá.Nešlo by nějak přez nejakej soubor udělat aby když napiše človek aresu www.nicewow.xt.cz (moje domena na webzdrama.cz) aby mu naběhl muj web aniž by to přesmerovalo ip ktera by potom v adrese byla vidět? nebo propojit server tak aby když napiše nekdo adresu aby mu přímo na téhle adrese vybehl muj web na php fusion de to nejak propojit? prosim každej nápad by se mi hodil už ani google mi vtomhle nedokaže pomoct lamal sem si nad tim hlavu celou noc. :-(

  13. pls našel by se tu někdo kdo by měl skype a mohl mi pomoct rozjet phpmyadmin server sem už díky wowresource rozjel i na veřejne ip ale phpmyadmin mi jel přez xampp ale na ten se mohl pripojit kdokoli a to nebylo moc dobrý kdyby se tu našel i nějaký rozumný človiček co by zvladl udělat web pro muj server tak bych byl velice vděčnej sam už nezvládam server a ješte se snažit pochopit php. kdyžtak si mě pridejte sem na skype jako warhendy

  14. mám v xampp problém že mi nenačítá mysql viz screen chyba potřebuju help podle chyby je potřeba upravit umístění pravého myslq se serverem a to umístení myslq v xammpu je potřeba?pač tu nekdo psal že se muže smazat xD

    post-10480-019405000 1287625661_thumb.png
