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Vendoři na 3.1.3

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AlterShop WotLK

About sellers:

Vendors with items from WotLK

Total 146 vendors who sell a variety of things 7172



AlterShopWotLK.sql - file sellers

item_FIX.sql - file to correct quest items (weapons ,armor) and prices for PvP servers

ID vendors weapons.txt- numbers for the placement of weapon sellers

ID vendors armor.txt- numbers for the placement of armor sellers

ID vendors another armor.txt- numbers for the placement of another armor sellers

ID vendors sets.txt- numbers sets sellers

version history. txt- information about changes in the versions of vendors


id vendorů

200000 Axe 1h/Axe 2h/Bow/Gun/Mace 1h/Mace 2h/Polearm/Sword 1h/Sword 2h

200001 Staff/Fist weapon/Dagger/Thrown/Crossbow/Wand

200002 Axe 1h/Axe 2h/Bow

200003 Gun/Mace 1h/Mace 2h

200004 Polearm/Sword 1h/Sword 2h

200005 Staff/Fist weapon/Dagger

200006 Thrown/Crossbow/Wand

200007 Axe 1h/Axe 2h/Bow

200008 Gun/Mace 1h/Mace 2h

200009 Polearm/Sword 1h/Sword 2h

200010 Staff/Fist weapon/Dagger

200011 Thrown/Crossbow/Wand

200012 Heirloom Legendary Weapon

200013 Head Armor_Light 1-69

200014 Shoulder Armor_Light 1-69

200015 Chest Armor_Light 1-69

200016 Waist Armor_Light 1-69

200017 Legs Armor_Light 1-69

200018 Boots Armor_Light 1-69

200019 Bracers Armor_Light 1-69

200020 Gloves Armor_Light 1-69

200021 Head Armor_Heavy 1-69

200022 Shoulder Armor_Heavy 1-69

200023 Chest Armor_Heavy 1-69

200024 Waist Armor_Heavy 1-69

200025 Legs Armor_Heavy 1-69

200026 Boots Armor_Heavy 1-69

200027 Bracers Armor_Heavy 1-69

200028 Gloves Armor_Heavy 1-69

200029 Head Armor_Light 70-79

200030 Shoulder Armor_Light 70-79

200031 Chest Armor_Light 70-79

200032 Waist Armor_Light 70-79

200033 Legs Armor_Light 70-79

200034 Boots Armor_Light 70-79

200035 Bracers Armor_Light 70-79

200036 Gloves Armor_Light 70-79

200037 Head Armor_Heavy 70-79

200038 Shoulder Armor_Heavy 70-79

200039 Chest Armor_Heavy 70-79

200040 Waist Armor_Heavy 70-79

200041 Legs Armor_Heavy 70-79

200042 Boots Armor_Heavy 70-79

200043 Bracers Armor_Heavy 70-79

200044 Gloves Armor_Heavy 70-79

200045 Head Armor_Light 80

200046 Shoulder Armor_Light 80

200047 Chest Armor_Light 80

200048 Waist Armor_Light 80

200049 Legs Armor_Light 80

200050 Boots Armor_Light 80

200051 Bracers Armor_Light 80

200052 Gloves Armor_Light 80

200053 Head Armor_Heavy 80

200054 Shoulder Armor_Heavy 80

200055 Chest Armor_Heavy 80

200056 Waist Armor_Heavy 80

200057 Legs Armor_Heavy 80

200058 Boots Armor_Heavy 80

200059 Bracers Armor_Heavy 80

200060 Gloves Armor_Heavy 80

200061 Shield 70-79lvl

200062 Shield 80lvl

200063 Libram/idol/totem

200064 Necklace 1-69lvl

200065 Necklace 70-79lvl

200066 Necklace 80lvl

200067 Ring 1-69lvl

200068 Ring 70-79lvl

200069 Ring 80lvl

200070 Trinket 1-69lvl

200071 Trinket 70-79lvl

200072 Trinket 80vl

200073 Cloak 1-69lvl

200074 Cloak 70-79lvl

200075 Cloak 80lvl

200076 Shirt/Tabard

200077 Tier_7_#1

200078 Tier_7_#2

200079 Arena_Season5_#1

200080 Arena_Season5_#2

200081 Arena_Season5_#3

200082 Off-hand Frills

200083 Consumable 1-69lvl

200084 Consumable 70-79lvl

200085 Food and drank 1-69lvl

200086 Food and drank 70-lvl

200087 Potions

200088 Elixir

200089 Flask

200090 Scroll

200091 Enchancement 1-69lvl

200092 Enchancement 70-79lvl

200093 Bandage

200094 Red Gemstone

200095 Blue Gemstone

200096 Yellow Gemstone

200097 Purple Gemstone

200098 Green Gemstone

200099 Orange Gemstone

200100 Meta Gemstone

200101 Simple/Prismatic Gemstone

200102 Arrow/Bullet

200103 Bag

200104 Prof.Bag

200105 Ammo Quiver

200106 Key

200107 fishing poles/monster weapon

200108 Book/Leatherworking/Tailoring Recipe

200109 Engineering/Blacksmithing/Alchemy Recipe

200110 Enchanting/Jewelcrafting Recipe

200111 Cooking/First Aid/Fishing Recipe

200112 Reagent

200113 Mount

200114 Vanity_pets

200115 Trade_Goods/Parts

200116 Explosives/Devices

200117 Jewelcrafting/Cloth

200118 Leather/Metal/Stone

200119 Meat/Herb

200120 Elemental/Other

200121 Enchanting/Materials

200122 Armor Enchantment/Weapon Enchantment

200123 A-B quest_items

200124 C-D quest_items

200125 E-F quest_items

200126 G-H quest_items

200127 I-K quest_items

200128 J-L quest_items

200129 M-N quest_items

200130 O-P quest_items

200131 Q-R quest_items

200132 S quest_items

200133 T quest_items

200134 U-V quest_items

200135 W-X quest_items

200136 Y-Z quest_items

200137 Warrior/Paladin Glyph

200138 Hunter/Rogue Glyph

200139 Priest/Death Knight Glyph

200140 Shaman/Mage Glyph

200141 Warlock/Druid Glyph

200142 Holiday

200143 Others_sets Armor_Sets

200144 Money

200145 Robe Armor



the application files, installed base of the world (mangos default):

1 AlterShopWotLK.sql

2 item_FIX.sql


page for downloading:



převzato z http://udbforums.org/index.php?topic=10365.0

otestováno funguje to na 100% na Trinity Core 2

pokud budete mít nějaké dotazy pište je sem

Edited by mical

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upage to version 0.9.0

Vendors added (200146-200151):Tier 8 , Arena season 6 , recipes , quest items , others sets

changes in prices added to item_FIX.sql

AlterShopWotLK.sql upgraded to the 7988 mangos

AlterShopWotLK.sql rebuilt for new bases (total number items of vendors - 8361)

ID vendors added to the "ID different vendors.txt"

ID vendors added to the "ID vendors sets.txt"


id nových vendorů

<ID> <vendor>

200146 Tier_8_#1

200147 Tier_8_#2

200148 Arena_Season6

200149 Jewelcrafting Recipe

200150 A-Z quest_items_other

200151 Others_sets_#2 Armor_Sets


do db world/mangos si nahrejte altershop.sql a item fix.sql

pokuď chcete mít tty vendory naspamované na gm islandu tak si tam nahrejte gm spawn.sql


topic of the project:



stahujte zde: http://filebeam.com/84563a0171bc91aaf13ac4c0bcb953d6

Edited by mical

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upage na verzi 0.9.1(pozor pouzivat jen item fix!!! altershop.sql nejde nahrat)



AlterShopWotLK.sql upgraded to the 8190 mangos

corrected item_FIX.sql

added folder Cleaning_base: delete vendors , their spawn , recover the properties of items.



zdroj http://udbforums.org...p?topic=10365.0


download zde: http://filebeam.com/b4646fbd4b0950829e1be7fbc2d9c658


stále funguje na TC ikdyž píšou že je to na mangos

Edited by mical

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