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C++ player funkcie

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Zdravím, dnes ráno som surfoval po AC-webe a našiel som niečo užitočné ...


Sú to pre TrinityCore Player funkcie /deklarácie/ ktoré spísal istý Rush ... Dobre pre developerov !



Player Functions

SendAreaTriggerMessage("text"); //- Sends an Area Trigger Message
BroadcastMessage("text"); //- Sends a message to the chatbox
EventTeleport(mapid, x, y, z); //- Teleports the player
SafeTeleport(mapid, instanceid, location vector); //- Teleports the player to specific instance
Kick(miliseconds); //- Kicks the player in x miliseconds
SoftDisconnect(); //- Ends the player's session
Reset_Spells(); //- Resets spells
Reset_Talents(); //- Resets Talents
Reset_ToLevel1(); //- Resets player to level 1
GiveXP(y, guid, true); //- Gives y number of XP to a player guid
AddCalculatedRestXP(# of seconds); //- Adds rested xp to player equal to # of seconds
GetPositionX(); //- Get player's X coordinate
GetPositionY(); //- Get player's Y coordinate
GetPositionZ(); //- Get player's Z coordinate
GetPositionO(); //- Get player's O coordinate
KillPlayer(); //- Kills the player
ResurrectPlayer(); //- Resurrects the player
SetBindPoint(x, y, z, mapid, zoneid); //- Bind the player's hearthstone
ModStanding(Faction, Value); //- Modifies the player's standing with the Faction
_AdvanceSkillLine(SkillLine, x); //- Advances a skill line x times
_AddSkillLine(SkillLine, min, max); //- Adds skill line x with minimum and maximum level
_RemoveSkillLine(x); //- Removes skill line x
_HasSkillLine(x); //- Returns true if player has skill line x
_RemoveAllSkills(); //- Removes all skills from player
_RemoveLanguages(); //- Removes all languages from player
_AddLanguages(true); //- Adds all languages to player
_AdvanceAllSkills(x); //- Advances all skills x times
_ModifySkillMaximum(SkillLine, Max); //- Sets a skill level equal to Max
GetClass(); //- Returns the player's class
GetRace(); //- Returns the player's race
getLevel(); //- Returns the player's level
GetGUID(); //- Returns the player's guid
GetLowGuid(); //- Returns the player's low guid
getTeam(); //- Returns true (1) if player is horde
GetItemInterface()->GetItemCount(itemid, false); //- Returns the number of itemid the player has
PlaySoundToSet(entryid); //- Plays a sound entry

Item * pItem = objmgr.CreateItem(itemid, Player);
GetItemInterface()->AddItemToFreeSlot(pItem); //- Adds and item to Player

LevelInfo * Info = objmgr.GetLevelInfo(PlayerRace, PlayerClass, level);
ApplyLevelInfo(Info, level); //- mods a players level

IsPvPFlagged() //- When returned true, player is in pvp
SetPvPFlag(); //- Sets the player in pvp
RemovePvPFlag(); //- Removes the player from pvp
IsFFAPvPFlagged() //- When returned true, player is in FFA pvp
SetFFAPvPFlag(); //- Sets the player in FFA pvp
RemoveFFAPvPFlag(); //- Removes the player from FFA pvp
RecalculateHonor(); //- Reloads honor

AddAura(#); //- Adds an aura to the player
addSpell(spellid); //- Adds a spell to the player
CastSpell(target, spellid, 0); //- Cast a spell on target
HasSpell(spellid); //- Returns true if the player has the spell

HasFinishedQuest(quest_id); //- Returns true if player has finished the quest
HasQuestForItem(itemid); //- Returns true if player has quest item
HasQuestSpell(spellid); //- Returns true if player has quest spell
HasQuest(quest_id); //- Returns true if player has quest

Server Hooks

OnNewCharacter(uint32 Race, uint32 Class, WorldSession * Session, const char * Name);
OnKillPlayer(Player * pPlayer, Player * pVictim);
OnFirstEnterWorld(Player * pPlayer);
OnEnterWorld(Player * pPlayer);
OnGuildCreate(Player * pLeader, Guild * pGuild);
OnGuildJoin(Player * pPlayer, Guild * pGuild);
OnDeath(Player * pPlayer);
OnRepop(Player * pPlayer);
OnEmote(Player * pPlayer, uint32 Emote, Unit * pUnit);
OnEnterCombat(Player * pPlayer, Unit * pTarget);
OnCastSpell(Player * pPlayer, SpellEntry * pSpell);
OnLogoutRequest(Player * pPlayer);
OnLogout(Player * pPlayer);
OnQuestAccept(Player * pPlayer, Quest * pQuest, Object * pQuestGiver);
OnZone(Player * pPlayer, uint32 Zone);
OnChat(Player * pPlayer, uint32 Type, uint32 Lang, const char * Message, const char * Misc);
OnLoot(Player * pPlayer, Unit * pTarget, uint32 Money, uint32 ItemId);
OnEnterWorld2(Player * pPlayer);
OnCharacterCreate(Player * pPlayer);
OnQuestCancelled(Player * pPlayer, Quest * pQuest);
OnQuestFinished(Player * pPlayer, Quest * pQuest, Object * pQuestGiver);
OnHonorableKill(Player * pPlayer, Player * pKilled);
OnArenaFinish(Player * pPlayer, ArenaTeam* pTeam, bool victory, bool rated);
OnObjectLoot(Player * pPlayer, Object * pTarget, uint32 Money, uint32 ItemId);
OnAreaTrigger(Player * pPlayer, uint32 areaTrigger);
OnPostLevelUp(Player * pPlayer);
OnPreUnitDie(Unit *Killer, Unit *Victim);
OnAdvanceSkillLine(Player * pPlayer, uint32 SkillLine, uint32 Current);
OnDealDamage(Player * plr);


Edited by Eessencia
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A k čemu to jako je?

Napíšeš player-> a intellisense ti seznam funkcí pro daný pointer vyjede, ne? Mg, to jsou topicy.


Příště sem postněte seznam vmap a dbc. ^^

  • Upvote 1

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A k čemu to jako je?

Napíšeš player-> a intellisense ti seznam funkcí pro daný pointer vyjede, ne? Mg, to jsou topicy.


Příště sem postněte seznam vmap a dbc. ^^


Myslel som to aby vedeli čo, ktoré znamená ...

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