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Antrix, what is it

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i am going to straight up copy the emupedia forums "what is antrix" thread:


What is Antrix?

Antrix is a server package for World of Warcraft. It does NOT contain any data from Blizzard's software, or any of their official servers content.


What is it written in?

Antrix is written completely in C++.


How does it perform?

The server has been tested with over 1000 clients without any flaws or missing a beat.


What is the database backend?

Antrix uses a MySQL or PostgreSQL backend. Support for Oracle is possible through polymorphism.


How is the server extendable?

The server is extendable through external binary scripts for extra AI, and world scripting.


Who makes this kickass product?

You don't need to know. We perfer to stay anonymous. Do not post questions regarding the authors of this software.


Great, so how can I get a hold of this?




How can I help out?

You can either help out by posting detailed bug reports in the bug section of this forum, or by posting source code patches in the appropriate sections. These will be reviewed and added by developers manually. If you have contributed a lot of source code patches, we may consider you for svn access.


Where can I discuss matters regarding to this project?

The Emupedia IRC network. irc://emupedia.com/antrix , or Server: emupedia.com , Channel: #antrix


What advantages does this have over other servers?


* Server core fully accessable via high-performance scripts.

* Low memory usage.

* 100% multithreaded with asyncronous database access, so no time is spent blocking, and makes full use of today's multi-core technology.

* Easily developable database via ingame commands.

* GM system based on flags, rather than command levels.

* High-performance network code on all platforms (FreeBSD, Linux, and Windows).

* Most game features working!

* Tried and tested code.

* Easy, non-confusing database structure.

* Want to know more? Try it for yourself.


:by espire





btw to all... is this potentially better then Mangos?



stammo (finally figured out why i couldnt get onto the forums for an hour

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Platform: Antrix Win32 v2.0.12-1636

Uptime: 0 days, 16 hours, 16 minutes, 2 seconds

Online Players: 111

CPU Usage: 1.24%

Queued Players: 0

Memory Usage: 536.996 MB

Average Latency: 347.600 ms

Thread Count: 13

Online GM Count: 0

Accepted Connections: 1825

Alliance Online: 44

Connection Peak: 188

Horde Online: 67

Last Update: Mon May 21 07:42:40 2007


Well this is how the core is doing right now, taken from one of the servers using Antrix as you can see.

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No je to derivát emu WoWD (jako mangos) takže ty projekty od sebe mohou v leckterém být shodné a kopírovat se... Viz update jedné knihovny mangosu https://svn.mangosproject.org/trac/MaNGOS/c...h/BigNumber.cpp (pro nechápavé podívejte se na změnu copyright informace)


Jinak by mě celkem zajímal jeho stav a stabilita ? Testne to někdo jako public ? :)


edit: 2 Serafin: vždycky si to můžes zkompilovat sám ze svn ;)

Edited by bLuma

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Nejede na tomhle nahodou mmorpg4free server? Espire je jeho admin a unese to celkem v pohode 1000 lidi online. Ja osobne tam docela dlouho hraju a lepsi free server jsem jeste nevidel. Pouziva WoWD, nebo neco hodne podobnyho a mluvilo se i o tom, ze to emu pusti na net, takze je to docela pravdepodobny, ze je to ono. Kdyztak TADY je web serveru. Muzete se kouknout sami ;) .

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Vypada to dost stabilne i pri 200+ lidech, zkousel sem jen chvili nicmene podle infa na statusu a hlasek gm o uptimu to vypada velmi solidne.

Par postrehu z par minut hrani za locka:

+- nefunguje water breathing, fall dmg jo

- trochu blbne chat (portalem sem se presunul z UC do TB, ale general presto zustal pripojeny na Tirisfal)

+ mobove sice prochazeji zdmi, ale jinak chodi dobre, nepropadavaji se do zeme, ci neskacou pri behu do kopce

+ spell/combat system: dmg se da az kdyz spell doleti, ci az rana dopadne

- pet system skoro nejde, peti jen chodi za masterem, ale neutoci ci nekouzli

+- fear funguje o neco lepe nez na mangosu (mnozna az na break formuli, zatim se mi fear prerusil pri kazdem dmg), mob jde stale od castera, ne jen do urcite vzdalenosti a chaoticky jako na mangosu a cestou naagrovava dalsi moby (tady se mi zda ze to funguje jen nekdy). Obcas ale nechava v combatu.

+ threat jede

+ posta asi taky, dopis z jedne postavy dalsi dosel za chvili, aukci sem nezkousel

+ rollovani jede, takze mozna i samotny Group loot

+ asi jede arena (jdou vytvorit 2v2, 3v3 a 5v5 tymy)

Edited by Ganimoth

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Jinak tech bugu je tam fakt hafo uz od letmyho pohledu, o takovych drobnostech, jako vodni forma fungujici mimo vodu se nema cenu zminovat. :lol:

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Nejede na tomhle nahodou mmorpg4free server? Espire je jeho admin a unese to celkem v pohode 1000 lidi online. Ja osobne tam docela dlouho hraju a lepsi free server jsem jeste nevidel. Pouziva WoWD, nebo neco hodne podobnyho a mluvilo se i o tom, ze to emu pusti na net, takze je to docela pravdepodobny, ze je to ono. Kdyztak TADY je web serveru. Muzete se kouknout sami ;) .

O technických vymoženostech emu nic nevím, ale to flashové video je dokonalé :D

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Tak na ty anirene fakt jede asi ten Antrix, aspon podle letmyho projeti (taky nejedou peti, taky vypada stabilne, taky funguje spravne spell system atd).

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Asi je to jeste v plenkach jako byl pred rokem mangos.

taky si rikam... Web nulovy (neberu v uvahu emupedii), ale dost rychle se siri - to by mohlo pomoct nahnat lidi do teamu... Uvidime

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JO ale co jsem slysel tak tento emu je trochu jako mangos takze ma trosku v tomhle naskok :)

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no neviem poriadne co sa deje, ...

- cely silvermoon maka na mantrixe (konverzii)

- v mongose zdrojakoch su copyrighty z mantrixu


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Jo no byl tu sice odkaz ale ten byl na forum azase se mi fakt chce registrovat na dalsi forum.

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mno nevim moc se mi nechce verit tomu ze pri 111 lidech online zatezuje procak z 1.24 %

Edited by charlie

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hm mozna casem az to bude trochu odbugovanejsi prejdu..

hmm nestacim sa cudovat ...


The new mangos that aper over the night new info 6707 i think is the new rev, ziemas compile the new mangos core and i put it in my srv and hmm were players have 60 latency now has 2000, and a loot`s of players now cant join my srv ... so new info f**k it ..... I will prepare for Antrix wen it will be finish !!!!!!!!


3707 and yes it works for players low players and a latency hygh

.... a to najlepsie nakoniec


Afterthought: Could it be that the Mangos devs are reviewing the WoWD/Antrix code and adding to Mangos code that is useful? Since Mangos are a derivitive of WOWD and WOWD is finally public.


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Rev23 FileBeam: http://filebeam.com/9b1ec6206e861506223582c672111742

Rev23 MegaUpload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EYORSZKK

Files included in this package: Core files, Script Files, Blank SQL Database. No map extractor, the map sql file has all the map info included.




Rev21 FileBeam: http://filebeam.com/67b098d019a84376745af6bd4205d99d

Rev21 MegaUpload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=F6HT0WNF

Files included in this package: Core files, Script Files, Ad.exe, Blank SQL Database



Everything needed to make a server. Also note if your going to use a Silvermoon db you don't need the ad.exe. I've only added it because I needed it at one point to build my own worldmap_info table.






Core Updated 27/5 Rev 23



Scripts Updated 27/5



DBC files:







This is a compiled version of Antrix Emulator that is ready to go, all you need to do is configurate, with clean DB.

I will try and keep this updated with every revision they make.




Revision 23



Rapidshare - http://rapidshare.com/files/32759282/AntrixEmu.rar

This contains DB [Not Full] With Latest Patches Applied, Scripts and DBC Files. Ad.exe Can Be Found At Bottom.



Compiled by Blackfox1123



I am willing to help as much as possible, but I am still getting used to it.





To make a GM account, Go to the 'Accounts' Table and set GM to 3.

Alot is still not right as DB is still empty but I will post news as I get it.

To get GM commands, type in-game '.commands' GM must equal 1+.

Any more questions PM me, but please dont clog me up!

To make account TBC enabled, set 'flags' to 8


To get it working, just edit the three .txt files and set your realmlist to you IP.

It does NOT require maps to run!






Ad.exe - 2.0.12 Map Extractor - Not required for use but enables exploration functions


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Zatížení procesoru pri 1000 lidech je neco kolo 40% a ramky cca 1200MB.

A na jake masine jestli muzu vedet?


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[iNFO]*** IMPORTANT *** Antrix is now 2.1.0 only.
toto jsem se dozvedel na emupedii..mam z toho aji good pocit :)

(ikdyz to asi zase bude samej bug atd,ale aspon na okouknuti :) )

Edited by Zbabelec

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