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Nevite o podobnem programku?

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Zdravim, netusite nekdo, jestli neexistuje programek, ktery by sbiral informace, kde je jake NPC nebo creatura, zatimco vy byste hrali? Nemyslim Gr.Junt ci jak se nazyva.. ten zbira informace o lootech.... Nevim jestli takovy programek existuje, protoze by byl celej svet WoW uz davno odelanej, co se creatur tyce... dikes


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viem o starom ...


edit: ale ked to uz spominas hladal som a takto to vypada




!! BACK UP YOUR SavedVariables/WoWKB.lua !!


All attempts have been made to ensure that the conversion routines are free of

errors but there are significant changes with this version, which, while very

cool, have the potential to trash your data, particularly if yours has

something in it which was not present in any of my test data.



WoWKB README v1800.4



Released: October 31, 2005

Maintainer: ciphersimian <[email protected]>

Original code: Arthesia <[email protected]>


Kipple <[email protected]>

Regan <[email protected]>


Download from any of the following:










This AddOn stores the name, description and location of all the NPCs/mobs you

mouse over. The location is stored as a range to allow for movement or various

spawn points. The range is updated every time you find the NPC in a different

location. The WoWKB database is global - all your characters on the same

computer and account can access it.







This section is about what WoWKB is and what it is not. The first thing to

know is that it is not possible to precisely determine the location of an NPC

or mob in WoW. Early on they decided to disable the ability to get the

location of anything but yourself to disable range-checking AddOns.


As a result WoWKB doesn't actually keep track of NPC/mob locations - it keeps

track of the position at which you were standing when you moused-over a given

NPC/mob. For this most part, this works fine. The imporant thing to realize

though is that the locations are not going to be exact, in fact, in some cases,

they will be pretty far off all depending on how far away from a particular

NPC/mob you can be and mouse-over it.


To better visualize where things can be found I've implemented MapNotes

support which I strongly recommend you take advantage of. There's an option

(enabled by default) which will create a bounding box with a center point on

the map when you left-click an NPC/mob in the results window. This could get

cluttered pretty fast but the way I've intended WoWKB and MapNotes to be used

together makes MapNotes, or at least those created by WoWKB, a very temporary

thing. You create MapNotes when you need them (i.e. hunting a particular mob

or looking for a particular NPC) and then when things start to get cluttered

you can remove the notes for a particular NPC/mob by right-clicking

it in the results window or remove all the WoWKB notes by clicking the

Clear MapNotes button.


Of course, I'm open to new ideas on how to best present the data that WoWKB

is able to gather so if you've got any ideas, let me know.







[slash Commands]You can use the following commands to perform a search (ommiting search term

will list all records in the database):


/wowkb [search term]


/wkb [search term]


The results are color-coded based on your location:

Green - Within the min/max range the NPC/mob was seen

Yellow - In the same zone as the NPC/mob

Red - In a different zone than the NPC/mob


There are two different formats for the coordinates listed after the name and

description of the NPC/mob.


(XX.XX, YY.YY) - This form means the range is less than three map units which

generally means the NPC/mob stays in the same spot or you

haven't seen it very many times. The X and Y coordinates are

expressed to the nearest 1/100th of a map unit.


(xx-XX), (yy-YY) - This form means the range is greater than or equal to three

map units and expresses the X and Y coordinates as a range

from min x to max X and min y to max Y.



[Optional MapNotes Support*]


In the search results window:

Left-click - Add a MapNote (or a group of MapNotes, see the options below)

on the WorldMap and a MiniNote on the MiniMap for the entry

Right-click - Remove any MapNotes for the entry


From the main interface:

Clear MapNotes button - clears all the MapNotes created by WoWKB


*Requires MapNotes v1800.1+ - http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=1251



[Other Features]


Remove unwanted entries from the database with <Shift>+<Ctrl>+Right-click


Import/Merge other WoWKB data files from friends, guildmates, etc. see the

section devoted to this topic below.







Show Only Local NPCs

Shows only the green and yellow entries when enabled


Show Updates

For debugging purposes, displays database changes (verbose)


Create MapNotes Bounding Box

Create four MapNotes with lines connecting them representing the NW,

NE, SW and SE bounds of the NPC/mob versus just a single MapNote marking

the center point (MapNotes only)




Importing/Merging Data



NOTE: This feature is for combining multiple WoWKB data files, old versions of

your WoWKB data will be converted to the new data format automatically

when you log into the game with an old version.


There are two methods to Import/Merge data:


Method A: Using the WoW Game Client (requires no additional software)

Method B: Using the provided wowkb_merge.lua script (requires Lua runtime)



[Method A]

Using the WoW Game Client (requires no additional software)


1. Log out of WoW



./World of Warcraft/WTF/Account/USER/SavedVariables/WoWKB.lua


3. Open the file to import in a text editor, I'll call it WoWKB2.lua


4. Rename the WoWKB_Data or WoWKB_data table to WoWKB_ImportData


WoWKB_data = {






WoWKB_ImportData = {




5. If WoWKB2.lua does not contain a WoWKB_State table, skip this step

Rename the WoWKB_State table to WoWKB_ImportState


6. If WoWKB2.lua does not contain a WoWKB_UnknownZones table, skip this


Rename the WoWKB_UnknownZones table to WoWKB_ImportUnknownZones


6. Copy the entire contents of WoWKB2.lua (which contains WoWKB_ImportData

and optionally WoWKB_ImportState and WoWKB_ImportUnknownZones) to the

end of the WoWKB.lua that you want to import it into. If you made the

changes to WoWKB2.lua above, you could accomplish this with the




C:\> type WoWKB2.lua >> WoWKB.lua


OS X / Linux:

$ cat WoWKB2.lua >> WoWKB.lua


So you have a file like this:


WoWKB_data = {




WoWKB_ImportData = {




or a file like this (depending on the version of the data you are



WoWKB_Data = {




WoWKB_State = {




WoWKB_UnknownZones = {




WoWKB_ImportData = {




WoWKB_ImportState = {




WoWKB_ImportUnknownZones = {




You may also have a file with WoWKB_data and both WoWKB_ImportData and

WoWKB_ImportState (if you are importing new data into an old format

WoWKB.lua file.) This will also work.


7. Log in to WoW, you should see the message:


"<WoWKB>: WoWKB_ImportData merged successfully, added X entries and updated Y"



[Method B]

Using the provided wowkb_merge.lua script (requires Lua runtime)


1. Log out of WoW



./World of Warcraft/WTF/Account/USER/SavedVariables/WoWKB.lua


3. Download the Lua runtime environment:

Win32 (direct to sourceforge download): http://tinyurl.com/by325

Other Platforms: http://luaforge.net/frs/?group_id=110


4. Place the lua binary somewhere in your path or copy the wowkb_merge.lua

script into the directory with the lua binary.


5. Assuming the two files you want to merge are WoWKB.lua and WoWKB2.lua,

run the following command:


lua wowkb_merge.lua WoWKB.lua WoWKB2.lua > WoWKB_merged.lua


6. This should create a file called WoWKB_merged.lua which contains all the

data from both WoWKB.lua and WoWKB2.lua.


NOTE: You can chain multiple merges together like so:


lua wowkb_merge.lua WoWKB.lua WoWKB2.lua |

lua wowkb_merge.lua WoWKB3.lua > WoWKB_merged.lua


7. Rename WoWKB_merged.lua to WoWKB.lua and replace the one in your

SavedVariables folder.




Change Notes



[Version 1800.4]

Released October 31, 2005


+ Fixed WoWKB_BoundingBoxFontString error when MapNotes is not installed



[Version 1800.3]

Released October 27, 2005


+ Visual improvements to the buttons (eliminated the "stretched" look)



[Version 1800.2]

Released October 23, 2005


+ Fixed a bug where you would get an error everytime you moused over a mob or

NPC after a failed search

+ Moved the Show Only Local NPCs checkbox from the Options Dialog to the main


+ Fixed bug where clicking on the portion of the title bar sticking above the

window would not let you drag it

+ Added tooltip descriptions to options checkboxes

+ Added "Quick Help" icon and tooltip description

+ Added MiniMap Button which can be disabled/positioned from the Options menu



[Version 1800.1]

Released October 16, 2005


+ Changed version numbering scheme, new version numbers will be the WoW

Interface .toc version the release was designed to work with followed by a

period and the number of WoWKB releases since the last .toc change.

+ Added optional (but highly recommended) MapNotes support

+ Improved data format, data file is around 40% smaller and everything feels

quite a bit faster (non-English clients will require a localized zone list

to enable some of these speed benefits, so far I've got lists for German

and French. If you've got some other client e-mail me [top of this file]

and I'll explain how you can help.)

+ Made major interface improvements, hopefully making WoWKB more intuitive

+ Added a seperate Options dialog which has its own keybinding

+ Replaced scroll buttons with a scrollbar (actually converted the whole frame

from a ScrollingMessageFrame into a FauxScrollFrame)

+ Made the FauxScrollFrame dynamically update when the database changes and it

is visible

+ Added keyboard+mouse shortcut to delete an entry from the database

+ Added data import feature (game client or external lua script)

+ Added complete German localization

+ The Search box no longer auto-focuses

+ The Search box is auto-cleared when selected

+ A search term used with a slash command will be reflected in the Search box

+ Pressing ESC while the Search box has focus will make it lose focus.

Pressing ESC again will close the WoWKB window.

+ The Search box will now ignore the arrow keys so they can be used for

movement while the Search box has focus.

+ Fixed a bug where pressing ESC to close the WoWKB window would prevent the

key binding from working on the next attempt.

+ Fixed a bug where the state of the checkboxes was not being initialized


+ Added myAddOns support

Edited by robby

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