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Everything posted by Kaylo

  1. Zdravicko , broudil sem tabulkamy db. A nenasel sem nic co by mohlo byt LVL. prosel sem tabulky creature,creature_template,creature_loot_template,creature_model_info a dalsi tabulky zacinajici s creature_xxx. No bohuzel nenasel jsem sloupec s LVL . S hp dmg atd sem nasel ale nema to zadny vliv na creaturu ve hre dokud ji nezmenite LVL. Ale ten lvl sem nedokazal najit. A jak sem se uz zminil v predeslem topicu problem s lootem nemuzu modifikovat prisery nijako pres hru protoze z nich pak nic nelootne tak sem se rozhodl ze to budu delat rucne a potrebuju mu znizit hp protoze jeho hp predstavuje 4 390 000 coz je po 3000 max DMG od hrace dost pomaly. Dekuju mockrat za rady ............. (Jinak ze by se nereklo tak chci pripravit takovy admin webik pres ktery se to bude moci dat udelat jestli by nekdo mel zajem pomoct piste icq: 473292267)
  2. Problem s lootamy

    Ahoj mam tc 2 3.1.3 a mam takovej problem v urictych dungech vissiho lvlu tj. 60 - 70 . nejsou dropy nic z nich po kilu nepadne. a ani z bosu . Nevite mi prosimvas poradit kde bych nastavil drop z priser a podobny veci ????????? (Z normalnich priser veci padaj jen v dungech ne ) dekuju mockrat za pomoc.
  3. Problem s lootamy

    Tak uz som na to prisiel ... a niekto mal pravdu ..... TC 2 je tak divne robena ze mobovy nemozete upravit hp ani manu ani nic nemozte s nim nic robit mozete ho len cisto zabit tak jak je stvorene iba vtedy padne z neho nieco akonahle bude len trochu upravene nepadne z neho nic ........ tymto je to vyriesene.... a zakladam new topic s new temov. Ktoru potrebujem vyriesit dakujem vsetkym za pomoc a ochotu. please Lock.
  4. Problem s lootamy

    No upravil som im groupid=1 ale stale nic ziadny drop nic velmi divne... kilnem ho normalne spelom a nespadne z bosa nic ale error uz neukazuje potom som upravil este ChanceOrQuestChance na 80 a stale nic
  5. Problem s lootamy

    ajo neco tam je ale nwm co s tim ... sql log ukazuje tohle 2009-12-12 21:43:38 Table `creature` have creature (Entry: 5893) with equipment_id 6655 not found in table `creature_equip_template`, set to no equipment. 2009-12-12 21:43:49 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 97888 item 159: equal-chanced grouped entry, but group not defined - skipped 2009-12-12 21:43:49 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 97888 item 2590: equal-chanced grouped entry, but group not defined - skipped 2009-12-12 21:43:49 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 97888 item 1476: equal-chanced grouped entry, but group not defined - skipped 2009-12-12 21:43:49 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 97888 item 1205: equal-chanced grouped entry, but group not defined - skipped 2009-12-12 21:43:50 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 97888 item 118: equal-chanced grouped entry, but group not defined - skipped 2009-12-12 21:43:50 Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 97888 item 929: equal-chanced grouped entry, but group not defined - skipped
  6. Problem s lootamy

    takze nikto neprisiel na to ako opravit tie looty ?
  7. Problem s lootamy

    nemyslim tak ale ze to neni upe validni ))))))))))) poslis napis mi na icq muzem to skusit prodebatovat 473292267 protoze vubec nechapu proc to nefacha
  8. Problem s lootamy

    a kdyz uz tak mas to spatne napsany byla by tam chyba
  9. Problem s lootamy

    uz kdyz sme pri tom ja to v php sepsat nechctel kdybych chtel sepisu si to sam ... rikam ze sem to skusil tak i tak ... i tvou metodu sem skusil s tim updatem cos mi dal a porad nic ... stale z neho nic nepadne
  10. Problem s lootamy

    ja mu zmodifikuju hp a sundam ho spelem ..... klasickym
  11. Problem s lootamy

    mno skusil sem i ten update ........ no to entry ... beru to tak... protoze entry... je neco jako ID ... takze jestli si to mam vzit takhe jsem ve wow zacatecnik.. tak ale beru to podle programovani takze jestli je entry id tak pak se to hleda pomoci id cize entry .. tak to entry zadam jako loot id a melo by se shodovat a vytahovat mi loot z toho loot id ... ale nechapu proc to nejde skusil sem bossa respawnout i vymazat a znovu dat pomoci prikazu .npc add 17888 ve hre a stale nic skusil sem i rst serveru a porad nic je to velice divny jestli by nekdo moh na icq tak tady je me 473292267 za pomoc se odvdecim nejakym hezkym naskriptovanim PHP skriptu
  12. Problem s lootamy

    creature_loot_template: insert into `creature_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`, `lootcondition`, `condition_value1`, `condition_value2`) values('92441','12641','100','0','1','1','0','0','0'); creature_template: insert into `creature_template` (`entry`, `heroic_entry`, `KillCredit1`, `KillCredit2`, `modelid_A`, `modelid_A2`, `modelid_H`, `modelid_H2`, `name`, `subname`, `IconName`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `minhealth`, `maxhealth`, `minmana`, `maxmana`, `armor`, `faction_A`, `faction_H`, `npcflag`, `speed`, `scale`, `rank`, `mindmg`, `maxdmg`, `dmgschool`, `attackpower`, `dmg_multiplier`, `baseattacktime`, `rangeattacktime`, `unit_class`, `unit_flags`, `dynamicflags`, `family`, `trainer_type`, `trainer_spell`, `trainer_class`, `trainer_race`, `minrangedmg`, `maxrangedmg`, `rangedattackpower`, `type`, `type_flags`, `lootid`, `pickpocketloot`, `skinloot`, `resistance1`, `resistance2`, `resistance3`, `resistance4`, `resistance5`, `resistance6`, `spell1`, `spell2`, `spell3`, `spell4`, `spell5`, `spell6`, `spell7`, `spell8`, `PetSpellDataId`, `VehicleId`, `mingold`, `maxgold`, `AIName`, `MovementType`, `InhabitType`, `unk16`, `unk17`, `RacialLeader`, `questItem1`, `questItem2`, `questItem3`, `questItem4`, `movementId`, `RegenHealth`, `equipment_id`, `mechanic_immune_mask`, `flags_extra`, `ScriptName`) values('17888','0','0','0','17886','0','17886','0','Kaz\'rogal','','','73','73','4249000','4249000','67740','67740','6193','1720','1720','0','1.2','1','3','12705','16259','0','6684','1','1200','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','3','108','92441','97888','97888','0','0','0','0','0','0','31436','40936','31447','31477','0','0','0','0','0','0','1502364','2018968','EventAI','0','1','490','20','0','0','0','0','0','170','1','0','617299803','1','boss_kazrogal');
  13. Problem s lootamy

    No mam to nastavene v pohode tie itemy ktore som chcel aby dropovali z neho som nastavil v creature_loot_template ako entry som si dal nejake id ktore je stale to iste na kazdy novy item, pre danu priseru ... a ta prisera ma id 17888 a ako loot z tej prisery som urcil 97888 v creature som do loot id podla prisery takze podla entry='17888' vlozil loot id 97888 .... a stale nic .
  14. Problem s lootamy

    Praveze maj loot maji lootid v creature_loot_template dival jsem se ........ ale porad nic ... sem zacatecnik takze nevim jestli sem se dival dobre a jak vlastne spravne pridat creatury .... nebo jestli ten dung neni bugly ...
  15. Dobry den hledal jsem uz vsevsudy ale nenasel sem nikde nejaky sql s itemama a creaturama. Jestli nekdo nemate nebo db pro 3.1.3 rev 8588 Mangos . S itemama i creaturama... Dekuju mockrat ...
  16. [HELP] Problem s itemama a creaturama

    Problem je v tom ze ja tam nenasel db pro svou revizi hledal jsem tady: http://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/unifieddb/?pathrev=383 a tady: http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/ytdbase/
  17. Tak sem nakodil takovou mensi registraci pro wotlk doufam ze se bude hodit <?php $conf_host = "host"; $conf_user = "user"; $conf_pass = "password"; $conf_db = "account_db"; // Default realmd //ini_set(display_errors,0); $conn = mysql_connect("$conf_host","$conf_user","$conf_pass"); mysql_select_db("$conf_db"); if (isset($_POST['send'])){ if (eregi("^[A-Za-z0-9._-]{4,10}$",$_POST['acc'])){$nick = strtoupper($_POST['acc']);$a = "a"; }else {$error1 = "Chybne zadany nick, pouzivajte znaky A az Z 0 az 9";} if (eregi("^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$",$_POST['email'])){$b = "b"; $ml = strtoupper($_POST['email']);}else {$error2 = "Chybne zadany email musi mat tvar [email protected]";} if (eregi("^[A-za-z0-9._-]{4,10}$",$_POST['pwd']) ){$c = "c";$pass = $_POST['pwd'];}else {$error3 = "Pouzivajte znaky od A po Z a 0 po 9";} if ($pass == $_POST['pwd1']){$d = "d"; $pass1 = strtoupper($_POST['pwd1']);}else {$error4 = "Hesla sa nezhoduju";} $check = $a.$b.$c.$d; if ($check == "abcd"){ $check_account = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM account WHERE username='$nick'")); if ($check_account['username'] != $nick){ $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()); $gen_ses = rand(1111111111,99999999999999999999999); $gen_ses1 = rand(1111111111,9999999999999999999999); $add_db = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `account` (`username`,`sha_pass_hash`, `sessionkey`, `email`, `joindate`, `expansion`) VALUES ('$nick', SHA1(CONCAT('$nick',':','$pass1')), SHA1(CONCAT('$gen_ses',':','$gen_ses1')), '$ml', '$time', '3')"); if ($add_db == TRUE){ $error5 = "Registracia uspesna!"; mysql_close(); } else { $error5 = "Chyba Zapisu"; } } else { $error1 = "Zadane acc uz existuje!"; } } } echo "<center><form action='' method='post'><table align='center' width='100%' style='font-size:0.8em;'> <div id='container-community'> <div class='phatlootbox-top'> <h2 class='community'> <span class='hide'>Registration</span></h2> <tr><td>Nick:</td><td><input type='text' name='acc' style='width: 200px; bgcolor: silver;' /></td><td>$error1</td></tr> <tr><td>Email:</td><td><input type='text' name='email' style='width: 200px; bgcolor: silver;' /></td><td>$error2</td></tr> <tr><td>Heslo:</td><td><input type='password' name='pwd' style='width: 200px; bgcolor: silver;' /></td><td>$error3</td></tr> <tr><td>Heslo znovu:</td><td><input type='password' name='pwd1' style='width: 200px; bgcolor: silver;' /></td><td>$error4</td></tr> <tr border='0'><td></td><td style='border-size: 0px;'><input type='submit' name='send' value='Registracia' /></td><td>$error5</td></tr> </div></div> </table></form></center>"; ?> skript neni osetren capatchou . Je mozne jej modulovat a upravovat . Nedostanou se pres nej do db znaky "/ a podobneho typu regularni vyrazy osetrujou zapis. zapis muze byt ve tvaru 0-9 a A-Z jak heslo tak Nick. email ma vyjimky pro urcite znaky ktere se v nem nachazi ....... Preji prijemne uzivani .... Pro lidi co to vidi prvne. Navod na pouziti: Kdyz si chcete rozbehat registraci pro WOW. Ulozte si skript do slozky WWW vaseho weboveho systemu. Otevrte skript pomoci textoveho editoru. A zmente nasledujici: $conf_host = "host"; ----->>> host vetsina lidi to ma na localhostu takze nebo IP hamachi, nebo verejna IP $conf_user = "user"; ----->>> uzivatel defaultne to byva root ale kdyz ste si ho v mysql menili tak zadejte sve $conf_pass = "password"; ----->>> heslo ktere ste zadavali pri instalaci nebo pri zmene . $conf_db = "account_db"; ----->>>> je to nazev databaze ve ktere se nachazi tabulka account. defaultne realmd mente jenom obsah mezi uvozovkama! pak skript ulozte a prepiste ho . Hotovo muzete jej spustit
  18. [PHP] Jednoducha registrace s mensi ochranou

    Melo by to jit zalezi od struktury db
  19. [PHP] Jednoducha registrace s mensi ochranou

    Jasne chapu .... programuju uz nejaky ten patek )) ale tohle bylo naprogramovane v rychlosti .... takze sem se za chybama nejak neohlizel mozna pozdejc bych nakodil neco komplikovanejsiho kdyz bude vic casu ) tak se pustim do skriptu komplikovanejsich atd ... nevim jestli znas mu online pro mu se mi podarilo po dlouhe dobe slepit excel robota kdybys mel zajem oc se jedna klidne napis 473292267
  20. Problem s kompilaci

    Pri nahazovani sql filu do db mi vyhazuje tenhle error: There was an error while executing a query. The query and the error message has been loged at C:/User/Kaylo/appdata/roaming/sqlyog/sqlyog.err. Please click on open error. Za pomoc naoplatku pomuzu se skriptami pro web atd...
  21. Problem s kompilaci

    jo to se povedlo ale ted vznikl novy problem kteremu uz nerozumim ..... s necim si vim rady sam ale s timhle sem se jeste nesetkal pri normalnim sql atd chyba hlasi Error occured at:2009-12-04 18:19:49 Line no.:140 Error Code: 1062 - Duplicate entry '0' for key 1 Query: INSERT INTO spell_chain VALUES /*------------------ /*Fiery Payback*/ (64353,0,64353,1,0), (64357,64353,64353,2,0), /*------------------ /*Body and Soul*/ (64127,0,64127,1,0), (64129,64127,64127,2,0), /*Empowered Renew*/ (63534,0,63534,1,0), (63542,63534,63534,2,0), (63543,63542,63534,3,0), /*Serendipity*/ (63730,0,63730,1,0), (63733,63730,63730,2,0), (63737,63733,63730,3,0), /*------------------ /*Improved Devouring Plague*/ (63625,0,63625,1,0), (63626,63625,63625,2,0), (63627,63626,63625,3,0), /*------------------ /*Divinity*/ (63646,0,63646,1,0), (63647,63646,63646,2,0), (63648,63647,63646,3,0), (63649,63648,63646,4,0), (63650,63649,63646,5,0), /*------------------ /*Shark Attack*/ (62759,0,62759,1,0), (62760,62759,62759,2,0), /*Silverback*/ (62764,0,62764,1,0), (62765,62764,62764,2,0), /*Wild Hunt*/ (62758,0,62758,1,0), (62762,62758,62758,2,0), /*------------------ /*Decimation*/ (63156,0,63156,1,0), (63158,63156,63156,2,0), /*Nemesis*/ (63117,0,63117,1,0), (63121,63117,63117,2,0), (63123,63121,63117,3,0), /*------------------ /*Frozen Power*/ (63373,0,63373,1,0), (63374,63373,63373,2,0), /*------------------ /*Booming Echoes*/ (63370,0,63370,1,0), (63372,63370,63370,2,0), /*------------------ /*Improved Barkskin*/ (63410,0,63410,1,0), (63411,63410,63410,2,0), /*------------------ /*Molten Skin*/ (63349,0,63349,1,0), (63350,63349,63349,2,0), (63351,63350,63349,3,0), /*------------------ /*Improved Flash Heal*/ (63504,0,63504,1,0), (63505,63504,63504,2,0), (63506,63505,63504,3,0), /*------------------ /*Death Coil*/ (62900,0,62900,1,0), (62901,62900,62900,2,0), (62902,62901,62900,3,0), (62903,62902,62900,4,0), (62904,62903,62900,5,0), /*Improved Blood Presence*/ (50365,0,50365,1,0), (50371,50365,50365,2,0), /*Improved Death Strike*/ (62905,0,62905,1,0), (62908,62905,62905,2,0), /*------------------ /*Howling Blast*/ (49184,0,49184,1,0), (51409,49184,49184,2,0), (51410,51409,49184,3,0), (51411,51410,49184,4,0), /*Improved Frost Presence*/ (50384,0,50384,1,0), (50385,50384,50384,2,0), /*------------------ /*Improved Unholy Presence*/ (50391,0,50391,1,0), (50392,50391,50391,2,0), /*Magic Suppression*/ (49224,0,49224,1,0), (49610,49224,49224,2,0), (49611,49610,49224,3,0) Error occured at:2009-12-04 18:22:14 Line no.:140 Error Code: 1062 - Duplicate entry '0' for key 1
  22. Problem s kompilaci

    Kliknu na open error file a otevre mi skript kompilaci proto sem zacatecnik a jeste nevim jak se cemu rika .... tak promin spletl jsem se .... taky te nevysmeju kdyz reknes neco spatne v oblasti PHP kde se vyznam ja ... prikladam i screen: Query: UPDATE npc_vendor SET maxcount=1 WHERE entry=10118 AND item=6533 Error occured at:2009-11-29 01:14:10 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'realmd.npc_vendor' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE npc_vendor SET maxcount=1 WHERE entry=10118 AND item=6533 Error occured at:2009-11-29 01:14:17 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'realmd.npc_vendor' doesn't exist Query: /*Table structure for table `auctionhousebot` */ ALTER TABLE `auctionhousebot` ADD COLUMN `percentgreytradegoods` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Grey Trade Goods auction items' AFTER `maxtime`, ADD COLUMN `percentorangetradegoods` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Orange Trade Goods auction items' AFTER `percentpurpletradegoods`, ADD COLUMN `percentyellowtradegoods` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Yellow Trade Goods auction items' AFTER `percentorangetradegoods`, ADD COLUMN `percentgreyitems` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Grey auction items' AFTER `percentyellowtradegoods`, ADD COLUMN `percentorangeitems` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Orange auction items' AFTER `percentpurpleitems`, ADD COLUMN `percentyellowitems` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Yellow auction items' AFTER `percentorangeitems`, ADD COLUMN `minpricegrey` int(11) default '100' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Grey items (percentage).' AFTER `percentyellowitems`, ADD COLUMN `maxpricegrey` int(11) default '150' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Grey items (percentage).' AFTER `minpricegrey`, ADD COLUMN `minpriceorange` int(11) default '3250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Orange items (percentage).' AFTER `maxpricepurple`, ADD COLUMN `maxpriceorange` int(11) default '5550' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Orange items (percentage).' AFTER `minpriceorange`, ADD COLUMN `minpriceyellow` int(11) default '5250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Yellow items (percentage).' AFTER `maxpriceorange`, ADD COLUMN `maxpriceyellow` int(11) default '6550' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Yellow items (percentage).' AFTER `minpriceyellow`, ADD COLUMN `minbidpricegrey` int(11) default '70' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Grey items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 70' AFTER `maxpriceyellow`, ADD COLUMN `maxbidpricegrey` int(11) default '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Grey items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100' AFTER `minbidpricegrey`, ADD COLUMN `minbidpriceorange` int(11) default '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Orange items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80' AFTER `maxbidpricepurple`, ADD COLUMN `maxbidpriceorange` int(11) default '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Orange items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100' AFTER `minbidpriceorange`, ADD COLUMN `minbidpriceyellow` int(11) default '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Yellow items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80' AFTER `maxbidpriceorange`, ADD COLUMN `maxbidpriceyellow` int(11) default '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Yellow items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100' AFTER `minbidpriceyellow`, ADD COLUMN `maxstackgrey` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.' AFTER `maxbidpriceyellow`, ADD COLUMN `maxstackorange` int(11) default '1' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.' AFTER `maxstackpurple`, ADD COLUMN `maxstackyellow` int(11) default '1' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.' AFTER `maxstackorange`, ADD COLUMN `buyerpriceorange` int(11) default '20' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying orange items from auctionhouse' AFTER `buyerpricepurple`, ADD COLUMN `buyerpriceyellow` int(11) default '22' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying yellow items from auctionhouse' AFTER `buyerpriceorange` Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:29:28 Line no.:40 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'percentgreytradegoods' Query: /*Table structure for table `auctionhousebot` */ ALTER TABLE `auctionhousebot` ADD COLUMN `percentgreytradegoods` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Grey Trade Goods auction items' AFTER `maxtime`, ADD COLUMN `percentorangetradegoods` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Orange Trade Goods auction items' AFTER `percentpurpletradegoods`, ADD COLUMN `percentyellowtradegoods` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Yellow Trade Goods auction items' AFTER `percentorangetradegoods`, ADD COLUMN `percentgreyitems` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Grey auction items' AFTER `percentyellowtradegoods`, ADD COLUMN `percentorangeitems` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Orange auction items' AFTER `percentpurpleitems`, ADD COLUMN `percentyellowitems` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Yellow auction items' AFTER `percentorangeitems`, ADD COLUMN `minpricegrey` int(11) default '100' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Grey items (percentage).' AFTER `percentyellowitems`, ADD COLUMN `maxpricegrey` int(11) default '150' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Grey items (percentage).' AFTER `minpricegrey`, ADD COLUMN `minpriceorange` int(11) default '3250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Orange items (percentage).' AFTER `maxpricepurple`, ADD COLUMN `maxpriceorange` int(11) default '5550' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Orange items (percentage).' AFTER `minpriceorange`, ADD COLUMN `minpriceyellow` int(11) default '5250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Yellow items (percentage).' AFTER `maxpriceorange`, ADD COLUMN `maxpriceyellow` int(11) default '6550' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Yellow items (percentage).' AFTER `minpriceyellow`, ADD COLUMN `minbidpricegrey` int(11) default '70' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Grey items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 70' AFTER `maxpriceyellow`, ADD COLUMN `maxbidpricegrey` int(11) default '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Grey items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100' AFTER `minbidpricegrey`, ADD COLUMN `minbidpriceorange` int(11) default '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Orange items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80' AFTER `maxbidpricepurple`, ADD COLUMN `maxbidpriceorange` int(11) default '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Orange items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100' AFTER `minbidpriceorange`, ADD COLUMN `minbidpriceyellow` int(11) default '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Yellow items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80' AFTER `maxbidpriceorange`, ADD COLUMN `maxbidpriceyellow` int(11) default '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Yellow items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100' AFTER `minbidpriceyellow`, ADD COLUMN `maxstackgrey` int(11) default '0' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.' AFTER `maxbidpriceyellow`, ADD COLUMN `maxstackorange` int(11) default '1' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.' AFTER `maxstackpurple`, ADD COLUMN `maxstackyellow` int(11) default '1' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.' AFTER `maxstackorange`, ADD COLUMN `buyerpriceorange` int(11) default '20' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying orange items from auctionhouse' AFTER `buyerpricepurple`, ADD COLUMN `buyerpriceyellow` int(11) default '22' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying yellow items from auctionhouse' AFTER `buyerpriceorange` Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:30:00 Line no.:40 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'percentgreytradegoods' Query: CREATE DATABASE `scriptdev2` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:32:56 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1007 - Can't create database 'scriptdev2'; database exists Query: CREATE TABLE custom_texts ( entry bigint NOT NULL, content_default text NOT NULL, content_loc1 text, content_loc2 text, content_loc3 text, content_loc4 text, content_loc5 text, content_loc6 text, content_loc7 text, content_loc8 text, sound integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, type smallint DEFAULT (0)::smallint NOT NULL, language smallint DEFAULT (0)::smallint NOT NULL, emote smallint DEFAULT (0)::smallint NOT NULL, comment text, PRIMARY KEY(entry) ) Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:33:46 Line no.:18 Error Code: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(0)::smallint NOT NULL, language smallint DEFAULT (0)::smallint NOT NULL, ' at line 13 Query: CREATE TABLE custom_texts ( entry bigint NOT NULL, content_default text NOT NULL, content_loc1 text, content_loc2 text, content_loc3 text, content_loc4 text, content_loc5 text, content_loc6 text, content_loc7 text, content_loc8 text, sound integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, type smallint DEFAULT (0)::smallint NOT NULL, language smallint DEFAULT (0)::smallint NOT NULL, emote smallint DEFAULT (0)::smallint NOT NULL, comment text, PRIMARY KEY(entry) ) Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:34:06 Line no.:18 Error Code: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(0)::smallint NOT NULL, language smallint DEFAULT (0)::smallint NOT NULL, ' at line 13 Query: ALTER TABLE `jail_conf` ADD COLUMN `ban_acc` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Ban account if max_jails is reached?' AFTER `horde_m` Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:37:53 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'horde_m' in 'jail_conf' Query: ALTER TABLE `jail_conf` ADD COLUMN `radius` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '10' COMMENT 'Radius in yards (3D) within the jailed player can move' AFTER `ban_acc` Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:38:07 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'ban_acc' in 'jail_conf' Query: REPLACE INTO `mangos_string` VALUES ('980', 'Be carefull!\nOnly one more jailtime and your account will be banned!', null, null, '!!! ACHTUNG - WICHTIG - WARNUNG !!!\nBeim nächsten Knastbesuch wird dein Account gebannt!', null, null, null, null) Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:38:25 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 Query: UPDATE `creature_template` SET`ScriptName` = '' WHERE `entry` = 3209 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:42:26 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'characters.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE creature_template SET faction=35 WHERE entry=13020 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:42:49 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'faction' in 'field list' Query: UPDATE creature_template SET faction=35 WHERE entry=13020 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:43:01 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'characters.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE creature_template SET faction=35 WHERE entry=13020 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:43:16 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'scriptdev2.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE creature_template SET faction=35 WHERE entry=13020 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:43:25 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'realmd.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE creature_template SET faction=35 WHERE entry=13020 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:43:32 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mysql.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: REPLACE INTO `creature_template` (`entry`, `modelid_A`, `modelid_H`, `name`, `subname`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `minhealth`, `maxhealth`, `minmana`, `maxmana`, `armor`, `faction_A`, `faction_H`, `npcflag`, `speed`, `rank`, `mindmg`, `maxdmg`, `dmgschool`, `attackpower`, `baseattacktime`, `rangeattacktime`, `flags`, `dynamicflags`, `family`, `trainer_type`, `trainer_spell`, `class`, `race`, `minrangedmg`, `maxrangedmg`, `rangedattackpower`, `type`, `civilian`, `flag1`, `lootid`, `pickpocketloot`, `skinloot`, `resistance1`, `resistance2`, `resistance3`, `resistance4`, `resistance5`, `resistance6`, `spell1`, `spell2`, `spell3`, `spell4`, `mingold`, `maxgold`, `AIName`, `MovementType`, `InhabitType`, `RacialLeader`, `RegenHealth`, `equipment_id`, `ScriptName`) VALUES (19577, 16946, 16946, 'Arcane Orb Target', '', 70, 70, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 35, 35, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 'mob_arcane_orb_target') Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:48:52 Line no.:5 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'flags' in 'field list' Query: UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'boss_void_reaver' WHERE `entry` = 19516 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:49:30 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'characters.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'boss_void_reaver' WHERE `entry` = 19516 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:49:38 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mysql.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'boss_void_reaver' WHERE `entry` = 19516 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:49:59 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'realmd.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'boss_void_reaver' WHERE `entry` = 19516 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:50:06 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'scriptdev2.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: INSERT IGNORE `spell_teleport` VALUES (6766, 1,-2354.03,-1902.07,95.78,4.6) Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:56:10 Line no.:12 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.spell_teleport' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'npc_parqual_fintallas' WHERE `entry` = 4488 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:56:20 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'characters.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'npc_parqual_fintallas' WHERE `entry` = 4488 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:56:27 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mysql.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'npc_parqual_fintallas' WHERE `entry` = 4488 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:56:34 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'realmd.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'npc_parqual_fintallas' WHERE `entry` = 4488 Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:56:40 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'scriptdev2.creature_template' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `eventai_Scripts` RENAME TO `eventai_scripts` Error occured at:2009-12-02 01:59:53 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'scriptdev2.eventai_scripts' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `eventai_scripts` DROP PRIMARY KEY, DROP `id`, ADD `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Identifier' PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT FIRST, MODIFY `event_param1` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', MODIFY `event_param2` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', MODIFY `event_param3` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', MODIFY `action1_param1` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', MODIFY `action1_param2` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', MODIFY `action1_param3` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', MODIFY `action2_param1` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', MODIFY `action2_param2` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', MODIFY `action2_param3` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', MODIFY `action3_param1` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', MODIFY `action3_param2` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', MODIFY `action3_param3` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', ADD `comment` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' COMMENT 'Event Comment' Error occured at:2009-12-02 02:00:11 Line no.:22 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'scriptdev2.eventai_scripts' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `eventai_Scripts` RENAME TO `eventai_scripts` Error occured at:2009-12-02 02:00:33 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.eventai_scripts' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `eventai_scripts` ADD `event_inverse_phase_mask` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', COMMENT 'Mask which phases this event will not trigger in' Error occured at:2009-12-02 02:01:45 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.eventai_scripts' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `eventai_scripts` ADD `event_inverse_phase_mask` int(11) signed NOT NULL default '0', COMMENT 'Mask which phases this event will not trigger in' Error occured at:2009-12-02 02:02:08 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'scriptdev2.eventai_scripts' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE eventai_scripts ADD event_chance tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default 100 AFTER event_inverse_phase_mask Error occured at:2009-12-02 02:08:20 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.eventai_scripts' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE eventai_scripts ADD event_chance tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default 100 AFTER event_inverse_phase_mask Error occured at:2009-12-02 02:08:27 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'scriptdev2.eventai_scripts' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE eventai_scripts SET event_param3 = event_param2, event_param2 = -1 WHERE event_type = 10 Error occured at:2009-12-02 02:10:38 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.eventai_scripts' doesn't exist Query: UPDATE eventai_scripts SET event_param3 = event_param2, event_param2 = -1 WHERE event_type = 10 Error occured at:2009-12-02 02:10:47 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'scriptdev2.eventai_scripts' doesn't exist Query: CREATE TABLE `eventai_summons` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Location Identifier' AUTO_INCREMENT, `position_x` float NOT NULL default '0', `position_y` float NOT NULL default '0', `position_z` float NOT NULL default '0', `orientation` float NOT NULL default '0', `spawntimesecs` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '120', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=FIXED COMMENT='EventAI Summoning Locations' Error occured at:2009-12-02 02:11:01 Line no.:9 Error Code: 1050 - Table 'eventai_summons' already exists Query: CREATE TABLE `eventai_summons` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Location Identifier' AUTO_INCREMENT, `position_x` float NOT NULL default '0', `position_y` float NOT NULL default '0', `position_z` float NOT NULL default '0', `orientation` float NOT NULL default '0', `spawntimesecs` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '120', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=FIXED COMMENT='EventAI Summoning Locations' Error occured at:2009-12-02 02:11:06 Line no.:9 Error Code: 1050 - Table 'eventai_summons' already exists Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_2008_12_22_03_mangos_item_template required_2008_12_22_04_mangos_item_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-02 17:19:45 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_2008_12_22_03_mangos_item_template' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_2008_12_22_01_mangos_creature_equip_template required_2008_12_22_03_mangos_item_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-02 17:19:52 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_2008_12_22_01_mangos_creature_equip_template' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_2008_12_22_04_mangos_item_template required_2008_12_22_07_mangos_quest_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-02 17:20:01 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_2008_12_22_04_mangos_item_template' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_2008_12_22_18_characters_characters required_2008_12_22_19_characters_item_instance bit Error occured at:2009-12-02 17:20:09 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7002_01_mangos_spell_chain required_7015_01_mangos_item_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-02 17:20:20 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7002_01_mangos_spell_chain' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7988_04_mangos_creature_template required_7988_05_mangos_item_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-02 17:21:00 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7988_04_mangos_creature_template' in 'db_version' Query: CREATE TABLE item_test SELECT w.`item_guid`,w.`source`,w.`count` FROM (SELECT u.`item_guid`,u.`source`,COUNT(u.`item_guid`) as `count` FROM ((SELECT c.`item` as `item_guid`, 'i' as `source` FROM character_inventory c) UNION (SELECT a.`itemguid` as `item_guid`, 'a' as `source` FROM auctionhouse a) UNION (SELECT m.`item_guid` as `item_guid`, 'm' as `source` FROM mail_items m) UNION (SELECT g.`item_guid` as `item_guid`, 'g' as `source` FROM guild_bank_item g) ) as u GROUP BY u.`item_guid` ) as w WHERE w.`count` > 1 Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:07:37 Line no.:12 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_inventory' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7980_01_mangos_item_required_target required_7988_01_mangos_item_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:37:59 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7980_01_mangos_item_required_target' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7980_01_mangos_item_required_target required_7988_01_mangos_item_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:38:36 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7980_01_mangos_item_required_target' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7932_01_characters_character_pet required_7988_02_characters_character_equipmentsets bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:38:46 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7932_01_characters_character_pet required_7988_02_characters_character_equipmentsets bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:38:58 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7932_01_characters_character_pet' in 'character_db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7932_01_characters_character_pet required_7988_02_characters_character_equipmentsets bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:39:06 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7932_01_characters_character_pet' in 'character_db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7932_01_characters_character_pet required_7988_02_characters_character_equipmentsets bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:41:04 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7932_01_characters_character_pet' in 'character_db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7932_01_characters_character_pet required_7988_02_characters_character_equipmentsets bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:41:23 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7932_01_characters_character_pet required_7988_02_characters_character_equipmentsets bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:41:51 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7932_01_characters_character_pet' in 'character_db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7932_01_characters_character_pet required_7988_02_characters_character_equipmentsets bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:42:05 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7988_01_mangos_item_template required_7988_03_mangos_spell_chain bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:42:25 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7988_01_mangos_item_template' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7988_03_mangos_spell_chain required_7988_04_mangos_creature_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:42:56 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7988_03_mangos_spell_chain' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7988_03_mangos_spell_chain required_7988_04_mangos_creature_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:43:10 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7988_03_mangos_spell_chain' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7988_04_mangos_creature_template required_7988_05_mangos_item_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:43:22 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7988_04_mangos_creature_template' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7988_05_mangos_item_template required_7988_06_mangos_gameobject_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:43:44 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7988_05_mangos_item_template' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7988_08_mangos_spell_bonus_data required_7988_09_mangos_spell_proc_event bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:44:03 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7988_08_mangos_spell_bonus_data' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7988_09_mangos_spell_proc_event required_8016_01_mangos_npc_spellclick_spells bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:44:13 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7988_09_mangos_spell_proc_event' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8016_01_mangos_npc_spellclick_spells required_8021_01_mangos_spell_proc_event bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:44:24 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8016_01_mangos_npc_spellclick_spells' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7988_07_characters_characters required_8030_01_characters_character_spell bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:44:37 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8030_01_characters_character_spell required_8030_02_characters_character_action bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:45:33 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8021_01_mangos_spell_proc_event required_8030_03_mangos_npc_trainer bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:45:45 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8021_01_mangos_spell_proc_event' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8050_01_mangos_spell_proc_event required_8050_02_mangos_spell_bonus_data bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:46:08 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8050_01_mangos_spell_proc_event' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8050_01_mangos_spell_proc_event required_8050_02_mangos_spell_bonus_data bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:46:11 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8050_01_mangos_spell_proc_event' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8050_02_mangos_spell_bonus_data required_8053_01_mangos_command bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:46:24 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8050_02_mangos_spell_bonus_data' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8053_01_mangos_command required_8060_01_mangos_spell_pet_auras bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:46:32 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8053_01_mangos_command' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8060_01_mangos_spell_pet_auras required_8064_01_mangos_spell_chain bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:46:40 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8060_01_mangos_spell_pet_auras' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8064_01_mangos_spell_chain required_8065_01_mangos_spell_proc_event bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:46:50 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8064_01_mangos_spell_chain' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8065_01_mangos_spell_proc_event required_8071_01_mangos_command bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:46:57 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8065_01_mangos_spell_proc_event' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8030_02_characters_character_action required_8072_01_characters_characters bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:47:06 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8072_01_characters_characters required_8072_02_characters_characters bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:47:13 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8072_02_characters_characters required_8098_01_characters_character_action bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:47:29 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8071_01_mangos_command required_8098_02_mangos_playercreateinfo_action bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:47:38 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8071_01_mangos_command' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8098_01_characters_character_action required_8098_03_characters_character_pet bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:47:45 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8098_03_characters_character_pet required_8098_04_characters_pet_spell bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:47:52 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8098_03_characters_character_pet required_8098_04_characters_pet_spell bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:48:17 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7988_02_characters_character_equipmentsets required_7988_07_characters_characters bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:52:56 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7988_02_characters_character_equipmentsets' in 'character_db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7988_07_characters_characters required_8030_01_characters_character_spell bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:53:04 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7988_07_characters_characters' in 'character_db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8030_01_characters_character_spell required_8030_02_characters_character_action bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:53:12 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8030_01_characters_character_spell' in 'character_db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8030_02_characters_character_action required_8072_01_characters_characters bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:53:50 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8030_02_characters_character_action' in 'character_db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8072_01_characters_characters required_8072_02_characters_characters bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:54:06 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8072_01_characters_characters' in 'character_db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_8098_01_characters_character_action required_8098_03_characters_character_pet bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:55:58 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_8098_01_characters_character_action' in 'character_db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE `character_inventory` ADD `bag` TINYINT( 3 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `guid` Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:59:24 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_inventory' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character_inventory` ADD `bag` TINYINT( 3 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `guid` Error occured at:2009-12-04 16:59:39 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'bag' Query: ALTER TABLE `npc_trainer` CHANGE `guid` `entry` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:00:21 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'guid' in 'npc_trainer' Query: ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `RequiredRaputationRank` `RequiredReputationRank` INT( 30 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:00:29 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'RequiredRaputationRank' in 'item_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `areatrigger_tavern` CHANGE `triggerid` `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' , CHANGE `Triggername` `name` text , DROP KEY `acct`, DROP PRIMARY KEY , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:00:40 Line no.:6 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'triggerid' in 'areatrigger_tavern' Query: ALTER TABLE `game_graveyard` RENAME TO `areatrigger_graveyard` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:00:48 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.game_graveyard' doesn't exist Query: INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo` VALUES (1,1,1,0,12,-8949,-132,84,49,23,20,22,20,21,40,60,0,1000,0,0,29,5,6,0,0),(2,1,2,0,12,-8949,-132,84,49,22,20,22,20,22,40,68,79,0,0,0,27,4,5,0,0),(3,1,4,0,12,-8949,-132,84,49,21,23,21,20,20,40,55,0,0,0,100,27,10,13,0,0),(4,1,5,0,12,-8949,-132,84,49,20,20,20,22,24,40,61,128,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(5,1,8,0,12,-8949,-132,84,49,20,20,20,23,22,40,61,119,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(6,1,9,0,12,-8949,-132,84,49,20,20,21,22,22,40,53,109,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(7,2,1,1,14,-618,-4251,39,51,26,17,24,17,23,0,80,0,1000,0,0,35,6,6,0,0),(8,2,3,1,14,-618,-4251,39,51,23,20,23,17,24,0,76,80,0,0,0,25,4,5,0,0),(9,2,4,1,14,-618,-4251,39,51,24,20,23,17,23,0,75,0,0,0,100,30,4,4,0,0),(10,2,7,1,14,-618,-4251,39,51,24,17,23,18,25,0,97,71,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(11,2,9,1,14,-618,-4251,39,51,23,17,23,19,25,0,73,109,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(12,3,1,0,1,-6240,331,383,53,25,16,25,19,19,0,90,0,1000,0,0,33,5,6,0,0),(13,3,2,0,1,-6240,331,383,53,24,16,25,19,20,0,88,79,0,0,0,31,5,6,0,0),(14,3,3,0,1,-6240,331,383,53,22,19,24,19,20,0,86,80,0,0,0,24,4,5,0,0),(15,3,4,0,1,-6240,331,383,53,23,19,24,19,19,0,85,0,0,0,100,30,4,4,0,0),(16,3,5,0,1,-6240,331,383,53,22,16,23,21,22,0,91,128,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(17,4,1,1,141,10311,832,1327,55,20,25,21,20,20,0,50,0,1000,0,0,21,4,4,0,0),(18,4,3,1,141,10311,832,1327,55,17,28,20,20,21,0,46,80,0,0,0,26,4,5,0,0),(19,4,4,1,141,10311,832,1327,55,18,28,20,20,20,0,45,0,0,0,100,30,4,4,0,0),(20,4,5,1,141,10311,832,1327,55,17,25,19,22,23,0,51,128,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(21,4,11,1,141,10311,832,1327,55,18,25,19,22,22,0,53,67,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(22,5,1,0,85,1676,1677,122,57,22,18,23,18,25,0,70,0,1000,0,0,27,4,5,0,0),(23,5,4,0,85,1676,1677,122,57,20,21,22,18,25,0,65,0,0,0,100,30,4,4,0,0),(24,5,5,0,85,1676,1677,122,57,19,18,21,20,28,0,71,128,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(25,5,8,0,85,1676,1677,122,57,19,18,21,21,27,0,71,119,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(26,5,9,0,85,1676,1677,122,57,19,18,22,20,27,0,63,109,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(27,6,1,1,215,-2917,-257,53,59,28,15,24,15,22,0,80,0,1000,0,0,39,6,7,0,0),(28,6,3,1,215,-2917,-257,53,59,25,18,23,15,23,0,76,80,0,0,0,16,5,7,0,0),(29,6,7,1,215,-2917,-257,53,59,26,15,23,16,24,0,97,71,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(30,6,11,1,215,-2917,-257,53,59,26,15,22,17,24,0,97,67,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(31,7,1,0,1,-6240,331,383,1563,18,23,21,23,20,0,50,0,1000,0,0,10,3,4,0,0),(32,7,4,0,1,-6340,331,383,1563,16,26,20,23,20,0,45,0,0,0,100,30,4,4,0,0),(33,7,8,0,1,-6340,331,383,1563,15,23,19,26,22,0,51,119,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(34,7,9,0,1,-6340,331,383,1563,15,23,20,25,22,0,43,109,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(35,8,1,1,14,-618,-4251,39,1478,24,22,23,16,21,0,70,0,1000,0,0,29,5,7,0,0),(36,8,3,1,14,-618,-4251,39,1478,21,25,22,16,22,0,66,80,0,0,0,16,5,7,0,0),(37,8,4,1,14,-618,-4251,39,1478,22,25,22,16,21,0,65,0,0,0,100,30,4,4,0,0),(38,8,5,1,14,-618,-4251,39,1478,21,22,21,18,24,0,71,128,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(39,8,7,1,14,-618,-4251,39,1478,22,22,22,17,23,0,87,71,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0),(40,8,8,1,14,-618,-4251,39,1478,21,22,21,19,23,0,71,119,0,0,0,30,4,4,0,0) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:00:59 Line no.:4 Error Code: 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 Query: INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_item` VALUES (1,38,255,3,1),(1,39,255,6,1),(1,40,255,7,1),(1,25,255,15,1),(1,2362,255,16,1),(1,65020,255,23,4),(1,6948,255,24,1),(1,14646,255,25,1),(2,45,255,3,1),(2,44,255,6,1),(2,43,255,7,1),(2,2361,255,15,1),(2,6948,255,23,1),(2,65021,255,24,2),(2,65022,255,25,4),(2,14646,255,26,1),(3,49,255,3,1),(3,48,255,6,1),(3,47,255,7,1),(3,2092,255,15,1),(3,65023,255,17,100),(3,65022,255,23,4),(3,6948,255,24,1),(3,14646,255,25,1),(4,53,255,3,1),(4,6098,255,4,1),(4,52,255,6,1),(4,51,255,7,1),(4,36,255,15,1),(4,65021,255,23,2),(4,65022,255,24,4),(4,6948,255,25,1),(4,14646,255,26,1),(5,6096,255,3,1),(5,56,255,4,1),(5,1395,255,6,1),(5,55,255,7,1),(5,35,255,15,1),(5,65022,255,23,4),(5,65021,255,24,2),(5,6948,255,25,1),(5,14646,255,26,1),(6,6097,255,3,1),(6,57,255,4,1),(6,1396,255,6,1),(6,59,255,7,1),(6,2092,255,15,1),(6,65027,255,23,4),(6,65021,255,24,2),(6,6948,255,25,1),(6,14646,255,26,1),(7,6125,255,3,1),(7,139,255,6,1),(7,140,255,7,1),(7,12282,255,15,1),(7,6948,255,23,1),(7,65020,255,24,4),(7,14649,255,25,1),(8,127,255,3,1),(8,6126,255,6,1),(8,6127,255,7,1),(8,37,255,15,1),(8,2504,255,17,1),(8,65021,255,23,2),(8,65020,255,24,4),(8,6948,255,25,1),(8,14649,255,26,1),(8,2512,255,27,200),(8,2101,255,28,1),(9,2105,255,3,1),(9,120,255,6,1),(9,121,255,7,1),(9,2092,255,15,1),(9,65024,255,17,100),(9,65020,255,23,4),(9,6948,255,24,1),(9,14649,255,25,1),(10,154,255,3,1),(10,153,255,6,1),(10,36,255,15,1),(10,6948,255,23,1),(10,65020,255,24,4),(10,65021,255,25,2),(10,14649,255,26,1),(11,6129,255,4,1),(11,1396,255,6,1),(11,59,255,7,1),(11,2092,255,15,1),(11,6948,255,23,1),(11,65020,255,24,4),(11,65021,255,25,2),(11,14649,255,26,1),(12,38,255,3,1),(12,39,255,6,1),(12,40,255,7,1),(12,12282,255,15,1),(12,6948,255,23,1),(12,65020,255,24,4),(12,14647,255,25,1),(13,45,255,3,1),(13,44,255,6,1),(13,43,255,7,1),(13,2361,255,15,1),(13,65026,255,23,4),(13,65021,255,24,2),(13,6948,255,25,1),(13,14647,255,26,1),(14,148,255,3,1),(14,147,255,6,1),(14,129,255,7,1),(14,37,255,15,1),(14,2508,255,17,1),(14,65021,255,23,2),(14,65020,255,24,4),(14,6948,255,25,1),(14,14647,255,26,1),(14,2516,255,27,200),(14,2102,255,28,1),(15,49,255,3,1),(15,48,255,6,1),(15,47,255,7,1),(15,2092,255,15,1),(15,65024,255,17,100),(15,65026,255,23,4),(15,6948,255,24,1),(15,14647,255,25,1),(16,53,255,3,1),(16,6098,255,4,1),(16,52,255,6,1),(16,51,255,7,1),(16,36,255,15,1),(16,65021,255,23,2),(16,65026,255,24,4),(16,6948,255,25,1),(16,14647,255,26,1),(17,38,255,3,1),(17,39,255,6,1),(17,40,255,7,1),(17,25,255,15,1),(17,2362,255,16,1),(17,65020,255,23,4),(17,6948,255,24,1),(17,14648,255,25,1),(18,148,255,3,1),(18,147,255,6,1),(18,129,255,7,1),(18,2092,255,15,1),(18,2504,255,17,1),(18,65021,255,23,2),(18,65020,255,24,4),(18,6948,255,25,1),(18,14648,255,26,1),(18,2512,255,27,200),(18,2101,255,28,1),(19,49,255,3,1),(19,48,255,6,1),(19,47,255,7,1),(19,2092,255,15,1),(19,65023,255,17,100),(19,65026,255,23,4),(19,6948,255,24,1),(19,14648,255,25,1),(20,53,255,3,1),(20,6119,255,4,1),(20,52,255,6,1),(20,51,255,7,1),(20,36,255,15,1),(20,65022,255,23,4),(20,65021,255,24,2),(20,6948,255,25,1),(20,14648,255,26,1),(21,6123,255,4,1),(21,44,255,6,1),(21,3661,255,15,1),(21,65021,255,23,2),(21,65025,255,24,4),(21,6948,255,25,1),(21,14648,255,26,1),(22,6125,255,3,1),(22,139,255,6,1),(22,140,255,7,1),(22,25,255,15,1),(22,2362,255,16,1),(22,65027,255,23,4),(22,6948,255,24,1),(22,14651,255,25,1),(23,2105,255,3,1),(23,120,255,6,1),(23,121,255,7,1),(23,2092,255,15,1),(23,65023,255,17,100),(23,65027,255,23,4),(23,6948,255,24,1),(23,14651,255,25,1),(24,53,255,3,1),(24,6144,255,4,1),(24,52,255,6,1),(24,51,255,7,1),(24,36,255,15,1),(24,65027,255,23,4),(24,65021,255,24,2),(24,6948,255,25,1),(24,14651,255,26,1),(25,6096,255,3,1),(25,6140,255,4,1),(25,1395,255,6,1),(25,55,255,7,1),(25,35,255,15,1),(25,65027,255,23,4),(25,65021,255,24,2),(25,6948,255,25,1),(25,14651,255,26,1),(26,6129,255,4,1),(26,1396,255,6,1),(26,59,255,7,1),(26,2092,255,15,1),(26,65027,255,23,4),(26,65021,255,24,2),(26,6948,255,25,1),(26,14651,255,26,1),(27,6125,255,3,1),(27,139,255,6,1),(27,2361,255,15,1),(27,6948,255,23,1),(27,65026,255,24,4),(27,14650,255,25,1),(28,127,255,3,1),(28,6126,255,6,1),(28,37,255,15,1),(28,2508,255,17,1),(28,65021,255,23,2),(28,65020,255,24,4),(28,6948,255,25,1),(28,14650,255,26,1),(28,2516,255,27,200),(28,2102,255,28,1),(29,154,255,3,1),(29,153,255,6,1),(29,36,255,15,1),(29,6948,255,23,1),(29,65027,255,24,4),(29,65021,255,25,2),(29,14650,255,26,1),(30,6139,255,4,1),(30,6124,255,6,1),(30,35,255,15,1),(30,65021,255,23,2),(30,65025,255,24,4),(30,6948,255,25,1),(30,14650,255,26,1),(31,38,255,4,1),(31,39,255,6,1),(31,40,255,7,1),(31,25,255,15,1),(31,2362,255,16,1),(31,65020,255,23,4),(31,6948,255,24,1),(31,14647,255,25,1),(32,49,255,3,1),(32,48,255,6,1),(32,47,255,7,1),(32,2092,255,15,1),(32,65023,255,17,100),(32,65020,255,23,4),(32,6948,255,24,1),(32,14647,255,25,1),(33,6096,255,3,1),(33,56,255,4,1),(33,1395,255,6,1),(33,55,255,7,1),(33,35,255,15,1),(33,65025,255,23,4),(33,65021,255,24,2),(33,6948,255,25,1),(33,14647,255,26,1),(34,6097,255,3,1),(34,57,255,4,1),(34,1396,255,6,1),(34,59,255,7,1),(34,2092,255,15,1),(34,65021,255,23,2),(34,65027,255,24,4),(34,6948,255,25,1),(34,14647,255,26,1),(35,6125,255,3,1),(35,139,255,6,1),(35,140,255,7,1),(35,37,255,15,1),(35,2362,255,16,1),(35,65024,255,17,100),(35,65020,255,23,4),(35,6948,255,24,1),(35,14649,255,25,1),(36,127,255,3,1),(36,6126,255,6,1),(36,6127,255,7,1),(36,37,255,15,1),(36,2504,255,17,1),(36,65027,255,23,4),(36,65021,255,24,2),(36,2512,255,27,200),(36,2101,255,28,1),(36,14649,255,26,1),(36,6948,255,25,1),(37,2105,255,3,1),(37,120,255,6,1),(37,121,255,7,1),(37,2092,255,15,1),(37,65024,255,17,100),(37,65020,255,23,4),(37,6948,255,24,1),(37,14649,255,25,1),(38,53,255,3,1),(38,6144,255,4,1),(38,52,255,6,1),(38,36,255,15,1),(38,65026,255,23,4),(38,65021,255,24,2),(38,6948,255,25,1),(38,14649,255,26,1),(39,6134,255,3,1),(39,6135,255,6,1),(39,36,255,15,1),(39,65020,255,23,4),(39,65021,255,24,2),(39,6948,255,25,1),(39,14649,255,26,1),(40,6096,255,3,1),(40,6140,255,4,1),(40,1395,255,6,1),(40,55,255,7,1),(40,35,255,15,1),(40,65020,255,23,4),(40,65021,255,24,2),(40,6948,255,25,1),(40,14649,255,26,1) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:01:09 Line no.:4 Error Code: 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 Query: ALTER TABLE `loot_template` CHANGE `itemid` `item` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' , CHANGE `percentchance` `chance` float NOT NULL default '100' , DROP KEY `i_creature_loot_creatureid` , DROP KEY `creatureloot_index` , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`entry`,`item`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:01:16 Line no.:6 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.loot_template' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character_queststatus` CHANGE `playerid` `guid` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', CHANGE `questid` `quest` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Quest Identifier', CHANGE `status` `status` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `rewarded` `rewarded` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `explored` `explored` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `rewarded` , CHANGE `timer` `timer` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `explored` , CHANGE `questMobCount1` `mobcount1` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `questMobCount2` `mobcount2` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `questMobCount3` `mobcount3` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `questMobCount4` `mobcount4` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `questItemCount1` `itemcount1` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `questItemCount2` `itemcount2` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `questItemCount3` `itemcount3` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `questItemCount4` `itemcount4` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', DROP `id` , DROP PRIMARY KEY , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`quest`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:01:23 Line no.:18 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_queststatus' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `item_template` ADD `RangedModRange` float NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ammo_type` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:01:28 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'RangedModRange' Query: ALTER TABLE `areatrigger_involvedrelation` DROP `creature` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:01:53 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'creature'; check that column/key exists Query: ALTER TABLE `creature_template` DROP KEY `entry` , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`entry`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:02:00 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'entry'; check that column/key exists Query: ALTER TABLE `gameobject_template` DROP KEY `id` , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`entry`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:02:08 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'id'; check that column/key exists Query: ALTER TABLE `character_inventory` DROP KEY `idx_guid` , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`bag`,`slot`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:02:32 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_inventory' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character_inventory` DROP KEY `idx_guid` , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`bag`,`slot`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:02:39 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_inventory' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `item_template` CHANGE `dmg_min1` `dmg_min1` float NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `dmg_max1` `dmg_max1` float NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `dmg_min2` `dmg_min2` float NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `dmg_max2` `dmg_max2` float NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `dmg_min3` `dmg_min3` float NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `dmg_max3` `dmg_max3` float NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `dmg_min4` `dmg_min4` float NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `dmg_max4` `dmg_max4` float NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `dmg_min5` `dmg_min5` float NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `dmg_max5` `dmg_max5` float NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:02:47 Line no.:11 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'dmg_min3' in 'item_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `quest_template` CHANGE `Title` `Title` text, CHANGE `Details` `Details` text, CHANGE `Objectives` `Objectives` text, CHANGE `CompletionText` `CompletionText` text, CHANGE `IncompleteText` `IncompleteText` text, CHANGE `EndText` `EndText` text, CHANGE `ObjectiveText1` `ObjectiveText1` text, CHANGE `ObjectiveText2` `ObjectiveText2` text, CHANGE `ObjectiveText3` `ObjectiveText3` text, CHANGE `ObjectiveText4` `ObjectiveText4` text Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:03:07 Line no.:11 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'CompletionText' in 'quest_template' Query: CREATE DATABASE `realmd` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:03:25 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1007 - Can't create database 'realmd'; database exists Query: insert into realmd.realmlist select `id`, `name`, `address`, `icon`, `color`, `timezone` from mangos.realmlist Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:03:35 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 Query: ALTER TABLE `object_involvedrelation` RENAME TO `gameobject_involvedrelation`, DROP PRIMARY KEY, DROP `Id`, CHANGE `objectId` `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `questId` `quest` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Quest Identifier' AFTER `id`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`quest`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:03:50 Line no.:7 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.object_involvedrelation' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `object_questrelation` RENAME TO `gameobject_questrelation`, DROP PRIMARY KEY, DROP `Id`, CHANGE `objectId` `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `questId` `quest` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Quest Identifier' AFTER `id`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`quest`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:03:55 Line no.:7 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.object_questrelation' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `npc_vendor` DROP PRIMARY KEY, DROP KEY `vendor_id` , DROP `index_id`, CHANGE `entry` `entry` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `itemguid` `item` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `amount` `buycount` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '1', ADD `maxcount` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', ADD `incrtime` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:04:04 Line no.:9 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'itemguid' in 'npc_vendor' Query: ALTER TABLE `creature_template` ADD `mingold` int(30) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `spell4` , ADD `maxgold` int(30) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `mingold` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:04:11 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'mingold' Query: INSERT INTO `command` VALUES ('additemset',3,'Syntax: .additemset #itemsetid\r\n\r\nAdd items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your inventory. Will add by one example each item from itemset.') Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:04:19 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1062 - Duplicate entry 'additemset' for key 1 Query: CREATE TABLE `areatrigger_graveyard_zone` AS SELECT `areatrigger_graveyard`.`id` AS `id`, `areatrigger_graveyard`.`map` AS `ghost_map`, `areatrigger_graveyard`.`zone` AS `ghost_zone` FROM `areatrigger_graveyard` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:04:26 Line no.:7 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.areatrigger_graveyard' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `areatrigger_graveyard` CHANGE `id` `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'Identifier' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:04:42 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.areatrigger_graveyard' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character` CHANGE `honor` `highest_rank` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL , CHANGE `last_week_honor` `standing` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:04:51 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character_spell` ADD `active` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '1' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:04:58 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_spell' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `areatrigger_graveyard` RENAME TO `game_graveyard` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:05:05 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.areatrigger_graveyard' doesn't exist Query: CREATE TABLE `game_tele` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `position_x` float NOT NULL default '0', `position_y` float NOT NULL default '0', `position_z` float NOT NULL default '0', `orientation` float NOT NULL default '0', `map` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Tele Command' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:05:14 Line no.:10 Error Code: 1050 - Table 'game_tele' already exists Query: ALTER TABLE `loot_template` ADD `questchance` float NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:05:24 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.loot_template' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `item_template` ADD COLUMN `BuyCount` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `Flags` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:05:30 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'BuyCount' Query: ALTER TABLE `quest_template` ADD COLUMN `RequiredRepFaction` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `RequiredTradeskill`, ADD COLUMN `RequiredRepValue` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `RequiredRepFaction`, CHANGE `ReqKillMobId1` `ReqKillMobOrGOId1` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobId2` `ReqKillMobOrGOId2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobId3` `ReqKillMobOrGOId3` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobId4` `ReqKillMobOrGOId4` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobCount1` `ReqKillMobOrGOCount1` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobCount2` `ReqKillMobOrGOCount2` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobCount3` `ReqKillMobOrGOCount3` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobCount4` `ReqKillMobOrGOCount4` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:05:34 Line no.:11 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'RequiredTradeskill' in 'quest_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `game_corpse` DROP INDEX `idx_player` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:05:39 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.game_corpse' doesn't exist Query: insert into command values('maxskill','3','Usage: .maxskill\r\nSets all skills of the targeted player to their maximum values for its current level.') Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:06:04 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1062 - Duplicate entry 'maxskill' for key 1 Query: ALTER TABLE `quest_template` ADD COLUMN `QuestSort` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ZoneId` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:06:09 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'ZoneId' in 'quest_template' Query: CREATE TABLE `creature_loot_template` AS SELECT DISTINCT `loot_template`.`entry` AS `entry`, `loot_template`.`item` AS `item`, `loot_template`.`chance` AS `chance`, `loot_template`.`questchance` AS `questchance` FROM `loot_template`, `creature_template` WHERE `loot_template`.`entry` = `creature_template`.`lootid` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:06:14 Line no.:6 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.loot_template' doesn't exist Query: INSERT INTO command VALUES('whispers','1','Usage: .whispers on|off\r\nEnable/disable accepting whispers by GM from players. By default use mangosd.conf setting.') Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:06:25 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1062 - Duplicate entry 'whispers' for key 1 Query: ALTER TABLE `game_corpse` RENAME TO `corpse` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:06:30 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.game_corpse' doesn't exist Query: ALTER IGNORE TABLE `playercreateinfo_skill` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`createid`,`Skill`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:06:37 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.playercreateinfo_skill' doesn't exist Query: ALTER IGNORE TABLE `playercreateinfo_spell` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`createid`,`Spell`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:06:45 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1072 - Key column 'createid' doesn't exist in table Query: ALTER IGNORE TABLE `playercreateinfo_spell` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`createid`,`Spell`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:06:52 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1072 - Key column 'createid' doesn't exist in table Query: ALTER TABLE `quest_template` CHANGE `MaxLevel` `QuestLevel` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `RewMoney` `RewOrReqMoney` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:07:06 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'MaxLevel' in 'quest_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `creature_template` ADD `trainer_spell` int(11) unsigned default '0' AFTER `trainer_type`, ADD `race` int(11) unsigned default '0' AFTER `class` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:08:03 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'class' in 'creature_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `quest_template` CHANGE `RequiredTradeskill` `RequiredSkill` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', ADD COLUMN `RequiredSkillValue` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `RequiredSkill` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:08:09 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'RequiredTradeskill' in 'quest_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `npc_trainer` CHANGE `reqspell` `reqspell` int(11) unsigned default '0', CHANGE `reqskill` `reqskill` int(11) unsigned default '0', CHANGE `reqskillvalue` `reqskillvalue` int(11) unsigned default '0', ADD COLUMN `reqlevel` int(11) unsigned default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:08:26 Line no.:5 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'reqspell' in 'npc_trainer' Query: INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_spell` VALUES ('21', '3025', 'Cat Form Passive', '0') Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:08:41 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 Query: ALTER TABLE `character` ADD `totaltime` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', ADD `leveltime` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:09:03 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `npc_trainer` DROP PRIMARY KEY, DROP `rowid`, ADD UNIQUE KEY `entry_spell` (`entry`,`spell`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:09:21 Line no.:4 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'PRIMARY'; check that column/key exists Query: ALTER TABLE `playercreateinfo` DROP `attackpower`, DROP `mindmg`, DROP `maxdmg`, DROP `ranmindmg`, DROP `ranmaxdmg` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:09:26 Line no.:6 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'attackpower'; check that column/key exists Query: ALTER TABLE `character_pet` DROP `name`, ADD `loyalty` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '1', ADD `trainpoint` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:10:35 Line no.:4 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_pet' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `realmd`.`realmlist` ADD `port` int(11) NOT NULL default '8085' AFTER `address` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:10:41 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'port' Query: ALTER TABLE `realmd`.`realmlist` ADD `port` int(11) NOT NULL default '8085' AFTER `address` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:11:01 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'port' Query: ALTER TABLE `character` ADD `logout_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `is_logout_resting` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `rest_bonus` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:11:08 Line no.:4 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `quest_template` CHANGE `ReqKillMobOrGOId1` `ReqCreatureOrGOId1` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobOrGOId2` `ReqCreatureOrGOId2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobOrGOId3` `ReqCreatureOrGOId3` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobOrGOId4` `ReqCreatureOrGOId4` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobOrGOCount1` `ReqCreatureOrGOCount1` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobOrGOCount2` `ReqCreatureOrGOCount2` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobOrGOCount3` `ReqCreatureOrGOCount3` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `ReqKillMobOrGOCount4` `ReqCreatureOrGOCount4` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', ADD COLUMN `ReqSpellCast1` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqCreatureOrGOCount4`, ADD COLUMN `ReqSpellCast2` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqSpellCast1`, ADD COLUMN `ReqSpellCast3` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqSpellCast2`, ADD COLUMN `ReqSpellCast4` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqSpellCast3` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:11:15 Line no.:13 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'ReqKillMobOrGOId1' in 'quest_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `playercreateinfo_action` DROP KEY `playercreateinfo_actions_index`, ADD KEY `playercreateinfo_actions_index` (`createid`,`button`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:11:26 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'playercreateinfo_actions_index'; check that column/key exists Query: INSERT INTO command VALUES('shutdown','3','Syntax: .shutdown #delay|stop\r\n\r\nShutting down server after #delay seconds or stop shutting down if stop value used.') Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:11:32 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1062 - Duplicate entry 'shutdown' for key 1 Query: ALTER TABLE `creature_template` ADD COLUMN `MovementType` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `MoveName` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:11:38 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'MoveName' in 'creature_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `areatrigger_template` CHANGE `trigger_postion_x` `trigger_position_x` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:11:44 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.areatrigger_template' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `creature_template` CHANGE `level` `minlevel` int(3) unsigned default '1', CHANGE `level_max` `maxlevel` int(3) unsigned default '1' AFTER `minlevel`, ADD COLUMN `minhealth` int(5) unsigned default '0' AFTER `maxlevel`, CHANGE `maxhealth` `maxhealth` int(5) unsigned default '0' AFTER `minhealth`, ADD COLUMN `minmana` int(5) unsigned default '0' AFTER `maxhealth`, CHANGE `maxmana` `maxmana` int(5) unsigned default '0' AFTER `minmana` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:11:57 Line no.:7 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'level' in 'creature_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `character_queststatus` CHANGE `rewarded` `rewarded` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE `explored` `explored` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', ADD COLUMN `completed_once` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `explored` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:12:03 Line no.:4 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_queststatus' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `quest_template` ADD `ReqSourceId1` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqItemCount4` , ADD `ReqSourceId2` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqSourceId1` , ADD `ReqSourceId3` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqSourceId2` , ADD `ReqSourceId4` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqSourceId3` , ADD `ReqSourceRef1` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqSourceId4` , ADD `ReqSourceRef2` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqSourceRef1` , ADD `ReqSourceRef3` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqSourceRef2` , ADD `ReqSourceRef4` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ReqSourceRef3` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:12:31 Line no.:9 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'ReqSourceId1' Query: ALTER TABLE `quest_template` ADD `DetailsEmote` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', ADD `IncompleteEmote` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', ADD `CompleteEmote` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:12:39 Line no.:4 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'IncompleteEmote' Query: INSERT INTO command VALUES('pinfo','2','Syntax: .pinfo [$player_name]\r\n\r\nOutput account information for selected player or player find by $player_name.') Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:13:03 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1062 - Duplicate entry 'pinfo' for key 1 Query: ALTER TABLE `game_graveyard_zone` ADD COLUMN `faction` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `ghost_zone` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:13:23 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'faction' Query: ALTER TABLE `quest_template` ADD `ExclusiveGroup` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `NextQuestId` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:13:33 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'ExclusiveGroup' Query: ALTER TABLE `creature_loot_template` ADD `maxcount` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '1' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:13:49 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'maxcount' Query: CREATE TABLE `item_loot_template` ( `entry` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `item` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `chance` float NOT NULL default '100', `questchance` float NOT NULL default '0', `maxcount` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (`entry`,`item`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=FIXED COMMENT='Loot System' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:14:02 Line no.:8 Error Code: 1050 - Table 'item_loot_template' already exists Query: ALTER TABLE `guild_rank` ADD `rid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AFTER `guildid`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`guildid`,`rid`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:14:23 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.guild_rank' doesn't exist Query: DELETE FROM `auctionhouse` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:14:29 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.auctionhouse' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `guild` ADD `info` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `BackgroundColor` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:14:40 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.guild' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE skinning_loot_template ADD COLUMN quest_freeforall int(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `maxcount` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:14:49 Line no.:6 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'maxcount' in 'skinning_loot_template' Query: UPDATE `character` SET `name` = CONCAT(UCASE(SUBSTRING(`name`,1,1)),LCASE(SUBSTRING(`name`,2))) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:14:55 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `quest_template` CHANGE `srcItem` `SrcItemId` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', ADD `SrcSpell` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `SrcItemCount` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:15:05 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'srcItem' in 'quest_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `creature_template` CHANGE `modelid` `modelid_m` int(11) unsigned default '0', ADD `modelid_f` int(11) unsigned default '0' AFTER `modelid_m` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:15:10 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'modelid' in 'creature_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `character` ADD `resettalents_cost` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', ADD `resettalents_time` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:15:16 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character` ADD `instanceid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `map` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:15:21 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character` DROP `instanceid` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:15:31 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `playercreateinfo_action` ADD `race` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' FIRST, ADD `class` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `race` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:15:42 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'race' Query: ALTER TABLE `playercreateinfo_item` ADD `race` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' FIRST, ADD `class` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `race` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:15:48 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'race' Query: ALTER TABLE `playercreateinfo_reputation` ADD `race` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' FIRST, ADD `class` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `race` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:15:56 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.playercreateinfo_reputation' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `playercreateinfo_skill` ADD `race` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' FIRST, ADD `class` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `race` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:16:01 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.playercreateinfo_skill' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `playercreateinfo_spell` ADD `race` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' FIRST, ADD `class` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `race` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:16:07 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'race' Query: ALTER TABLE `playercreateinfo` DROP KEY `playercreateinfo_index`, DROP PRIMARY KEY , DROP `createId` , ADD PRIMARY KEY `playercreateinfo_race_class_index` (`race`,`class`) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:16:14 Line no.:5 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'playercreateinfo_index'; check that column/key exists Query: ALTER TABLE `realmd`.`account` ADD `v` longtext AFTER `sessionkey`, ADD `s` longtext AFTER `v` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:16:27 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'v' Query: UPDATE `character` SET `logout_time` = '0', `rest_bonus` = '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:16:33 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE gameobject ADD COLUMN `animprogress` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:16:45 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'animprogress' Query: ALTER TABLE `character` ADD COLUMN `trans_x` float NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:16:50 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `auctionhouse` ADD `item_template` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `itemguid` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:17:12 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.auctionhouse' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `mail` ADD `item_template` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `item` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:17:19 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.mail' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `creature_loot_template` CHANGE `chance` `ChanceOrRef` float NOT NULL default '100', CHANGE `questchance` `QuestChanceOrGroup` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:17:34 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'chance' in 'creature_loot_template' Query: INSERT INTO `command` VALUES('saveall',1,'Syntax: .saveallr\n\r\nSave all characters in game.') Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:17:40 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1062 - Duplicate entry 'saveall' for key 1 Query: INSERT INTO `command` VALUES('modify money',1,'Syntax:\r\n.modify money #money\r\n.money #money\r\n\r\nAdd or remove money to the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your money.\r\n\r\n #gold can be negative to remove money.') Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:17:55 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1062 - Duplicate entry 'modify money' for key 1 Query: alter table quest_template add column `CompleteScript` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:18:00 Line no.:11 Error Code: 1060 - Duplicate column name 'CompleteScript' Query: CREATE TABLE `scripts` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `delay` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `command` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `datalong` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `datalong2` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `datatext` text NOT NULL default "", `x` float NOT NULL default '0', `y` float NOT NULL default '0', `z` float NOT NULL default '0', `o` float NOT NULL default '0' ) Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:18:05 Line no.:13 Error Code: 1101 - BLOB/TEXT column 'datatext' can't have a default value Query: alter table quest_template change column `IncompleteText` `RequestItemsText` text Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:18:30 Line no.:6 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'IncompleteText' in 'quest_template' Query: ALTER TABLE `playercreateinfo` DROP `BaseStrength`, DROP `BaseAgility`, DROP `BaseStamina`, DROP `BaseIntellect`, DROP `BaseSpirit`, DROP `BaseArmor`, DROP `BaseHealth`, DROP `BaseMana`, DROP `BaseRage`, DROP `BaseFocus`, DROP `BaseEnergy` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:18:48 Line no.:12 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'BaseStrength'; check that column/key exists Query: UPDATE character_inventory SET bag = 0 WHERE bag = 255 Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:19:10 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_inventory' doesn't exist Query: alter table quest_template drop column detailsemote Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:19:23 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'detailsemote'; check that column/key exists Query: ALTER TABLE `creature` DROP `npcflags`, DROP `faction` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:19:39 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'npcflags'; check that column/key exists Query: UPDATE `item_instance` SET `data` = CONCAT(`data`,' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ') WHERE SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`,' ',3),' ',-1) = 7 AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`,' ',91),' ',-1) = '' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:20:13 Line no.:3 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.item_instance' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character_pet` ADD `name` varchar(12) default 'Pet' AFTER `trainpoint` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:20:38 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_pet' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character_pet` CHANGE COLUMN `name` `name` varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT 'Pet' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:20:49 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_pet' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character` DROP KEY `idx_name`, ENGINE = InnoDB Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:20:58 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `corpse_grid` ENGINE = MEMORY Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:21:03 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.corpse_grid' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `creature_grid` ENGINE = MEMORY Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:21:08 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.creature_grid' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `gameobject_grid` ENGINE = MEMORY Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:21:13 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.gameobject_grid' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character_pet` ADD COLUMN `modelid` int(11) unsigned default '0' after `owner` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:21:19 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_pet' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character_pet` ADD COLUMN `renamed` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' after `name` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:21:33 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_pet' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `npc_trainer` DROP `reqspell` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:21:54 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'reqspell'; check that column/key exists Query: ALTER TABLE `character` DROP `realm` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:22:17 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `areatrigger_template` ADD `required_level` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `name` Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:22:26 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.areatrigger_template' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `character` ADD `gmstate` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:22:32 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist Query: DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_skill` WHERE `Skill` = 633 Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:22:46 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.playercreateinfo_skill' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE `scripts` CHANGE COLUMN `datatext` `datatext` text NOT NULL Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:23:00 Line no.:2 Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.scripts' doesn't exist Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7980_01_mangos_item_required_target required_7988_01_mangos_item_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:23:45 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7980_01_mangos_item_required_target' in 'db_version' Query: ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_7980_01_mangos_item_required_target required_7988_01_mangos_item_template bit Error occured at:2009-12-04 17:25:12 Line no.:1 Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_7980_01_mangos_item_required_target' in 'db_version'