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Prosím vás nemá tu niekdo z váš funkčné scripty bosov v BT ? Konkrétne ide o bosov -> Shade of Akama a Bloodboil. Reviziu mám 1223+. Ďakujem.

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Shade of akama


#include "ScriptPCH.h"
#include "black_temple.h"

#define SAY_DEATH                   -1564013
#define SAY_LOW_HEALTH              -1564014
// Ending cinematic text
#define SAY_FREE                    -1564015
#define SAY_BROKEN_FREE_01          -1564016
#define SAY_BROKEN_FREE_02          -1564017

#define GOSSIP_ITEM                 "We are ready to fight alongside you, Akama"

struct Location
   float x, y, o, z;

/* Not used
static Location ChannelerLocations[]=
   {463.161285f, 401.219757f, 3.141592f, 0.0f},
   {457.377625f, 391.227661f, 2.106461f, 0.0f},
   {446.012421f, 391.227661f, 1.071904f, 0.0f},
   {439.533783f, 401.219757f, 0.000000f, 0.0f},
   {446.012421f, 411.211853f, 5.210546f, 0.0f},
   {457.377625f, 411.211853f, 4.177494f, 0.0f}

static Location SpawnLocations[]=
   {498.652740f, 461.728119f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
   {498.505003f, 339.619324f, 0.0f, 0.0f}

static Location AkamaWP[]=
   {482.352448f, 401.162720f, 0.0f, 112.783928f},
   {469.597443f, 402.264404f, 0.0f, 118.537910f}

static Location BrokenCoords[]=
   {541.375916f, 401.439575f, M_PI, 112.783997f},             // The place where Akama channels
   {534.130005f, 352.394531f, 2.164150f, 112.783737f},         // Behind a 'pillar' which is behind the east alcove
   {499.621185f, 341.534729f, 1.652856f, 112.783730f},         // East Alcove
   {499.151093f, 461.036438f, 4.770888f, 112.78370f},          // West Alcove

static Location BrokenWP[]=
   {492.491638f, 400.744690f, 3.122336f, 112.783737f},
   {494.335724f, 382.221771f, 2.676230f, 112.783737f},
   {489.555939f, 373.507202f, 2.416263f, 112.783737f},
   {491.136353f, 427.868774f, 3.519748f, 112.783737f},

// Locations
#define Z1              118.543144f
#define Z2              120.783768f
#define Z_SPAWN         113.537949f
#define AGGRO_X         482.793182f
#define AGGRO_Y         401.270172f
#define AGGRO_Z         112.783928f
#define AKAMA_X         514.583984f
#define AKAMA_Y         400.601013f
#define AKAMA_Z         112.783997f

// Spells
#define SPELL_LIGHTNING_BOLT        42024
#define AKAMA_SOUL_EXPEL            40855

// Channeler entry
#define CREATURE_CHANNELER          23421
#define CREATURE_SORCERER           23215
#define CREATURE_DEFENDER           23216
#define CREATURE_BROKEN             23319

const uint32 spawnEntries[4]= { 23523, 23318, 23524 };

class mob_ashtongue_channeler : public CreatureScript
   mob_ashtongue_channeler() : CreatureScript("mob_ashtongue_channeler") { }

   CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* pCreature) const
       return new mob_ashtongue_channelerAI (pCreature);

   struct mob_ashtongue_channelerAI : public ScriptedAI
       mob_ashtongue_channelerAI(Creature* c) : ScriptedAI(c) {ShadeGUID = 0;}

       uint64 ShadeGUID;

       void Reset() {}
       void JustDied(Unit* /*killer*/);
       void EnterCombat(Unit* /*who*/) {}
       void AttackStart(Unit* /*who*/) {}
       void MoveInLineOfSight(Unit* /*who*/) {}
       void UpdateAI(const uint32 /*diff*/) {}


class mob_ashtongue_sorcerer : public CreatureScript
   mob_ashtongue_sorcerer() : CreatureScript("mob_ashtongue_sorcerer") { }

   CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* pCreature) const
       return new mob_ashtongue_sorcererAI (pCreature);

   struct mob_ashtongue_sorcererAI : public ScriptedAI
       mob_ashtongue_sorcererAI(Creature* c) : ScriptedAI(c) {ShadeGUID = 0;}

       uint64 ShadeGUID;
       uint32 CheckTimer;
       bool StartBanishing;

       void Reset()
           StartBanishing = false;
           CheckTimer = 5000;

       void JustDied(Unit* /*killer*/);
       void EnterCombat(Unit* /*who*/) {}
       void AttackStart(Unit* /*who*/) {}
       void MoveInLineOfSight(Unit* /*who*/) {}
       void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff)
           if (StartBanishing)

           if (CheckTimer <= diff)
               Creature* Shade = Unit::GetCreature((*me), ShadeGUID);
               if (Shade && Shade->isAlive() && me->isAlive())
                   if (me->IsWithinDist(Shade, 20,false))
                       DoCast(Shade, SPELL_SHADE_SOUL_CHANNEL, true);
                       DoCast(Shade, SPELL_SHADE_SOUL_CHANNEL_2, true);

                       StartBanishing = true;
               CheckTimer = 2000;
           } else CheckTimer -= diff;


class boss_shade_of_akama : public CreatureScript
   boss_shade_of_akama() : CreatureScript("boss_shade_of_akama") { }

   CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* pCreature) const
       return new boss_shade_of_akamaAI (pCreature);

   struct boss_shade_of_akamaAI : public ScriptedAI
       boss_shade_of_akamaAI(Creature* c) : ScriptedAI(c), summons(me)
           pInstance = c->GetInstanceScript();
           AkamaGUID = pInstance ? pInstance->GetData64(DATA_AKAMA_SHADE) : 0;
           me->setActive(true);//if view distance is too low
           me->ApplySpellImmune(0, IMMUNITY_STATE, SPELL_AURA_MOD_TAUNT, true);
           me->ApplySpellImmune(0, IMMUNITY_EFFECT,SPELL_EFFECT_ATTACK_ME, true);

       InstanceScript* pInstance;

       std::list<uint64> Channelers;
       std::list<uint64> Sorcerers;
       uint64 AkamaGUID;

       uint32 SorcererCount;
       uint32 DeathCount;

       uint32 ReduceHealthTimer;
       uint32 SummonTimer;
       uint32 ResetTimer;
       uint32 DefenderTimer;                                   // They are on a flat 15 second timer, independant of the other summon Creature timer.

       bool IsBanished;
       bool HasKilledAkama;
       bool reseting;
       bool GridSearcherSucceeded;
       bool HasKilledAkamaAndReseting;
       SummonList summons;

       void Reset()
           reseting = true;
           HasKilledAkamaAndReseting = false;

           GridSearcherSucceeded = false;

           summons.DespawnAll();//despawn all adds

           if (Creature* Akama = Unit::GetCreature(*me, AkamaGUID))
               Akama->SetFlag(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_GOSSIP);//turn gossip on so players can restart the event
               if (Akama->isDead())
                   Akama->Respawn();//respawn akama if dead
           SorcererCount = 0;
           DeathCount = 0;

           SummonTimer = 10000;
           ReduceHealthTimer = 0;
           ResetTimer = 60000;
           DefenderTimer = 15000;

           IsBanished = true;
           HasKilledAkama = false;


           if (pInstance)
               pInstance->SetData(DATA_SHADEOFAKAMAEVENT, NOT_STARTED);

           reseting = false;
       void JustDied(Unit* /*killer*/)
       void JustSummoned(Creature *summon)
           if (summon->GetEntry() == CREATURE_DEFENDER || summon->GetEntry() == 23523 || summon->GetEntry() == 23318 || summon->GetEntry() == 23524)
       void SummonedCreatureDespawn(Creature *summon)
           if (summon->GetEntry() == CREATURE_DEFENDER || summon->GetEntry() == 23523 || summon->GetEntry() == 23318 || summon->GetEntry() == 23524)

       void MoveInLineOfSight(Unit * /*who*/)
           if (!GridSearcherSucceeded)

               if (!Channelers.empty())
                   for (std::list<uint64>::const_iterator itr = Channelers.begin(); itr != Channelers.end(); ++itr)
                       Creature* Channeler = (Unit::GetCreature(*me, *itr));
                       if (Channeler)
                           if (Channeler->isDead())

                           Channeler->CastSpell(me, SPELL_SHADE_SOUL_CHANNEL, true);
                           Channeler->CastSpell(me, SPELL_SHADE_SOUL_CHANNEL_2, true);
                           Channeler->SetFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE);
                           GridSearcherSucceeded = true;
               } else sLog->outError("SD2 ERROR: No Channelers are stored in the list. This encounter will not work properly");

       void AttackStart(Unit* who)
           if (!who || IsBanished) return;

           if (who->isTargetableForAttack() && who != me)

       void IncrementDeathCount(uint64 guid = 0)               // If guid is set, will remove it from list of sorcerer
           if (reseting)

           sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_TSCR, "TSCR: Increasing Death Count for Shade of Akama encounter");
           if (guid)
               if (Sorcerers.empty())
                   sLog->outError("SD2 ERROR: Shade of Akama - attempt to remove guid " UI64FMTD " from Sorcerers list but list is already empty", guid);
               else  Sorcerers.remove(guid);

       void SummonCreature()
           uint32 random = rand()%2;
           float X = SpawnLocations[random].x;
           float Y = SpawnLocations[random].y;
           // max of 6 sorcerers can be summoned
           if ((rand()%3 == 0) && (DeathCount > 0) && (SorcererCount < 7))
               Creature* Sorcerer = me->SummonCreature(CREATURE_SORCERER, X, Y, Z_SPAWN, 0, TEMPSUMMON_DEAD_DESPAWN, 0);
               if (Sorcerer)
                   CAST_AI(mob_ashtongue_sorcerer::mob_ashtongue_sorcererAI, Sorcerer->AI())->ShadeGUID = me->GetGUID();
                   Sorcerer->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, me->GetPositionX(), me->GetPositionY(), me->GetPositionZ());
                   Sorcerer->SetUInt64Value(UNIT_FIELD_TARGET, me->GetGUID());
               for (uint8 i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                   Creature* Spawn = me->SummonCreature(spawnEntries[i], X, Y, Z_SPAWN, 0, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_OR_CORPSE_DESPAWN, 25000);
                   if (Spawn)
                       Spawn->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, AGGRO_X, AGGRO_Y, AGGRO_Z);
                       Unit *pTarget = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 1);

       void FindChannelers()
           std::list<Creature*> ChannelerList;

           if (!ChannelerList.empty())
               for (std::list<Creature*>::const_iterator itr = ChannelerList.begin(); itr != ChannelerList.end(); ++itr)
                   CAST_AI(mob_ashtongue_channeler::mob_ashtongue_channelerAI, (*itr)->AI())->ShadeGUID = me->GetGUID();
                   sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_TSCR, "TSCR: Shade of Akama Grid Search found channeler " UI64FMTD ". Adding to list", (*itr)->GetGUID());
           else sLog->outError("SD2 ERROR: Grid Search was unable to find any channelers. Shade of Akama encounter will be buggy");

       void SetSelectableChannelers()
           if (Channelers.empty())
               sLog->outError("SD2 ERROR: Channeler List is empty, Shade of Akama encounter will be buggy");

           for (std::list<uint64>::const_iterator itr = Channelers.begin(); itr != Channelers.end(); ++itr)
               if (Creature* Channeler = (Unit::GetCreature(*me, *itr)))
                   Channeler->RemoveFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE);

       void SetAkamaGUID(uint64 guid) { AkamaGUID = guid; }

       void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff)
           if (!me->isInCombat())

           if (IsBanished)
               // Akama is set in the threatlist so when we reset, we make sure that he is not included in our check
               if (me->getThreatManager().getThreatList().size() < 2)

               if (DefenderTimer <= diff)
                   uint32 ran = rand()%2;
                   Creature* Defender = me->SummonCreature(CREATURE_DEFENDER, SpawnLocations[ran].x, SpawnLocations[ran].y, Z_SPAWN, 0, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_OR_CORPSE_DESPAWN, 25000);
                   if (Defender)
                       bool move = true;
                       if (AkamaGUID)
                           if (Creature* Akama = Unit::GetCreature(*me, AkamaGUID))
                               float x, y, z;
                               // They move towards AKama
                               Defender->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, x, y, z);
                           } else move = false;
                       } else move = false;
                       if (!move)
                           Defender->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, AKAMA_X, AKAMA_Y, AKAMA_Z);
                   DefenderTimer = 15000;
               } else DefenderTimer -= diff;

               if (SummonTimer <= diff)
                   SummonTimer = 35000;
               } else SummonTimer -= diff;

               if (DeathCount >= 6)
                   if (AkamaGUID)
                       Creature* Akama = Unit::GetCreature((*me), AkamaGUID);
                       if (Akama && Akama->isAlive())
                           IsBanished = false;
                           // Shade should move to Akama, not the other way around
                           me->RemoveFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE);
                           // Crazy amount of threat
                           me->AddThreat(Akama, 10000000.0f);
                           Akama->AddThreat(me, 10000000.0f);
                           me->Attack(Akama, true);
                           Akama->Attack(me, true);
           else                                                // No longer banished, let's fight Akama now
               if (ReduceHealthTimer <= diff)
                   if (AkamaGUID)
                       Creature* Akama = Unit::GetCreature((*me), AkamaGUID);
                       if (Akama && Akama->isAlive())
                           //10 % less health every few seconds.
                           me->DealDamage(Akama, Akama->GetMaxHealth()/10, NULL, DIRECT_DAMAGE, SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL, NULL, false);
                           ReduceHealthTimer = 12000;
               } else ReduceHealthTimer -= diff;

               if (HasKilledAkama)
                   if (!HasKilledAkamaAndReseting)//do not let players kill Shade if Akama is dead and Shade is waiting for ResetTimer!! event would bug
                       HasKilledAkamaAndReseting = true;
                       me->SetFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE);
                   if (ResetTimer <= diff)
                       EnterEvadeMode();// Reset a little while after killing Akama, evade and respawn Akama
                   } else ResetTimer -= diff;



void mob_ashtongue_channeler::mob_ashtongue_channelerAI::JustDied(Unit* /*killer*/)
   Creature* Shade = (Unit::GetCreature((*me), ShadeGUID));
   if (Shade && Shade->isAlive())
       CAST_AI(boss_shade_of_akama::boss_shade_of_akamaAI, Shade->AI())->IncrementDeathCount();
   else sLog->outError("SD2 ERROR: Channeler dead but unable to increment DeathCount for Shade of Akama.");

void mob_ashtongue_sorcerer::mob_ashtongue_sorcererAI::JustDied(Unit* /*killer*/)
   Creature* Shade = (Unit::GetCreature((*me), ShadeGUID));
   if (Shade && Shade->isAlive())
       CAST_AI(boss_shade_of_akama::boss_shade_of_akamaAI, Shade->AI())->IncrementDeathCount(me->GetGUID());
   else sLog->outError("SD2 ERROR: Sorcerer dead but unable to increment DeathCount for Shade of Akama.");

class npc_akama_shade : public CreatureScript
   npc_akama_shade() : CreatureScript("npc_akama_shade") { }

   bool OnGossipSelect(Player* pPlayer, Creature* pCreature, uint32 /*uiSender*/, uint32 uiAction)
       if (uiAction == GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF + 1)               //Fight time
           CAST_AI(npc_akama_shade::npc_akamaAI, pCreature->AI())->BeginEvent(pPlayer);

       return true;

   bool OnGossipHello(Player* pPlayer, Creature* pCreature)
       if (pPlayer->isAlive())
           pPlayer->SEND_GOSSIP_MENU(907, pCreature->GetGUID());

       return true;

   CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* pCreature) const
       return new npc_akamaAI (pCreature);

   struct npc_akamaAI : public ScriptedAI
       npc_akamaAI(Creature* c) : ScriptedAI(c), summons(me)
           ShadeHasDied = false;
           StartCombat = false;
           pInstance = c->GetInstanceScript();
           if (pInstance)
               ShadeGUID = pInstance->GetData64(DATA_SHADEOFAKAMA);
               ShadeGUID = NOT_STARTED;
           EventBegun = false;
           CastSoulRetrieveTimer = 0;
           SoulRetrieveTimer = 0;
           SummonBrokenTimer = 0;
           EndingTalkCount = 0;
           WayPointId = 0;
           BrokenSummonIndex = 0;
           HasYelledOnce = false;

       InstanceScript* pInstance;

       uint64 ShadeGUID;

       uint32 DestructivePoisonTimer;
       uint32 LightningBoltTimer;
       uint32 CheckTimer;
       uint32 CastSoulRetrieveTimer;
       uint32 SoulRetrieveTimer;
       uint32 SummonBrokenTimer;
       uint32 EndingTalkCount;
       uint32 WayPointId;
       uint32 BrokenSummonIndex;

       std::list<uint64> BrokenList;

       bool EventBegun;
       bool ShadeHasDied;
       bool StartCombat;
       bool HasYelledOnce;
       SummonList summons;

       void Reset()
           DestructivePoisonTimer = 15000;
           LightningBoltTimer = 10000;
           CheckTimer = 2000;

           if (!EventBegun)
               me->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, 0);      // Database sometimes has very very strange values
               me->SetFlag(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_GOSSIP);

       void JustSummoned(Creature *summon)
           if (summon->GetEntry() == CREATURE_BROKEN)
       void SummonedCreatureDespawn(Creature *summon)
           if (summon->GetEntry() == CREATURE_BROKEN)

       void EnterCombat(Unit* /*who*/) {}

       void BeginEvent(Player* pl)
           if (!pInstance)

           ShadeGUID = pInstance->GetData64(DATA_SHADEOFAKAMA);
           if (!ShadeGUID)

           Creature* Shade = (Unit::GetCreature((*me), ShadeGUID));
           if (Shade)
               pInstance->SetData(DATA_SHADEOFAKAMAEVENT, IN_PROGRESS);
               // Prevent players from trying to restart event
               me->RemoveFlag(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_GOSSIP);
               CAST_AI(boss_shade_of_akama::boss_shade_of_akamaAI, Shade->AI())->SetAkamaGUID(me->GetGUID());
               CAST_AI(boss_shade_of_akama::boss_shade_of_akamaAI, Shade->AI())->SetSelectableChannelers();
               Shade->AddThreat(me, 1000000.0f);
               Shade->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_NPC_EMOTESTATE, EMOTE_STATE_NONE);
               Shade->SetUInt64Value(UNIT_FIELD_TARGET, me->GetGUID());
               if (pl) Shade->AddThreat(pl, 1.0f);
               EventBegun = true;

       void MovementInform(uint32 type, uint32 id)
           if (type != POINT_MOTION_TYPE)

           case 0: ++WayPointId; break;

           case 1:
               if (Creature* Shade = Unit::GetCreature(*me, ShadeGUID))
                   me->SetUInt64Value(UNIT_FIELD_TARGET, ShadeGUID);
                   DoCast(Shade, SPELL_AKAMA_SOUL_RETRIEVE);
                   EndingTalkCount = 0;
                   SoulRetrieveTimer = 16000;

       void JustDied(Unit* /*killer*/)
           DoScriptText(SAY_DEATH, me);
           EventBegun = false;
           ShadeHasDied = false;
           StartCombat = false;
           CastSoulRetrieveTimer = 0;
           SoulRetrieveTimer = 0;
           SummonBrokenTimer = 0;
           EndingTalkCount = 0;
           WayPointId = 0;
           BrokenSummonIndex = 0;
           HasYelledOnce = false;
           Creature* Shade = Unit::GetCreature((*me), ShadeGUID);
           if (Shade && Shade->isAlive())
               CAST_AI(boss_shade_of_akama::boss_shade_of_akamaAI, Shade->AI())->HasKilledAkama = true;

       void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff)
           if (!EventBegun)

           if (HealthBelowPct(15) && !HasYelledOnce)
               DoScriptText(SAY_LOW_HEALTH, me);
               HasYelledOnce = true;

           if (ShadeGUID && !StartCombat)
               Creature* Shade = (Unit::GetCreature((*me), ShadeGUID));
               if (Shade && Shade->isAlive())
                   if (CAST_AI(boss_shade_of_akama::boss_shade_of_akamaAI, Shade->AI())->IsBanished)
                       if (CastSoulRetrieveTimer <= diff)
                           DoCast(Shade, SPELL_AKAMA_SOUL_CHANNEL);
                           CastSoulRetrieveTimer = 500;
                       } else CastSoulRetrieveTimer -= diff;
                       StartCombat = true;

           if (ShadeHasDied && (WayPointId == 1))
               if (pInstance)
                   pInstance->SetData(DATA_SHADEOFAKAMAEVENT, DONE);
               me->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(WayPointId, AkamaWP[1].x, AkamaWP[1].y, AkamaWP[1].z);

           if (!ShadeHasDied && StartCombat)
               if (CheckTimer <= diff)
                   if (ShadeGUID)
                       Creature* Shade = Unit::GetCreature((*me), ShadeGUID);
                       if (Shade && !Shade->isAlive())
                           ShadeHasDied = true;
                           WayPointId = 0;
                           me->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(WayPointId, AkamaWP[0].x, AkamaWP[0].y, AkamaWP[0].z);
                       if (Shade && Shade->isAlive())
                           if (Shade->getThreatManager().getThreatList().size() < 2)
                   CheckTimer = 5000;
               } else CheckTimer -= diff;

           if (SummonBrokenTimer && BrokenSummonIndex < 4)
               if (SummonBrokenTimer <= diff)
                   for (uint8 i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                       float x = BrokenCoords[brokenSummonIndex].x + (i*5);
                       float y = BrokenCoords[brokenSummonIndex].y + (1*5);
                       float z = BrokenCoords[brokenSummonIndex].z;
                       float o = BrokenCoords[brokenSummonIndex].o;
                       Creature* Broken = me->SummonCreature(CREATURE_BROKEN, x, y, z, o, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_OR_CORPSE_DESPAWN, 360000);
                       if (Broken)
                           float wx = BrokenWP[brokenSummonIndex].x + (i*5);
                           float wy = BrokenWP[brokenSummonIndex].y + (i*5);
                           float wz = BrokenWP[brokenSummonIndex].z;
                           Broken->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, wx, wy, wz);
                           Broken->SetFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_NON_ATTACKABLE);
                   SummonBrokenTimer = 1000;
               } else SummonBrokenTimer -= diff;

           if (SoulRetrieveTimer)
               if (SoulRetrieveTimer <= diff)
                   case 0:
                       SoulRetrieveTimer = 2000;
                       SummonBrokenTimer = 1;
                   case 1:
                       DoScriptText(SAY_FREE, me);
                       SoulRetrieveTimer = 25000;
                   case 2:
                       if (!BrokenList.empty())
                           bool Yelled = false;
                           for (std::list<uint64>::const_iterator itr = BrokenList.begin(); itr != BrokenList.end(); ++itr)
                               if (Creature* pUnit = Unit::GetCreature(*me, *itr))
                                   if (!Yelled)
                                       DoScriptText(SAY_BROKEN_FREE_01, pUnit);
                                       Yelled = true;
                       SoulRetrieveTimer = 1500;
                   case 3:
                       if (!BrokenList.empty())
                           for (std::list<uint64>::const_iterator itr = BrokenList.begin(); itr != BrokenList.end(); ++itr)
                               if (Creature* pUnit = Unit::GetCreature(*me, *itr))
                                   // This is the incorrect spell, but can't seem to find the right one.
                                   pUnit->CastSpell(pUnit, 39656, true);
                       SoulRetrieveTimer = 5000;
                   case 4:
                       if (!BrokenList.empty())
                           for (std::list<uint64>::const_iterator itr = BrokenList.begin(); itr != BrokenList.end(); ++itr)
                               if (Creature* pUnit = Unit::GetCreature((*me), *itr))
                                   pUnit->MonsterYell(SAY_BROKEN_FREE_02, LANG_UNIVERSAL, 0);
                       SoulRetrieveTimer = 0;
               } else SoulRetrieveTimer -= diff;

           if (!UpdateVictim())

           if (DestructivePoisonTimer <= diff)
               Creature* Shade = Unit::GetCreature((*me), ShadeGUID);
               if (Shade && Shade->isAlive())
                   DoCast(Shade, SPELL_DESTRUCTIVE_POISON);
               DestructivePoisonTimer = 15000;
           } else DestructivePoisonTimer -= diff;

           if (LightningBoltTimer <= diff)
               DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_LIGHTNING_BOLT);
               LightningBoltTimer = 10000;
           } else LightningBoltTimer -= diff;



void AddSC_boss_shade_of_akama()
   new boss_shade_of_akama();
   new mob_ashtongue_channeler();
   new mob_ashtongue_sorcerer();
   new npc_akama_shade();





#include "ScriptPCH.h"
#include "black_temple.h"

#define SAY_AGGRO               -1564029
#define SAY_SLAY1               -1564030
#define SAY_SLAY2               -1564031
#define SAY_SPECIAL1            -1564032
#define SAY_SPECIAL2            -1564033
#define SAY_ENRAGE1             -1564034
#define SAY_ENRAGE2             -1564035
#define SAY_DEATH               -1564036

#define SPELL_ACID_GEYSER        40630
#define SPELL_ACIDIC_WOUND       40481
#define SPELL_ARCING_SMASH       40599
#define SPELL_BLOODBOIL          42005                      // This spell is AoE whereas it shouldn't be
#define SPELL_FEL_ACID           40508
#define SPELL_FEL_RAGE_SELF      40594
#define SPELL_FEL_RAGE_TARGET    40604
#define SPELL_FEL_RAGE_2         40616
#define SPELL_FEL_RAGE_3         41625
#define SPELL_EJECT1             40486                      // 1000 Physical damage + knockback + script effect (should handle threat reduction I think)
#define SPELL_EJECT2             40597                      // 1000 Physical damage + Stun (used in phase 2?)
#define SPELL_TAUNT_GURTOGG      40603
#define SPELL_INSIGNIFIGANCE     40618
#define SPELL_BERSERK            45078

//This is used to sort the players by distance in preparation for the Bloodboil cast.

class boss_gurtogg_bloodboil : public CreatureScript
   boss_gurtogg_bloodboil() : CreatureScript("boss_gurtogg_bloodboil") { }

   CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* pCreature) const
       return new boss_gurtogg_bloodboilAI (pCreature);

   struct boss_gurtogg_bloodboilAI : public ScriptedAI
       boss_gurtogg_bloodboilAI(Creature *c) : ScriptedAI(c)
           pInstance = c->GetInstanceScript();

       InstanceScript* pInstance;

       uint64 TargetGUID;

       float TargetThreat;

       uint32 BloodboilTimer;
       uint32 BloodboilCount;
       uint32 AcidGeyserTimer;
       uint32 AcidicWoundTimer;
       uint32 ArcingSmashTimer;
       uint32 EnrageTimer;
       uint32 FelAcidTimer;
       uint32 EjectTimer;
       uint32 BewilderingStrikeTimer;
       uint32 PhaseChangeTimer;

       bool Phase1;

       void Reset()
           if (pInstance)

           TargetGUID = 0;

           TargetThreat = 0;

           BloodboilTimer = 10000;
           BloodboilCount = 0;
           AcidGeyserTimer = 1000;
           AcidicWoundTimer = 6000;
           ArcingSmashTimer = 19000;
           EnrageTimer = 600000;
           FelAcidTimer = 25000;
           EjectTimer = 10000;
           BewilderingStrikeTimer = 15000;
           PhaseChangeTimer = 60000;

           Phase1 = true;

           me->ApplySpellImmune(0, IMMUNITY_STATE, SPELL_AURA_MOD_TAUNT, false);
           me->ApplySpellImmune(0, IMMUNITY_EFFECT,SPELL_EFFECT_ATTACK_ME, false);

       void EnterCombat(Unit * /*who*/)
           DoScriptText(SAY_AGGRO, me);
           if (pInstance)

       void KilledUnit(Unit * /*victim*/)
           DoScriptText(RAND(SAY_SLAY1,SAY_SLAY2), me);

       void JustDied(Unit * /*victim*/)
           if (pInstance)
               pInstance->SetData(DATA_GURTOGGBLOODBOILEVENT, DONE);

           DoScriptText(SAY_DEATH, me);

       // Note: This seems like a very complicated fix. The fix needs to be handled by the core, as implementation of limited-target AoE spells are still not limited.
       void CastBloodboil()
           // Get the Threat List
           std::list<HostileReference *> m_threatlist = me->getThreatManager().getThreatList();

           if (!m_threatlist.size()) // He doesn't have anyone in his threatlist, useless to continue

           std::list<Unit *> targets;
           std::list<HostileReference *>::const_iterator itr = m_threatlist.begin();
           for (; itr!= m_threatlist.end(); ++itr)             //store the threat list in a different container
               Unit *pTarget = Unit::GetUnit(*me, (*itr)->getUnitGuid());
                                                               //only on alive players
               if (pTarget && pTarget->isAlive() && pTarget->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER)

           //Sort the list of players
           targets.sort(Trinity::ObjectDistanceOrderPred(me, false));
           //Resize so we only get top 5

           //Aura each player in the targets list with Bloodboil. Aura code copied+pasted from Aura command in Level3.cpp
           /*SpellEntry const *spellInfo = GetSpellStore()->LookupEntry(SPELL_BLOODBOIL);
           if (spellInfo)
               for (std::list<Unit *>::const_iterator itr = targets.begin(); itr != targets.end(); ++itr)
                   Unit *pTarget = *itr;
                   if (!pTarget) return;
                   for (uint32 i = 0; i<3; ++i)
                       uint8 eff = spellInfo->Effect[i];
                       if (eff >= TOTAL_SPELL_EFFECTS)

                       Aura *Aur = new Aura(spellInfo, i, pTarget, pTarget, pTarget);

       void RevertThreatOnTarget(uint64 guid)
           Unit* pUnit = NULL;
           pUnit = Unit::GetUnit((*me), guid);
           if (pUnit)
               if (DoGetThreat(pUnit))
                   DoModifyThreatPercent(pUnit, -100);
               if (TargetThreat)
                   me->AddThreat(pUnit, TargetThreat);

       void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff)
           if (!UpdateVictim())

           if (ArcingSmashTimer <= diff)
               DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_ARCING_SMASH);
               ArcingSmashTimer = 10000;
           } else ArcingSmashTimer -= diff;

           if (FelAcidTimer <= diff)
               DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_FEL_ACID);
               FelAcidTimer = 25000;
           } else FelAcidTimer -= diff;

           if (!me->HasAura(SPELL_BERSERK))
               if (EnrageTimer <= diff)
                   DoCast(me, SPELL_BERSERK);
                   DoScriptText(RAND(SAY_ENRAGE1,SAY_ENRAGE2), me);
               } else EnrageTimer -= diff;

           if (Phase1)
               if (BewilderingStrikeTimer <= diff)
                   DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_BEWILDERING_STRIKE);
                   float mt_threat = DoGetThreat(me->getVictim());
                   if (Unit *pTarget = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_TOPAGGRO, 1))
                       me->AddThreat(pTarget, mt_threat);
                   BewilderingStrikeTimer = 20000;
               } else BewilderingStrikeTimer -= diff;

               if (EjectTimer <= diff)
                   DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_EJECT1);
                   DoModifyThreatPercent(me->getVictim(), -40);
                   EjectTimer = 15000;
               } else EjectTimer -= diff;

               if (AcidicWoundTimer <= diff)
                   DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_ACIDIC_WOUND);
                   AcidicWoundTimer = 10000;
               } else AcidicWoundTimer -= diff;

               if (BloodboilTimer <= diff)
                   if (BloodboilCount < 5)                      // Only cast it five times.
                       //CastBloodboil(); // Causes issues on windows, so is commented out.
                       DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_BLOODBOIL);
                       BloodboilTimer = 10000*BloodboilCount;
               } else BloodboilTimer -= diff;

           if (!Phase1)
               if (AcidGeyserTimer <= diff)
                   DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_ACID_GEYSER);
                   AcidGeyserTimer = 30000;
               } else AcidGeyserTimer -= diff;

               if (EjectTimer <= diff)
                   DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_EJECT2);
                   EjectTimer = 15000;
               } else EjectTimer -= diff;

           if (PhaseChangeTimer <= diff)
               if (Phase1)
                   Unit *pTarget = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 0);
                   if (pTarget && pTarget->isAlive())
                       Phase1 = false;

                       TargetThreat = DoGetThreat(pTarget);
                       TargetGUID = pTarget->GetGUID();
                       pTarget->CastSpell(me, SPELL_TAUNT_GURTOGG, true);
                       if (DoGetThreat(pTarget))
                           DoModifyThreatPercent(pTarget, -100);
                       me->AddThreat(pTarget, 50000000.0f);
                       me->ApplySpellImmune(0, IMMUNITY_STATE, SPELL_AURA_MOD_TAUNT, true);
                       me->ApplySpellImmune(0, IMMUNITY_EFFECT,SPELL_EFFECT_ATTACK_ME, true);
                                                               // If VMaps are disabled, this spell can call the whole instance
                       DoCast(me, SPELL_INSIGNIFIGANCE, true);
                       DoCast(pTarget, SPELL_FEL_RAGE_TARGET, true);
                       DoCast(pTarget, SPELL_FEL_RAGE_2, true);
                       /* These spells do not work, comment them out for now.
                       DoCast(pTarget, SPELL_FEL_RAGE_2, true);
                       DoCast(pTarget, SPELL_FEL_RAGE_3, true);*/

                       //Cast this without triggered so that it appears in combat logs and shows visual.
                       DoCast(me, SPELL_FEL_RAGE_SELF);

                       DoScriptText(RAND(SAY_SPECIAL1,SAY_SPECIAL2), me);

                       AcidGeyserTimer = 1000;
                       PhaseChangeTimer = 30000;
               } else                                           // Encounter is a loop pretty much. Phase 1 -> Phase 2 -> Phase 1 -> Phase 2 till death or enrage
                   if (TargetGUID)
                   TargetGUID = 0;
                   Phase1 = true;
                   BloodboilTimer = 10000;
                   BloodboilCount = 0;
                   AcidicWoundTimer += 2000;
                   ArcingSmashTimer += 2000;
                   FelAcidTimer += 2000;
                   EjectTimer += 2000;
                   PhaseChangeTimer = 60000;
                   me->ApplySpellImmune(0, IMMUNITY_STATE, SPELL_AURA_MOD_TAUNT, false);
                   me->ApplySpellImmune(0, IMMUNITY_EFFECT,SPELL_EFFECT_ATTACK_ME, false);
           } else PhaseChangeTimer -= diff;



void AddSC_boss_gurtogg_bloodboil()
   new boss_gurtogg_bloodboil();



budes si to muset upravit

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