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    • Xmat

      Pravidlo pro postování v TTT

      Do sekce Tipy, triky, tutoriály nepatří žádné dotazy.   Postujte sem vaše návody, tipy a různé další věci jež uznáte za vhodné sdělit zdejšímu osazenstvu, ale veškeré dotazy směřujte do sekce Všeobecná diskuse.
    • Replik

      Seznam návodů a důležitých témat v této sekci

      Pro lepší přehlednost jsem vytvořil tento seznam, který vás, méně zkušené, lépe provede touto sekcí. Věřím, že zde najdete, co hledáte. Vypsané jsou návody, které jsou oficiálně uznané jako návody. Běžné diskuze, které neposkytují postupy a rady zvěřejněny nejsou.   Instalace vlastního MaNGOS Serveru Díky těmto návodům budete (měli by jste být) schopni vytvořit a následně spustit váš vlastní server. Nastavení je pro verze s i bez datadisku.   Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (bez datadisku TBC) - Autor Benny Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (s datadiskem TBC) - Autor Malfik Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor charlie Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor kupkoid   Chyby a jejich řešení při přihlašování k serveru - Autor Cybe   Zálohování uživatelských dat   Dávkový soubor (BAT soubor) pro vytvoření SQL záloh - Autor Replik   Kompilování - tvoření vlastních release (revizí)   Tvorba kompilací pro Win32 (MangoScript) - Autor bLuma   Ostatní - těžko zařaditelné, ale neznamená to, že nejsou dobré   VIP Systém - Autor charlie Tvorba Webových stránek pro MaNGOS - Autor zahuba Tvorba teleportačních NPC (MangoScript) - Autor Replik Registrační web (původně předělaná SPORA) Funkční pro Antrix i MaNGOS - Autor Replik Nastavení a spuštění Minimanager pro MaNGOS - Autor BlackMartin Nastavení MaNGOS Website - Autor Artorius   Samozřejmě jsou zde i jiné návody, ale tyto jsou nejvíce používané, proto věřím, že vám budou nápomocné. Tuto sekci budeme upravovat podle potřeby. Pokud by jste něco nenašli nebo si nevěděli rady, hledejte na fóru a teprve potom založte vlastní topik. Pokud nějaký autor vytvoří kvalitní návod a chtěl by ho zveřejnit i v tomto seznamu, doporučuji, aby mi napsal zprávu skrze PM.   Díky a přeji hezký den na WoWResource   Replik
    • Aristo

      Příspěvky tam, kde nemají co dělat

      Dodržujte zákaz přispívání do topiků s repaky pokud si to zakladatelé nepřejí!! Opakované psaní příspěvků bude trestáno warnem.
    • Aristo

      Používání spoilerů

      Poslední dobou má většina uživatelů fora zvláštní nutkání postovat extrémně dlouhé texty nebo kódy, které zabírají v nejedenom případu i 80% obsahu celé stránky a hodně tak zvedají nepřehlednost v topiku. Chtěl bych všechny uživatele požádat, aby při postování citací, jakýchkoliv kódů, errorů, atp... delších než 30 řádků používali funkci spoileru.   Funkci vyvoláte příkazem [spoiler] text [/spoiler]   Ukázka:  
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Dobrý den, mám fungující server 4.0.6 cataclysm a v pořádku se připojím. Mám veřejnou IP ale u ostatních to pořád píše loging into game server. Prosím pomoc. Jinak vše jede až na tohle.

Edited by jakubsar

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neodpovídáme, nemáme křišťálovou kouli...


co třeba napsat co máš za IP v db - auth.realmlist, co máš v konfigu realmu, co máš v konfigu worldu a podobně ? ...

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neodpovídáme, nemáme křišťálovou kouli...


co třeba napsat co máš za IP v db - auth.realmlist, co máš v konfigu realmu, co máš v konfigu worldu a podobně ? ...

ip v db mam localhost

konfig wordu:





# Trinity Core World Server configuration file #




RealmID = 1

DataDir = "."

LogsDir = "Log"

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;accounts"

WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;world"

CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;characters"

LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1

WorldDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1

CharacterDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1

LoginDatabase.SynchThreads = 1

WorldDatabase.SynchThreads = 1

CharacterDatabase.SynchThreads = 2

MaxPingTime = 1800

WorldServerPort = 8085

BindIP = ""



Locale = 0

EAIErrorLevel = 2



UseProcessors = 0

ProcessPriority = 1

Compression = 1

PlayerLimit = 100

SaveRespawnTimeImmediately = 1

MaxOverspeedPings = 2

GridUnload = 1

SocketSelectTime = 10000

SocketTimeOutTime = 900000

SessionAddDelay = 10000

GridCleanUpDelay = 300000

MapUpdateInterval = 100

ChangeWeatherInterval = 600000

PlayerSaveInterval = 900000

PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel = 0

PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout = 1

vmap.enableLOS = 0

vmap.enableHeight = 0

vmap.ignoreSpellIds = "7720"

vmap.petLOS = 0

vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1

DetectPosCollision = 1

TargetPosRecalculateRange = 1.5

UpdateUptimeInterval = 10

LogDB.Opt.ClearInterval = 10

LogDB.Opt.ClearTime = 1209600

MaxCoreStuckTime = 0

AddonChannel = 1

MapUpdate.Threads = 1

CleanCharacterDB = 0


LogSQL = 1

PidFile = ""

LogLevel = 1

LogFile = "Server.log"

ChatLogFile = "chat.log"

LogTimestamp = 0

LogFileLevel = 0

LogFilter_AchievementUpdates = 1

LogFilter_CreatureMoves = 1

LogFilter_TransportMoves = 1

LogFilter_VisibilityChanges = 1

WorldLogFile = ""

DBErrorLogFile = "db_errors.log"

CharLogFile = "characters.log"

CharLogTimestamp = 0

CharLogDump = 0

CharLogDump.Separate = 0

CharLogDump.SeparateDir = ""

GmLogFile = "gm_commands.log"

GmLogTimestamp = 0

GmLogPerAccount = 0

RaLogFile = "ra_commands.log"

ArenaLogFile = ""

ArenaLog.ExtendedInfo = 0

SQLDriverLogFile = ""

LogColors = ""

EnableLogDB = 0

DBLogLevel = 2

LogDB.Char = 0

LogDB.GM = 0

LogDB.RA = 0

LogDB.World = 0

LogDB.Chat = 0

ChatLogs.Channel = 0

ChatLogs.SysChan = 0

ChatLogs.Whisper = 0

ChatLogs.Party = 0

ChatLogs.Raid = 0

ChatLogs.Guild = 0

ChatLogs.Public = 0

ChatLogs.Addon = 0

ChatLogs.BattleGround = 0

ChatLogTimestamp = 0



GameType = 1

RealmZone = 1

Expansion = 3

DBC.Locale = 255

DeclinedNames = 0

StrictPlayerNames = 0

StrictCharterNames = 0

StrictPetNames = 0

MaxWhoListReturns = 49

MinPlayerName = 2

MinCharterName = 2

MinPetName = 2

CharacterCreating.Disabled = 0

CharacterCreating.Disabled.RaceMask = 0

CharacterCreating.Disabled.ClassMask = 0

CharactersPerAccount = 50

CharactersPerRealm = 10

HeroicCharactersPerRealm = 1

CharacterCreating.MinLevelForHeroicCharacter = 55

SkipCinematics = 2

MaxPlayerLevel = 255

MinDualSpecLevel = 40

StartPlayerLevel = 1

StartHeroicPlayerLevel = 55

StartPlayerMoney = 50000000

MaxHonorPoints = 75000

StartHonorPoints = 10000

MaxArenaPoints = 10000

StartArenaPoints = 10000

RecruitAFriend.MaxLevel = 60

RecruitAFriend.MaxDifference = 3

InstantLogout = 1

DisableWaterBreath = 0

AllFlightPaths = 1

InstantFlightPaths = 1

AlwaysMaxSkillForLevel = 1

ActivateWeather = 1

CastUnstuck = 1

Instance.IgnoreLevel = 1

Instance.IgnoreRaid = 1

Instance.ResetTimeHour = 4

Instance.UnloadDelay = 1800000

Quests.LowLevelHideDiff = 4

Quests.HighLevelHideDiff = 7

Quests.IgnoreRaid = 1

Guild.EventLogRecordsCount = 100

Guild.BankEventLogRecordsCount = 25

MaxPrimaryTradeSkill = 2

MinPetitionSigns = 9

MaxGroupXPDistance = 74

MaxRecruitAFriendBonusDistance = 100

MailDeliveryDelay = 3600

SkillChance.Prospecting = 0

SkillChance.Milling = 0

OffhandCheckAtSpellUnlearn = 1

ClientCacheVersion = 0

Event.Announce = 0

BeepAtStart = 1

Motd = "Tree Server 255"

Server.LoginInfo = 0

Command.LookupMaxResults = 0


AllowTwoSide.Accounts = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Chat = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 1

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Mail = 1

AllowTwoSide.WhoList = 1

AllowTwoSide.AddFriend = 1

AllowTwoSide.Trade = 1

TalentsInspecting = 1


ThreatRadius = 60

Rate.Creature.Aggro = 1

CreatureFamilyFleeAssistanceRadius = 30

CreatureFamilyAssistanceRadius = 10

CreatureFamilyAssistanceDelay = 1500

CreatureFamilyFleeDelay = 7000

WorldBossLevelDiff = 3

Corpse.Decay.NORMAL = 60

Corpse.Decay.RARE = 300

Corpse.Decay.ELITE = 300

Corpse.Decay.RAREELITE = 300

Corpse.Decay.WORLDBOSS = 3600

Rate.Corpse.Decay.Looted = 0.5

Rate.Creature.Normal.Damage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.Damage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.Damage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.Damage = 1

Rate.Creature.Normal.SpellDamage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.SpellDamage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.SpellDamage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.SpellDamage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.SpellDamage = 1

Rate.Creature.Normal.HP = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.HP = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.HP = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.HP = 1

ListenRange.Say = 40

ListenRange.TextEmote = 40

ListenRange.Yell = 300



ChatFakeMessagePreventing = 0

ChatStrictLinkChecking.Severity = 0

ChatStrictLinkChecking.Kick = 0

ChatFlood.MessageCount = 10

ChatFlood.MessageDelay = 1

ChatFlood.MuteTime = 10

Channel.RestrictedLfg = 1

Channel.SilentlyGMJoin = 0

ChatLevelReq.Channel = 1

ChatLevelReq.Whisper = 1

ChatLevelReq.Say = 1

AllowPlayerCommands = 1



GM.LoginState = 2

GM.Visible = 2

GM.AcceptTickets = 2

GM.Chat = 2

GM.WhisperingTo = 2

GM.InGMList.Level = 3

GM.InWhoList.Level = 3

GM.LogTrade = 1

GM.StartLevel = 80

GM.AllowInvite = 0

GM.AllowFriend = 0

GM.LowerSecurity = 0

GM.AllowAchievementGain = 1

GM.TicketSystem.ChanceOfGMSurvey = 50



Visibility.GroupMode = 1

Visibility.Distance.Continents = 90

Visibility.Distance.Instances = 120

Visibility.Distance.BGArenas = 180

Visibility.Distance.Object = 100

Visibility.Distance.InFlight = 100

Visibility.Distance.Grey.Unit = 1

Visibility.Distance.Grey.Object = 10


Visibility.Notify.Period.OnContinents = 1000

Visibility.Notify.Period.InInstances = 1000

Visibility.Notify.Period.InBGArenas = 1000





# Rate.Health

# Rate.Mana

# Rate.Rage.Income

# Rate.Rage.Loss

# Rate.RunicPower.Income

# Rate.RunicPower.Loss

# Rate.Focus

# Rate.Loyalty

# Health and power regeneration and rage income from damage.

# Default: 1


# Rate.Skill.Discovery

# Skill Discovery Rates

# Default: 1


# Rate.Drop.Item.Poor

# Rate.Drop.Item.Normal

# Rate.Drop.Item.Uncommon

# Rate.Drop.Item.Rare

# Rate.Drop.Item.Epic

# Rate.Drop.Item.Legendary

# Rate.Drop.Item.Artifact

# Rate.Drop.Item.Referenced

# Rate.Drop.Money

# Drop rates (items by quality and money)

# Default: 1


# Rate.Drop.Item.ReferencedAmount

# Multiplier for referenced loot

# Default: 1


# Rate.Drop.Money

# Drop rates

# Default: 1


# Rate.XP.Kill

# Rate.XP.Quest

# Rate.XP.Explore

# XP rates

# Default: 1


# Rate.RepairCost

# Repair cost rate

# Default: 1 - standard cost

# 2 - double cost

# 0.5 - half cost


# Rate.Rest.InGame

# Rate.Rest.Offline.InTavernOrCity

# Rate.Rest.Offline.InWilderness

# Resting points grow rates

# Default: 1 - standard rate

# 2 - double rate

# 0.5 - half rate


# Rate.Damage.Fall

# Damage after fall rate.

# Default: 1 - standard damage

# 2 - double damage

# 0.5 - half damage


# Rate.Auction.Time

# Rate.Auction.Deposit

# Rate.Auction.Cut

# Auction rates

# (auction time, deposit get at auction start,

# auction cut from price at auction end)


# Rate.Honor

# Honor gain rate


# Rate.Mining.Amount

# Rate.Mining.Next

# Mining Rates

# Mining.Amount changes minimum/maximum use times of a deposit,

# Mining.Next changes chance to have next use of a deposit


# Rate.Talent

# Talent Point rates

# Default: 1


# Rate.Reputation.Gain

# Reputation Gain rate

# Default: 1


# Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Kill

# Reputation Gain from low level kill (grey creature)

# Default: 1


# Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Quest

# Reputation Gain rate

# Default: 1


# Rate.Reputation.RecruitAFriendBonus

# Reputation bonus amount for recruit-a-friend. 0.1 = 10% bonus.

# Default: 0.1 (blizzlike)


# Rate.MoveSpeed

# Multiply the default movement speed for players

# and whatever they're controlling.

# Default: 1 - no change

# 1.4 - 40% increase


# Rate.InstanceResetTime

# Multiplier for the number of days in between

# global raid/heroic instance resets.

# Default: 1


# SkillGain.Crafting

# SkillGain.Defense

# SkillGain.Gathering

# SkillGain.Weapon

# Crafting/defense/gathering/weapon skills gain at skill grow (1,2,...)

# Default: 1


# SkillChance.Orange

# SkillChance.Yellow

# SkillChance.Green

# SkillChance.Grey

# Skill chance values (0..100)

# Default: 100-75-25-0


# SkillChance.MiningSteps

# SkillChance.SkinningSteps

# For skinning and Mining chance decrease with skill level.

# Default: 0 - no decrease

# 75 - in 2 times each 75 skill points


# DurabilityLoss.InPvP

# If true, players take durability loss on death in PvP.

# Default: 0 (false)

# 1 (true)


# DurabilityLoss.OnDeath

# Durability loss percentage on death

# Default: 10 - standard

# 20 - double

# 5 - half


# DurabilityLossChance.Damage

# Chance lost one from equiped items durability

# point at damage apply or receive.

# Default: 0.5 (100/0.5 = 200)

# Each 200 damage apply one from 19 possible equipped items


# DurabilityLossChance.Absorb

# Chance lost one from armor items durability point at damage absorb.

# Default: 0.5 (100/0.5 = 200)

# Each 200 absorbs apply one from 15 possible armor equipped items


# DurabilityLossChance.Parry

# Chance lost weapon durability point at parry.

# Default: 0.05 (100/0.05 = 2000)

# Each 2000 parry attacks main weapon lost point


# DurabilityLossChance.Block

# Chance lost sheild durability point at damage block.

# Default: 0.05 (100/0.05 = 2000)

# Each 2000 partly or full blocked attacks shield lost point


# Death.SicknessLevel

# Starting Character start gain sickness at spirit resurrection (1 min)

# Default: 11

# -10 - character will have full time

# (10min) sickness at 1 level

# maxplayerlevel+1

# - character will not have sickess at any level


# Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvP

# Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvE

# Enabled/disabled increase corpse reclaim delay at PvP/PvE deaths

# Default: 1 (enabled)

# 0 (disabled)


# Death.Bones.World

# Death.Bones.BattlegroundOrArena

# Enable/disable creating bones instead corpse at resurrection

# (in normal zones/instances, or battleground/arenas)

# Default: 1 (enabled)

# 0 (disabled)


# Die.Command.Mode

# Switch between two possible .die modes, where mode 1 kills

# and does not trigger anything such as loot, and mode 0 does

# damage and does trigger things such as loot

# Default: 1

# 0




Rate.Health = 50

Rate.Mana = 50

Rate.Rage.Income = 50

Rate.Rage.Loss = 0

Rate.RunicPower.Income = 50

Rate.RunicPower.Loss = 0

Rate.Focus = 50

Rate.Loyalty = 50

Rate.Skill.Discovery = 20

Rate.Drop.Item.Poor = 20

Rate.Drop.Item.Normal = 20

Rate.Drop.Item.Uncommon = 20

Rate.Drop.Item.Rare = 20

Rate.Drop.Item.Epic = 10

Rate.Drop.Item.Legendary = 10

Rate.Drop.Item.Artifact = 10

Rate.Drop.Item.Referenced = 10

Rate.Drop.Item.ReferencedAmount = 10

Rate.Drop.Money = 50

Rate.XP.Kill = 50

Rate.XP.Quest = 50

Rate.XP.Explore = 50

Rate.RepairCost = 0

Rate.Rest.InGame = 50

Rate.Rest.Offline.InTavernOrCity = 50

Rate.Rest.Offline.InWilderness = 50

Rate.Damage.Fall = 0

Rate.Auction.Time = 1

Rate.Auction.Deposit = 1

Rate.Auction.Cut = 1

Rate.Honor = 50

Rate.Mining.Amount = 10

Rate.Mining.Next = 10

Rate.Talent = 1

Rate.Reputation.Gain = 20

Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Kill = 20

Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Quest = 20

Rate.Reputation.RecruitAFriendBonus = 0.1

Rate.MoveSpeed = 1

Rate.InstanceResetTime = 1

SkillGain.Crafting = 10

SkillGain.Defense = 10

SkillGain.Gathering = 10

SkillGain.Weapon = 10

SkillChance.Orange = 100

SkillChance.Yellow = 75

SkillChance.Green = 25

SkillChance.Grey = 0

SkillChance.MiningSteps = 1

SkillChance.SkinningSteps = 1

DurabilityLoss.InPvP = 0

DurabilityLoss.OnDeath = 0

DurabilityLossChance.Damage = 0.5

DurabilityLossChance.Absorb = 0.5

DurabilityLossChance.Parry = 0.05

DurabilityLossChance.Block = 0.05

Death.SicknessLevel = +80

Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvP = 1

Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvE = 0

Death.Bones.World = 1

Death.Bones.BattlegroundOrArena = 1

Die.Command.Mode = 1



AutoBroadcast.On = 0

AutoBroadcast.Center = 0

AutoBroadcast.Timer = 300000



Battleground.CastDeserter = 1

Battleground.QueueAnnouncer.Enable = 0

Battleground.QueueAnnouncer.PlayerOnly = 0

Battleground.InvitationType = 0

BattleGround.PrematureFinishTimer = 300000

BattleGround.PremadeGroupWaitForMatch = 1800000

Battleground.GiveXPForKills = 0

Battleground.Random.ResetHour = 6



Arena.MaxRatingDifference = 150

Arena.RatingDiscardTimer = 600000

Arena.AutoDistributePoints = 0

Arena.AutoDistributeInterval = 7

Arena.QueueAnnouncer.Enable = 0

Arena.QueueAnnouncer.PlayerOnly = 0

Arena.ArenaSeason.ID = 1

Arena.ArenaSeason.InProgress = 1

Arena.ArenaStartRating = 0

Arena.ArenaStartPersonalRating = 0

Arena.ArenaStartMatchmakerRating = 1500



Network.Threads = 1

Network.OutKBuff = -1

Network.OutUBuff = 65536

Network.TcpNodelay = 1



Console.Enable = 1

Ra.Enable = 0

Ra.IP =

Ra.Port = 3443

Ra.MinLevel = 3

Ra.Secure = 1

SOAP.Enabled = 0


SOAP.Port = 7878



CharDelete.Method = 0

CharDelete.MinLevel = 0

CharDelete.KeepDays = 30



Anticheat.Movement.Enable = 0

Anticheat.Movement.AlarmCount = 0

Anticheat.Movement.AlarmTime = 0

Anticheat.Movement.Kill = 0

Anticheat.Movement.Kick = 0

Anticheat.Movement.BanType = 0

Anticheat.Movement.BanTime = "1m"

Anticheat.Movement.MaxXYT = 0.0330

Anticheat.Movement.IgnoreSecAfterTeleport = 10

Anticheat.Movement.GmLevel = 0



PlayerStart.AllReputation = 0

PlayerStart.AllSpells = 0

PlayerStart.MapsExplored = 0

MusicInBattleground = 0

HonorPointsAfterDuel = 0

AlwaysMaxWeaponSkill = 1

PvPToken.Enable = 0

PvPToken.MapAllowType = 4

PvPToken.ItemID = 29434

PvPToken.ItemCount = 1

Guild.AllowMultipleGuildMaster = 0

NoResetTalentsCost = 1

ShowKickInWorld = 1

RecordUpdateTimeDiffInterval = 60000

MinRecordUpdateTimeDiff = 100

PlayerStart.String = ""

LevelReq.Trade = 1

LevelReq.Ticket = 1

LevelReq.Auction = 1

LevelReq.Mail = 1

DungeonFinder.Enable = 1



OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.Enabled = 1

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.SaveState.Period = 10000

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.StartTime = 30

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.BattleTime = 30

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.Interval = 150

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.CustomHonorRewards = 0

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.CustomHonorBattleWin = 3000

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.CustomHonorBattleLose = 1250

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.CustomHonorDamageTower = 750

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.CustomHonorDestroyedTower = 750

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.CustomHonorDamagedBuilding = 750

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.CustomHonorIntactBuilding = 1500

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.Antifarm.Enable = 0

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.Antifarm.Atk = 5

OutdoorPvP.Wintergrasp.Antifarm.Def = 5



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