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Ludmilla Revealed

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We are aware that keeping our work hidden from the public is having a big impact on the community. The forum is less active, Rumours are spreading everywhere, some slandering our name, All this leaves many of our users and supporters confused and i imagine quite frustrated.


Let me state that this was not our intentions in any way. We have our reasons for doing things the way they are, and frankly much progress has been made without interuptions and annoying questions and suggestions.But recently we have felt that we should answer some of the questions i have seen floating around, and to put an end to the false rumours that is spreading everywhere. So against our better judgement we are giving you this update.





Now, what you all have been waiting for, it is time for us to reveal what we have been keeping from the public for so long. the moment of truth has arrived,brace yourselves, this might come as a big shock to many of you....



Ludmilla is real, yes you heard me, she is very much alive. But unlike most of you have guessed, she is not an emulator nor simulator, she is a Multi Server Application.


What does this mean?? well, i will explain.


Ludmilla is a multi Server Application. It allows you to play many game titles with a single mouse click. Ludmilla will be the first of it's kind, revolutionising the industry of running multi application software. At this point in time this is as much information that is allowed to be made public.


Why did we wait so long before we made this information public and why did we descide to do it now ?


Main reasons were the following, we wanted a playable version before announcing,no use speaking big when we have nothing to show and after the hacking of the WDDG forum a few weeks ago we needed to take extra precautions, legality was a very big issue that had to be solved as well, this had to be settled first. We do not like the false rumours that are being spread, and the only way to stop them is to make a public statement.


Does this mean that Ludmilla is almost ready and is currently playable??


Yes and No. Currently ludmilla is in beta stages, We are bug testing daily and preperations are being worked on to make Ludmilla optimal for all to use.


Where can i test Ludmilla, i am dying to get my hands on it??


Currently we have descided not to put up a test server yet,when the time comes for public testing we will post the details and changelog.


why make Ludmilla a Multi server apllication?? why not just make it work for w@rld @f W@rcr@aft ???


Why not?? Like any group or company we need to move forward, why move in one direction when you could move in 10. trust me, you as a user can only benefit from this move.


Does this mean that Ludmilla will support future titles too ???


Yes, depending on how good the titles, we are not going to waste out time on a title that has no popularity.


When can we expect the first beta release of Ludmilla???


Expected release date is not yet scheduled. We are hoping to have the first beta version out in around 4 to 10 weeks, but this is not a set date and can change. You must understand that coding Ludmilla is no easy job, and only few have the knowledge and abilities to do this. we may have a demo video or some sort of demo software availible in the following weeks to come, but i cannot promise anything.


What about rumours of ludmilla being built on wowd, ewow core and leaked versions flying around ??


These are just rumours, nothing more. Like all development and introduction of new software, rumours are something that will allways be around, this was expected, and we just want to publicly state that these are not true. wowd and ewow as well as

w@ww@w are working on emulation of w@rld @f W@rcr@aft, ludmilla is something totally different. You cannot even compare Ludmilla to any other project because none like it exists.


Is Ludmilla open source or closed source ???


Currently it is closed source, but this does not mean that no one can work on ludmilla, much of ludmilla has been written in python scripts, this means that many could work on Ludmilla in script form... when these scripts are completed they will be moved back into the core.Currently we have a number of people working on these scripts, more are welcome to join our cause.


Does Ludmilla support linux???


Yes a linux version will be availible at time of release.


Will Ludmilla be free as promised ????


Ofcourse, with such a great community how could it not be free?? We are not greedy, we do this for love of freedom and for love of what we like doing best, we do not seek fortune or fame.Although, as we have stated previously, we have paying supporters that have given much to our cause without wanting anything in return, for those of you that have donated and will be donating in the future we feel the need to give something back. Therefore as stated previously, Ludmilla releases will be made availible to paying supporters 1 maybe 2 weeks before official public release.



Does this mean that i can donate and get an early version of Ludmilla ???


No, it does not, we are not doing this for money. Donations recieved before the Release Announcements will qualify for early release, donations on or after Release Announcement will qualify for next version early release. We are aware that many people will suddenly want to donate to get a sneak preview. And as welcome as the donations are, we will not be taken advantage of.


There is talk of forum changes, what are these about ???


Yes these are true, the forum is being redesigned by professionals, when ludmilla becomes publicly availible the forum will switch over to the new themes and layouts. Many things will change over the following weeks, we as a group are moving into a new area of development and growing at an alarming rate, not only in size but knowledge, trust, friendship and aliances are being formed. WDDG has allways been more than just a database and few people working on scripts. It is a world of possibilties that we are just begining to explore.


This was a public statement brought to you by the World Database Development Group.



Please do not harrass us for more information, we will not give it. some questions we will answer, but most we will not.


As allways, we thank you all for your support, we will not dissapoint you and will allways deliver the best.



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