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      Seznam návodů a důležitých témat v této sekci

      Pro lepší přehlednost jsem vytvořil tento seznam, který vás, méně zkušené, lépe provede touto sekcí. Věřím, že zde najdete, co hledáte. Vypsané jsou návody, které jsou oficiálně uznané jako návody. Běžné diskuze, které neposkytují postupy a rady zvěřejněny nejsou.   Instalace vlastního MaNGOS Serveru Díky těmto návodům budete (měli by jste být) schopni vytvořit a následně spustit váš vlastní server. Nastavení je pro verze s i bez datadisku.   Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (bez datadisku TBC) - Autor Benny Instalace MaNGOS Serveru (s datadiskem TBC) - Autor Malfik Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor charlie Instalace MaNGOS Serveru v prostředí Linux - Autor kupkoid   Chyby a jejich řešení při přihlašování k serveru - Autor Cybe   Zálohování uživatelských dat   Dávkový soubor (BAT soubor) pro vytvoření SQL záloh - Autor Replik   Kompilování - tvoření vlastních release (revizí)   Tvorba kompilací pro Win32 (MangoScript) - Autor bLuma   Ostatní - těžko zařaditelné, ale neznamená to, že nejsou dobré   VIP Systém - Autor charlie Tvorba Webových stránek pro MaNGOS - Autor zahuba Tvorba teleportačních NPC (MangoScript) - Autor Replik Registrační web (původně předělaná SPORA) Funkční pro Antrix i MaNGOS - Autor Replik Nastavení a spuštění Minimanager pro MaNGOS - Autor BlackMartin Nastavení MaNGOS Website - Autor Artorius   Samozřejmě jsou zde i jiné návody, ale tyto jsou nejvíce používané, proto věřím, že vám budou nápomocné. Tuto sekci budeme upravovat podle potřeby. Pokud by jste něco nenašli nebo si nevěděli rady, hledejte na fóru a teprve potom založte vlastní topik. Pokud nějaký autor vytvoří kvalitní návod a chtěl by ho zveřejnit i v tomto seznamu, doporučuji, aby mi napsal zprávu skrze PM.   Díky a přeji hezký den na WoWResource   Replik
    • Aristo

      Příspěvky tam, kde nemají co dělat

      Dodržujte zákaz přispívání do topiků s repaky pokud si to zakladatelé nepřejí!! Opakované psaní příspěvků bude trestáno warnem.
    • Aristo

      Používání spoilerů

      Poslední dobou má většina uživatelů fora zvláštní nutkání postovat extrémně dlouhé texty nebo kódy, které zabírají v nejedenom případu i 80% obsahu celé stránky a hodně tak zvedají nepřehlednost v topiku. Chtěl bych všechny uživatele požádat, aby při postování citací, jakýchkoliv kódů, errorů, atp... delších než 30 řádků používali funkci spoileru.   Funkci vyvoláte příkazem [spoiler] text [/spoiler]   Ukázka:  


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Everything posted by sT@N

  1. Problem s instalaciou MySQL

    Caute... skusal som uz snad vsetko... ale za nic na svete mi nejde na W7 nainstalovat MySQL... Instalacia prebehne ok az na zaver, pri posl tabulke Takto by to malo vyzerat, ale. . . Processing configuration - ok Write configuration file (C:/blabla)- ok Start Service - tu okno freezne a neodpoveda... Apply Security settings tu sa ani nedostane lebo okno je zamrznute =/ skusal som uz aj cakat ako debil.. ale okno neodpovedalo... akonahle potom rucne spustim 'nainstalovane' mysql.exe tak mi konzola rychlo vypise: ERROR 2003 <HY000>: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' <10061> a potom sa rychlo zatvori... Skusal som najskor povolit program vo firewalle /porty/ nic... potom som ho vypol.. stale nic, Antivirus /Avast/ som skusal aj odinstalovat.. nic nepomohlo... OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit... skusal som instalovat mysql-essential-5.1.30-winx64 aj x86 a potom 5.4 x86 / x64... vsetko mi robilo presne to iste... dik za help...
  2. Problem s instalaciou MySQL

    ono mi problemy robi instalacia uz od pociatku... a samozrejme ze som skusal vymazat z pc rucne vsetky subory suvisiace s MySQL a preinstalovat to... to bolo vlastne to prve co som robil ale nefungovalo to, inak by som sem nepisal nechapem preco mi to nejde... ci to suvisi s tym ze mam W7.. na starom XP mi to islo uplne v pohode.. ale OSko sa mi kvoli mySQL nanovo nahadzovat nechce... najma ked som ted spokojny s W7.
  3. Problem s instalaciou MySQL

    nepomohlo ani jedno ani druhe dokonca teraz pri instalacii kliknem na Configure MySQL Server now a ono to dalej uz ani nenabehne ta instalacia kde sa zadavaju tie udaje ze developer machine, port service name, mysql pass, etc... /bump #1
  4. [UPDATE] - For databases

    Vsetky update najdete na adrese SVN - http://www.arcemu.info/svn/trunk/sql/
  5. [jurdreda] Demence

    lol pozeram ze from administrator, new forum rules a tam odkaz na rusacku stranku... to je dmence. najlepsie je to, ze ten isty to rozosiela na nejakom aj ze trinity database fore ci co a este tu aj na emupedii... samozrejme len debil to otvori
  6. [Dotaz] ArcEmu alebo Mangos

    Nebudem zakladat zbytocne novy topic a preto sa pytam, ze co je z hladiska funkcnosti spellov a podporou Wrath of the Lich King momentalne viac vpredu? Mangos ci ArcEmu?
  7. Váš názor na T8 set.

    Bliz sa opat raz ukazali ake su to spiny lenive... dostavaju tolke prachy a nie su schopny spravit nove neokukane sety.. t7 reskin t3, t8 uz na sebe maju niektore npc atd... taky dk..kazdy bude vyzerat ako Highlord Darion Mograine.... GL... Mage t8 set ma tusim nejaky blood elf v dalarane, co stoji pri rhoninovi vo violet citadel atd... Mali by spravit poriadne sety a nie take crapy... najviac sa mi pacia DK modely... head dk modely su momentalne neuveritelne 3 a heliem je cca 50 lol... t7 ma vlastny skin, a potom su uz len tie parohate a este jedny papagajovite...
  8. Raid Scripty by sT@N

    _ _| _| | \ _| _ \ ___|_| _|_| \___/ Tempest Keep: Al'ar Void Reaver High Astromancer Solarian Kael'Thas Sunstrider //****************** AL'AR ****************** global alar_spell_flame_patch_cast = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .CastSpellOnTarget(35383, plr); } }; global alar_spell_enraged= function(unit){ .CastSpell(28798); }; global alar_minions_spawn = function(unit) { .SpawnMonster(19551, 313.739685, -4.496290, -2.388968); .SpawnMonster(19551, 315.453796, 5.631794, -2.388968); .SpawnMonster(19551, 308.332092, 1.797824, -2.389424); }; global alar_entercombat = function(unit) { .RegisterTimer(60000, alar_minions_spawn, 99); .RegisterTimer(20000, alar_spell_flame_patch_cast, 99); .RegisterTimer(180000, alar_spell_enraged, 2); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19514, 1, alar_entercombat); global alar_leavecombat = function(unit) { .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19514, 2, alar_leavecombat); global alarminiondespawn = function(unit) { .DespawnAllUnitsInRadius(19551, 100); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19551, 2, alarminiondespawn); global alar_killedtarget = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("I told you not to fight me."); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19514, 3, alar_killedtarget); global alar_died = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("My... Lord will kill you.....all..."); .DeregisterTimer(); .DespawnAllUnitsInRadius(19551, 100); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19514, 4, alar_died); //****************** VOID REAVER ****************** //Script made by sT@N global VoidReaver_Pounding = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 2); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendChatMessage("Alternative measure commencing..."); .CastSpell(34164); .PlaySoundToSet(11218); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendChatMessage("Calculating force parameters..."); .CastSpell(34164); .PlaySoundToSet(11219); }; }; global VoidReaver_Enrage = function(plr) { .CastSpell(28798); }; global VoidReaver_ArcaneOrb = function(unit) { .CastSpell(34190); }; global VoidReaver_KnockAway = function(unit) { .CastSpell(40434); }; global VoidReaver_EnterCombat = function(unit) { .PlaySoundToSet(11213); .SendYellMessage("Alert! You are marked for Extermination!"); .RegisterTimer(25000, VoidReaver_Pounding, 0); .RegisterTimer(35000, VoidReaver_ArcaneOrb, 0); .RegisterTimer(20000, VoidReaver_KnockAway, 0); .RegisterTimer(600001, VoidReaver_Enrage, 0); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19516, 1, VoidReaver_EnterCombat); global VoidReaver_LeaveCombat = function(unit) { .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19516, 2, VoidReaver_LeaveCombat); global VoidReaver_KillPlayer = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 3); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendChatMessage("Extermination successful"); .PlaySoundToSet(11215); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendChatMessage("Invasive lifeform no longer functional."); .PlaySoundToSet(11216); }; if(Speak_chance == 3) { .SendChatMessage("Threat neutralized."); .PlaySoundToSet(11217); }; }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19516, 3, VoidReaver_KillPlayer); global VoidReaver_Died = function(unit) { .SendChatMessage("Systems... shutting... d-o-w-n..."); .PlaySoundToSet(11214); .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19516, 4, VoidReaver_Died); //****************** HIGH ASTROMANCER SOLARIAN ****************** //Script made by sT@N global Solarian_Volley = function(unit) { .CastSpell(28599); }; global Solarian_ArcaneVolley = function(unit) { .CastSpell(29960); }; global Solarian_Mark = function(unit) { .CastSpell(33023); }; global HighAstromancerSolarian_EnterCombat = function(unit) { .PlaySoundToSet(11134); .SendYellMessage("Tal alumen no sin'dorei!"); .RegisterTimer(25000, Solarian_Volley, 0); .RegisterTimer(30000, Solarian_ArcaneVolley, 0); .RegisterTimer(60000, Solarian_Mark, 0); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(18805, 1, HighAstromancerSolarian_EnterCombat); global HighAstromancerSolarian_LeaveCombat = function(unit) { .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(18805, 2, HighAstromancerSolarian_LeaveCombat); global HighAstromancerSolarian_KillPlayer = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 3); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendYellMessage("Your soul belongs to the Abyss!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11136); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendYellMessage("For the Sunwell!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11138); }; if(Speak_chance == 3) { .SendYellMessage("By the blood of the Highborne!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11137); }; }; .RegisterUnitEvent(18805, 3, HighAstromancerSolarian_KillPlayer); global HighAstromancerSolarian_Died = function(unit) { .SendChatMessage("The warmth of the Sun awaits..."); .PlaySoundToSet(11135); .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(18805, 4, HighAstromancerSolarian_Died); //****************** KAEL'THAS SUNSTRIDER ****************** //Script made by sT@N global Kaelthas_Pyroblast = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("I have not come this far to be stopped! The future I have planned will not be jeopardized! Now, you will taste true power!"); .CastSpell(41578); .PlaySoundToSet(11273); }; global Kaelthas_FlameStrike = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("By the power of the sun!"); .CastSpell(36731); .PlaySoundToSet(11266); }; global Kaelthas_ArcaneDisruption = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("Anara'nel belore!"); .CastSpell(36834); .PlaySoundToSet(11267); }; global Kaelthas_EnterCombat = function(unit) { .PlaySoundToSet(11256); .SendChatMessage("Energy. Power. My people are addicted to it. Their dependence made manifest after the Sunwell was destroyed. Welcome to the future...a pity you're too late to stop it. No one can stop me now. Selama ashal'anore."); .RegisterTimer(45000, KaelthasPyroblast, 0); .RegisterTimer(30000, KaelthasFlameStrike, 0); .RegisterTimer(25000, KaelthasArcaneDisruption, 0); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19622, 1, Kaelthas_EnterCombat); global Kaelthas_LeaveCombat = function(unit) { .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19622, 2, Kaelthas_LeaveCombat); global Kaelthas_KillPlayer = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 3); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendChatMessage("You gambled...and lost."); .PlaySoundToSet(11271); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendChatMessage("You will not prevail."); .PlaySoundToSet(11270); }; if(Speak_chance == 3) { .SendChatMessage("This was child's play."); .PlaySoundToSet(11272); }; }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19622, 3, Kaelthas_KillPlayer); global Kaelthas_Died = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("For...Quel...thalas!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11274); .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(19622, 4, Kaelthas_Died); Hyjal: Rage Winterchill Anetheron Azgalor Kaz'rogal //****************** RAGE WINTERCHILL ****************** //Script made by sT@N global RageWinterchill_IceBolt = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .CastSpellOnTarget(31249, plr); } }; global RageWinterchill_DeathAndDecay = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 2); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendYellMessage("Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."); .CastSpell(39658); .PlaySoundToSet(11055); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendYellMessage("Crumble... and rot!"); .CastSpell(39658); .PlaySoundToSet(11023); }; }; global RageWinterchill_FrostNova = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 2); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendYellMessage("It will be much colder, in your grave!"); .CastSpell(31250); .PlaySoundToSet(11058); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendYellMessage("Succumb to the icy chill... of death!"); .CastSpell(31250); .PlaySoundToSet(11024); }; }; global RageWinterChill_FrostArmor = function(unit) { .CastSpell(7301); }; global RageWinterchill_EnterCombat = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("The Legion's final conquest has begun! Once again the subjugation of this world is within our grasp. Let none survive!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11022); .RegisterTimer(20000, RageWinterchill_IceBolt, 0); .RegisterTimer(40000, RageWinterchill_DeathAndDecay, 0); .RegisterTimer(25000, RageWinterchill_FrostNova, 0); .RegisterTimer(60000, RageWinterChill_FrostArmor, 0); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17767, 1, RageWinterchill_EnterCombat); global RageWinterchill_LeaveCombat = function(unit) { .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17767, 2, RageWinterchill_LeaveCombat); global RageWinterchill_KillTarget = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 3); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendYellMessage("All life must perish!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11025); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendYellMessage("Your world is ours now!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11056); }; if(Speak_chance == 3) { .SendYellMessage("Victory to the Legion!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11057); }; }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17767, 3, RageWinterchill_KillTarget); global RageWintherchill_Died = function(unit) { .SendChatMessage("You have won this battle... but not... the war."); .PlaySoundToSet(11026); .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17767, 4, RageWintherchill_Died); //****************** ANETHERON ****************** //Script made by sT@N global Anetheron_CarrionSwarm = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("The swarm is eager to feed."); .CastSpell(31306); .PlaySoundToSet(10979); //.SendYellMessage("Pestilence upon you!"); //.PlaySoundToSet(11037); }; global Anetheron_Sleep = function(unit) { .SendChatMessage("You look tired."); .CastSpell(9256); .PlaySoundToSet(10978); //..SendChatMessage("Sweet dreams."); //.PlaySoundToSet(11545); }; global Anetheron_VampiricAura = function(unit) { .CastSpell(38196); // he casts it on the target, but he should buff himself hmm... will deal with this later }; global Anetheron_Inferno = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .SendYellMessage("Let fire rain from above!"); .CastSpellOnTarget(31249, plr); .PlaySoundToSet(10980); } }; global Anetheron_Infernal = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("Earth and sky shall bang!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11036); .SpawnMonster(17818, 5047.258789, -1460.497347, 1335.753296); .SpawnMonster(17818, 5045.009766, -1467.329956, 1334.770020); .SpawnMonster(17818, 5033.154297, -1473.282349, 1333.164429); }; global Anetheron_EnterCombat = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("You are defenders of a doomed world. Flee here and perhaps you will prolong your pathetic lives."); .PlaySoundToSet(10977); .RegisterTimer(30000, Anetheron_CarrionSwarm, 0); .RegisterTimer(25000, Anetheron_Sleep, 0); .RegisterTimer(20000, Anetheron_VampiricAura, 0); .RegisterTimer(60000, Anetheron_Inferno, 0); .RegisterTimer(120000, Anetheron_Infernal, 0); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17808, 1, Anetheron_EnterCombat); global Anetheron_LeaveCombat = function(unit) { .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17808, 2, Anetheron_LeaveCombat); global Anetheron_KillTarget = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 3); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendYellMessage("Your hopes are lost!"); .PlaySoundToSet(10981); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendYellMessage("Scream for me!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11038); }; if(Speak_chance == 3) { .SendYellMessage("Pity! No time for a slow death!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11039); }; }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17767, 3, Anetheron_KillTarget); global Anetheron_Died = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("The clock... is still... ticking."); .PlaySoundToSet(10982); .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17808, 4, Anetheron_Died); //****************** INFERNAL ****************** //Script made by sT@N global Infernal_Immolation = function(unit) { .CastSpell(37155); }; global Infernal_VampiricAura = function(unit) { .CastSpell(38196); }; global Infernal_EnterCombat = function(unit) { .RegisterTimer(20000, Infernal_Immolation, 0); .RegisterTimer(35000, Infernal_VampiricAura, 0); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17818, 1, Infernal_EnterCombat); global Infernal_LeaveCombat = function(unit) { .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17818, 2, Infernal_LeaveCombat); global Infernal_Died = function(unit) { .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17818, 4, Infernal_Died); //****************** AZGALOR ****************** //Script made by sT@N global Azgalor_Rain = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .CastSpellOnTarget(31340, plr); } }; global Azgalor_Doom = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .SendChatMessage ("Just a taste... of what awaits you."); .CastSpell(29204); .PlaySoundToSet (11046); } }; global Azgalor_Silence = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .CastSpellOnTarget(23207, plr); } }; global Azgalor_Cleave = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .CastSpellOnTarget(31043, plr); } }; global Azgalor_Retaliation = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .CastSpellOnTarget(40546, plr); } }; global Azgalor_EnterCombat = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("Abandon all hope! The Legion has returned to finish what was begun so many years ago. This time there will be no escape!"); .PlaySoundToSet(10999); .RegisterTimer(25000, Azgalor_Rain, 0); .RegisterTimer(30000, Azgalor_Doom, 0); .RegisterTimer(20000, Azgalor_Silence, 0); .RegisterTimer(15000, Azgalor_Cleave, 0); .RegisterTimer(15000, Azgalor_Retaliation, 0); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17842, 1, Azgalor_EnterCombat); global Azgalor_LeaveCombat = function(unit) { .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17842, 2, Azgalor_LeaveCombat); global Azgalor_KillTarget = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 3); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendYellMessage("Reesh, hokta!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11001); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendYellMessage("No one is going to save you!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11047); }; if(Speak_chance == 3) { .SendChatMessage("Don't fight it."); .PlaySoundToSet(11048); }; }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17842, 3, Azgalor_KillTarget); global Azgalor_Died = function(unit) { .SendChatMessage("Your time is almost... up."); .PlaySoundToSet(11002); .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17842, 4, Azgalor_Died); //****************** KAZ'ROGAL ****************** //Script made by sT@N global Kazrogal_Mark = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 2); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendChatMessage("Your death will be a painful one."); .CastSpell(31447); .PlaySoundToSet(11016); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendChatMessage("You... are marked."); .CastSpell(31447); .PlaySoundToSet(11052); }; }; global Kazrogal_WarStomp = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .CastSpell(36835); } }; global Kazrogal_Cleave = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .CastSpellOnTarget(40505, plr); } }; global Kazrogal_EnterCombat = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("Cry for mercy! Your meaningless lives will soon be forfeit."); .PlaySoundToSet(11015); .RegisterTimer(20000, Kazrogal_Mark, 0); .RegisterTimer(15000, Kazrogal_WarStomp, 0); .RegisterTimer(10000, Kazrogal_Cleave, 0); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17888, 1, Kazrogal_EnterCombat); global Kazrogal_LeaveCombat = function(unit) { .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17888, 2, Kazrogal_LeaveCombat); global Kazrogal_KillTarget = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 3); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendYellMessage("Sha'za Kiel!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11017); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendYellMessage("You... are nothing!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11053); }; if(Speak_chance == 3) { .SendYellMessage("Miserable nuisance!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11054); }; }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17842, 3, Kazrogal_KillTarget); global Kazrogal_Died = function(unit) { .SendYellMessage("Ha ha ha ha ha ha... aaaaargh!"); .PlaySoundToSet(11018); .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(17888, 4, Kazrogal_Died); Karazhan: Moroes//****************** MOROES ****************** //Script made by sT@N global Moroes_Vanish = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .CastSpellOnTarget(41476, plr); } }; global Moroes_Garrote = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 2); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendChatMessage("Now, where was I? Oh yes..."); .CastSpell(37066); .PlaySoundToSet(9215); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendChatMessage("You rang?"); .CastSpell(37066); .PlaySoundToSet(9316); }; }; global Moroes_Blind = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .CastSpellOnTarget(34654, plr); } }; }; global Moroes_Gouge = function() { plr = .GetClosestPlayer(); if(plr != null) { .CastSpellOnTarget(28456, plr); .PlaySoundToSet (9212); } }; }; global Moroes_EnterCombat = function(unit) { .SendChatMessage("Hmm, unannounced visitors? Preparations must be made."); .PlaySoundToSet(9211); .RegisterTimer(60000, Moroes_Vanish, 0); .RegisterTimer(40000, Moroes_Garrote, 0); .RegisterTimer(25000, Moroes_Blind, 0); .RegisterTimer(30000, Moroes_Gouge, 0); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(15687, 1, Moroes_EnterCombat); global Moroes_LeaveCombat = function(unit) { .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(15687, 2, Moroes_LeaveCombat); global Moroes_KillTarget = function(unit) { Speak_chance = Rand(1, 3); if(Speak_chance == 1) { .SendChatMessage("One more for dinner this evening."); .PlaySoundToSet(9214); }; if(Speak_chance == 2) { .SendChatMessage("Time... Never enough time."); .PlaySoundToSet(9314); }; if(Speak_chance == 3) { .SendChatMessage("I've gone and made a mess."); .PlaySoundToSet(9315); }; }; .RegisterUnitEvent(15687, 3, Moroes_KillTarget); global Moroes_Died = function(unit) { .SendChatMessage("How terribly clumsy of me..."); .PlaySoundToSet(9213); .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(15687, 4, Moroes_Died);
  9. Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal

    "Why? Because It's Red" Achievement sa zaraďuje medzi Feats of Strength. Včera sme boli traja AQ a padol nám červeny mount na vyššie uvedeny achievement. Davali sme trash a padlo cca 10 mountov ak nie viac.. asi 4ks zlte potom neviem ake a 1 cerveny. Co sa tyka toho resonating crystalu nepada z trashu, je to ako quest reward pre Scarab Lorda tj toho kto otvoril brany AQ, ked este otvorene neboli, cize ziskat ho na serveroch, kde uz brany boli otvorene je nemozne, ale na novych serveroch sa ziskat este da.
  10. [INFO] - Momentálne Databázy

    NCDB SVN - http://nc-db.info/svn/ncdb Webpage - http://www.nc-db.info/ Na pristup na SVN potreba acc na forku NCDB WhyDB SVN - http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/WhyDB/ Webpage - http://www.whydb.org/
  11. Official server

    Osobne v tom bol chaos... migraciu zvolala Black Division ci ako to bolo ze odchadza na Ahn'Quiraj, lebo na DT to je kvoli lagom nehratelne. zvolali sa GuM vsetkych guild dokonca ally a dohodlo sa, ze vsetky top alliance guildy odidu....najskor sa malo ist na AQ, (ti co sa unahlili mali smolu) ale napokon sa rozhodlo, ze sa ide na Burning Blade... paradoxom je ze black division (ktori migraciu zvolavali) ostali na DT... tomu hovorim dobry ťah proti lagom... Co sa tyka realmu, vyberaj co chces... na BB zialbohu z DT odisla aj vacsia cast ceskej demencie, cize ti neodporucam tam hrat pokial nechces... samozrejme neviem ci to vyzera na DT momentalne o cosi lepsie.
  12. Na Vianoce si prajem svetovy mier :D:D ale dostal som 4gb ram, 1gb grafarna... aspon bude vo wowku normal fps a nie 20-30
  13. na tento moment som cakal odkedy som spoznal wowscape.. tak im treba idiotooom...ani neviete ako im to doprajem este ako tak pochopim server, ktory stoji nejaky ten cash kvoli prevadzke.. tak to beriem ze sa hraci vyzbieraju istou financnou ciastkou na chod serveru ale spravit si stranku kde sa daju kupit cele sety a itemy za real $ je poriadne svinstvo.
  14. Minimální nároky na wow

    ono WoWko je svina co sa tyka minimalnych poziadaviek... 1gb ram 256 grafika 6600gt mam ja a nestaci to dokopy na nic, maximalne tak na behanie a solo questovanie... akonahle idem do raidu nemam nad 10fps.. je to hroza... ale idem si kupovat new pc a tm si dam aspon 4gb ram, 1gb grafiku a nejaky 1337 4jadrovy procesor...dufam ze to na WoTlK bude stacit a pri raidoch nebudu zbytocne freezy kvoli low fps
  15. [Hodnocení Headerů]Zhodnoťte pls

    hovori niekto kto ma 12 xD sprav daco lepsie potom kritizuj.. kritizovat dokaze kazdy ;d logo#2
  16. maintenance uz bol afair takze nevidim problem.. lode a zepelins zacnu plavat / lietat do northrendu tj borean tundra a howling fjord o pol noci.. na servery uz prakticky wotlk je... akurat nie je k dispozicii novy content lebo nie je upgradnuty acc / flagnuty na wotlk/ respektive preto lebo este nejazdia lode. cya in northrend.
  17. keby hras tak vies ze beta sa uz davno skoncila a uz davno sa dalo wotlk objednat... ja ho uz mam a akurat som to nainstaloval... este ale 8 hr 45 min 19 sec until Wrath of the Lich King is out! =(
  18. mozem hadat ako ? funguje jeden spell a aj ten je zakazany lebo zhadzuje server ?
  19. Official

    mtn konci nie ? tak ako to mozes mat ako officer dobre? NO WAY !
  20. Official

    Black Division uz davno dala KJ... a maju uz aj dva legendarne bows Thori'dal... jeden ma Baxik a druhy neviem kto... SWP chodia a clearnu ho za jeden den od Kaleca az po KJ... maju to ako farmu... BT runy chodia s altami respektive chodia sell runy.. tj clovek si zaplati 20k G, zoberu ho, a moze lootnut napr 1 t6 item... tak ako ktora guilda... No Way je momentalne najlepsia Alliance Guilda na DT...btw Dik.
  21. Official

    Drak'thul Alliance >> Guild: No Way (My gear t6 7/8 ) - nemam sa preco stazovat ;d Progress: Tempest Keep: The Eye, SSC, Black Temple, Mount Hyjal - CLEARED Sunwell Plateau (25 man) Kalecgos - KILLED Brutallus - KILLED Felmyst - KILLED Lady Sacrolash & Grand Warlock Alythess - KILLED M'uru - DOWN 2nd Phase Entropius 98%
  22. [INFO] - Ascent New SVN

    Ascent SVN ! http://www.arcemu.info/svn/ sT@N
  23. ArcEmu Compiles + SunScript core

    arcemu-world.exe stale pise AUtHENtICATInG... arcemu-logonserver.exe zas SERVER CONNECTiON fromôzna_variacia_portov DENIED, not an allowed IP... cim by to mohlo byt?? viem ze to bude daco zo zle nastavenymi configami... <LogonServer RemotePassword = "kekburlol" AllowedIPs = "" AllowedModIPs = ""> myslis si ze niekde tu je pes zakopany.... any help is appreciated!
  24. je uz core aj na najnovsiu verziu beta buildu tj 8905?
  25. Dnešní hráči.....

    no ono mozno nejaky converter bude ale zober si ze co ja viem prekonvertuju to max tak servery ako WoWScape s 15000 hracmi na troch serveroch... a zbytok serverov tj 98% free serverov s 20-50, 50-100 hracmi sa nato istotne vyseru.. lebo dnes server robi uz fakt kazda lama... a je ovela lahsie dat wipe a vyhovarat sa ako si nad tym chvilu sadnut a daco poriesit..