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Antrix a otazky

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Mam par otazok ohladne antrixu :

1. Chcel by som vediet ktore tabulky v myslq databaze su rozhodujuce na zalohovanie(charov itemov guild ..a podobne)

2. Ake je GM cislo v DB accout aby sli aj nove rasi (cislo 3 plati len pre stare rasy)

3. Ake su GM prikazi pre antrix

To by bolo asi vsetko :) vopred dakujem za odpovede

Edited by world

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Mam par otazok ohladne antrixu :

1. Chle by som vediet ktore tabulky v myslq databaze su rozhodujuce na zalohovanie(charov idetemov gild ..a podobne)

2. Ake je GM cislo v DB accout aby sli aj nove rasi (cislo 3 plati len pre stare rasi)

3. Ake su GM prikazi pre antrix

To by bolo asi vsetko :) vopred dakujem za odpovede


1. ??


2. zmen si v tabulke "accounts" "flags" z hodnoty "0" na "8"





| commands | 1 | Shows Commands |

| help | 1 | Shows help for command |

| announce | u | Sends Msg To All |

| wannounce | u | Sends Widescreen Msg To All |

| appear | v | Teleports to x's position. |

| summon | v | Summons x to your position |

| banchar | b | Bans character x with or without reason |

| unbanchar | b | Unbans character x |

| banreason | b | Shows the reason for ban |

| kick | b | Kicks player from server |

| kill | r | .kill - Kills selected unit. |

| revive | r | Revives you. |

| reviveplr | r | Revives player specified. |

| morph | m | Morphs into model id x. |

| demorph | m | Demorphs from morphed model. |

| mount | m | Mounts into modelid x. |

| dismount | 1 | Dismounts. |

| gm | p | Shows active GM's |

| gmoff | t | Sets GM tag off |

| gmon | t | Sets GM tag on |

| gps | p | Shows Position |

| info | p | Server info |

| worldport | v | No description. |

| save | s | Save's your character |

| saveall | s | Save's all playing characters |

| security | z | No description. |

| start | m | Teleport's you to a starting location |

| levelup | m | No description. |

| additem | m | No description. |

| createguild | l | No description. |

| invincible | j | .invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you) |

| invisible | i | .invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages) |

| resetreputation | n | .resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.) |

| resetlevel | n | .resetlevel - Resets all stats to level 1 of targeted player. DANGEROUS. |

| resetspells | n | .resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS. |

| resettalents | n | .resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS. |

| resetskills | n | .resetskills - Resets all skills. |

| learn | m | Learns spell |

| unlearn | m | Unlearns spell |

| learnskill | m | .learnskill <skillid> (optional) <value> <maxvalue> - Learns skill id skillid. |

| advanceskill | m | advanceskill <skillid> <amount, optional, default = 1> - Advances skill line x times.. |

| removeskill | m | .removeskill <skillid> - Removes skill |

| increaseweaponskill | m | .increaseweaponskill <count> - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1). |

| createaccount | z | .createaccount - Creates account. Format should be .createaccount username password email |

| playerinfo | z | .playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...) |

| uptime | 1 | Shows server uptime |

| getpos | d | No description. |

| removeauras | m | Removes all auras from target |

| paralyze | b | Roots/Paralyzes the target. |

| unparalyze | b | Unroots/Unparalyzes the target. |

| setmotd | m | Sets MOTD |

| additemset | m | Adds item set to inv. |

| gotrig | v | Warps to areatrigger <id> |

| createinstance | m | Creates instance on map <map> |

| goinstance | m | Joins instance <instance> <x> <y> <z> <optional mapid> |

| exitinstance | m | Exits current instance, return to entry point. |

| dbreload | m | Reloads some of the database tables |

| spawnspiritguide | m | Spawns a spirit guide (params: 1 = horde, 0 = alliance |

| servershutdown | z | Initiates server shutdown in <x> seconds. |

| serverrestart | z | Initiates server restart in <x> seconds. |

| allowwhispers | c | Allows whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode. |

| blockwhispers | c | Blocks whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode. |

| advanceallskills | m | Advances all skills <x> points. |

| killbyplayer | f | Disconnects the player with name <s>. |

| killbyaccount | f | Disconnects the session with account name <s>. |

| unlockmovement | m | Unlocks movement for player. |

| castall | z | Makes all players online cast spell <x>. |

| getrate | f | Gets rate <x>. |

| setrate | f | Sets rate <x>. |

| modperiod | m | Changes period of current transporter. |

| npcfollow | m | Sets npc to follow you |

| nullfollow | m | Sets npc to not follow anything |

| formationlink1 | m | Sets formation master. |

| formationlink2 | m | Sets formation slave with distance and angle |

| formationclear | m | Removes formation from creature |





| hp | m | Health Points/HP |

| mana | m | Mana Points/MP |

| rage | m | Rage Points |

| energy | m | Energy Points |

| level | m | Level |

| armor | m | Armor |

| holy | m | Holy Resistance |

| fire | m | Fire Resistance |

| nature | m | Nature Resistance |

| frost | m | Frost Resistance |

| shadow | m | Shadow Resistance |

| arcane | m | Arcane Resistance |

| damage | m | Unit Damage Min/Max |

| scale | m | Size/Scale |

| gold | m | Gold/Money/Copper |

| speed | m | Movement Speed |

| nativedisplayid | m | Native Display ID |

| displayid | m | Display ID |

| flags | m | Unit Flags |

| faction | m | Faction Template |

| dynamicflags | m | Dynamic Flags |

| talentpoints | m | Talent Points |

| loyalty | m | Loyalty |

| spirit | m | Spirit |

| boundingraidus | m | Bounding Radius |

| combatreach | m | Combat Reach |

| emotestate | m | NPC Emote State |





| infront | d | No description. |

| showreact | d | No description. |

| aimove | d | No description. |

| dist | d | No description. |

| face | d | No description. |

| moveinfo | d | No description. |

| setbytes | d | No description. |

| getbytes | d | No description. |

| unroot | d | No description. |

| root | d | No description. |

| landwalk | d | No description. |

| waterwalk | d | No description. |

| castspell | d | .castspell <spellid> - Casts spell on target. |

| castspellne | d | .castspellne <spellid> - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc. |

| celldelete | d | !USE WITH CAUTION! '.celldelete YES' - Removes everything in current cell from game and database. '.celldelete YES YES' removes everything in a range of 1cell. |

| addrestxp | d | .addrestxp - Adds x rest XP to player. |

| generatename | d | .generatename - Generates name for pet, etc. |

| attackerinfo | d | .attackerinfo - Shows selected mob/player's attacker's infomation. |

| showattackers | d | .showattackers - Shows selected mob/player's attacker on the minimap. |

| aggrorange | d | .aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature. |

| knockback | d | .knockback <value> - Knocks you back. |

| fade | d | .fade <value> - calls ModThreatModifyer(). |

| threatMod | d | .threatMod <value> - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer(). |

| calcThreat | d | .calcThreat <dmg> <spellId> - calculates threat. |

| threatList | d | .threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature. |

| gettptime | d | grabs transporter travel time |

| itempushresult | d | sends item push result |

| weather | d | No description. |

| setbit | d | No description. |

| setvalue | d | No description. |





| add | w | Add wp at current pos |

| show | w | Show wp's for creature |

| hide | w | Hide wp's for creature |

| delete | w | Delete selected wp |

| movehere | w | Move to this wp |

| flags | w | Wp flags |

| waittime | w | Wait time at this wp |

| emote | w | Emote at this wp |

| skin | w | Skin at this wp |

| change | w | Change at this wp |

| info | w | Show info for wp |

| movetype | w | Movement type at wp |





| select | o | Selects the nearest GameObject to you |

| delete | o | Deletes selected GameObject |

| spawn | o | Spawns a GameObject by ID |

| info | o | Gives you informations about selected GO |

| activate | o | Activates/Opens the selected GO. |

| enable | o | Enables the selected GO for use. |

| scale | o | Sets scale of selected GO |

| animprogress | o | Sets anim progress |

| export | o | Exports the current GO selected |





| setbgscore | e | <Teamid> <Score> - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments. |

| startbg | e | Starts current battleground match. |

| pausebg | e | Pauses current battleground match. |

| bginfo | e | Displays information about current battleground. |

| battleground | e | Shows BG Menu |

| setworldstate | e | <var> <val> - Var can be in hex. WS Value. |

| playsound | e | <val>. Val can be in hex. |

| setbfstatus | e | .setbfstatus - NYI. |

| leave | e | Leaves the current battleground. |





| vendoradditem | n | Adds to vendor |

| vendorremoveitem | n | Removes from vendor. |

| name | n | Changes creature name |

| subname | n | Changes creature subname |

| flags | n | Changes NPC flags |

| emote | n | .emote - Sets emote state |

| run | n | No description. |

| addweapon | n | No description. |

| allowmove | n | No description. |

| addgrave | n | No description. |

| addsh | n | No description. |

| addspirit | n | No description. |

| spawn | n | <entry> <flags> <faction> <level> <name> |

| spawnentry | n | <entry> |

| delete | n | Deletes mob from db and world. |

| info | n | Displays NPC information |

| guid | n | Shows selected object guid |

| addAgent | n | .npc addAgent <agent> <procEvent> <procChance> <procCount> <spellId> <spellType> <spelltargetType> <spellCooldown> <floatMisc1> <Misc2> |

| delAgent | n | .npc delAgent <procEvent> <spellId> |

| listAgent | n | .npc listAgent |

| reset | n | resets npc health/dmg from temp table. |

| export | n | Exports the npc to a sql file |

| say | n | .npc say <text> - Makes selected mob say text <text>. |

| yell | n | .npc yell <Text> - Makes selected mob yell text <text>. |

| come | n | .npc come - Makes npc move to your position |

| return | n | .npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint. |





| status | m | Shows active cheats. |

| taxi | m | Enables all taxi nodes. |

| cooldown | m | Enables no cooldown cheat. |

| casttime | m | Enables no cast time cheat. |

| power | m | Disables mana consumption etc. |

| god | m | Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage. |

| fly | m | Sets fly mode |

| land | m | Unsets fly mode |

| explore | m | Reveals the unexplored parts of the map. |

| flyspeed | m | Modifies fly speed. |

| stack | m | Enables aura stacking cheat. |





| getpvprank | m | Gets PVP Rank |

| setpvprank | m | Sets PVP Rank |

| addpoints | m | Adds x amount of honor points/currency |

| addkills | m | Adds x amount of honor kills |

| globaldailyupdate | m | Daily honor field moves |

| singledailyupdate | m | Daily honor field moves for selected player only |

| pvpcredit | m | Sends PVP credit packet, with specified rank and points |





| createpet | m | Creates a pet with <entry>. |

| renamepet | m | Renames a pet to <name>. |

| enablerename | m | Enables pet rename. |

| addspell | m | Teaches pet <spell>. |

| removespell | m | Removes pet spell <spell>. |





| list | q | List recall locations |

| port | q | Port to recalled location |

| add | q | Add recall location |

| del | q | Remove a recall location |

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V mangose sa zalohuju tieto TABULKY (v myslq databaze):


auctionhouse corpse guild guild_charter guild_charter_sign guild_member guild_rank character character_action character_aura character_gifts character_homebind character_instance character_inventory character_kill character_pet character_queststatus character_reputation character_social character_spell character_spell_cooldown character_ticket character_tutorial instance item_instance mail account realmcharacters realmlist ip_banned


Je to nato ked budem menit db aby ostavo vsetko hracom (chary. itemi. guildy a potobne veci....proste aby tam mali vsetko ked sa zmeni db...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

AKO je to u antrixu???[/b]

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Funguje na antrixu GM lvl jako na mangu ? tzv 0-3 z čehož tři je Admin protože když si dam 3 tak mi ty GM příkazy nejdou

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Ano. jen chci podotknout ze prikazi napr .npc .gobject , .debug .cheat maji jeste radu sbucomandu takze prikazu je opravdu hodně :)

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Tabulky jsou následující:



auctionhouse, auctions (nejsem si jistý)


corpses (ale pokud chceš při každé aktualizaci serveru vyčistit svět tak nemusíš zálohovat)







Ale nejsem si 100% jistý, kdyžtak mě opravte.

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hmm tak sem šel něco dělat vratim se s tim že zkusim ty příkazy a už sem se na server nedostal vždycky to zamrzlo na connecting tady je screen ví nekdo co by to mohlo vyřešit ?


Edited by strax

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hmm tak sem šel něco dělat vratim se s tim že zkusim ty příkazy a už sem se na server nedostal vždycky to zamrzlo na connecting tady je screen ví nekdo co by to mohlo vyřešit ?



musim si zmenit skin ve win, tohle me inspirovalo :D

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Zdravim... Mel bych jednu otazku a nazev toho topicku se pro ni hodi :-)


Chtel bych se optat, jak Antrix funguje pod 64-bitovym OS... Nejlepe *nixovym :-) Nemam zadny vhodny stroj, na kterem bych to mohl otestovat a tak se nejdrive chci zeptat, jestli to nekdo z vas nevi nez nejakou pouzitelnou masinu shanet :-)


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musim si zmenit skin ve win, tohle me inspirovalo :D
hezký že tě billova vista inspirovala ale nevíte co s tim sem zoufalej prostě se neconnectnu ne a ne a ne dokonce sem nahrál znova celou DB a naházel tam new rev znova nastavil cfg a stejně jenom connecting ale na jiný servery se připojit můžu :(


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hezký že tě billova vista inspirovala ale nevíte co s tim sem zoufalej prostě se neconnectnu ne a ne a ne dokonce sem nahrál znova celou DB a naházel tam new rev znova nastavil cfg a stejně jenom connecting ale na jiný servery se připojit můžu :(


zkus to brat logicky, kde by se mohla nachazet data hracu, zitra se ti na to podivam presne dneska jeste neco kutim :D

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hezký že tě billova vista inspirovala ale nevíte co s tim sem zoufalej prostě se neconnectnu ne a ne a ne dokonce sem nahrál znova celou DB a naházel tam new rev znova nastavil cfg a stejně jenom connecting ale na jiný servery se připojit můžu :(


to mi obcas dela taky :-D proto namackam tak dlouho enter az se pripojim :-P

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to mi obcas dela taky :-D proto namackam tak dlouho enter az se pripojim :-P
když to necham jenom běžet tak se mi po nějaký době hodí DC a nepřipojí se to ...

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Mam taku otazku tyka sa hry:


priklad....:Ked vstupim do hry a dam si lvl 70 idem utocit na lvl 3 a davaju mi demege...

Ako je to mozne da sa to vyriesit?

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Edited by world

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Takhle je to i na officu... pořád máš stejne dodge, parry, atd... si dmg, kterou dostáváš je víc redukována jelikož máš větší armor.

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