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MaNGOS 6766

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chtel bych se zeptat jestli nekdo nema nebo nevi kde sehnat source code na MaNGOS 6766 je to TBC + SD2 na nej..


stahl jsem si ho uz pred nejakou dobou jenze nikde k nemu nemuu najit source code prosim pokud nekdo vi kde ho sehnad poradte



strejda google mi neporadil a Teta wiki uz vubec ne :D :D

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ScriptDev SVN:



Ale tu revizi nedoporučuju, měl jsem problémy s freeze. Zkus revizi před ACE patchem např. 6752 tu jsem měl dlouho a můžu doporučit... ;)

Edited by Al†air

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ScriptDev SVN:



Ale tu revizi nedoporučuju, měl jsem problémy s freeze. Zkus revizi před ACE patchem např. 6752 tu jsem měl dlouho a můžu doporučit... ;)



tohle uz sem taky nasel neboj....


jenze i ... napadne ze je to pro wotlk a ne TBC ...

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Jistě, že je to TBC... :lol:


WoTLK a ostatní revize nad 6767 jsou na GIT... (I ... by to napadlo, jak říkáš... :whistling: )

Edited by Al†air

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ale i blby by si to zkontroloval ....


trebas si rozklikni script a tam je jaksi northrend :D



a navic ja mam jeste v mangos configu toto a jestli by to slo nekde sehnat aby to byla verze a s temito patchi.....







# Auction House Bot character data

# AuctionHouseBot.Account is the account number (in realmd->account table) of the player you want to run as the auction bot.

# AuctionHouseBot.GUID is the GUID (in characters->characters table) of the player you want to run as the auction bot.

# Default: 0 (Auction House Bot disabled)


# AuctionHouseBot.NoMail

# This is a flag to disable mail for successfull auctions.

# A value of 0 will allow mail for successful auctions to be sent, which is the default.

# Non-zero (e.g. AuctionHouseBot.NoMail = 1) will stop successful auction mail.

# Default: 0 (Send auction successful mail)


# AuctionHouseBot.AllianceItems

# This is the number of items you want to keep in the Alliance auction house.

# AuctionHouseBot.HordeItems

# This is the number of items you want to keep in the Horde auction house.

# AuctionHouseBot.NeutralItems

# This is the number of items you want to keep in the Neutral auction house.

# Default: 0 (No items generated)

# Note: If you enable AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Trade, ALL auction houses are linked to the neutral auction house.


# AuctionHouseBot.MinAllianceItems

# This is the minimum number of items you want to keep in the Alliance auction house.

# AuctionHouseBot.MinHordeItems

# This is the minimum number of items you want to keep in the Horde auction house.

# AuctionHouseBot.MinNeutralItems

# This is the minimum number of items you want to keep in the Neutral auction house.

# Default: -1 (minimum will be the same as maximum)


# AuctionHouseBot.MinTime

# Sets the minimum number of hours for an auction.

# Default: 8


# AuctionHouseBot.MaxTime

# Sets the maximum number of hours for an auction.

# Default: 24


# Item distribution

# Sets the percentage of the auction items that should be trade goods of white quality.

# A value of 0 will disable.

# AuctionHouseBot.PercentWhiteTradeGoods

# Sets the percentage of the White Trade Goods auction items

# Default: 30

# AuctionHouseBot.PercentGreenTradeGoods

# Sets the percentage of the Green Trade Goods auction items

# Default: 13

# AuctionHouseBot.PercentBlueTradeGoods

# Sets the percentage of the Blue Trade Goods auction items

# Default: 9

# AuctionHouseBot.PercentPurpleTradeGoods

# Sets the percentage of the Purple Trade Goods auction items

# Default: 1

# Note: All of the above values (AuctionHouseBot Percent TradeGoods) must add together to make 100 percent.


# AuctionHouseBot.PercentWhiteItems

# Sets the percentage of the non trade White auction items

# Default: 6

# AuctionHouseBot.PercentGreenItems

# Sets the percentage of the non trade Green auction items

# Default: 30

# AuctionHouseBot.PercentBlueItems

# Sets the percentage of the non trade Blue auction items

# Default: 9

# AuctionHouseBot.PercentPurpleItems

# Sets the percentage of the non trade Purple auction items

# Default: 2

# Note: All of the above values (AuctionHouseBot Percent Items) must add together to make 100 percent.


# Minimum and maximim price mark-up for items. Percentage of vendor sale price.

# Example: If a vendor would sell an item for 1g and MinPrice = 150 and MaxPrice = 250,

# then that item would be randomly priced between 1g 50s and 2g 50s.

# AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceWhite

# Minimum price of White items.

# Default: 150

# AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceWhite

# Maximum price of White items.

# Default: 250

# AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceGreen

# Minimum price of Green items.

# Default: 200

# AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceGreen

# Maximum price of Green items.

# Default: 300

# AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceBlue

# Minimum price of Blue items.

# Default: 250

# AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceBlue

# Maximum price of Blue items.

# Default: 350

# AuctionHouseBot.MinPricePurple

# Minimum price of Purple items.

# Default: 300

# AuctionHouseBot.MaxPricePurple

# Maximum price of Purple items.

# Default: 450


# AuctionHouseBot.BidPrice

# Starting bid price as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price

# AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceWhite

# Default: 100 (Bid and buyout price the same)

# AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceGreen

# Default: 100 (Bid and buyout price the same)

# AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceBlue

# Default: 100 (Bid and buyout price the same)

# +AuctionHouseBot.BidPricePurple

# Default: 100 (Bid and buyout price the same)


# AuctionHouseBot.MaxStack

# Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality,

# which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.

# AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackWhite

# Default: 0

# AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackGreen

# Default: 3

# AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackBlue

# Default: 2

# AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackPurple

# Default: 1




AuctionHouseBot.Account = 0

AuctionHouseBot.GUID = 0

AuctionHouseBot.NoMail = 0

AuctionHouseBot.AllianceItems = 0

AuctionHouseBot.HordeItems = 0

AuctionHouseBot.NeutralItems = 0

AuctionHouseBot.MinAllianceItems = -1

AuctionHouseBot.MinHordeItems = -1

AuctionHouseBot.MinNeutralItems = -1

AuctionHouseBot.MinTime = 8

AuctionHouseBot.MaxTime = 24

AuctionHouseBot.PercentWhiteTradeGoods = 30

AuctionHouseBot.PercentGreenTradeGoods = 13

AuctionHouseBot.PercentBlueTradeGoods = 9

AuctionHouseBot.PercentPurpleTradeGoods = 1

AuctionHouseBot.PercentWhiteItems = 6

AuctionHouseBot.PercentGreenItems = 30

AuctionHouseBot.PercentBlueItems = 9

AuctionHouseBot.PercentPurpleItems = 2

AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceWhite = 150

AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceWhite = 250

AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceGreen = 200

AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceGreen = 300

AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceBlue = 250

AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceBlue = 350

AuctionHouseBot.MinPricePurple = 300

AuctionHouseBot.MaxPricePurple = 450

AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceWhite = 100

AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceGreen = 100

AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceBlue = 100

AuctionHouseBot.BidPricePurple = 100

AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackWhite = 0

AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackGreen = 3

AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackBlue = 2

AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackPurple = 1




# Rated arena matches config


# MaxRatingDifference: the maximum rating difference between two groups in rated matches

# Default: 0 (disable, rating difference is discarded)


# RatingDiscardTimer: after the specified milliseconds has passed,

# rating information will be discarded when selecting teams for matches

# also initiates an update by this timer

# Default: 60000


# AutoDistributePoints: set if arena points should be distributed automatically, or by GM command

# Default: 0 (disable) (recommended): use gm command or sql query to distribute the points

# 1 (enable): arena points are distributed automatically


# AutoDistributeInterval: how often should the distribution take place

# if automatic distribution is enabled

# in days

# Default: 7 (weekly)




Arena.MaxRatingDifference = 0

Arena.RatingDiscardTimer = 60000

Arena.AutoDistributePoints = 0

Arena.AutoDistributeInterval = 7




# Battleground config


# PrematureFinishTimer: the time to end the bg if there are less than minplayersperteam on one side

# in milliseconds

# Default: 300000

# 0 - disable




BattleGround.PrematureFinishTimer = 300000

Edited by ciclik

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Není o čem diskutovat... Do revize 6928 je to TBC... :lol:


A auctionhousebot a arena patch si snad k tomu dokážeš přikompilovat ne? Nikdo určitě nebude někde poskytovat binárky už s těmito přikompilovanými patchi a ještě k tomu na tvoji požadovanou revizi.


EDIT: Samozřejmě ve ScriptDev je i Northrend... Ze ScriptDev si nemůžeš stáhnout head revizi, ale tu tvoji požadovanou k MaNGOS revizi 6766. ;)

Edited by Al†air

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Není o čem diskutovat... Do revize 6928 je to TBC... :lol:


A auctionhousebot a arena patch si snad k tomu dokážeš přikompilovat ne? Nikdo určitě nebude někde poskytovat binárky už s těmito přikompilovanými patchi a ještě k tomu na tvoji požadovanou revizi.


EDIT: Samozřejmě ve ScriptDev je i Northrend... Ze ScriptDev si nemůžeš stáhnout head revizi, ale tu tvoji požadovanou k MaNGOS revizi 6766. ;)


a jak podle tebe mam stahnout revizi kterou potrebuju ??(Mangos 6767)

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Třeba pomocí Tortoise SVN. Jestli nevíš co s ním, tak na tohle je tady už poměrně dost návodů, takže "search"... :rolleyes:

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