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Amun Holymord


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Ahoj všichni mám problém s MiniMangerem. Nejde nahodit vdiť skuste sami http://natura.mine.nu/manager/ účet je test a pass test.


* Project Name: MiniManager for Mangos Server
* Date: 17.10.2006 inital version (0.0.1a)
* Author: Q.SA
* Copyright: Q.SA
* Email: *****
* License: GNU General Public License v2(GPL)
* Updated by Shnappie to work with 3 databases
* instead of 2 supported by version of Q.SA

$version = "0.12";

//---- SQL Configuration ----

/* SQL server type  :
*  "MySQL" - Mysql
*  "PgSQL" - PostgreSQL
*  "MySQLi" - MySQLi
*  "SQLLite" - SQLLite
$db_type = "MySQL";

$mmfpm_db = Array(
       'addr' => "",     //SQL server IP:port this DB located on
       'user' => "mangos",                     //SQL server login this DB located on
       'pass' => "heslo",                      //SQL server pass this DB located on
       'name' => "realmd",                     //realmd DB name
       'encoding' => "utf8"            //SQL connection encoding

$realm_db = Array(
       'addr' => "",     //SQL server IP:port this realmd located on
       'user' => "mangos",                     //SQL server login this realmd located on
       'pass' => "heslo",                      //SQL server pass this realmd located on
       'name' => "realmd",                     //realmd DB name
       'encoding' => "utf8"            //SQL connection encoding

$world_db = Array(
       1 => array(             //position in array must represent realmd ID
                       'id' => 1,                                      //Realm ID
                       'addr' => "",     //SQL server IP:port this DB located on
                       'user' => "mangos",                     //SQL server login this DB located on
                       'pass' => "heslo",                      //SQL server pass this DB located on
                       'name' => "mangos",                     //World Database name
                       'encoding' => "utf8"            //SQL connection encoding

$characters_db = Array(
       1 => array(             //position in array must represent realmd ID
                       'id' => 1,                                      //Realm ID
                       'addr' => "",     //SQL server IP:port this DB located on
                       'user' => "mangos",                     //SQL server login this DB located on
                       'pass' => "heslo",                      //SQL server pass this DB located on
                       'name' => "characters",                 //Character Database name
                       'encoding' => "utf8",           //SQL connection encoding

//---- Game Server Configuration ----
$server = Array(        //if more than one realm used, even if they are on same system new subarray MUST be added.
       1 => array(             //position in array must represent realmd ID, same as in $world_db
                       'addr' => "",          //Game Server IP - Must be external address
                       'game_port' => 8085,            //Game Server port
                       'term_type' => "SSH",           //Terminal type - ("SSH"/"Telnet")
                       'term_port' => 22,                      //Terminal port
                       'rev' => "rev. 6360",           //Mangos rev. used
                       'both_factions' => true //Allow to see opponent faction characters. Affects only players.
$sql_search_limit = 100; //limit number of maximum search results

//---- Mail configuration ----
$admin_mail = "[email protected]";  //mail used for bug reports and other user contact

$mailer_type = "smtp";                  // type of mailer to be used("mail", "sendmail", "smtp")
$from_mail = "[email protected]";   //all emails will be sent from this email
//smtp server config
$smtp_cfg = array(
                       'host' => "smtp.mail.com",      //smtp server
                       'port' => 25,                           //port
                       'user' => "",                           //username - use only if auth. required
                       'pass' => ""                            //pass

//---- New account creation Options ----
$disable_acc_creation = false;  //true = Do not allow new accounts to be created
$expansion_select = false; //true = Shows option to select expansion or classic False = no option(TBC) enabled by default
$defaultoption = 1; //if the above is false then set what the default option will be (1 = TBC, 0 = Classic)
$enable_captcha = true; //false = no security image check (enable for protection against 'bot' registrations)
$send_mail_on_creation = false; //true = send mail at account creation.
$create_acc_locked = 0;                 //if set to '1' newly created accounts will be made locked to IP disallowing user to login.
$validate_mail_host = false;    //actualy make sure the mail host provided in email is valid/accessible host.
$limit_acc_per_ip = false;              //true = limit to one account per IP
/* this option will limit account creation to users from selected net range(s).
*  allow all => empty array
* e.g: "120-122.55.255-0.255-0", */
$valid_ip_mask = array(

//---- Layout configuration ----
$title = "Server Manager";
$itemperpage = 25;

$css_template = "Sulfur";               //file/folder name of css tamplate to use from templates directory by default
$language = "english";                  //default site language
$tt_lang = "www";          //wowhead tooltip language.....choices are 'fr', 'de', 'es' (for 'en' use www)
$timezone = "UTC";         //default timezone (use your local timezone code)
$gm_online = "1";         //display GM Characters in the Online Character List (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
$gm_online_count = "1";         //include GM Characters in the Online User Count (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
$motd_display_poster = "1";         //display the poserter info in the MOTD (1 = enable, 0 = disable)

//---- IRC Options ------
$irc_cfg = array(
                       'server' => "mangos.cjb.net",   //irc server
                       'port' => 6667,                                 //port
                       'channel' => "minimanager"                              //channel

//---- External Links ----
$item_datasite = "http://$tt_lang.wowhead.com/?item=";
$quest_datasite = "http://$tt_lang.wowhead.com/?quest=";
$creature_datasite = "http://$tt_lang.wowhead.com/?npc=";
$spell_datasite = "http://$tt_lang.wowhead.com/?spell=";
$skill_datasite = "http://$tt_lang.wowhead.com/?spells=";
$talent_datasite = "http://$tt_lang.wowhead.com/?spell=";
$talent_calculator_datasite = "http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes";
$go_datasite = "http://$tt_lang.wowhead.com/?object=";
$get_icons_from_web = true; //wherever to get icons from the web in case they are missing in /img/INV dir.

//---- Active Translations

// 0 = English/Default; 1 = Korean; 2 = French; 4 = German; 8 = Chinese; 16 = Taiwanese; 32 = Spanish; 64 = Mexican; 128 = Russian
// Prototype for search options
// Show only on language search option active translations entries (locales_XXX)
// Example (use flag values by adding the values) : Korean (1) + German (4) + Russian (64) = 69

// NOTE : Righ now only for Creature.php
$locales_search_option = 0;  // No search option, don't use locales_XXX for search

//---- Backup configuration ----
$backup_dir = "./backup";  //make sure webserver have the permission to write/read it!

//---- HTTP Proxy Configuration ----
$proxy_cfg = Array(
       'addr' => "", //configure only if requierd
       'port' => 80,
       'user' => "",
       'pass' => ""

// ---- Module and Security settings ----
// --   Meaning of the columns : TARGET, LANG_TEXT, ( READ/VIEW , UPDATE , INSERT , DELETE ) min Permission GM LEVEL
// --   Files excluded for this : Login.php, Pomm.php 
// --   - Both files don't use header.php, so we can't include this method.. but its not a big deal
// --   Permmissions are set, but only READ Permission used right now... 
// --   - Updates will follow
// -- 
// --   If not set or lower, higher permission from lower rights overwrite higher permission  ( Example : VIEW = 5, UDDATE = 0 >> UPDATE = 5)

$menu_array = Array(
 array("index.php", 'main', array()),
       array("#", 'users', array(
         array("user.php", 'accounts',1,0,0,0),
         array("char_list.php", 'characters',1,0,0,0),
         array("guild.php", 'guilds',0,0,0,0),
         array("arenateam.php", 'arena_teams',0,0,0,0),
         array("honor.php", 'honor',0,0,0,0),
         array("banned.php", 'banned_list',1,0,0,0),
         array("cleanup.php", 'cleanup',3,0,0,0),
         array("stat.php", 'statistics',0,0,0,0),
         array("javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"window.open('./pomm/pomm.php', 'pomm', 'Toolbar=0, Location=0, Directories=0, Status=0, Menubar=0, Scrollbar=0, Resizable=0, Copyhistory=1, Width=784, Height=525')", 'player_map',0,0,0,0),
       array("#", 'tools', array(
         array("ssh.php", 'ssh_line',3,0,0,0),
         array("run_patch.php", 'run_sql_patch',3,0,0,0),
         array("ticket.php", 'tickets',1,0,0,0),
         array("ahstats.php", 'auctionhouse',0,0,0,0),
         array("events.php", 'events',0,0,0,0),
         array("realm.php", 'realm',3,0,0,0),
         array("motd.php", 'add_motd',1,0,0,0),
         array("mail.php", 'mail',3,0,0,0),
         array("irc.php", 'irc',0,0,0,0),
         array("instances.php", 'instances',0,0,0,0),
       array("#", 'db', array(
         array("item.php", 'items',1,0,0,0),
         array("creature.php", 'creatures',1,2,2,2),                // view, update, insert, delete enabled
         array("game_object.php", 'game_object',1,0,0,0),
         array("tele.php", 'teleports',1,0,0,0),
         array("command.php", 'command',0,0,0,0),
         array("backup.php", 'backup',3,0,0,0),
         array("repair.php", 'repair',3,0,0,0),
       array("#", 'forums', array(
         array("forum.php", 'forums',0,0,0,0),
   array("javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"window.open('./forum.html', 'forum')", 'forums',0,0,0,0),
       array("#", 'invisible', array(
         array("char.php", 'character',0,0,0,0),
         array("char_edit.php", 'char_edit',1,0,0,0),
         array("edit.php", 'MyAccount',0,0,0,0),
         array("index.php, 'Startpage'",0,0,0,0),

$debug = false; //set to true if full php debugging requierd.


Databáze je characters , mangos , mysql a realmd.

Revizia 6360.

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