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měli jste někdy pocit že vám na serveru něco chybí? já také a když sem si tak prolízal ascent fórum našel sem zajímavý příspěvek na téma příkazů. Jedná se o příkazdy #event, #eventon a #eventoff. Trošku to vysvětlím:

hráčům je přístupný jen #event, když GM napíše #eventon tak hráčům se uatomaticky zpřístupní příkaz #event který je portne na místo kde GM napsalo #eventon :) #eventoff samozřejmě znepřístupní #event. Proto se ptám měli byste zájem o další podobné addony pro GM i pro hráče? pokud ano pište sem své nápady a návrhy (můžeme rozlišovat příkazy pro Blizz a pro funservery) Já měl třeba návrh na jeden příkaz pro GMka typu #guildjoin, který by je automaticky připojil do guildy "GM Team" (aby admin pořád nemusel běhat do hry když si GM udělá nový char ;) ) potom starý dobrý .pvp enter z wowemu by se dal také přepracovat na #pvpenter a #pvpleave ;) jde mi jen o to jestli máte o tohle zájem, ale nejen o to psát návrhy ale i taky trošku pomáhat, přece jen C++ se v podstatě teprve učím ;)

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Tak jsem na to narazil na codecraftu :)



Made by Spidey

This is mainly for funservers with events. Tired of people spamming "Teleport me to event plz" in LFG? This is for you :)
Before you start an event, go to where you want your players to port to, and say #eventon.
Players can now say #event to get teleported to that location.
When you finish, say #eventoff to stop players from porting to that location.



// Name: Event Teleporter v2
// Author: Spidey

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Setup.h"

//If set to true, will enable players to #event while in combat
static bool bypassCombat = false;

static string evon = "#eventon";
static string evoff = "#eventoff";
static string evplr = "#event";

//Default Values
static bool eon = false;
static uint32 emapid = 0;
static float ex = 0.0f;
static float ey = 0.0f;
static float ez = 0.0f;

void EventChat(Player * pPlayer, uint32 Type, uint32 Lang, const char * Message, const char * Misc)
   if(Message == evon && pPlayer->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions())
      eon = true;
      ex = pPlayer->GetPositionX();
      ey = pPlayer->GetPositionY();
      ez = pPlayer->GetPositionZ();
      emapid = pPlayer->GetMapId();
   else if(Message == evoff && pPlayer->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions())
      eon = false;
   else if(Message == evplr)
         if(bypassCombat || !pPlayer->CombatStatus.IsInCombat())
            pPlayer->EventTeleport(emapid, ex, ey, ez);
            pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("You can't port while in combat.");
         pPlayer->BroadcastMessage("There's no active event at the moment.");

void SetupEvent(ScriptMgr * mgr)
   mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_CHAT, &EventChat);

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ANo tohle je už 2 měsíce staré a tohle mně na tu myšlenku přivedlo, bohužel jak vidíš zájem není dostatečný ;)

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ANo tohle je už 2 měsíce staré a tohle mně na tu myšlenku přivedlo, bohužel jak vidíš zájem není dostatečný ;)

Ja bych mel tež zajem ;)

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Tka řekněte co by v podstatě mělo dělat? příkazy ale nebudou pod tečkou aby to bylo trošku originalnější ok?

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Alpha verze scriptu ( # píšete pomocí pravýho alt + x )


příkaz pro všechny:

#eventstatus (pouze ukáže status eventu)


příkazy pro hráče:




příkazy pro GM:







GM napíše #eventstart oznamí se to automaticky na world (systeme message) od této chvíle mohou hráči psát #evententer (pokud se žádný hráč ještě neřipojil může GM napsat #eventdisable a tím event zruší pokud už se připojil alepsoň jeden hráč tak příkazem #eventdisable se event neukončí ale hráči se už nebudou moct teleportovat) po zkončení eventu gm napíše #eventfinish čímž zpřístupní hráčum příkaz #eventleave který je portne na jejich původní pozice před napsaním #evententer. V průběhu eventu je pro hráče #eventleave zakázaný čili musí čekat než event zkončí i pokud se jim tam nebude líbit. Stejně tak jako když nějaký event probíhá tak #evententer funguje jen určitou dobu než GM napíše #eventdisable. úplný konec eventu zapříčinní GM napsanáním #eventend (zakázaní #evententer a #eventleave)


* Original idea from Spidey
* Version 0.2 By MesoX
* Yelly Chat Scripts
* Copyright © 2006-2008 U2 Team <http://www.undzwei.eu/> 
* And
* Copyright © 2007-2008 Yelly Team <http://yelly.wow-mexis.cz/>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Setup.h"

#define VERSION 0.2

//If set to true, will enable players to #event while in combat
static bool bypassCombat = false;

//For All
static string evstat = "#eventstatus";

// Only For GM's
static string evon = "#eventstart";
static string evoff = "#eventdisable"; // players cant teleported or event abandoned (if there arent any players)
static string evfin = "#eventfinish";
static string evend = "#eventend";

// Only For Players (not for GMs because they have their own commands ^^ )
static string evplr = "#evententer";
static string evplrl = "#eventleave";

//Default Values of GM
static bool eon = false;
static uint32 emapid = 0;
static float ex = 0.0f;
static float ey = 0.0f;
static float ez = 0.0f;

//Player positions and guid to load
static uint32 lmapid = 0;
static uint64 lguid = 0;
static float lx = 0.0f;
static float ly = 0.0f;
static float lz = 0.0f;

// Chapter
static uint32 Event = 0;

void EventChat(Player * plr, uint32 Type, uint32 Lang, const char * Message, const char * Misc)
  if(Message == evon && plr->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions())
     if( Event == 0 )
     Event = 1;
     eon = true;
     ex = plr->GetPositionX();
     ey = plr->GetPositionY();
     ez = plr->GetPositionZ();
     emapid = plr->GetMapId();
     char msg[1024];
  snprintf(msg, 1024, "[server Event]"MSG_COLOR_BLUE" %s: Event Started! Type #evententer to teleport to event.", plr->GetName());
  sWorld.SendWorldText(msg); // send message
	  plr->BroadcastMessage("There is some other event running, type #eventstatus for more info");
  else if(Message == evfin && plr->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions())
     if( Event == 3 )
     Event = 4;
     eon = false;
     char msg[1024];
  snprintf(msg, 1024, "[server Event]"MSG_COLOR_BLUE" %s: Event Finished! Type #eventleave to teleport to your original position.", plr->GetName());
  sWorld.SendWorldText(msg); // send message
  else if( Event == 2 )
	  plr->BroadcastMessage("You must type #eventdisable first.");
  else if( Event == 1)
     eon = false;
  char msg[1024];
  snprintf(msg, 1024, "[server Event]"MSG_COLOR_BLUE" %s: Event abandoned.", plr->GetName());
  sWorld.SendWorldText(msg); // send message
  Event = 0; //Return to start because there arent any player
  else if( Event == 4 )
	  plr->BroadcastMessage("Event have been finished.");
  else if( Event == 0)
	  plr->BroadcastMessage("There is no active event, type #eventstart.");
  else if(Message == evoff && plr->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions())
     if(Event == 1)
     eon = false;
  char msg[1024];
  snprintf(msg, 1024, "[server Event]"MSG_COLOR_BLUE" %s: Event abandoned.", plr->GetName());
  sWorld.SendWorldText(msg); // send message
  Event = 0; //Return to start because there arent any player
  else if(Event == 2)
     eon = false;
     char msg[1024];
  snprintf(msg, 1024, "[server Event]"MSG_COLOR_BLUE" %s: Teleporting finished. You can't teleport now.", plr->GetName());
  sWorld.SendWorldText(msg); // send message
  Event = 3; //next chapter because there is => 1 player
  else if(Event == 3)
	   eon = false;
  else if( Event == 0)
	  plr->BroadcastMessage("There is no active event, type #eventstart."); // hmm 
  else if( Event == 4)
	  plr->BroadcastMessage("You must type #eventfinish to finsih event."); // only for information :-P
  else if(Message == evend && plr->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions())
  if( Event == 4 )
     Event = 0;
     eon = false;
     char msg[1024];
  snprintf(msg, 1024, "[server Event]"MSG_COLOR_BLUE" %s: Event Ended!", plr->GetName());
  sWorld.SendWorldText(msg); // send message
	  plr->BroadcastMessage("You can't end event now!");

  // For Players now...
  else if(Message == evplr && !plr->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions())
     if( eon && ( Event == 1 || Event == 2 ) )
     uint64 guid = WorldDatabase.Execute("SELECT guid FROM event_coords_plr WHERE guid = %u", plr->GetGUID());

        if(bypassCombat || !plr->CombatStatus.IsInCombat())
	    if( guid == NULL )
	    Event = 2;
		WorldDatabase.Execute("INSERT INTO event_coords_plr VALUES (%u, %u, %i, %i, %i)", plr->GetGUID(), plr->GetMapId(), plr->GetPositionX(), plr->GetPositionY(), plr->GetPositionZ());
           plr->EventTeleport(emapid, ex, ey, ez);
		plr->BroadcastMessage("You have been already teleported.");
           plr->BroadcastMessage("You can't teleport while in combat.");
     else if( Event == 3 )
     plr->BroadcastMessage("There is some event running now.");
  else if( Event == 4 )
	  plr->BroadcastMessage("Event finished, now you can type #eventleave for returning to your original postition.");
        plr->BroadcastMessage("There's no active event at the moment.");
  else if(Message == evplrl && !plr->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions())
   uint64 guid = WorldDatabase.Execute("SELECT guid FROM event_coords_plr WHERE guid = %u", plr->GetGUID());

   if(Event == 4)
     if( guid == NULL)
          plr->BroadcastMessage("You haven't any saved positions.");
		lx = WorldDatabase.Execute("SELECT x FROM event_coords_plr WHERE guid = %u", plr->GetGUID());
           ly = WorldDatabase.Execute("SELECT y FROM event_coords_plr WHERE guid = %u", plr->GetGUID());
           lz = WorldDatabase.Execute("SELECT z FROM event_coords_plr WHERE guid = %u", plr->GetGUID());
           lmapid = WorldDatabase.Execute("SELECT map FROM event_coords_plr WHERE guid = %u", plr->GetGUID());
		if( lx != NULL && ly != NULL && lz != NULL && lmapid != NULL ) // For debugging
			plr->EventTeleport(lmapid, lx, ly, lz);
               plr->BroadcastMessage("Thanks for attendance in this Event."); // Thanks Message
			WorldDatabase.Execute("DELETE FROM event_coords_plr WHERE guid = %u", plr->GetGUID());
			if( guid != NULL )
				plr->BroadcastMessage("There is something bad in database. Report this to any Gm. Number of error is #01"); // Untitled error 1?
				plr->BroadcastMessage("Some error(s) occur(s) when. Report this to any Gm. Number of error is #02"); // Untitled error?
   else if( Event == 0 ) // mother fucker...
	   plr->BroadcastMessage("There's no active event at the moment.");
   else if( Event == 1 && Event == 2 ) // some players are in idiotic state ^^
	   if( guid == NULL )
	   plr->BroadcastMessage("There is active Event at the moment, type #evententer .");
	   plr->BroadcastMessage("There is active Event at the moment, type #eventleave and #evententer .");
   else if( Event == 3 ) // there too ^^
	   plr->BroadcastMessage("Some Event is running now, so you can't teleport now.");
  else if(Message == evstat)
   plr->BroadcastMessage("Version of event scripts: v %u. By MesoX.", VERSION);

	   if( Event == 0 )
		   plr->BroadcastMessage("There is no active event at the moment, you can type #eventstart .");
	   else if( Event == 1 )
		   plr->BroadcastMessage("There is some Event running, but within players. You can type #eventdisable for abandon");
	   else if( Event == 2 )
		   plr->BroadcastMessage("There is some Event running with player(s). You can type #eventdisable for  disabling teleporting for players");
	   else if( Event == 3 )
		   plr->BroadcastMessage("There is some Event running with player(s). You can type #eventfinish for enabling #eventleave");
	   else if( Event == 4 )
		   plr->BroadcastMessage("Event finished. Players are teleporting out now...");
	   if( Event == 0 )
		   plr->BroadcastMessage("There is no active event at the moment.");
	   else if( Event == 1 || Event == 2)
		   plr->BroadcastMessage("There is some Event running, you can type #evententer .");
	   else if( Event == 3 )
		   plr->BroadcastMessage("There is some Event running now. You can't do anything.");
	   else if( Event == 4 )
		   plr->BroadcastMessage("Event finished. You can type #eventleave for teleport back to original position.");

void SetupEvent(ScriptMgr * mgr)
  mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_CHAT, &EventChat);

/* table
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `event_coords_plr` (
 `guid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `map` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `x` float NOT NULL default '0',
 `y` float NOT NULL default '0',
 `z` float NOT NULL default '0',
 UNIQUE (`guid`)


P.S. nezapomente nahrat SQL tabulku ktera je naspodu scriptu, nemám čas to testovat (mám moic pomalý Pc) proto by se hdilo kdyby to někdo testnul




v 0.2 - alpha:
* Added command #eventstatus with version info
* Added more debug Messages
* Improwed #eventstart
* Error Messages with numbers

v 0.1 - alpha:
* Many updates from originall Spidey' post
* Many debug Messages for better bug hunting (rofl)


SVN: http://mmoforge.org/svn/yelly/Non-Blizzlike/

Edited by MesoX

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